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While Making Something Else, I Made....

er.. almost made...

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#1 KirbySaysHi



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Posted 25 July 2005 - 03:00 PM

The At2k Luger (sort of... I feel a red jacket approaching!)

My goal was to make a high-performance airsoft loser rifle, and I succeded. But obviously, this is a nerf forum. So, here's where this post brings its relevancy.

I used an at2k to power this thing, and tried to make it as small as possible by removing most of the Spaceman Spiff aspect of the gun. I love Spaceman Spiff, but hey, I'll make a death blaster later.

Posted Image

I basically sawed straight across the shell of the gun. Then, I took apart the liquid cylinder, drained the goo, and sawed off the cylinder. Then I filled the resulting hole with goop, let it dry, and put it back together. I'm pretty sure that the goop part is completely unnecessary, as the cylinder appears to be completle sealed off by the rubber diaphram (which is very important to put back!). I also cut off the circular fixture at the back of the gun that held the clear dark plasic cylinder. At the time of taking the pics, I was going to use it as some sort of site.

Posted Image

After the sawing of the shell was complete, I had to affix the tank. This was done by hot glueing a small sliver of 3/4 PVC approximately an inch long directly to the pump shaft, then hot gluing the airtank in front of the PVC sliver. Then I put some e-tape around there for security (not shown in the pictures).
NOTE: Prior to this, I had unscrewed the part where the tube connects to the liquid cylinder, and screwed it back on, resulting in it being cock-eyed like in the picture.

If I was just trying to make a small nerf pistol, I would have then stuck a 7" piece of 1/2" cpvc on the valve to make a barrel, and put something between the barrel and the body to act as a space (perhaps a ramrod hoilder, then e-taped the bageedin'
geesus out of the gun, perhaps adding some sort of covering to the back to protect the air components. And then I would have had probably the most power per square inch ratio of any nerf gun.

Posted Image

But I didn't. I made an airsoft rifle, that shoots faster, farther, and more accurately than my Tanfoglio. Sure, not too impressive, but I did make it myself, and it doubles as a shotgun! Woo!

I just need a name. Suggestions? I do plan on adding a covering to the back later, but would greatly appreciate any suggestions on how to do that (I'm thinking balsa wood). Hope no one gets offended by the airsoft plug, but it really was my main goal, and I figured any contribution to covert-nerf-ops would be appreciated. And please don't berate me too roughly if this has been done before.

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#2 NerfMonkey



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Posted 25 July 2005 - 03:49 PM

I've never seen it done before, and I'm sure 50% of the Nerfers here also airsoft.

I like it a lot. I've been thinking of chopping off the top of mine, but decided against it because I didn't think that it would be able to still shoot because I thought it would not hold the internals in good enough and fall to pieces on me. Very nice job.
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#3 Black Wrath

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Posted 25 July 2005 - 03:56 PM

That black diaphram cannot be left on it's own. I thought it could be, so I pumped once, and it exploded. I got rubber shards in my eyes, and it wasn't pleasant.

The goop is very much needed, and I even epoxied a piece of rubber over the hole, over the goop/hotglue barrier.
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#4 blink 182

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Posted 25 July 2005 - 04:11 PM

I have seen this done before. Nice down-size, and yes as BW said, goop is good.
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#5 KirbySaysHi



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Posted 25 July 2005 - 04:40 PM

Thanks guys, especially for the tip about the goop!

and blink, you wouldn't remember where you've seen it before, have you? I'd like to see it.

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#6 ompa



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Posted 25 July 2005 - 05:19 PM

The size down, if that is what he is speaking of, was done by I believe Lefty or Uriel, although it was still kept to shoot nerf darts, and wasn't AS clean as this.

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#7 SneakUP



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Posted 25 July 2005 - 11:39 PM

Where is your spring on your firing pin?

#8 Uncle Hammer

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Posted 26 July 2005 - 09:39 AM

I think he used a bic pen/straw mod.
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#9 LastManAlive



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Posted 26 July 2005 - 10:39 AM

I see what you were trying to make now. You found out about a CPVC coupler fitting in PVC conjoiners didn't you? This is healpful for homemades. And also for shooting stock micros better. Nice job.
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#10 Suave



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Posted 26 July 2005 - 11:17 AM

He didn't do a bic pen trigger mod. The airtank is closer to the front of the gun than usual, so he had no need of spring or pen. If you'll look he's got the bump of the trigger against the orange stop on the firing pin.
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#11 KirbySaysHi



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Posted 28 July 2005 - 03:36 AM

LastManAlive, on Jul 26 2005, 07:39 AM, said:

You found out about a CPVC coupler fitting in PVC conjoiners didn't you?


Which part of this are you talking about, the finished rifle, or the unfinished, tiny at2k? If you're talking about the barrel of the airsoft dealie, then no, I didn't use couplers (nor did I use any of the whole gun). It's a series of smaller and smaller tubing/pipes. If you really want to know what they are, I can take some pics and make some measurements. I also used a long (probably around 3') strip of bicycle intertube to act as a spacer/seal. You twist it around the smaller pipe/tube like a candy cane as you twist it into the larger pipe. Seals perfectly everytime. I can post more details about that as well. Actually, if you want more details about the airsoft dealie, maybe you should stick to pms; I don't want to violate the CoC by talking too much about airsoft in a nerf forum.

I didn't use a bic pen or anything, because like Suave said, the pin is right up against the trigger. If I were to make this into a real nerf gun, I would deninitely put the airtank as far back as possible in order the make the gun as compact as possible.

Thanks for the complements guys!

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#12 Whiplord



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Posted 31 July 2005 - 11:36 AM

ompa, on Jul 25 2005, 02:19 PM, said:

The size down, if that is what he is speaking of, was done by I believe Lefty or Uriel, although it was still kept to shoot nerf darts, and wasn't AS clean as this.


It was done before. But not to this extent. They merely cut the top curvy part off so that one could sight along the top.
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#13 LastManAlive



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Posted 31 July 2005 - 12:29 PM

Yeah, sorry. I got a littel lost. The back of the other thing you were making looks like a 1/2inch CPVC coupler ina 1/2 inch PVC coupler. Oh well. I will PM you more about it.
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#14 Osiris



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Posted 31 July 2005 - 04:58 PM

Wait a minute what ammo does it use stefans or BB's? Is this a nerf gun or an airsoft gun please clarify.

Iv turned an AT2k into an airsoft gun too. All I did was nested a 6" straw with a 6.2mm diameter into a piece of 1/2" cpvc and put hot glue at the ends of the barrel. Then singled the AT2k so it uses the special barrel I created. THE MAJOR PROBLEM with this is that it does not have hop up and it is highly unaccurate. However FPS and range of the BB seems to be much much greater compared to my Glock 17 springer which is about 250fps with .2's. Overall my glock 17 is better I think because its dead accurate and the AT2k airsoft gun is not that accurate sometmes because it does not have hop-up after about 40-50 ft the BB curves downwards. However sometimes it seems to shoot perfectly strait. This is kind of weird. It sometimes shoots dead accurate but sometimes shoots like crap. My glock is accurate to 100ft easily and can consistently shoot the BB in a strait path because it has hop up. I might post pics of what I did its really not that hard. Im telling you the AT2k airsoft idea the major problem with it is there is not hop-up.

Oh and if you really want to make the AT2k small. You could make it even smaller by doing this:

1. Take out internals of at2k.
2. Take shell of gun and cut on the yellow line where the vinly tubing goes to the pump.
3. Put back internals in the at2k and screw it back up.

Edited by Osiris, 31 July 2005 - 05:17 PM.

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#15 KirbySaysHi



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Posted 01 August 2005 - 06:57 AM

Osiris, on Jul 31 2005, 01:58 PM, said:

2. Take shell of gun and cut on the yellow line where the vinly tubing goes to the pump.

To clarify:

The finished gun uses airsoft bb's. I've only tested it with .2s. It is more accurate than my springer Tanfoglio, which I also use .2s in. The barrel is approximately 20" long, which accounts for my better accuracy (the barrel is exactly 6mm; I would guess your 6.2 is the reason for your inaccuracy, since that is like an airsoft musket).

The point of this post was to demonstrate my idea of how to make the at2k smaller. So, any other questions regarding the airsoft gun should be pms or e-mails, since I don't want to offend the nerf gods. Not that I wouldn't love to talk about this gun, but I don't want to do it here.

LMA, there aren't any couplers used here, only cpvc, pex tube, vinyl tube, pvc, and a lot of sanding.

And one last thing... the quote....

Osiris, isn't that exactly what I did? If not, please clarify for me. Oh, and YES! I KNOW THERE IS NOT HOP-UP ON THIS GUN. Its kind of hard to understand your sentences sometimes... and I don't mean for that to be offensive (or any of that).

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#16 The Shadow

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Posted 23 May 2006 - 03:53 PM

You know, if you could somehow increase the power in it, and split the barrel, you could have a shotgun. Also posibly shorten the barrels as well, but even as it is, very nice mod

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#17 z80



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Posted 24 May 2006 - 04:09 PM

Lex, the last post in this topic is from august 2005. Don't be a necro.
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#18 Zudikas



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Posted 14 June 2008 - 10:29 PM

No offense, but that looks really pointless and stupid. All you really did is cut the gun in have, Which exposed the internals.

#19 Kid Flash

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Posted 14 June 2008 - 10:36 PM

Look at the last date.
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#20 Banshee



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Posted 15 June 2008 - 12:03 AM

You dip shit. Dude, welcome to NerfHaven, you opened a 2 year old thread!
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#21 Pineapple


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Posted 15 June 2008 - 01:07 PM

Zudikas, on Jun 14 2008, 05:29 PM, said:

No offense, but that looks really pointless and stupid. All you really did is cut the gun in have, Which exposed the internals.

What's worse is bringing back a two year old topic to make a comment that you really should have kept to yourself.

Strike one.

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It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

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