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Scout Mod!

Pretty much done...

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#1 ompa



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Posted 18 August 2004 - 09:18 PM

Ah, the Scout. Looks cool, performs pretty good for a stock gun. But we all want to mod the thing, so here's my mod.

Ah, the Scout. I forgot to take a picture of it before I ripped the thing apart, but I'm sure you've all stared and drooled over it long enough to know what a stock Scout looks like. Continuing on.

Open up the gun, and take out that tiny little plunger tube that's probably about the size of your pointer finger. Then, take your trusty dremel and drill out that barrel from the back, and get rid of that nasty air restrictor.
Posted Image

If you are using heavier stefans, like 1/4 steel shot stefans, STOP HERE! just put the whole thing back together, and you should be getting around 40' flat with the gun. Not the greatest, but what did you expect with such a small plunger tube?


Now, take a saw and saw it in approximately these two places, so you are left with two peices that look like these.
Posted Image

Then, carefully sand the inside of those until you can fit some 17/32 brass (3 inches) through the front peice, and so the back piece stays on. Now, glue the back end of the barrel onto the back end of the brass. Don't glue the front part on, as you're going to need to do some sliding with that later. It should look like this.
Posted Image

Now, fit the plunger tube over the barrel, and make sure it's all the way in. Then, slide the front orange piece until it hits the plunger tube. Mark it, and glue it in there, I'd use hot glue since it's not really an essential joint, and if you make a mistake you can always rip it off.

You really SHOULD do a spring replacement with this gun, but alas, my local ACE doesn't have any springs that would really work in this gun... I hope you have better luck finding a better spring. Well, here's what the gun looks like internally with the modded barrel.
Posted Image

And close it all up- the final product should look like this. The picture is taken on my ever-so-famous lego bedsheets, just for you.
Posted Image
(NOTE: Barrel is still 4 inches in that picture, as I didn't cut it down yet... Yes, stupid me.)

Using Stock darts, like I TOLD YOU the rest of this mod is for, then you should be getting about 50' flat with stock darts. If you wanted to shoot stefans, you should learn to read before doing any more mods.


Edited by ompa, 18 August 2004 - 09:51 PM.

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#2 cxwq



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Posted 18 August 2004 - 09:36 PM


I'll post that up in the mods section right after the homemade, RF20, TTG, sm5k, and Hornet that I have on my update list.

Edit: is the constriction tight enough to hold your darts pretty tightly? I think the brass will help more if you do the spring replacement.
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#3 ompa



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Posted 18 August 2004 - 09:40 PM

Eh, the actual useful mod just became MUCH shorter. The brass barrel shows little to no improvement over the stock barrel.. Actually, I shot FARTHER with the stock barrel (sans air restrictor) than I did with the brass. I'd just cut off the mod where I put the STOP. It's better. And you won't ruin your scout like I did. *Shiver* <_< :( . Happens. I turned a simple mod into a more complex mod, that didn't work at all. The miniscule plunger tube just isn't worth the trouble of putting brass in- I was getting 40-50' flat with the stock barrel without restrictor. Now, I'm getting more like 30. Isn't worth your time.

Cx, any tighter and the plunger won't even have enough force to push the dart out... There were times when my 1/4 steel shot stefan wouldn't even LEAVE the barrel. And I cut it down to a 3 inch barrel.

There is some good news however. I stuffed an inch or so of 17/32 brass in my barrel, then loaded a stock dart in. Bingo! 50' flat. So this gun is pretty much a stock-dart only gun, at least in my opinion. Or, if you keep the stock barrel sans restrictor and want to shoot stefans 40'.


Edited by ompa, 18 August 2004 - 09:45 PM.

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#4 nerfspecialforces



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Posted 18 August 2004 - 10:48 PM

I'm a little relived because I did a mod similar to yours and messed up the gun. It shoots far if it wants to. It has a mind of it's own...
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#5 LiKnSmAkScOmIn



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Posted 18 August 2004 - 11:05 PM

I wonder how well PETG might work with this...Too bad you can't get any ompa, seeing as you have the ability to try it out now.
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#6 ShortShit



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Posted 18 August 2004 - 11:12 PM

ompa, on Aug 19 2004, 02:40 AM, said:

There is some good news however. I stuffed an inch or so of 17/32 brass in my barrel, then loaded a stock dart in. Bingo! 50' flat. So this gun is pretty much a stock-dart only gun, at least in my opinion. Or, if you keep the stock barrel sans restrictor and want to shoot stefans 40'.


Wait a tic, I thought your new barrel was made of 17/32 brass... yet you just said you stuffed an inch or so of 17/32 down your 17/32 barrel? Im confused; did I missread?
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#7 ompa



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Posted 19 August 2004 - 08:07 AM

Sorry- originally the mod called for 9/16 brass... I had to change it due to it's ineffectiveness with stock darts, as stefans seem to not work well with the setup I was using. I can always remove the 17/32 brass if I do a spring replacement, to try it with stefans again. But for now, I think the Stock barrel works best with stefans if you aren't going to do a spring replacement.

Titan mod should be up tomorrow! Well, a really simple one at least.

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#8 MAC



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Posted 19 August 2004 - 08:56 PM

The spring from the lanard first shot is a perfect replacement spring for the scout.
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#9 LiKnSmAkScOmIn



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Posted 19 August 2004 - 09:22 PM

Can anyone else verify this?If it is true, I have access to a first shot spring, but would it be a tad too strong?
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#10 ompa



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Posted 20 August 2004 - 11:50 AM

Posted Image

I tried to make the Scout a little less bulky. It's much smaller now, without the ammo holders. I might trim off a little more, and I'm pretty sure you can guess where.

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#11 J cobbers

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Posted 20 August 2004 - 03:35 PM

When I get a hold of one of these I thing I'd remove the ammo holders like you've done and make 1/2" cpvc ammo holders, set vertically under the barrel, and probably put some in the handle as well. Sort of like what I did with my night finder.Posted Image
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#12 Marine



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Posted 01 May 2005 - 01:07 AM

I'm into Nerf but I'm not into it ebough to buy barrels...I just like to stick to the simple mods.

I've opened up my NF and the barrel breaks into several pieces...I've also opened up the Scout and I couldn't open up the barrel assembly like I could the NF. Were my hands greasy or does it just not come apart? And if it doesn't come apart how can I mod it without putting a barrel on it?
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#13 AirApache



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Posted 01 May 2005 - 03:19 AM

Well congratulations apparently you DO search the site before posting...but on the other hand this thread's last post was in August. So you're stuck between a rock and a hard spot. And for all you wannabe grownup newbs, I know you're all just dying to flame this poor guy but I think you should shut up for once.

I don't own a scout myself, but from what I've read (and the mod posted in this post, incidentally) you only need to mess with the plunger (as opposed to the barrel). If you're not doing a barrel replacement (generally a barrel replacement is recommended...just go to your local hardware store and pick up some brass tubing for a few dollars) then just stick with ompa's first few steps; that is, removing the air restrictor.

Hope this helps.

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Indiana '11

#14 NinjZ



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Posted 01 May 2005 - 06:45 AM

Marine, on Apr 30 2005, 10:07 PM, said:

I'm into Nerf but I'm not into it ebough to buy barrels...I just like to stick to the simple mods.

I've opened up my NF and the barrel breaks into several pieces...I've also opened up the Scout and I couldn't open up the barrel assembly like I could the NF. Were my hands greasy or does it just not come apart? And if it doesn't come apart how can I mod it without putting a barrel on it?

It's not rocket science kid. Mods really arent that difficult. Don't just pry your guns open, be carefull. Lay them down on a table, unscrew all the screws, then slowly pull one half away to open it. It sounds like you hold the thing up in the air and jsutpry the sides apart letting anything inside fall out.
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#15 MattPaintballer



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Posted 01 May 2005 - 11:34 AM

AirApache, on May 1 2005, 12:19 AM, said:

this thread's last post was in August.

Air, don't get mad at him. I linked him to this thread when I replied to his thread on NHQ, so it's my fault.
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#16 Marine



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Posted 01 May 2005 - 03:21 PM

You (Ompa) said to take out those nasty air restrictors. The only air restrictor that I can see is the pole that holds in the dart. I know that I can take that out but I'm possitive that there are air restrictors inside the barrel but you can't open up the barrel like you can the NF...is this the only air restrictor you are talking about Ompa?
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#17 ompa



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Posted 01 May 2005 - 03:45 PM

Unless you can see straight down the barrel and see that the whole thing is hollow, there are still air resistors left. In the scout, the resistor is actually part of the barrel, so you have to drill it out.

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#18 Marine



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Posted 01 May 2005 - 03:54 PM

Where would I drill the hole? from behind or in front?
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#19 MattPaintballer



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Posted 01 May 2005 - 03:55 PM

It really doesn't matter. As long as you get the plastic crap out without putting a hole in your plunger/barrel, it's fine.
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#20 AirApache



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Posted 01 May 2005 - 04:30 PM

MattPB, don't worry, I wasn't flaming or anything; I was just pointing out how ironic his situation was; if I didn't say anything he would be flamed for posting in this old topic, but if he made a new one he'd be flamed for not doing research.

Ninjz, I think he already has the case opened, I think he was referring to the internals.
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#21 Marine



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Posted 08 May 2005 - 02:12 PM

1. Open it up.
2. Take the barrel out and hold it in hand.
3. Take your dremel and drill a hole...???Where? (Where do I drill to get those air restrictors out?

Are these the general steps to mod your Scout? I just wanted to make sure becuase...as you know...I don't want to waste 40 dollars down the drain. Although I would want to make the product better and capitalize on it. ;)
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#22 ompa



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Posted 08 May 2005 - 02:35 PM

You drill down the stock barrel. Also an alternative- just take a stick of cpvc and use it as a barrel replacement. The plunger fits suprisingly well over cpvc. That's the simple, and for all intensive purposes, better way to do it, I suppose.

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#23 Marine



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Posted 08 May 2005 - 06:40 PM

So all you have to do is attach a pvc barrel...and that it?
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#24 ompa



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Posted 08 May 2005 - 06:45 PM

Cpvc, pvc won't fit. At least not the sizes I've encountered.

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#25 Marine



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Posted 08 May 2005 - 07:08 PM

Eh, I wont get the barrel...because we're not really into Nerf here...we just play little 2 on 2 wars at sleep overs...

Thanks Ompa.

But the real reason for the post:

How far do I drill down into the opening?
All the way?
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