Here's what you end up with. The mags were painted prior to combining them to show where one half ends and the other begins.

And here's what it looks like in the Longshot.

1. First step is to figure out where to cut. Measurements will be mentioned when they're needed.
2. REMOVE THE SCREWS AND SPRINGS FROM BOTH MAGAZINES. Forget to do this and you will ruin the spring by cutting through it and then you will have to wind your own later.

3. Cut the two mag halves to the needed dimensions using a table saw or band saw with a rip fence. For the best possible joint between the two you need a tool that can cut square and straight.
The magazine that will end up being the bottom half needs to be cut to 4" in height. The magazine that will end up as the top half of the magazine needs to be cut to 4-1/4" in height.
4. Use an X-acto knife to deburr the inside edges of both halves. Both haves will need to be smooth on the join to prevent the follower from catching.
5. Insert the follower into the top half of the mag and tape it to it's highest possible location.

6. Line up the inside lips of the two halves and hold firm. The inside surface needs to be as seamless as possible.
7. Apply IPS Weld-On plastic solvent adhesive #4 or #3 to the joint with a syringe and hold with light pressure for 5 minutes. Alternatively any super glue will work, but make sure not to get any residue on the inside. Let the super glue cure for the next 3 hours.
IPS Weld-on is available through mcmaster (part# 7517A1) in 4-oz or 1-pint tins. It's easiest to apply using a 3cc syringe, but a natural hair paintbrush works well also. It's very watery in consistency and therefore works itself into crevices readily. If you want to order syringes mcmaster sells those in packs of 12 (part# 7510A651) and the blunt needle to go with them (part# 6710A11).
You can also get syringes through pet/veterinary supply, but make sure to get the 3cc size. Anything larger is likely to dispense WAY too much solvent.

8. Combine the two springs using 10-32 screws, hex nuts, and washers. Do not tighten them all the way, and if you use metal screws and nuts you may have to apply thread-lock or use self-locking hex nuts.
Alternatively you can wind your own spring using the original springs as a template. Then insert the spring into the new magazine from the bottom split.

9. Reinstall the screws.
10. If you want to reinforce the magazine there's plenty of external surface area you can add plastic to

And now you have a magazine that can hold 12 darts. Trying to fit 13 in the mag deforms the darts too much and can cause jams.
Search keywords
Double Longshot Clip
Longshot Magazine Combination
Extended Longshot Clip
Extended Longshot Magazine
Edited by CaptainSlug, 18 August 2008 - 11:10 AM.