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Firefly Mod

By: Renegade

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#1 Renegade



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Posted 25 August 2005 - 01:55 PM

Renegade’s Basic Firefly Mod Write-Up

Step 1-- Grab a Phillips screwdriver and unscrew all of the screws on the casing. You don’t need to unscrew the cocking mech.
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Step2—Unscrew the screws on the plunger tube.(the Black Tube). And pull it out.
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Don’t lose this piece!
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Step3—Unscrew all the screws that secure the turret.
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Step4—Take the turret out, and unscrew the triangle of screws, that are shown in the next picture.
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Step5—Take out this screw that’s shown in the next picture, and pull off the white part.
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Step6—Unscrew the set of screws shown.
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Step7—Use a flathead screwdriver to pry around the edges of the turret, where the clear plastic meets the white, like shown.
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Step8—Once you have taken apart the turret, the 3 pronged pieces, and springs, should fall out, you don’t need these pieces.
Posted Image

Please do not post until The rest is up, since there's a 10 picture per post limit.
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#2 Renegade



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Posted 25 August 2005 - 01:58 PM

Step9—Take a screwdriver/ other object that will fit in the barrels, and smash, the pegs out of the barrels.
Posted Image

Step10—Now, put the Turret back together. Place the Silver, part, back, and slide the clear casing over the barrels. Then place the white piece over the bottom of the barrels.
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Step11—Now place the white parts back onto the turret, and screw the “triangles” back in., then Screw it onto the case, where it was before.
Posted Image

Step12—Make sure to put this white part back or the turret won’t rotate.
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Step13—Now it’s time to screw the plunger tube back on. Don’t forget to Place the spring, and blue piece into the front of the Plunger tube.
Posted Image

Step14—Place the cocking mech over the blue cocking lever. It Should look something like this.( I took out the light, since I found it useless, to do this simply, unscrew the things, and yank it out.)
Posted Image

Step15—Make sure you put the front orange piece, back onto the case, and plunger.

Step16—Screw the case back together, load the gun up with some stefans, and have fun.
(Note: Stefans should be pushed down a ways into the barrel, to achieve max distance)

I’ll Range test later tonight, since it’s raining out, ranges seem the same with the glow darts, but the stefans fly out with a pretty good speed, across my basement.(25ft)
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#3 Lukeinator



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Posted 25 August 2005 - 02:33 PM

It definitely has potential. Hopefully it will get near NF ranges. I'm happy someone finally posted a mod about the FF. Nice, clean mod Renegade.
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#4 cxwq



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Posted 25 August 2005 - 03:57 PM

Lukeinator, on Aug 25 2005, 11:33 AM, said:

Hopefully it will get near NF ranges.

It won't get near NF ranges unless you define "near" as "within 20 feet".

No offense intended to Renegade. That's a very clear writeup for restrictor and peg removal, thanks for posting it.
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#5 Renegade



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Posted 25 August 2005 - 04:33 PM

cxwq, on Aug 25 2005, 12:57 PM, said:

No offense intended to Renegade.

None taken, and you're right, this mod's really just about adding a little range, and the ability to shoot stefans.

Right Now, I'm inserting a new spring, reinforcing it, and putting brass stubs in the stock barrels, after the peg removal. So I'll add that to this topic, once finished, and get some ranges up.
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#6 stanpig



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Posted 25 August 2005 - 06:59 PM

I tried to do that but I can't get the barrel open. I took the flat head pushed it in as far as possible and pried it all around the turret but all I got was cracked plastic. I have tried this numerous times. Any suggestions? :wacko:
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#7 Renegade



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Posted 25 August 2005 - 07:51 PM

stanpig, on Aug 25 2005, 03:59 PM, said:

I tried to do that but I can't get the barrel open. I took the flat head pushed it in as far as possible and pried it all around the turret but all I got was cracked plastic. I have tried this numerous times. Any suggestions?  :wacko:

I'd Push down, with your thumb, the plastic inbetween the barrel's and then insert the screwdriver into the small gap it should make. Then hit the bottom of the screw driver, push and wiggle it upward, on each gap, repeatedly, and it should come loose.
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#8 Shotty Master

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Posted 25 August 2005 - 08:38 PM

Renegade, youre on fire as of late. First the r-clip, now this. Way to go!
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#9 Renegade



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Posted 25 August 2005 - 10:44 PM

Here's some pictures, of what I did to reinforce the gun to handle a bigger spring.

First, cut a section of K&S Aluminum, sheet metal, and cut it in a square, the size of the blue, piece that holds the spring in the plunger tube.

Second, Cut a hole big enough for the plunger rod to easily get out of.
Posted Image

Then, Sand/cut off the ridge around the black plunger tube,
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Next, Cement the Metal to the blue piece.
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Finally, Place it back in to the gun.
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And now it's ready for a new, stronger spring.
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#10 nerfspecialforces



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Posted 26 August 2005 - 07:50 PM

I guess I'll add that 17/32 brass fits perfect into the barrels.

I did a barrel mod where I replaced all 8 barrels with 9/16 brass and it didn't do much, but the lighting effect looks cooler now. So I ended up ramming 8 peices of 17/32 barss into the 9/16 brass. I guess I did that for nothing. But it was still fun...

Well, I guess since I don't need to make another topic since renagade covered it so clearly, I also cut a notch in the front so the light flash comes out better, seeing as I don't need it to shoot 'glow in the dark' ammo anymore.

Nice job Renagade! I liked the mod, it covered everthing clearly and neatly.

P.S. Does anyone else notice that ever now and then the gun shoots a dart that only travels a couple feet? Or is it just me...
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QUOTE(Arcanis @ Apr 8 2005, 05:02 PM)
When I insert a dick, nothing happens.

Call me NSF
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#11 Stalin05



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Posted 16 January 2006 - 05:59 PM

I intergrated a firefly with an at2k. The pump is on the bottom, and the airthank is on the plungertube. I ripped off the liquid guage and linked it directly to the pump. I sawed off half of the plunger tube, just after the first screw. Using some vinyl tube, i linked the tank and the little blue thing that contacts the spinning drum. Then i linked the air tech tank and the old trigger mechanism with some metal. It can fire fairly hard, around 50+ feet with normal darts. Pump 4, 5 times and slam the trigger. It rams the barrels into position and fires as soon as the barrels are in place.
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#12 tripn4days



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Posted 16 January 2006 - 07:30 PM

nerfspecialforces, on Aug 26 2005, 07:50 PM, said:

P.S. Does anyone else notice that ever now and then the gun shoots a dart that only travels a couple feet? Or is it just me...

Mine did the same thing. When I took it apart, I found that the plunger/air restrictors were somehow malfunctioning. The valves inside the barrel wouldn't let air out. They let air into the barrel, but not coming out. I have no idea how they reversed.

Likewise, I too have tried to take the barrel apart, but after taking out all the screws, it appears to have been glued together or someting. I'm usually pretty handy at figuring that kind of stuff out, but no luck here! So anyway, I took it back to Target without a box or arrows and they happily refunded my money!

I bought a Maverick 6 for about 1/3 the price and I think it is just as good a gun. It's much smaller and easier to handle and only holds 2 less darts than firefly

P.S. Any ideas on getting that barrel apart?? The ends loosen, but they dont seperate. I tried to mod for a full barrel release that swings all the way down; but after I started to reassemble, noticed that I somehow lost the trigger release mechanism! So back to Target I go!! They take anything back!
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I just put one in ya' grill and I got one shot still...

#13 theyellowdartmti



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Posted 16 January 2006 - 07:38 PM

Sorry mods, did not realize how old this was. You can just delete my post.


Edited by theyellowdartmti, 16 January 2006 - 07:39 PM.

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Posted 14 December 2007 - 04:29 PM

I am kind of a noob to nerf gun modding, so I really appreciate this mod because before my firefly went like 10 feet and I didn't know what to do.
Thanks again,
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#15 xNFx 37

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Posted 14 December 2007 - 04:42 PM

A nearly 2 year necro.

Here we go again....
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it also has a cock on it


#16 Lynx



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Posted 14 December 2007 - 10:47 PM

Thank you for opening the door on the necro though...

Legitimate question(s):

How do you put an Ace 49 in their in the firefly with minimal reinforcement?

Do you need to secure the cocking rod (hehe damn my inner 7th grader) if you put an Ace 49 spring in there?

Edited by Lynx, 14 December 2007 - 10:48 PM.

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#17 n-strike



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Posted 14 December 2007 - 10:59 PM

You ARE NOT suppose to post in month old topics. Especially if it's almost a year old. From the CoC: Don't post in months-old topics unless you have something significant to add. And I don't think that was significant.

Edited by n-strike, 16 December 2007 - 05:08 PM.


#18 tripn4days



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Posted 16 December 2007 - 12:25 PM

Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead! (sorry, i couldn't help but to throw some monty p in there)
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I just put one in ya' grill and I got one shot still...

#19 MrDelish



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Posted 17 December 2007 - 05:06 PM

I know it is an old topic, but it's good to see it, seeing as I'll have four fireflys here in a few days. They're on Amazon for like eight dollars apiece.
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#20 Crese



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Posted 10 May 2008 - 02:29 PM

For real... why do you people whine about wanting to kill topics?
There's new people that get into modding every day and when they type in "Nerf Firefly Mod" on Yahoo and they get taken directly to these very nice pages.
They're useful and people should be able to add to the topic without being harassed.
Even if it is a few years later, these topics can be added to and are still very useful.

Be thankful that people are still being trafficked to your website this way and don't be brats and shut us out of topics.
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#21 Green-Buckshot



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Posted 10 May 2008 - 02:33 PM

Crese, on May 10 2008, 03:29 PM, said:

For real... why do you people whine about wanting to kill topics?
There's new people that get into modding every day and when they type in "Nerf Firefly Mod" on Yahoo and they get taken directly to these very nice pages.
They're useful and people should be able to add to the topic without being harassed.
Even if it is a few years later, these topics can be added to and are still very useful.

Be thankful that people are still being trafficked to your website this way and don't be brats and shut us out of topics.

Please don't necro threads. If you have a problem with the rules, feel free to speak to the mods.
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QUOTE(A side of nerf @ May 18 2008, 12:33 PM) View Post

Also, could you post some more revealing pictures?

#22 Kid Flash

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Posted 10 May 2008 - 02:33 PM

Crese, on May 10 2008, 03:29 PM, said:

For real... why do you people whine about wanting to kill topics?
There's new people that get into modding every day and when they type in "Nerf Firefly Mod" on Yahoo and they get taken directly to these very nice pages.
They're useful and people should be able to add to the topic without being harassed.
Even if it is a few years later, these topics can be added to and are still very useful.

Be thankful that people are still being trafficked to your website this way and don't be brats and shut us out of topics.

I smell a ban...
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#23 ompa



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Posted 10 May 2008 - 02:42 PM

Easy. Because generally the people that posted a while ago are already gone, and generally aren't able to answer the questions. Also, if there are questions about the original mod, they are best directed at the original poster, which is best taken over PM if they are still around. Reviving dead threads also clutters the front page(s) of the forum subsections, preventing those who already have seen the mods from having to scroll through pages of dead topics before getting to the new mods. The modifications subsection is designed to house threads for new mods; the modifications directory is what houses all the old mods.

EDIT: Also, generally easy questions in regards to a mod can be answered via a PM to one of the older members or more experienced modders; there isn't really a need to introduce additional clutter when a PM can easily resolve the issue.

If you've got a brand new idea, or it is an addition to an old mod, post a new topic and link to the original thread.

If you don't like how the site is run, then leave. Either that, or complain again how the site is run and you'll get banned.

Is the administration composed of a bunch of brats? Call us whatever you want; the admins here run the site, and follow the discretion of the owner. The owner does not like reviving dead/really old threads, hence such a rule is enforced. This isn't a democracy; few, if anybody, cares about what complaints people have of the site in general. Are there occasions when complaints will be taken into account? Yes; but only if it's a valid complaint, is very widespread, poses a risk to the integrity of the site itself, and it's well-worded and the argument is well presented.

Oh, and as a preemptive counter; as you can see, there are more than enough people here that enjoy how the site is run. If the case were otherwise, they wouldn't be here.

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#24 zaphodB



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Posted 10 May 2008 - 02:48 PM

I don't think so. It's a legitimate question, insofar as it addresses the problem of new members who are directed to this site through a search engine. If they ask a question on an old topic without knowing the rules of the forum, should they be punished or shown the ropes. While a large number of the new members are annoying, a certain percentage of them could be productive members of the community, and their participation shouldn't be discouraged by the response to their first (misguided) post. Ompa is doing a fantastic job as an administrator, and I have a lot of respect for him for the way he's moderating the site. His three stick system is a good way to ensure that new member know the rules without discouraging them from posting.
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Alice came to the fork in the road.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

#25 badger


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Posted 10 May 2008 - 03:04 PM

zaphodB, on May 10 2008, 03:48 PM, said:

I don't think so. It's a legitimate question, insofar as it addresses the problem of new members who are directed to this site through a search engine. If they ask a question on an old topic without knowing the rules of the forum, should they be punished or shown the ropes.

The problem with this theory is simple. If a person finds, let's say, this topic via a search engine, they can't post anyways until they are validated. In the time they are waiting for validation, they should be reading the CoC, thereby they should know not to post in old topics. There is no excuse.
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