After seeing NerfMonkey use one at DCNO, Dark Shrimp use one at LCM Tune Up, and then subsequently my nephews play with one this weekend I broke down and bought myself one at the K-mart near me for $9. It was also a plus that I already had all of the materials I needed.
Here's what I did to mine

And here's how I did it.
Supplies Needed
+ Hot Glue Gun
+ Screwdriver
+ Hacksaw, dremel, or drillpress
+ Wire cutters
+ PVC 1-1/4" to 1/2" socket weld reducing hex bushing
+ 1/2" SCH80 CPVC (or whatever 1/2" pipe barrel setup you want to use)
+ Hobby/X-acto knife

1. Pry the orange piece off of the front using a flathead screwdriver.
2. Dissect the gun. The screws are tiny, but thankfully the holes they're recessed in are huge so any size of screwdriver from #0 to #3 will work. Make sure to store the screws and trigger spring in a small cup because they're easy to lose.

3. Cut both body shell halves ahead of the bulkhead shown here.
4. Remove the bulkhead section as indicated in the image using wire cutters, a dremel, or a drillpress with a stone grinding bit.

5. Slide the 1-1/4 to 1/2" PVC adapter over the original barrel with it inserted into one or both body shell halves then use a hobby knife to scribe around it on the body shell so that you know what you need to sand/cut off.

6. Use your preferred tool to cut out the hole you scribed.

7. Cut off the stock barrel 1/2" ahead of the white plastic chamber so that when the 1-1/4 to 1/2" PVC adapter is seated over that the lip on the inside of the adapter is the same height as the stock barrel.

8. Clean off the molding seam from the inside edge of the adapter using a hobby knife.
9. Glue the adapter onto the white plastic chamber using hot glue, super glue, or whatever kind of glue you want. Make sure the stock barrel is centered in the middle of the adapter.

10. Drill a 3/16" hole 1/4" to 3/8" ahead of the glue seam so that you have access to the dead space inside the adapter.
11. While watching from the barrel end of the adapter, insert the tip of the hot glue gun into the hole and start pumping hot glue into it. Two or three pumps of the hot glue gun should fill it completely and stop immediately once you can see it reaching the height of the remainder of the stock barrel. You have now reinforced the adapter and filled in all of the dead space.
12. Hold the trigger valve open and continuously cycle the pump to get the hot air out of the inside of the gun to avoid cooking the o-ring. Do this for a minute or two until the output from the barrel is no longer really hot.

13. To keep the internals of the gun from sliding forward in the gun when you cycle the pump, hot glue a thick piece of plastic or a short section of 1-1/4" PVC pipe to the plunger tube just behind where the bulkhead holds it. Alternatively you could just glue the internals to one side of the gun body so that it stays as far back in the gun as it will fit.

14. Decide if you want to do anything else like plug the pump or reinforce the trigger.
15. Put the gun back together.
16. Decide on what kind of barrel you want. Either a single barrel, a flip-around clip, or a breech system. It's up to you.
Ranges: Crazy good
Edited by CaptainSlug, 24 May 2007 - 09:21 PM.