I present the Absolver Scattergun, SG-7.
![Posted Image](http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg13/bendystr4w/IMG_0033.jpg)
The club that I Nerf with plays indoor wars only. There are a few important special considerations that indoor wars have, and my club has made a few additional rules concerning overpowered Nerf weaponry. This is an attempt to make a Titan modification that isn't just a singled monstrosity that would put an eye out at twenty feet. I also needed a mod that would take stock darts, as my group does not allow Stefans. During testing of the Absolver, I was able to take a point blank shot to the chest with no pain, so I consider this mod relatively safe for indoor use.
Anyway, this gun fires seven tagger micros at the same time, with an effective range of about fifty feet. At that point you reach about a six or seven foot spread, decreasing its effectiveness at very long ranges. At close range, however, a blast from this puppy is practically impossible to dodge, making it extremely useful around corners, down crowded hallways, and up/down stairwells. I have seen shotgun attachments for the Titan before, but I was not happy with just two or four barrels. A cloud of seven darts at once is truly something you don't want to be on the wrong end of in a war. This is hardly a loser's nerf mod, but if you like to make sure that there is absolutely no way you could possibly miss at close to medium range, this is the mod for you.
The nice thing about this particular modification is that it is really cheap and easy to do! I will show you how.
First, a list of materials that you need.
1) About 50 centimeters of 1/2" Hot/Cold SCH40 PVC. I found that the long rods that Lowes sells work just fine, they are cream-colored and have thin walls. It is important that the wall of the pipe is nice and thin. Dart Taggers are a tight squeeze, but they fit all right with a little pushing. You are eventually going to need seven lengths, each about 6.5 centimeters.
2) You need two PVC fittings. First:
a)1 1/2" Slip/Thread PVC adapter, female
b)1 1/2" X 1 1/4" Slip/Thread PVC adapter, male
3) A hot glue gun, with plenty of hot glue sticks. Plumbers goop works fine too.
4) A dremel. You will need a cutting and a sanding bit. A hacksaw and sandpaper will also work.
5) A pair of scissors.
6) A broken, old dart to cut up.
Step one: Unscrew the barrel of your Titan, and remove the air restrictors, both in the barrel itself and in the place that the barrel screws in:
![Posted Image](http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg13/bendystr4w/IMG_0029.jpg)
![Posted Image](http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg13/bendystr4w/IMG_0032.jpg)
Grab some masking/electrical tape and wrap it around the end so that the male adapter fits securely onto the screw-on barrel.
![Posted Image](http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg13/bendystr4w/IMG_0031.jpg)
Step two: Grab the dremel and the long PVC pipe and cut lengths that are about 6.5 centimeters long. As long as an entire stock tagger can fit inside of the little barrels that this makes, they should be fine.
![Posted Image](http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg13/bendystr4w/IMG_0036.jpg)
After you do that, sand 'em down.
![Posted Image](http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg13/bendystr4w/IMG_0037.jpg)
Step three: As you wait for your hot glue gun to rev up, take your broken dart and cut it into six long pieces.
![Posted Image](http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg13/bendystr4w/IMG_0038.jpg)
Step four: Glue the seven short barrels that you cut together in a circular fashion. I found that starting with a triangle and building onto it works best.
![Posted Image](http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg13/bendystr4w/IMG_0042.jpg)
After its ready to go, just stick the seven barrels into your female adapter. It may be a tight fit, so make sure that you glued the barrels as close together as they can go. If you did it right, they should fit right in like this:
![Posted Image](http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg13/bendystr4w/IMG_0046.jpg)
Step five: See those big holes around the edge?
![Posted Image](http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg13/bendystr4w/IMG_0047.jpg)
Stick a long piece of foam in each one.
![Posted Image](http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg13/bendystr4w/IMG_0048.jpg)
After you push the extra in, it should look like this:
![Posted Image](http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg13/bendystr4w/IMG_0051.jpg)
Step six: Glue the heck out of everything. Make sure that no air can escape out of any hole but the ones that the darts go in. The foam stoppers will help by providing something that the glue can hold on to, and it also eliminates a lot of the dead space inside of the scattergun shell.
![Posted Image](http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg13/bendystr4w/IMG_0053.jpg)
Do not forget the bottom.
![Posted Image](http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg13/bendystr4w/IMG_0056.jpg)
Let the hot glue dry, and stick the male adapter into the titan screw-on barrel. Then you can just screw on your scattergun shell!
![Posted Image](http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg13/bendystr4w/IMG_0034.jpg)
I'm not sure how much easier that could have been. This allows you to quickly make as many shells as you want. I made two, but you can make more if you feel you need it.
Here is a video of the Absolver in action, along with a slideshow showing the steps.
Now all it needs is a cool paint job 8)
I hope that this was fun to read, and that it isn't too unoriginal. Thanks for reading!
Edited by BendyStraw, 16 February 2008 - 12:52 AM.