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Double Panther Modification

Two Panthers Combined Into One

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#1 MattTheSasquatch



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Posted 07 October 2012 - 09:06 PM

Here's the write-up for the Buzz Bee Double Panther, which is taking two Panthers and combining them at the handles to make one.

Required Materials:
Hack Saw or Dremel
Epxoy or some sort of strong adhesive
And any other materials for if you want to modify the blaster itself.

*Note* I will not be explaining the modification part of the blasters' internals. Please see makeitgo's Basic Modification topic.

Most of you have probably seen a Buzz Bee Panther, so I'll just show where I cut the handle.
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Roughly just below the trigger, if you want you may make a lower cut depending on your hand size.

Next align the two blasters before you adhesive them so they are not really unaligned. Make sure to get as straight of a cut as you can, measuring would be advised.
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Now, adhere them together like so (and make sure to adhere the outer shell and inner for structural support. I used Epoxy Quick Steel and this shouldn't break. Use as much as needed to make sure the bond doesn't break.
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The blaster should now look like this.
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But I can't leave it like that... So after some modifications and a paint job...
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Behold, the Halo Panther.

Questions are welcomed.
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#2 Bchamp22795



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Posted 07 October 2012 - 09:10 PM

How hard is that to pump? I feel like it may be difficult to get to high pressures if you connect them, but its lame to pump them individualy. I would suggest getting a nice mini-bike-pump, and connecting both tanks to the one pump.
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#3 MattTheSasquatch



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Posted 07 October 2012 - 09:15 PM

For me, the pumping isn't that hard. I was going to do a cpvc rod between the two handles, but I had a feeling it may break off. The bike pump idea floated in my head, but I'm not too familiar with the tubing and rerouting and all that for air guns so I really didn't want to take the risk. Plus i don't think my campus would allow a blaster with a bike pump on it.
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#4 BiwinningPanda



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Posted 07 October 2012 - 09:21 PM

Now do it side by side and you have a SplitFire! That's what I'm gonna do as soon as I get some Panthers. Nice idea!
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#5 Defender 7

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Posted 07 October 2012 - 09:22 PM

Nice mod. I tried this a few days ago and it turned out pretty good. What you should try to do is put 90 degree elbows on where the pump handles used to be and connect them with CPVC.
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#6 bhajj94



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Posted 07 October 2012 - 09:35 PM

'MattTheSasquatch', on 08 Oct 2012 - 02:15 AM, said:

For me, the pumping isn't that hard. I was going to do a cpvc rod between the two handles, but I had a feeling it may break off. The bike pump idea floated in my head, but I'm not too familiar with the tubing and rerouting and all that for air guns so I really didn't want to take the risk. Plus i don't think my campus would allow a blaster with a bike pump on it.

Do what I do with all panthers, replace the pump handles with a 1/2" pvc 90 degree piece, and then you can connect the pumps with a pvc rod. Sturdy as hell. :)
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#7 Chaos-blades



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Posted 08 October 2012 - 08:24 AM

(Panther + panther) Manta style = Manther

Nice job, always good to see a clean mod, hopefully these become available in Australia sometime soon


Edited by Chaos-blades, 08 October 2012 - 08:27 AM.

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- "Looks like it'll be nothing for me then"

#8 Mully



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Posted 08 October 2012 - 01:03 PM

That's funny, I wanted to say the same thing as chaos-blades.
I didn't up come with manther though, that's a good one.
Cool mod, looks a bit un practical though.....

Edited by Mully, 12 February 2013 - 10:55 PM.

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Posted 16 October 2012 - 06:35 PM



Me, I love high-quality posts. This is not an example of that. Caps lock is not cruise control for cool.

Edited by Carbon, 17 October 2012 - 07:03 AM.

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