![Posted Image](http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/1364/spidermantoygunsc5.jpg)
So I found this at a Wal-mart for $15. I thought it was kinda pricey but I have never worked with a wrist gun before, so I thought I would pick it up.
The stock range was only 15 feet so I was pretty let down. With a nerf dart or buzz bee dart however the range increased by at least 10 feet.
![Posted Image](http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/7313/dsc03369zs3.jpg)
Here you can see the screws on the bottom of the gun. There are six in total you need to remove.
![Posted Image](http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/6598/dsc03370gn5.jpg)
There is also a grey cap peice that you can remove by taking your pliers and squeezing it and raising it off of the lip. You should now be able to open it up.
![Posted Image](http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/5707/dsc03371xj5.jpg)
More internals. The catch spring is pretty strong.
![Posted Image](http://img264.imageshack.us/img264/1024/dsc03372kz8.jpg)
Dirty air restrictors and barrel post.
![Posted Image](http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/4867/dsc03373wc0.jpg)
You pry off this back peice by using a flathead screwdriver. By the way, air leaks from that hole in the top.
![Posted Image](http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/175/dsc03374bv1.jpg)
Once the back is removed you can now remove the AR and drill/dremel out the barrel post.
![Posted Image](http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/3472/dsc03377jd2.jpg)
Big dirty AR with O-ring. They are starting to perfect this air restriction thing.
When you put the two shells back together be sure to Goop the surrounding walls as air might escape there.
Dont forget to goop that hole ontop of the barrel.
Now chop it down and dremel out the inside of the existing barrel and replace it with 3" of high grade OMC Petg.
Wrap the Petg with one or two loops of E-tape and cover that in goop and shove the barrel in. Clean away any excess goop. Allow 24 hours to dry.
![Posted Image](http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/764/dsc03378dj5.jpg)
Once that is finished put your gun back together and your good to go.
Range: 41 feet. Blaster was fired not on the wrist to ensure a level shot.
I put together a quirky little video for you all to enjoy.
Spiderman Video. <----Click here.
Sadly I was unable to get to the plunger head and spring. The one peice was glued on there so well I risked breaking the damn thing. It was glued on there just as intensley as the double shots plunger system. I took a look at it and fiddled with it for 10-15 minutes and then you just call it a day. Besides with a stronger spring it would make this gun extremely uncomfortable to cock while on your wrist.
So what do you guys think? I still have like 2 other write ups in the works and all of these so far have been side projects to my huge project that I am hoping to be finished with a in a month or so.
Edited by Forsaken_angel24, 17 May 2007 - 12:44 AM.