hot glue
e tape
a cutting device for the cpvc
an exacto knife or other sharp device
rubber bands
a nail or some other small object(I used small pieces of bamboo)
Take you armor shot and remove the shield thing.

Then take your cpvc and cut a length of it about the same length of the old barrel.

Now wrap some e tape around it and make it be a good seal.

Now put your cpvc in the old barrel and hot glue it in. (I didn't because Iwon't need that part later)

Now take your box cutter/exacto knife/sharp object and cut some lines in the green piece so you can open up the gun.

Do the same on the other side.

Here is how the internals are.
Now replace the spring if you have a spring you can replace it with or add to the spring.
(The spot on my thumb is from a burn)

Now take your bamboo like I did hot glue it and add e tape to hold it together. You don't need to do this if you are using a nail. (My camera wasn't co operating(sp?) when I took these last pictures)

Now cut some rubber bands and tie them on the plunger handle. Then pull them to the old handle spot and put the nail/bamboo through them.

Then you can put some cpvc inside the old ammo holders if you want to. I didn't so that is why it isn't cut.

I do not have ranges since it is 10:30 as I am writing this. I hope to get ranges tomorrow but probably won't since I have to pack for my trip.
Edited by NerfCrazy, 22 July 2008 - 01:12 AM.