Preformance Test Vid
Hello readers.
I'm sure you're all familiar with "OfAllTheNerf"'s kickass LS DTB Integration.
A lot of us kept saying it was the shiezniz but bashed on the looks of it. I'm guessing it's because of the section where they're integrated (How there were some open spots, which were covered up by gluing the DTB's handles over it.
Even though it wouldn't win any beauty contests, I still thought it was a clever mod. So I picked up my very own/first LS to mod.
This guide is to help you reduce that "fugly" (Hey your words, not mine) part... by 10%
Edit: Adding this finished pic (Barrel gets removed when gun's in use)

I'll call the side on the guns with all the internal pieces, the Right side (Since they're on my right)
and vice versa.
Start off by cutting the handles from both the DTB pieces.
With the frontal handle, cut the blue section of the handle (Leaving only the silver left)
For the rear handle (Trigger handle), cut it to the bottom surface of the gun, where if you were to look at it from the inside, it would be flat.
Sand both sections until you get smooth surfaces.
Nows the part where you'd take your time to carefully trace/outline the frames of each gun, to see where and how they'll be glued.
I left the front section of the LS alone, cutting a right angle in the frontal area of the DTB is much simpler then cutting angled frames on the LS.
For the rear section of the LS I cut a curved frame shape, which fits perfectly with the butt of the DTB.
(Because it's simpler then cutting a whole bunch of odd shaped frames on the DTB)
To get the frames perfectly, you'll need to place the left DTB case over the Right LS case, find the perfect spot where it'll be glued together, and trace the outlines on the gun with a sharpie pen.
Repeat with other side.

If you took your time cutting and sanding, it should fit it perfectly. Before making any major cuts, place your 2 frames side by side to see how much adjustments need to be made.
Eventually, the sides should fit like a jig-saw puzzle

To get an idea on where the guns will be placed.
The trigger will be right under the LS's blue internal frames.
The "upper" frame of the DTB should just touch the bottom frame of the LS.

When you are done sanding, cutting, carving, etc.
Glue the Left frames of the guns together first (Side with no internal parts).
You can place them flat on a table's surface and glue since no internal parts will jut out and push the gun frames up.
After the glue dries and hardens (Few hours), place the other LS frame in first and the DTB next.
Make sure you have the DTB's trigger removed before starting this next part.
Glue like you did before, make sure not to apply too much that will spread over to the left side of the guns.
After a few mins when the glue starts to dry, slowly and carefully, seperate the left and right sections for a minute. This is to prevent any glue from sealing the left and right frames together.
Let any excess glue dry (or wipe it of, your choice), and when there's no more danger of the 2 sections being glued together, seal the right and left sides together again (Wrap some rubber bands around them)
And that is how you make the LS DTB gun frame/case/shell.
Here's a pic of mine (only the frame is complete, tomorrow I start with the fun stuff; the internals)

I only attached the Strike/cross fire on the rail because I remember reading it as a suggestion on OATN's mod.
It'll take me some time to do some testing with the trigger system.
I understand why OATN chose the ring cord trigger mechanism on his mod, it's because the pull back length is much diff. The DTB's trigger is about twice as long as the LS's. The only reason the LS side arm could be easily integrated into the LS main gun, is because it didn't matter as much if it didn't go back completely forward... but the DTB's trigger does matter. When it goes back forward, it pushes the gears which rotates the "drum" to the next shot. So far I've tested to see how much space I can scrap on the trigger for it to have the minimal amount required to fire and rotate... (shaved off about 3/16" but it's still way much longer then the LS's trigger length).
If I can't figure out a way for the LS trigger to fire the DTB's trigger... I might be forced into using a pull cord like OATN.

Edited by b00m13, 29 August 2007 - 10:22 PM.