His little brother, about 10 years old kept nagging us to mod his NF for him, even though he refused to do it the day before and chose to play Super Smash instead... (You all know the type, who just want something done for them quickly instead of doing it themselves)
His constant nagging and whining along with the fact that nerfing with more people is always fun spawned this creation.
His stock Nitefinder.
We did the standard remove-air-restrictors, drill hole in plastic piece mod.
This is where we got lazy. Instead of actually waiting for epoxy to dry and bear more whining from his little brother about him playing with a stock gun, we just took some leftover brass and wrapped some tape around the tip...
Jammed the tape side into the stock barrel
applied hotglue and VOILA
Ranges are actually comparable to "real" modded brass nite finders.
It gets about 45-50 feet with stock micros, and 50-60 or so with stefans.
For indoor wars with little brothers, this makes an excellent quick-fix for the person with an unmodded gun using only a piece of spare brass.
And then teach him how to punch darts and he proves a worthy teammate or deadly adversary.
edit: June, 2007: Since I didn't want to bump a 2 year old thread, but did want to respond to Camblam's comment, if you actually READ the post you'd see we wanted to get playing quickly because his little brother was being impatient. It's not intended to be a full scale mod, It's intended to pacify the 10 year old.
Edited by Richomundo, 12 June 2007 - 11:46 AM.