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Directory Modifications

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#1 jwasko



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Posted 07 April 2016 - 10:35 PM

As of now, this will be the new modifications directory. I have added several writeups that were never added to the previous directory, and will be adding more in the coming weeks.


In the meantime, if you see a modification posted on this site that is not included (your own, a friends, or just one that you happen to like), feel free to post in this topic with a link to the writeup. 


Note: Several writeups have lost their images to the depths of the internet. In some cases, we were able to archive them before they were lost; they can be accessed by clicking the "Image Archive" button, seen at the top of every page. For example:

IMG Archive.png

Air Zone Guns

>>>>> Arrowstorm
::Rear Loading, CPVC Barrel Replacement

>>>>> The Professional
::CPVC Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Scorpion Bow
::Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Couplerred, Reinforcements

::::: Integrations.
::CPVC Couplered, SM1.5K Tank Integration



Boomco Guns

>>>>> Burstwave

::Disable the Overpressure Release Valve (OPRV)


>>>>> Rapid Madness

::Pressure info

::Twisted URM: Twisted spinner integration, OPRV adjustment

::Dart sensor removal [may cause issues with your blaster]

Buzz Bee Guns

>>>>> Air Max 10
::Rear Loading, Tank Expansion, Pump Replacement, More

>>>>> Big Blast
::PVC Barrel Replacement
::AT4K Turret Addition
::PVC Couplered
::CPVC and PVC Couplered
::Shotgun Barrels
::Shotgun Barrels, AT2K Integration
::Shotgun Barrels
::Bushing Couplered
::Forward Facing Pump Replacement
::Pump Replacement with Stock OPRV
::Rear Loading Tek 6 Turret Addition
::Triple Couplered
::Clever Tank Seal Fix, PVC Couplered
::"SVT4B" (Forward facing pump, stock OPRV)

::::: Integrations

::AT3K Integration
::AT2K Integration

>>>>> Berserker
::PETG Barrel Replacement, BBBB Diverted to Turret
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::AT3K Tank Powered Turret
::Rear-Loading, CPVC Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Clip Tek
::Plunger Tube Replacement, Dual SSPB Integration

>>>>> Cougar
AR Removal

>>>>> Double Shot
::CPVC Barrel Replacement Shells
::Minimization, CPVC Barrel Replacement, Improved Airflow
::Barrel Replacement, Shell-Less
::Half Shell Ejection, Rear Loading
::Rear Cocking
::Deluge Tank Internals Replacement

>>>>> Flintlock
::CPVC Couplered

>>>>> Hunter
::CPVC Breach
::AR Removal, Seal Improvements, Brass Barrel Replacement
::AR Removal
::Brass Breach
>>>>> Laser Tek
::AR removal and barrel replacement.

>>>>> Mega Missile
::Threaded PVC Couplered
::CPVC Couplered
::PVC Couplered, Pump Replacement
::Internals in a Maverick Shell
::SVTMM, Stock OPRV, Pump Replacement, PVC Couplered
::Vulcan Overhaul part 4.2 - Semi-Automatic integration

>>>>> Mustang six
::Minimization, Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Panther
::PVC/CPVC Couplered, OPRV Adjusting
::Tank Expansion
::CPVC Couplered, Manta
::PETG Couplered

>>>>>> RADS-12
::PETG Barrel Replacement

>>>>>> Rapid Fire Rifle
::Lever to Bolt Action
::Brass Breech Singled
::AT2K Internals Replacement

>>>>>> Range Master
::AR Removal
::Brass Breech
::Brass Breech
::Raider Re-Shell

>>>>> Reaper

::Pump action


>>>>>> Rogue
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::Rear Loading, CPVC Barrel Replacement Turret Attachment

>>>>> Sentinel

::AR removal, spring replacement, and reinforcement

>>>>> Single Tek
::PETG Barrel Replacement, Seal Improvements
::CPVC Couplered, Zip Tie Priming
::Crayola Barrel Replacement, Minimization

>>>>> Tek Three
::AR Removal
::CPVC Barreled Turret Attachment

>>>>> Tek Four
::Singled, Plunger Rod Replacement
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::AR Removal

>>>>> Tek Six
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::PVC Couplered

>>>>> Tek Ten
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::PETG Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Tetra Strike
::PETG Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Couplered, Pump Replacement

>>>>> Tommy 20
::2x, Powered by Drill
::Nerf Dart Compatibility, Voltage Increase
::Voltage Increase


>>>>> Tyrant

::Sealed breeches for micros or 3/4" megas; pump action

>>>>> Ultimate Missile Blast
::Handle Relocation, PVC Couplered, Pump Replacement NF and Hornet Tanks Integration
::PVC Couplered, Titan Integration

>>>>> Pump action shotgun
::PVC Couplered, Added Spring Compression
::Trigger Spring Enhancement, Deadspace Removal, Silencing
::Video of Above Mods
::Brass Breached, Clipped
::CPVC and PVC Couplered
::Snapped Plunger Head Repair
::Internal RSCB
::Trigger Repair, Spring Rest Replacement
::Manual Turret
::Pull-Back Conversion
::N-Strike Clipped, Total Internal Reinforcement, Handle Replacement
::Plunger Rod and Priming Bar Repair
::Ball Shooting Attachment
::Angel Breached
::Hinged, Double Barreled
::Salvo Tank Internals Replacement, Breached
::Clean Raider Handle and Stock Replacement, PVC Couplered


>>>>> Rapid Fire Dart Gun
::Doomsayer: PETG Barrel Replacement, Rearloading
::Plunger Rod and Trigger Reinforcement
::SCH80 Barreled Doomsayer
::PVC Couplered
::Trigger Reinforcement, Rotation Bar Repair
::CPVC Barrel Replacement, Rear Loading, Seal Improvements

Lanard Guns

>>>>>> First Shot
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::Brass Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Couplered, Minimized
::CPVC Couplered, Streamlined, Plunger Tube/Head Replacement

>>>>> Ball Blaster
::Dart Conversion

>>>>> Big Salvo
::Double Barreled
::O-Ring Replacement, Tank Repair

::SMDTG Trigger with Salvo Tanks
::Internals in a Firefly Shell
::Salvo Tank Using SSPB Trigger and Pump

>>>>>> Blast Bazooka
::Brass Barrel Replacement
::Removable PVC Barrel Replacement, Minimization
::Pump Plugged, Brass Barrel Replacement
::Shotgun Couplered
::Trigger repair.

::Extended Draw, Reinforcements, PVC Couplered, Seal Improvement
::PVC Couplered, Seal Improvement

>>>>>> J.A.M. Blaster
::Dead Space Removal, PVC Couplered
::PVC Couplered
>>>>>> Max Shot
::Locks Disabled, Brass on PVC Couplered
::CPVC Couplered
::SCH80 Couplered
::Brass Breached, Seal Improvements, Cosmetics
::Catch Fix

>>>>> Over Under
::AR Removal, Mech6 Shield
::AR Removal

::Rear Loading, Catch Spring Improvement
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::Zorn's Overhaul
::CPVC Couplered, Rear Loading
::CPVC Couplered Shotgun Barrels
::Octoshot, Reinforcements
::Using Octoshot Leftovers with a Hornet Tank
::Retained Shotgun Function, AR Removal, Seal Improvements

>>>>>>Scatter Blast
AR Removal
CPVC Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Sonic Bazooka
::CPVC Couplered
::PVC Couplered, Hair Trigger
::Coupler Extension
::Shotgun Barrels

>>>>>> Speedloader
::Brass Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Barrel Replacement

>>>>>> Triple shot
::Brass Barrel Replacement
::PVC Pump Grip Replacement

Edited by jwasko, 01 March 2017 - 10:01 PM.

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-Jwasko, STILL Sole Surviving member of Steel City Nerf and Sober Sister of the Sex Dwarves
We NERF ON all day, and FUCK OFF all night

#2 jwasko



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Posted 07 April 2016 - 11:26 PM

Nerf Guns

>>>>> Airtech 1000
::PETG Barrel Replacement, Increased Airflow
::CPVC Barrel Replacement, Pullback Handle Addition

>>>>>> AirTech 2000
::Increased Airflow, Goo Gauge Removal, PETG Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Couplered, Singled
::A Half-Lugered AT2K
::PETG Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::Crayola Barrel Replacement, Singled
::Deoderant Clipped
::Stock Addition
::Reversed Turret
::Clothespin Trigger, RSCB
::PVC Barrel Replacement
::Couplered Turret Attatchment
::Rearloading Turret
::Rearloading, PETG Barrel Replacement, Increased Airflow

>>>>>> AirTech 3000
::PETG Barrel Replacement, Rear Loading, Pump Replacement
::PETG Barrel Replacement
::Extended Pump, Singled
::Manual Turret
::Brass Barrel Replacement
::Stock Addition
::Check Valve Repair
::$100 internals

::::: Integrations.
::AT3K Raider
::Magstrike Bladder Addition

>>>>> AirTech 4000
::PETG Barrel Replacement, Rear Loading, Pump Replacement
::Crayola Barrel Replacement
::Magstrike Pump Replacement

>>>>> AirTech Jet Sqaudron
::PETG Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Alpha Trooper
::AR Removal
::AR Removal

>>>>> Alpha Trooper (Elite)

>>>>> Armor Shot
::CPVC Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Arrowstorm
::PETG Barrel Replacement, Rear Loading, Seal Improvements
::PETG Barrel Replacement.
::PETG Barrel Replacement, Rear Loading, Seal Improvements, Additional Spring Compression
::PETG Barrel Replacement, Rear-Loading, Seal Replacement, Improved Airflow
>>>>> Arrow Strike
::PETG Barrel Replacement, Singled

>>>>> Auto Grip
::CPVC Barrel Replacement

>>>>>>Ballzooka MP150
::Skirt Seal Replacement

>>>>>>Ballzooka MP150
::Power Drill Motor Replacement
::Variable Speed Control Trigger

::Full Auto... somehow.
::It is much batter!!

>>>>>>Barrel Break
::In Depth AR Removal

>>>>>> Big Bad Bow

::Beginner's Mod: CPVC Couplered, Spring Replacement
::Deoderant Clipped
::Plunger Head Replacement, Reinforcement
::CPVC Barrel Replacemement, DeadSpace Removal
::Removable Bow Arms
::Plunger Head Disc Repair
::Brass Breach, Reinforcements
::RSCB Clipped
::Homemade Plunger Assembly
::Raider Drum Compatibility
::N-Strike Clipped, Reinforcements
::Longshot Plunger Tube Replacement
::Easy mod: Different coupler, great results
::Draw extension

::At3K Tank,NF,SMDTB
::RF20 Turret
::Singled AT2K in a NF Shell
::BS Tanks

>>>>> Blast fire
::Brass Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Couplered for Speed Loader clips

>>>>> Blast Hammer
::PETG Barrel Replacement, Increased Air Flow

>>>>> Blazin' Bow (N-Strike)
::Air Restrictor removed, rebarreled (darts and arrows)
::CPVC/PVC breech

>>>>> Bow N' Arrow
::Fomebow: RSCB Clipped, Bungee Addition, Reinforcements, Seal Improvements, Arrow Launcher
::PETG Barrel Replacement, Minimization, Seal Improvement, Bungee Addition
::RSCB Clipped, Bungee Addition, Reinforcements, Seal Improvements
::CPVC Couplered

>>>>> Buzzsaw
::Motor Addition


::Titanturion: Titan tank and air compressor, also re-breeched to shoot 0.5" darts
::Chainless CPVC Barrel Replacement, Repaired Plunger Tube
::CPVC Couplered Singled, Increased Airflow, Seal Improvements
::Aluminum Barrel Replacement, Rear Loading, Seal Improvement

>>>>>> Commlink II
::PETG Barrel Replacement
::Extended Draw, Seal Improvement, PETG Barrel Replacement

>>>>>> Crossbow
::PVC Couplered, Reinforcements
::PVC Couplered
::Plunger Rod Repair
::CPVC Couplered
::CPVC Couplered, Barrel Replacement
::Manual Turret Addition
::Plunger Tube Replacement, AT2K Integration, Reinforcements
::Plunger Head Replacement, Catch Replacement
::Plunger Head Replacement
::Plunger Tube Replacement, Reinforcements
::Recon Replacement Foregrip, AT2K Integration
::Replacement Internals, AT2K Integration

::External AT2K Tank
::Internal AT2K Tank

>>>>>> Crossfire
::CPVC Couplered
::Crayola Barrel Replacement, Minimization
::Brass Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::Pump Action, CPVC Barrel Replacemnt

::Nitefinder Internals
::AT2K Tank

>>>>>> Crossfire Bow (Zombie Strike)
::Singled, PVC Couplered

::Blastzooka replaces plunger; RSCB/shotgun barrel selector

>>>>>Crossfire Shield
Dart Holder



::Barrel extension and reinforcement

>>>>>> Dart Tag Blasters
::AT3K Tank Internals Replacement
::Removable Turret
::Increased Draw, AR Removal
::PETG Barrel Replacement
::Barracuda Internals Replacement
::Removable Turret

::AT2K Tank

>>>>> Defender T3
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::PVC Barrel Replacement.
::Video: Plunger Tube Replacement, Extended Draw, PVC Couplered
::PVC Couplered, Seal Improvements
::Replacement Plunger Tube and Plunger Head
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::Internals Replacement, CPVC Couplered

>>>>> Deploy Cs-6
::LED Light Replacements
::Nite Finder Internals Replacement

>>>>> Diatron
Lock Removal, Spring Retensioning, Ergonomic Improvements

>>>>> Disc shot
::AR Removal
::PETG Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Couplered
::Brass Barrel Replacement
::Brass Barrel Replacement
::2K Turret Addition


>>>>> Double Crossbow
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::PVC Couplered, Brass Barrels

::Double Crossbow

>>>>> Eagle Eye
::PETG Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Breached
::AT3K Tank

>>>>>Electric Eel
::Minimization, Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Barrel Replacement, Seal Improvements, Improved Airflow

>>>>> Eliminator (aka Reflex)
::Brass Barrel Replacement
::Brass Barrel Replacement, Powerstock Addition
::Hornet Tank Internals Replacement

>>>>> Expand-a-blast
::SCH80 PVC Barrel Replacement
::PETG Barrel Replacement
::PETG Barrel Replacement, Plunger Head Replacement, Reinforcements
::CPVC Ls Style Breach

:::::: Integrations
::SM1.5K Tank
::SMDTG Tank

>>>>>> FireFly
::AR Removal
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::Swappable clip
::Turret Modularity

>>>>>> FireStrike
::CPVC Couplered, Minimized
::LED Replacement
::PVC Couplered
::Firefly Tech LED Addition
::Homemade Internals, Minimized

>>>>>> Flipfury
::Seal improvement. Deadspace and lock removal
>>>>> Fury Fire
::AT2K Powered Internals, PETG Barrel Replacement, Rear Loading
::Big Blast Internals

>>>>> Gator
::CPVC Barrel Replacement

>>>>> HailStorm
::Clip Improvement, Voltage Increase

>>>>> Hammershot
::AR Removal

>>>>> Hidden Shot.
::Brass Barrel Replacement
::Crayola Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Barrel Replacement

>>>>>> Hornet [N-Strike]
::Brass Barrel Replacement
::Minimization,, PETG Brarrel Replacement
::Minimization, Blast Button Relocation
::Shuttle Valves
::Wrist Mounted Tanks





::Rewire Mini-guide

>>>>> Iron Raptor
::PETG Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Jolt
::AR Removal
::Built in CPVC Coupler
::Inside a NF
::Side by Side (2x)
::Dragon Style Cosmetics

>>>>> Laser Fang
::Reinforcement, AT3K Integration

>>>>>Lightning Blitz
::PETG Barrel Replacement

::Big Salvo Tanks

>>>>> Lock 'n Load
::Brass Barrel Replacement
::Nerf Monkey's LNL mod
::CPVC Couplered
::PETG Barrel Replacement Video
::PETG Barrel Replacement
::NF Plunger Rod, New Catch
::Brass Breeched
::Plunger Tube and Plunger Head Replacement
::CPVC Couplered
::Pullback Slide Returns After Prime

>>>>> Longshot
::AR Removal
::Aluminum Breech, Stefan Compatible Clips
::LSFG Integration
::Shotgun Foregrip
::Angel Breech [pictures missing]

::"Sleeper" Brass Breech (works with full length darts)
::DTG integration

::Metal Bolt Sled
::Modular Undergun System
::Lancer- Chainsaw Integration
::Able to Fire all stock dart types
::CPVC Breech.

::CPVC Singled Breech
::Pipe Cutter AR Removal
::Internal Shotgun Foregrip
::Brass breech, shotgun foregrip, and more
::Wire Pull Back Priming
::BS Integration

::Bolt Sled Reinforcement
::Titan Integration, Reinforcement
::Brass and CPVC Breech
::Pull Back Priming
::Brass Breech

::Brass and CPVC Breech, Hornet Tank Integration
::Break Action Barrel
::CPVC Breech
::CPVC Breech- Helpful details
::Brass in Barrel For Streamlines
::Brass Breech

::Jam Fix for Elite Darts
::Warhammer 40k Cosmetics
::Internal Pump Action
::CPVC Breech

>>>>> Long shot Front gun
::Barrel replacement, Spring addition, catch spring addition.
::AR Removal

::With Titan internals.
::The handy pistol. Clean AT2K integration.
::Rough Cut Attachment

>>>>> Long shot Scope
::AT2K integration.

Edited by jwasko, 01 March 2017 - 09:03 PM.

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#3 jwasko



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Posted 07 April 2016 - 11:31 PM

>>>>> Long Strike
::Dead Space Removal
::Brass Breech
::AT3K Tank Powered
::Hornet Tank Powered
::AT2k Tank Powered
::Nite Finder Internals Replacement
::In depth AR removal, Removable Stock
::Brass Breech Titan Internals Replacement
::CPVC Breech Titan Internals Replacement
::Bolt Reinforcement
::Homemade Internals

>>>>> Mad Hornet
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::Filliam H Muffman

>>>>> Magstrike
::Unconstricted Bladder

::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::Double Clip, HPA Tank
::Hair Trigger, Safety Removal
::Eleventh Barrel
::Bladder Indicator Light
::Pump Relocated, Double Clip
::Air Compressor Power Supply
::Sticking Magnets All Over

::Arachnophobia II
>>>>> Manta Ray
::Crayola Barrel Replacement



>>>>> Maverick REV-6
::Air-Restrictor Removal
::Air-Restrictor Removal
::Sealing the Cylinder Gap
::Front-End Swappable-Clip
::Drop Clip, Rotation Mechanism Fixes
::Slider Bar Repair
::Straw Mod
::Double Maverick.
::Maverick Double and Triple Turrets

::Internals replaced with BBMM

::Semi-Auto AT2K Maverick
::The Nite-Mav!
::Titan Integration
::Titan Integration

::Rear Loading, BBMM Internals Replacement

>>>>>>Mega Centurion
::AR Removal

::PETG Barrel Replacement
::CPVC couplered

>>>>>> Nite Finder EX-3
::PETG Barrel Replacement[/url]
::Brass Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Couplered, No deadspace
::Double Barrell CPVC Barrel Replacement
::Steel Barrel Replacement, Spring Rest Reinforcement
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Couplered

::PVC Barrel Replacement
::PVC Couplered for Brass on PVC, Maglite Laser Replacement
::PVC Barrel Replacement]
::Brass Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Couplered

::PETG Barrel Replacement, Plunger Head Reinforcement
::Minimization, CPVC Couplered, Plunger Head Reinforcement
::CPVC Couplered, Reinforcements
::Han Solo Cosmetics, CPVC Couplered
::External Extension Spring Additions
::Cosmetics for Minimization
::Trishot NF
::Another Nite Finder Rifle
::And Another Nite Finder Rifle
:: Minimized, added dart holders

::Crossbow Bow Arms Integration
::Dual Nite Finder
::NF + SSPB (Vertical)
::NF + SSPB (Horizontal)
::Double Nite Finder
::AT3K Turret Addition
::Double Nite Finder
::AT2K Integration

::Dual Nite Finder.
::Utalitarian Extended Draw
::AT3K internals
::Longshot Plunger Tube Replacement
::Triple Nite Finder, No Pics
::AT3K Tank Integration
::Extended Draw, Plunger Tube Replacement, AT3K w/ 2k turret Integration, SSPB Integration
::NF Integration, Replaced Plunger Tubes, RSCB Clipped
::Deploy Pump Grip, Internal Pump Action

>>>>> Nitro Quad
::Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Pen Blaster
::AR Removal

>>>>> Perceptor
::Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Powerclip
::Removable Clip, Banding.
::Converting Magstrike Clips, Many Small Improvements

>>>>> Quick 16
::AR Removal, Extra Capacity Clip

>>>>> Quick Strike
::Barrel Replacement


::Cosmetic Conversion, Brass Breech, Power Stock
::Brass Breech, At3K Integration
::AR Removal, Basic Overview
::Brass Breech, Power Stock, Reinforcements
::Nite Finder Internals Replacement
::MM Internals Replacement
::Homemade Airtank Internals Replacement

Blastzooka internals replacement

>>>>>> CS-35 Drum
::Centering the Clip
::Stefan Conversion, High Tech
::Stefan Conversion, Low Tech

>>>>> Ram Rod
::Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Rampage
::3k Tank Powered, PETG Breeched
::LED Integration
::AR Removal, Triad Pump Grip

>>>>> RapidFire 20
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::The Eyes of Fire
::Swappable Drum
::External Bladder, Air Compressor Power

>>>>> Rapid Red
:::LiPo battery, rewire, motor swap, and more [do not use included ebay links to buy motors; otherwise great info for any semi-auto flywheel blaster like the Rapid Red or Stryfe]
>>>>> Rapidstrike
::Great writeup offsite: Rewire/lock removal, rechargeable battery
::Stock Adjustments
::Lock Removal

>>>>> Ratchet Blast
::Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Rattler
::Frost Vectron's Amazing Rattler Mod, Barrel Replacement + Triple Torch Integration
::Easy Singling

::Barrel Replacement, Stock Addition

>>>>> Rayven CS-18
::Increase Voltage, Stefan Compatible
::Voltage Increase
::Improved Trigger Pull, Electronic Safety Removal
::Camera Mount
::Ammo Counter, LED's, Voltage Increase

>>>>> Razorbeast
::Seal Improvements, Noise Reduction
::Mounting on a Tripod

>>>>> Razor Fin
::Minimization, Singling

::Barrel replacement

>>>>> Reactor
::AR removal

::Balls and Darts
::Barrel Replacement- for Balls

>>>>> Recon
::AR Removal
::Brass Breech

::Reduced Trigger Stroke
::Clever Spring Addition
::Make the Stock Spring Stronger

::Sluggy's AR removal.
::Dumpsters Recon Mod

::Singled, Pullback Mod
::Pump Action
::Pump Action Using Laser Piece, Powerstock

::BS Tank Internals Replacement
::BBB Plunger Tube Replacement, Pull Back
::Permanent Slamfire Mode
::Plunger Tube Replacement
::Cardboard Magazine

>>>>> Recon light attachment.
::LED Replacement
::2K Integration
::LED Flashlight Replacement
::Laser Replacement, Minimization

>>>>> Recon Stock
>>>>> Reflex
See "Eliminator" above
>>>>> Retaliator
::AR Removal
::Pump Action
::AR/Locks Removal
::Inside a Recon Shell
::Range Master Internals Replacement
::Side-mounted priming handle
::Longshot plunger assembly replacement + sealed breach

>>>>> Rip Chord
::Barrel Replacement, Seal Improvements

>>>>> Rocket Storm
::Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Rototrack
::Ompas Mod
::CPVC Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Rough Cut
::AR Removal
::Literally Singled
::Removable Barrels
::Recon Barrel Attachment, One Hand Slamfire, Speedloaders
::Double Integration on Single Pump Grip and Trigger
::Stripped Gear Repair
::CPVC Couplered

Universal underslung/"masterkey" N-strike barrel attachment

>>>>> Sawtooth
::Singled With Replacement Internals
::At2k Integration, Singling
::Singled, Sm1.5k Tank Integration

>>>>> Scout [N-Strike]
::Brassed Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Barrel Replacement



::Hornet tank and very clean SSPB pump integration

>>>>> Secret Shot
::Barrel Replacement, Seal Improvements

>>>>> Secret Shot 2
::Universal Barrel System Adaption
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::PVC Couplered, Singled
::Salvaged with a BS Tank

>>>>>> Secret Strike Pocket Blaster (SSPB)
::Barrel Relocation and Replacement
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::Brass on PVC Barrel Replacement
::Tank Expansion, CPVC Couplered

>>>> Sharpfire
::Brass Breach

>>>>> Sharpshooter I
::Brassed Barrel Replacement with Tightening Rings
::Couplered, Minimized, Seal Improvements
::Internals Replacement

>>>>> Sharpshooter 2
::CPVC Barrel Replacement, Spring Replacement
::Nested Brass Barrel Replacement, Spring Addition
::At2K Internal Replacement
::CPVC Barrel Replacement, Reinforcement

>>>>>Sharp Shot (Dart Tag)
::Brass Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Couplered, Extension Spring added ("Internal power stock")

::AR Removal

>>>>>Snapfire 8 (Dart Tag)
::AR Removal

::Barrel Replacement, Spring Replacement, AT3K Tank Integration

>>>>>Spectre Rev-5
AR Removal

>>>>> Spiderman Vs. Venom Dart Tag Set
::Brass Barrel Replacement

::SMDTG Trigger with Big Salvo Tanks

>>>>> Splitfire
::Brass Barrel Replacement[/url]
::AT2k Turret Integrations, Split-tech 2k
::Rear Loading AT2K Turret Integration
::Brass Breeched

>>>>> Stampede
::Voltage Increase
::AR Removal
::Battery Tray Lock
::Brass Breech
::Brass Breech
::Bullpup Configuration

::Barrel Replacement

>>>>>> Stinging Scarab
::Barrel Replacement

>>>> Stormfire
::Overview, Barrel Replacement
::PETG Barrel Replacement, Spring Replacement
::Plungertube Replacement

>>>>> Strongarm (Cyber Stryke)
::CPVC Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Strongarm (Elite)
::AR Removal
::Swappable Clips
::Turret swing extension, lock removal

Edited by jwasko, 04 February 2017 - 12:54 AM.

  • 0

-Jwasko, STILL Sole Surviving member of Steel City Nerf and Sober Sister of the Sex Dwarves
We NERF ON all day, and FUCK OFF all night

#4 jwasko



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Posted 07 April 2016 - 11:33 PM

>>>>> Stryfe
::Motor Swap
::More Amps
::Electrical Lock Removal
::Electrical Improvements, Voltage Meter
::RPM Controller Addition
::Motor Replacement

>>>>> Supermaxx 250
::Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Supermaxx 500
::Barrel Replacement

::Brass Breech

>>>>>> SuperMaxx 750
::2k Turret Addition, Old Style
::PETG Barrel Replacement, New Style
::PETG Barrel Replacement
::Couplered, New Style
::Couplered, Pump Extension, Old Style
::CPVC Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Supermaxx 1000
::CPVC Barrel Replacement, Seal Improvements
::PETG Barrel Replacement, Seal Improvments
::Brassed, Seal Improvements
::Tank Repair
::Brass Breach
>>>>>> SuperMaxx 1500
::Singled, Barrel Replacement
::Brass on PVC Barrel Replacement
::PETG Barrel Replacement, Use Stock Barrels as Spacers
::Removable CPVC Barrels
::Magstrike Bladder Integration
::Brass on PVC Barrel Replacement
::Adapting Rear Loading Turret to New Style
::Rear Loading Turret, Hot Glue and FBR Method
::Rear Loading Turret Fixes
::PVC Tank Expansion
::Rear-Loading, Barrel Replacement, Airflow Improvement, Pump Replacement
::Trigger Spring Replacement
::Rear Loading Seal Fixes, Turret Spring Rest Replacement/Repair

>>>>> Supermaxx 3000
::PVC Barrel Replacement, Reinforcements, Blue
::PETG Barrel Replacement, Seal Imporovements, Reinforcements, Blue
::Drop Clip, Blue
::CPVC Couplered, Green
::CPVC Barrel Replacement, Green
::Rear Loading, PETG Barrel Replacement, Yellow
::Semi-Automatic, Yellow
::Broken Tank Repair, Blue

>>>>> Supermaxx 5000
::Tank Relocation, Brass Breech
::Tank Relocation, Brass Breech
::Tank Relocation, CPVC Couplered.
::AT2K Tank Replacement, Bladder Addition

>>>>> Swarmfire
:: Deadspace/AR removal, Voltage Upgrade

>>>>> Switch Shot Wii
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Couplered
::Double with Linked Triggers

>>>>> Switch shots Max
::PETG Barrel Replacement, CPVC Couplered

>>>>>> Switch Shots Ultra
::CPVC Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Tactical light
::Disc shot Internals Replacement

>>>>> Tech Target
::Brass on PVC, Couplered
::AR Removal, Spring Replacement
::CPVC Couplered, Airflow Improvements
::Extended Draw, Barrel Replacement
::PETG Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Couplered
::Maximum Extended Draw, PVC Couplered

>>>>>> Titan [N-Strike]
::ompa's Titan Mod
::Adding Barrel Stability to ompa's Titan Mod
::Artemis Arms Mountain Rifle
::Angels Mongo Titan
::Renegades Tri-barrel attachment for the Titan
::Using foam to stabilize the ram rodded brass barrel.
::Titan barrel stability using a bottle cap.
::Titan with four barrel peice shotgun addition.
::AR removal, OP plugging and tilt limiter removal.
::Petg barrel Titan.
::Absolver scattergun. SG-7
::Single triple or Missile shot.
::Brass breech.
::Pump relocation, and a ton of new attachments. Good quality photos.
::Clip Accepting, Pump Replacement

::Captain slugs Titan with Hornet integration.
::AT2K integrated.
::Vulcan Overhaul Part 5 - Modular Semi-auto Main gun
::Marvelous Titan guide.

>>>>>Triple Strike
::Singled, Luger Cosmetics

>>>>>Triple Strike
::Barrel Replacement
::Clean AR Removal

>>>>>Triple Strike
::Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Vortex Praxis
::Basic Spring Relocation
::Max Spring Relocation
::Extended Capacity Clips

>>>>> Vulcan
::Belt Connection, Ar removal, Minimization and much more Always read more than the first page of a write up.
::Splitlip's Vulcan Overhaul.

::Renegades brass barrel mod.
::cpvc barrel replacement.

>>>>> Whiptail Scorpion
::Barrel replacement

::Whiptail scorpion mod. Barrel faces forward!

>>>>> WildFire
::Bladder Repair
::Cpvc Barrel Replacement
::Tubing replacement, Banding, PETG Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Wrist Blitzer
::Barrel replacement.

Promotional Guns
::Cxwq's LOTR Uruk-Hai crossbow mod
::Nerfmonkeys spiderman gun mod.
::Angels Spiderman wrist spring gun modification.
::Slugs spiderman wrist spring gun modification.
::Star wars rebel trooper blaster mod.
::LOTR Crossbow aka The Mega Pistol.
::Pirates of the Caribbean flintlock pistols
::Wayne Tech Tri Fire blaster.
::Batman signal light gun.
::Lord of the Rings Urukai bow.
::AT2K Plasma Pistol mod.
::Ironman Blaster Tank mod
╙::Previous mod made into a blaster
::StarScream Transformer Blaster
::Iron Man 3 Flyer. CPVC Barrel Replacement
::Wookie Bowcaster + AT2K = Chewbacca's2K
::Starscream Transformer Blaster. Salvo Tank Internals Replacement

Unknown Guns

>>>>> Marshmallow Shooters
::Blaster. CPVC Barrel Replacement
::Blaster. Brass Breech
::Crossbow. Hoppered
::Crossbow. Removable Hopper
::Mazooka. Hoppered
::Mforcer. Petg Barrel Replacement
::Shooter.Vacuum loading, CPVC Couplered
::Popper. CPVC Inline Clip
::PVC Couplered
:: With breech

>>>>> Pistol Splat
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Couplered
::Slide Angel Breech

>>>>> Spy Gear Signal Launcher /Rocket Bazooka

::AT2K Turret Addition
::Barrel Replacement? No Pics
::Brass Barrel Replacement
::PVC Couplered

::SSPB Integration
::Integrated into a Rock Band Guitar

>>>>> XXL Bazooka

::PVC Couplered
::PVC Couplered

::Big Salvo Integration


::BattleMax Sceptor. PVC Couplered
::Kilroy Magnum
::Periscope Gun. CPVC Barrel
::Usb Missile launcher modification.
::XXL skeet shoot.Big blast integration.
::Ultrox quadra cannon. CPVC Couplered
::Kids Stuff Bow and Arrow write up
::Photon Burst. Removable Clip, AR Removal
::Supersoaker MaxD 2000. Pump Replacement, CPVC Barrel Replacement
::Iron Man Arc FX. Trigger Relocation, Voltage Increase
::Pool Gun. CPVC Barrel Replacement
::Air bazooka. Barrel Replacement
::Just toys crossbow. AT2K Turret Addition
::Just toys crossbow. Tri-gun
::Just toys crossbow. Internals Replacement

::Slug's Thundersplat
::Split's Thundersplat
::Squirt gun conversion
::Gotcha Shot. NF Plunger Tube Replacement
::BattleMax Sceptor Hopper Clipped
::Faux Bow. RSCB Clipped
::Cobra. Pump Replacement
::New Style Cobra. Handle Replacement, PVC Couplered.
::Monsters Vs. Aliens Area 52 Blaster. Singled, Overview
::Buzzbee Splat Blaster. CPVC Couplered
::Toy Story 3 Blaster. CPVC Couplered
::Nintendo Zapper with TTG Knock-Off Internals
::Knock off Halo rifle turned into something really cool.
::Predator Magnum. AT2k Integration, SSPB Integration
::Super Soaker Conversion, AT3K Tank Integration
::Xploderz 200 Pistol. Internal RSCB
::Xploderz 200 Pistol. Trigger Addition, Barrel Replacement
:: Another Xploders 200 Trigger Addition, Barrel Replacement
::Xploderz XRangers. Trigger addition, internal RSCB
::Shadowhawk. Trigger addition, Internal RSCB
::Banzai Super Strike. AR Removal
::X-Shot Stealth. CPVC Couplered, Goblin Integration
::X-Shot Dual. AR Removal
::RAW The Force. Hoppered, Pump Replacement, BBBB Tank Integration
::Mattel Maximizer. Barrel Repair
::K9 Kannon Tennis Ball Launcher. Elastic Replacement.
::Stream Machine. RSCB
::Vortex Tornado. Titan Tank + AT2K Integration.
::Zing Z-Tek Bow. Minimization.
::MaxForce Shadowhawk. BBBB Internals, Clipped

>>>>>> Miscellaneous/Not Relevant to Specific Gun Mods
::PETG Tightening Rings
::Straws to Strengthen Old Micros
::ompa's Clip
::Renegade's Clip
::Universal Barrel System
::Using a Turret as a Clip (Removable)
::Pump-Action Clip (not just for AT2K)
::Ruff stuff safe darts and blood tears
::Breechless deodorant clip.
::Double barrel for plunger guns.
::Learn how to battle scar/weathering.
::Clip Directory
::Saladins awesome battle scarring and weathering techniques.
::Silicone molding to cast resin replacement parts.
::Double Magazine (double clip, 12 round mag) mod
::Removable Suppressor
::Clear Blaster Tinting
::Silicone Plunger Head Padding
::Flashlight Attachment
::Air Tank Reinforcement
::Air Tank Tube Connection
::Banshee Painting. Candy Coating
::Banshee Painting. Bondo and Marbling
::Magnetic Holster
::Reversing an Elite Clip
::Dummy Batteries


Edited by Ice Nine, 16 June 2017 - 05:35 PM.

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-Jwasko, STILL Sole Surviving member of Steel City Nerf and Sober Sister of the Sex Dwarves
We NERF ON all day, and FUCK OFF all night

#5 jwasko



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Posted 19 April 2016 - 09:02 PM

Reserved for future modification listings.

Edited by jwasko, 19 April 2016 - 09:03 PM.

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-Jwasko, STILL Sole Surviving member of Steel City Nerf and Sober Sister of the Sex Dwarves
We NERF ON all day, and FUCK OFF all night

#6 jwasko



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Posted 19 April 2016 - 09:10 PM

Also reserved for future modification listings.

Edited by jwasko, 19 April 2016 - 09:10 PM.

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-Jwasko, STILL Sole Surviving member of Steel City Nerf and Sober Sister of the Sex Dwarves
We NERF ON all day, and FUCK OFF all night

#7 blitz



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Posted 23 April 2016 - 11:10 AM

If you don't mind, please add

-  Longshot Internals Retaliator http://nerfhaven.com/forums/topic/26754-retaliator-with-a-longshot-plungertube-and-sealed-breech/ 

- Spectre's Sleeper Breech http://nerfhaven.com...reech-longshot/

- Rapid Red Overhaul http://nerfhaven.com...-picture-heavy/

- Buffdaddy's Tyrant Mod Guide http://nerfhaven.com...rant-mod-guide/

- Ompa's Cycloneshock work http://nerfhaven.com...orcement-guide/

- Titanturion http://nerfhaven.com...he-titanturion/


And just to appease Van: http://nerfhaven.com...ator-guide-vgr/


Thanks for writing a new directory, very helpful! Hopefully it will be better for all of us. 

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Blitz, member of the FNBS
"sexual innuendo no intendo"

#8 joeybootz



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Posted 28 February 2017 - 08:15 PM

anyone have a good one for the hyperfire? i watched dracs but it doesn't say where to actually solder the wires to the switches. i also watched another one on YT but it seemed half a$$'d to me..any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Do you even Bruh!




too many blasters to list 


Check out my Etsy page:





#9 jwasko



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Posted 01 March 2017 - 09:08 PM

joeybootz, on 01 Mar 2017 - 01:15 AM, said:

anyone have a good one for the hyperfire? i watched dracs but it doesn't say where to actually solder the wires to the switches. i also watched another one on YT but it seemed half a$$'d to me..any help would be greatly appreciated.

I added a Hyperfire link above, It has some rewire info in it.


However, be aware of some difficulties discussed here: http://britnerf.myfr..._about3069.html

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-Jwasko, STILL Sole Surviving member of Steel City Nerf and Sober Sister of the Sex Dwarves
We NERF ON all day, and FUCK OFF all night

#10 ToadBrews



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Posted 01 March 2017 - 09:17 PM

Does anyone happen to have the images from the Diatron thread saved? I need to take the locks out of one I just got, but I'm having a lot of trouble with it. I tried the internet wayback machine but no luck.

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#11 jwasko



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Posted 01 March 2017 - 09:56 PM

ToadBrews, on 02 Mar 2017 - 02:17 AM, said:

Does anyone happen to have the images from the Diatron thread saved? I need to take the locks out of one I just got, but I'm having a lot of trouble with it. I tried the internet wayback machine but no luck.


Looks like the Image Archive grabbed everything from that writeup:

IMG Archive.png


Go to the writeup thread and click the indicated button to access all of the images.


Note that this feature is available on all threads; however, there were quite a few writeups whose images were lost before the forum was able to archive them.

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-Jwasko, STILL Sole Surviving member of Steel City Nerf and Sober Sister of the Sex Dwarves
We NERF ON all day, and FUCK OFF all night

#12 ToadBrews



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Posted 01 March 2017 - 10:30 PM

Awesome, thank you!

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#13 Duke Wintermaul

Duke Wintermaul


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Posted 09 May 2017 - 04:12 PM

Title says "Post-modification", but I've added a full video of the complete modification.

BOOMco Farshot/M6/Plasma Pistol mod guide.


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#14 Elithenerficorn



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Posted 10 April 2018 - 12:21 PM

There arent any n-strike alpha trooper mods, the ones under the alpha trooper category are both for the eat.
Sorry for the necropost.

Edited by Elithenerficorn, 10 April 2018 - 12:21 PM.

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Can I get a large FUCK YOU with a side of nerf please.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Directory, Modifications

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