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Magnum Pistol (100 Feet)

It hath been done...

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#1 Starbuck



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Posted 08 July 2005 - 03:54 PM

It has been said that no spring pistol will ever be able to reach over 100 feet flat. Well, today I am here to prove that wrong. I have just completed a pistol that just does that. I call it the "Kilroy Magnum."

The other day, I was digging in my closet and found an old water gun. It is special because it is the only spring powered water gun I have ever seen. I can't remember the name and the sticker on the side has since worn off, but I'm sure someone on here knows the name of the gun. I do know for a fact that it was released in 1995. Anyway, I cocked it and pulled the trigger. I was very surprised to hear the massive bark produced by the gun. I immediately thought this had potential. I took it downstairs and dissassembled the weapon.

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This is the gun as I found it in my closet.

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Here are the inernals minus the water tank on top. Notice the similarites between it and conventional Nerf spring pistols.

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Now here is why this weapon is an oddity. Notice the double springs. I have never seen this in a stock weapon before. I took off the springs and replaced them with springs from a couple of my broken Sharpshooter 2s (new springs not pictured).

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Here is the plunger tube. I cut off the nozzle on the tube and Dremeled out a hole big enough for 1/2" CPVC to fit through and hot glued it back to the plunger tube. I then put electrical tape over the hot glued portion to strengthen the hold.

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On top of the plunger tube is where the water tank connected. I simply plugged it up with hot glue to prevent air from leaking out.

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I added a sight to the top of the gun once I had reassembled it. The sight is a piece off of a garage door opener. I have to clue as to what the piece is, but it looks like a sight and functions well as one.

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And here, friends, is the finished product, the "Kilroy Mangum" loser pistol.

I had originally started to put rubber bands on it, but I took off the surgical rubber on my DT3BP and put it on the Magnum. I headed out to my backyard with two friends to test the range and accuracy. Here is the official data as taken by myself and two others:

Weapon: Original name unknown; Kilroy Mangum (released 1995)
Method fire: Spring (double)
Number of shots: 1
Modification: Yes; new back spring, surgical rubber, CPVC barrel
Ammunition: Stock red Airjet Micro Darts
Wind: None
Angle fired from: Flat
Height of gun when fire: 5'5.5"
Terrain fired upon: Flat; grass

Range in feet, rounded to nearest foot

1. 92
2. 96
3. 96
4. 98
5. 91
6. 89
7. 93
8. 92
9. 97
10. 96
11. 99
12. 101 feet, 3.5 inches (Measurment not rounded due to being over 100 feet)
13. 98
14. 99
15. 96

Total Sum= 1433


Average range: 95.53 feet average per shot

Distance: 45'
Target size: 1.5'x1.5'

1. Hit
2. Hit
3. Hit
4. Hit
5. Hit
6. Hit
7. Hit
8. Hit
9. Hit
10. Hit
11. Hit
12. Hit
13. Hit
14. Hit
15. Hit

15 out of 15 hit

Accuracy: 100%

It is the first pistol I know of that has hit over 100 feet flat. I didn't think it was possible until now. I'm sure many of you will find it hard to believe. If you have any questions, please feel free me to ask or PM me. I hope you have enjoyed another Starbuck modification.

Edited by Starbuck, 08 July 2005 - 04:27 PM.

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Starbuck, The Noid,
Artemis Arms Armory

#2 AirApache



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Posted 08 July 2005 - 03:58 PM

Damn. That thing is tiny. Small plunger tube too. Reminds me of an LnL, actually.

Congratulation, good find! Hm...I wonder If I can apply the same principle to the NF or scout.
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#3 ompa



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Posted 08 July 2005 - 04:03 PM

The plunger tube looks absolutely tiny; however, it may just be my perception. How does the plunger, size-wise, compare to a NF plunger?

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#4 flamebo388



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Posted 08 July 2005 - 04:08 PM

Hmm, great find, though now everyone will want one :lol: I really think most of it's power comes from the double spring mech, I had tried to do that on my DT3(arrow) back when I first started but I didn't reenforce it and broke the head off the plunger. Could you take a pic of it compared to a SSII or NF so we can get an idea of plunger size and the overall size of the gun?

Holy shit, I just reread your post, have you tried stefans yet? Cause 95 foot ranges with stock darts, imagine stefans........
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#5 Starbuck



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Posted 08 July 2005 - 04:09 PM

The double springing could probably used to great affect on other spring pistols, Apache.

Ompa, the plunger tube is larger than that of a NF. The NF tube is 4 inches, while this one in 5.25 inches long. The plunger is 1.75 inches longer than a NFs.

Flamebo, I will take a pic right now for size reference. And no, I don't have any Stephans here at the hous. We had a war a couple days ago so all my good ammo is at a friend's house.

Edited by Starbuck, 08 July 2005 - 04:10 PM.

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Starbuck, The Noid,
Artemis Arms Armory

#6 Chessler



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Posted 08 July 2005 - 04:13 PM

That is really an awesome find.
Spring powered waterguns in 1995? There must be some kind of information in the internet, I'll do a little research on it.
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#7 Starbuck



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Posted 08 July 2005 - 04:25 PM

Here are pictures for reference.

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The Mag and a Nite Finder

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The Mag and a Lock n' Load.

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The Mag and my DT3 Battle Pistol.

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The Mag and a couple SSIIs.
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Starbuck, The Noid,
Artemis Arms Armory

#8 NerfMonkey



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Posted 08 July 2005 - 10:14 PM

This is one of the best modifications I've seen in a long time. Tell us when you get some good Stefans to test with; I imagine those will get tons better range. And that accuracy surprised me. I know none of my guns are 100% accurate at 45'. Good job and a very nice find. Thanks Starbuck.
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#9 Lukeinator



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Posted 08 July 2005 - 10:52 PM

Beautiful, just beautiful. Now imagine it with Stefans..... :(
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#10 Ronster



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Posted 08 July 2005 - 11:05 PM

Friggin AWESOME dood!!!!
Good job. Keep up the good work!
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QUOTE(baghead @ Oct 25 2006, 09:55 AM) View Post
Ronster reminded me that I should have warned you all Prepare your Bladder for Imminent Release!!!!

#11 Viper



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Posted 08 July 2005 - 11:41 PM

A thick spring also helps out. High end Automatic electric airsoft guns don't exactly have a huge plunger tube but they do have a very high tension spring.
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#12 Jangadance



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Posted 09 July 2005 - 12:36 AM

Viper, on Jul 8 2005, 10:41 PM, said:

A thick spring also helps out. High end Automatic electric airsoft guns don't exactly have a huge plunger tube but they do have a very high tension spring.

They also shoot tiny plastic pellets. :(

In any case, this blaster looks great! Who said waterguns don't make legitimate Nerf blasters?
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#13 Starbuck



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Posted 09 July 2005 - 12:41 AM

Thanks for all the compliments, guys.

Janga, you're right... I've modded three or four water guns into fine Nerf weapons.

And if anyone knows the name of this water gun, please tell me. I'd love to know. It was made by Fantasy Ltd in 1995.

Edited by Starbuck, 09 July 2005 - 12:45 AM.

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Starbuck, The Noid,
Artemis Arms Armory

#14 Lukeinator



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Posted 09 July 2005 - 08:40 PM

I wish I had it.
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#15 NerfLad78



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Posted 09 July 2005 - 09:23 PM

Dude that's awesome. What I'm curious to know is how did the propel water? did you have to keep cocking it?
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#16 Starbuck



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Posted 09 July 2005 - 11:18 PM

Well, you cocked the gun. When you cocked it, a flap just inside of the barrel would close to cause suction. This would suck water down from the water tank into the plunger tube. When you discharged the gun, the flap would fly open and a "blob" of water shot out. It was pretty powerful for a water pistol.

Edited by Starbuck, 09 July 2005 - 11:19 PM.

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Starbuck, The Noid,
Artemis Arms Armory

#17 Starbuck



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Posted 10 July 2005 - 02:50 PM

Sorry for the double post here, but I just finished testing the Mag with Stephans. I'll be quick about this and post only the significant data:

Weapon: Original name unknown; Kilroy Mangum (released 1995)
Ammunition: 1.5" 3/0 weighted Stephans
Wind: None
Angle fired from: Flat
Height of gun when fire: 5'5.5"
Terrain fired upon: Flat; grass

Range (Not rounded)
Long: 115' 4.5"
Short: 99' 8.75"
Average: 104.6 feet

All those numbers are pretty beast for a pistol. I now officially declare the Magnum ready for active service. Hope you all have enjoyed it. 8)

Edited by Starbuck, 10 July 2005 - 03:05 PM.

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Starbuck, The Noid,
Artemis Arms Armory

#18 NerfMonkey



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Posted 10 July 2005 - 02:53 PM

Ha! That's amazing. Better ranges than any other pistol ever made for sure. Good job Noid. I wish I could get one of those beasts. Nice handywork.
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SexD Warves

#19 Arcanum



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Posted 10 July 2005 - 06:01 PM

This reminds me of the Ura-Kai Two Towers Crossbow. A little unwieldy one handed but with those ranges it might as well be your primary, unless of course you still favor that cpvc Tech Target :blink:
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#20 Starbuck



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Posted 10 July 2005 - 06:18 PM

Arcanum, on Jul 10 2005, 03:01 PM, said:

This reminds me of the Ura-Kai Two Towers Crossbow. A little unwieldy one handed but with those ranges it might as well be your primary, unless of course you still favor that cpvc Tech Target :blink:

I have huge hands, so it's no problem for me to wield that thing around. The Mag is pretty nifty, but I still use my modded DT3. :P
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Starbuck, The Noid,
Artemis Arms Armory

#21 sniperdude



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Posted 10 July 2005 - 08:37 PM

Nice. :blink:
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