Anyway, here is the way I did mine.

Start with a piece of PVC as long as your pump grip. I used 1.5" Sch. 40 because it is quite large and easy to grip. A larger size could also be used. (So could a smaller size for that matter, but I don't know why you would want to.)

Measure the width of the area that the Triple Shot's grip goes over.

Mark out the width onto your PVC.

Using a 3d/architectural/engineering ruler, make the line along the length of your PVC. Then cut out the line. I used a hacksaw.

Then mark where your holes are and drill through them. You can see by my lines how I marked where the holes should be drilled. Measure twice, then cut.

Put your 10-32 bolts through. Attach each with a washer. Optional things that you can do are putting rubber washers on to not mar the PVC, and putting acorn nuts on the ends of the bolts.

Now that it is assembled, you can see where the ends nearest to the trigger are ramming into the frame. Mark how far down to cut, and then trim it down until it does ram into it anymore. I advise you to use a sanding drum, because a boring bit takes off too much material.

It is actually fairly comfortable on my hands, which are quite large.

A larger size of PVC, such as 2" would be even more comfortable on one's hands.
The main problem with this is the design. As it is, priming the Triple Shot torques the priming bar inside the Triple Shot down. Venom213's method prevents this by having polycarbonate pieces inside the priming slots.