My goal was to put a SSPB in the front of my NS, and put ammo storage in the grip and old light cavity. Not really that hard, though all I had was a knife, no dremel or glue of any kind. I war in daylight and know how to aim, so that LED was useless and weighty.
What I did was simple, but I wanted to share this so people know it’s easy and do-able. Besides, this is my first mod in a couple years, so I want to show others.

I cut off the front bracket for the ammo holder, and trimmed the sides of the back bracket so that the SSPB fit snugly. There was no way to make it fit in the front half due to the angled cap on the plunger tube. I’m sure I could replace the tube or something to make it fit, but like I said I didn’t have the gear. I plan on modding the SSPB so it will fit better and put it in one of my other NFs and just trim this one down completely (PPK I think people are calling it), maybe put the LED back in - the lense.
You also need to trim down the ribs in the battery compartment. Cut them so that the black piece from the ammo slots in the front fits in at the back of the compartment. Just snug it up against the back piece that used to hold the contacts. You will also need to trim the black piece down some. If you look it’s thicker in the middle, just trim the thicker areas off with a knife and definitely cut off the little black pegs. The plastic is a bit heftier than most of the gun, but it’s not too bad. Slide it into the area you trimmed from the battery compartment and it should stay fine on its own. The trimming wasn’t an exact science, just keep trimming till it fits, there is a lot of extra plastic you don’t need because it’s not going to take much of a beating inside the gun.

Here I have highlighted the areas I had to cut down. I know you can't see much detail; I just wanted to point out the areas. You should be able to figure how exactly what to trim on your own. One of the black ammo holder pieces is still whole in this pic while the other is fully trimmed to go in the grip of the gun. The one that is whole will be halved and trimmed slightly for the front ammo holder.
I haven’t gotten the ammo holder in the front yet because I don’t have any adhesive with me, but I've trimmed the hole so that I know it will work. If you just take the thin half of the other black dart-holder piece (not the one you put in the grip, that one I left whole) and trim the rounded edges it should fit horizontally in the area that used to hold the light. The entire piece won’t fit due to the rounded section between the two brackets. You will also need to cut out the peg that the light was screwed in to or the darts will hit it. Anyways, you should be able to glue the thin half of the black piece right in the front of the gun and trim the hole the light came out of just a bit too either side. I've already tested it and it works, I just need glue.

It’s not the prettiest, but it works, and in my day that was what really mattered (I've seen a lot of shots taken at people with mods that don’t look purdy in my recent browsing). You now have two shots and 4 extra darts. The SSPB's firing button can comfortably be depressed with either your trigger finger or your middle finger (my preference). It fits very snugly in the back bracket (obviously since I had to trim the edges a bit) and doesn’t wiggle at all, either when pumping or firing. Very solid feel to it. I’m not even sure the duct tape is necessary, but Id rather not risk breaking the back bracket.
So that’s it. Sorry it's not perfect or 100%, but you get the idea. Like I said, I mainly was just proud that I got it to work as I had hoped. When I first saw the NF in Target I thought, "Hey, I don’t really Nerf anymore, but I should still get a gun to take to college for kicks, and this looks like a solid plunger design." Then I saw the SSPB on the rack above it and immediately knew I had to try to combine them, even though I hadn’t touched a gun recently. I’m glad to see both lived up to my expectations, especially since I bought 4 NFs because they were cheap. One for each suitemate was the plan... I got greedy.

Edited by >Fuse<, 11 September 2004 - 10:48 PM.