...And you even get a free missile launcher that you stomp on to fire two big missiles!

Here's a video to show just how bad it was stock (notice that it takes thirty seconds just to get all eitht darts to shoot because it jammed every other shot):

Now, to fix it. The first step, obviously, was to open it.

And a close-up on the NF-sized plunger tube:

The turret comes right out; here's a picture for reference of how the rotation mech fits together:

Now take the cover off the turret by unscrewing the four screws in the back piece.

And be sure to get this screw out:

Now to get rid of the restrictors. They're just like the ones in a 2k, so you can rip the spring out through the hole in the back of the turret:

Make the turret look more like this.

You can chop off the barrels if you want to add PVC like I did, or you can leave them on there. If you decide to leave them on you can reassemble the gun and just stick some barrels in the stock ones after you get rid of the restrictors. I chopped off the barrels to add PVC:

I made my barrels 5" long. That's way too long for this gun, but I didn't realize that until they were already secured on the turret.

To attach the PVC to the turret I cut some 1" sections of CPVC:

And hammered them into the backs of the PVC barrels, leaving about 1/4 to 1/3" sticking out.

I shoved the CPVC into the barrel stubs (there's a constriction at the back of each barrel that the CPVC fits perfectly into) and glued the barrels into place:

You're basically done now. If you're using micro Stefans you can use whatever barrels you like. I used Crayolas because everything else I had was too tight:

I ran a bead of hot glue around the top of each Crayola and stuck it in the ends of the PVC barrels, making sure they didn't go too far down in. I tried to make them roughly flush with the top of the PVC:

And here's the finished product (with some unnecessary shit stripped off).

I haven't range tested it, but it gets decent ranges and is good enough for indoor wars. I wouldn't recommend it for outdoors unless you have a damn powerful sidearm. I love this gun; it's heavy, big and feels nice because it's got some rubber on the pump and handle. The accuracy's all right too and of course it's incredibly fast because of the auto-rotating barrels. The jamming problem seems to be just about fixed. It still does it every once in a while but it's not nearly as bad as it used to be.
This is a nice gun and I'm sure someone who didn't halfass the mod with hot glue and Crayolas could squeeze 60' out of it. I definitely recommend it to anyone who likes high-ROF guns. I'm going to call it the SMG for Spider Man Gun.