I remember seeing a thread where some nerfers dad wouldn't let him use metal in his darts. This is here to solve that problem. This will only work with Ruff stuff darts as they have a thick and heavier tip. Ok first you need to go out and buy a really cheap pack of darts. Oh yeah and somehow a Guiness bottle got in there too.

Then you open it up and pull out one of these guys.

Then you take out a small pair of bathroom scissors and cut off the rubber ring/skirt around the dart so it kinda looks like this.

Now cut around the suction cup in a circular fashion trying to leave a bit of a dome.

The head should now look like this.

There you have it you have just made a safe dart with no metal or anything. I was making these before I made stefans. They work well but not as good as a stefan. The purple head will fall off if fired out of a high powered gun enough times. These darts are better than stock because you can ram them down the barrell. They are less accurate than a stefan though. To make a Blood tear then keep following my instructions.
Blood Tears:
Whip out the exacto knife or scissors and cut the foam like so. This will give you foam to make more asshole darts. All we need is the head to make Blood tears. When you make the cut be sure to leave a little yellow foam on there too.

Now take some electrical tape and find that magical length that makes them fit in your desired barrel. Choose a color that is easy to find because these suckers are little. Now wrap the tape around and cut off the excess tape that is acting like a skirt at the bottom of the dart and bam you got a Blood tear.

Blood tears are an amazing shotgun dart. They have no weights, which means no risk of weight flying out. If you find your Blood tears are sticking together in the air, then add a small dome of hotglue to the top of the dart to prevent them from touching in the barrel. These guys are best loaded when they are pushed all the way down the barrell one at a time. This prevents sticking. Ranges are good I can get a good 3-5 foot spray with 8-9 Blood tears at 45 feet with a BB. I can hit someone in the chest at 45 feet flat. Probably further too but I did that test inside and my rooms are only so big.
Questions,comments welcome.
Edited by Forsaken_angel24, 02 January 2006 - 03:03 PM.