Firstly. I will say. ALL CREDITS TO THIS MOD IDEA GOES TO LYNX! He came up with this AWESOME alternative to plain ol' CPVC singling a Longshot. The thesis was this;
"Attach a shortened piece of CPVC to the bolt.
Put something BELOW the bolt/barrel to keep darts from sliding in.
Attach a coupler to the barrel.
NOW when you action the breech, the cpvc disconnects from the coupler, and opens the coupler breech (it also cocks the gun (duh)."
I forgot step number 2. But I'm here to say, that this idea works wonderfully, but it takes time, patiance, and persistence. Definetly time. It took me most of my afternoon to do. But with the right spring(s) and other mods, this makes the Longshot finally worth it's namesake. That's why I call this the "Real Longshot" mod.
I've been trying mods on my Longshot for awhile, so I've taken out many surpurfulous parts such as prime indicator and muzzle.
Firstly, I cut a 4 and 1/2 inch CPVC barrel to be the new bolt. And I tore off the old bolt. I then took the chamber and cut off the front part.
I filed it and deburred it until it was fairly flat, then I took a random piece of CPVC and took my coupler and put them in this way:
Then I carefully used Zap-a-Gap around the coupler until it was firmly glued onto the chamber.
I then opened up the plunger chamber thing, where the spring and the plunger head are, and put the 4 & 1/2 inch CPVC bolt on top of the black bolt thing like this:
I VERY carefully did that, to make it as straight as possible. Then I carefully put zap-a-gap on one side of it, waited for it to dry, then zap-a-gap'd the other side. Then once dry, I did another, all around zap-a-gap. This won't be separating anytime soon. I tested it with the new coupler-chamber, and found it actually a little too long, so I cut of roughly 3/16th of a inch off of the CPVC bolt.
I then took the old bolt and used cutters to cut off the bolt sled nub... Thus started my battle with getting the CPVC bolt to work with the old bolt nub.
First I tried using plain'ol hotglue. Then even zap-a-gap... But nothing was quite working. You also need to take in account the distance between the bolt and the nub, and also the distance between the bolt and the side of the shell, so you have to be carefull where you glue togeather the bolt... I would suggest a epoxy beacuse it bridges gaps quite easy than zap-a-gap.
What I ended up doing, is taking some extra scrap from the old bolt, and gluing some bit to the nub, and some to the bolt, and fileing down both until they 'played nice' with eachother. Then I zap-a-gap'd them. It's not going anywhere now thankfully.
I then cut the chamber a little to help me put darts in better.
And here's a overview of the insides of now.
I've bound to forgotten something. So please ask questions. I'll try to get ranges sometime tomarrow or monday.
This write-up isn't a exhustive write-up. This is mainly to show how I did Lynx's idea. And yes, you can not use normal Longshot magazines with this if you do this mod, but the efficentcy increase definetly out weights the lost of magazines.
FYI. I've streched the stock spring and added a streched NF spring because I can't find any good replacement springs in any of the hardware stores around me yet. But both of the combined are very loud noise when fired.. I'm also using a 12 inch barrel not including the bolt.
Edited by Galaxy613, 06 July 2008 - 10:21 PM.