This mod will make the barrel shoot these:

First take a 1" PVC endcap or coupler and cut it like so. Sand a little bit away from the inside of the cut end so balls won't have trouble loading.

Then take your PAS ball shooter (with the end already cut off, the end you might want for your PAS). Sand like shown. The follower may try and pop out at you.

Wrap the coupler segment in e-tape until it fits tightly into the top of the ball shooter.

Ram it in there, pushing it down on a flat surface so the coupler is perfectly in straight (you also have to have the hacksawed and uneven end go in first in order for this to work).

Put a layer of epoxy over the top. I used super glue because I was lazy. It also may be a good idea to coat in in epoxy/glue before ramming it in. We'll see how mine holds up, the e-tape made it an extremely tight fit. The claw wrench (I think that's what you call it) is there to push the follower down.

Wrap the end in e-tape until it fits tightly into 1.5" PVC.

Put epoxy over the e-tape and then shove it into the PVC.

Put some hot glue in the back for good measure (epoxy would work better, once again I was being lazy).

Bam, you're done. Here it is on my roto rocket:

I haven't exactly tested this yet, as it's 12:49 and I'm not about to wake the whole house up. However, before I epoxied the ball shooter into the PVC I just pressed it against a barrel in the coupler of my roto rocket (had tons of dead space, not to mention a terrible seal) and it definitely fired.
Edit: See Page 2 for update! Now works and is VERY effective!
Edited by TantumBull, 07 June 2009 - 05:22 PM.