Materials that you need...
1. Supermaxx 3000 (Blue)
2. Phillips screw driver
3. Hot glue gun/epoxy
4. x8, 4-5 inch PVC barrels
5. Pliers or flathead screwdriver with hammer
6. Belt (optional)
7. Allan wrench (optional)
Alright, first things first, lets open it up. First remove all of the screws from the pump handle, then remove them from the rest of the body. As you take the gun apart there is a metal bar joining the two side that is a little above the trigger, so be careful not to break that off.

Set the top side and grip to the side for now...
Our next goal is to plug the overpressure release valve. This is quite simple, all you need to do is remove the plunger from the pump and look at the orange side. There is a hole there, fill it up with hot glue.

That was easy... put it back in.
Now we have to remove the stock orange barrels from the gun. This is harder than it sounds, and there is that nasty orange cap blocking the way from us getting to the barrels. The easiest way to get rid of it is to literally break it off... Shove a flathead under it and just snap it off. We won't be needing that anymore...
Now you can get to the orange barrels, some of them may be easy to pry off and you can just remove them with your hands, but you might want to bust out your pliers. If you can't remove the barrels with the pliers, than you need to resort to the flathead screwdriver and hammer. For this you need to remove the rotating turret by taking out 1 screw. Then place the flathead in the back of the barrel and hit out the barrels with a hammer. I had to do this for a few of them. Once your all done removing the barrels the finished product should look like this.

I even made a nifty ammo belt out of the barrels from all my my Supermaxx guns...

Now you need to cut your PVC pipe to the appropriate length. I suggest 5 inch segments, mine were 4 inches and the dart isn't reaching its maximum velocity before exiting the barrel. Remember to cut 8 barrels.

When you glue them on I suggest putting a dot on the blue part and a ring around the barrel, then just push it down onto the orange ring. If you put too much glue around the PVC then the dart wont make it all the way down. Here is what the finished product looks like...

Horray! Now we get to re-assemble the gun! I broke part of the trigger mechanism so I just wrapped part of a straw with tape to replace the piece that was on the metal bar. And my leaky tank was fixed with a huge glob of epoxy placed over the tube connection, then wrapped in electrical tape.

The final thing I did to my gun was improve the stability of the pump handle. The plastic started to get those white stress/cracking marks so i decided to put an Allan wrench through it to add more support. I drilled a hole through the existing screw hole that was the same diameter as the wrench and put it through. Hot glue over the ends keeps my hands from getting poked.

The finished product!!

As for the ranges. Measured with chalk drawn on sidewalk every 5 feet.
Pumped 4 times, slight tailwind, stock micro suction darts.
1. 75
2. 79
3. 81
4. 82
5. 77
Average: 78.8 feet, That isn't too bad considering I used 4 inch PVC segments, and the tank still has the tiniest of leaks.
I take no credit for this mod, I'm sure it has been done before, and I didn't make it up.
Thanks for reading!