Required Materials:
Hack Saw or Dremel
Epxoy or some sort of strong adhesive
And any other materials for if you want to modify the blaster itself.
*Note* I will not be explaining the modification part of the blasters' internals. Please see makeitgo's Basic Modification topic.
Most of you have probably seen a Buzz Bee Panther, so I'll just show where I cut the handle.

Roughly just below the trigger, if you want you may make a lower cut depending on your hand size.
Next align the two blasters before you adhesive them so they are not really unaligned. Make sure to get as straight of a cut as you can, measuring would be advised.

Now, adhere them together like so (and make sure to adhere the outer shell and inner for structural support. I used Epoxy Quick Steel and this shouldn't break. Use as much as needed to make sure the bond doesn't break.

The blaster should now look like this.

But I can't leave it like that... So after some modifications and a paint job...

Behold, the Halo Panther.
Questions are welcomed.