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The Ubs (universal Barrel System)

The Show-Offness of my new custom guns

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#1 baghead



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Posted 27 August 2005 - 09:07 PM

The UBS or universal Barrel System, What Is It? you ask...Well It's just a butload of PETG w/nested Brass Barrels (which I call Bag-Barrels) That work with my 3 different High Power Primaries. But I thought it sounded really cool. They Go Into a Slightly Expanded nub of 1/2in PVC used as a Cupler (lightly filed inside) I'll Share A write-up if y'all ask for it

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Nested In Petg, Bought From Viper
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& Made Clean With a Table mounted Belt-sander.

Mass-produced and Put in A sexxy Quiver made out of Duct Tape!:
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They Work Via Rear-loading and then placement in coupler, give excellent range, and can be pre-loaded and are easily re-loaded on the run.

I use them With:
My Uber-Custom Bag2K, AKA DOOMCOOKIE
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My Blast Bazooka,
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And My CrossBow
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Oooo Ahhhhh...The LBB and X-Bow Have Write-ups on the way.

Hope Ya Like it,
-Bags ^_^

Edited by baghead, 30 September 2005 - 05:24 PM.

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#2 Davis



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Posted 27 August 2005 - 09:10 PM

Interesting concept.

Also, that is one mad sexy AT2K.
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#3 Viper



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Posted 27 August 2005 - 09:19 PM

Wow that's quite original, having a multi-diameter barrel system that can be mass produced. I'm looking forward to future right-ups.
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#4 PissBacon



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Posted 27 August 2005 - 09:23 PM

You must be rich to afford a foot or two of petg per shot while nerfing. It's an interesting concept, but wouldn't it be just as easy to have 1 removeable barrel and some darts, so you could just pop a dart in and put the barrel back on? It would be easier to carry than all that petg too. I do like the nested petg/brass though, and I've never seen a sawed-off lbb before; I just might try it.
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#5 baghead



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Posted 27 August 2005 - 09:59 PM

when I bought My first LBB, the Idea to Saw off the front came naturaly...and on the Bag-Barrel System, yeah, it's a big envestment, but It's been a long time in the works; I've been collecting up brass for some time now, and I'm not gonna need anything else like ever... Brass Info: It's a 2.5in peice of 17/32, nested inside a 3in peice of 9/16. And it's a Foot of PETG. And I'm not Rich, it's called Graduation money... Honestly the Bag Barrels work in 6in form as well, I've used them on a pair of Blastfires(Pics not upladed yet) and once we get more brass, on my Cohort Pillz's new AT4K.


Edited by baghead, 10 January 2006 - 04:31 PM.

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#6 Falcon


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Posted 28 August 2005 - 12:02 AM

Do you happen to have a fair amount of 17/32" brass laying around? Like, maybe six four inch pieces? Since 9/16" is the more "Primary" size you use, I was wondering if you might have a load of 17/32" around that you might like to sell...

17"32 is my standard barrel size, and 1/2" is my nesting material...

If you don't it's all good. The hobby shop just never has more than one or two 1' long pieces of any one size of brass at any given time.
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#7 flamebo388



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Posted 28 August 2005 - 01:52 AM

www.towerhobbies.com You can order brass from there falcon, dunno about payment options. Nice set up bag, if there's one thing I hate it's having to twist a dart into my xbow barrel. Let us know how it works out.
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#8 baghead



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Posted 28 August 2005 - 05:12 PM

The Thing is, my current darts are too thin for Petg/ 9/16 brass alone, so I have to use 17/32. You could go without the whole 17/32 nesting and BAM! it would probaly work fine. On fatter darts I load them in the front with a ramrod instead of through the back. If the barrel's too tight for the darts, it makes them go all splody...and splody is bad... I'll try to get some pics of how exactaly it all works soon. (at latest, you'll see me use it in the CAFF Video)


Edited by baghead, 30 September 2005 - 05:25 PM.

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#9 Viper



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Posted 28 August 2005 - 05:14 PM

99 cents per foot isn't that expensive. If you buy 10 feet of my PETG that's enough for 10 or 20 barrels. The Brass is 3-4x as expensive, but you don't need that much.
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#10 baghead



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Posted 28 August 2005 - 05:18 PM

exactaly, that's why I've made 20. you can get four barrels out of 1 tube of 9/16, and 4-5 out of one tube of 17/13.

so, to make four UBS-Barrels, it'll set you back about 10, and honestly that's purdy darn good; i rarely use more that 7 during a war before i'm already reloading, I just like having alot. Because its Firgin intimidating.


Edited by baghead, 17 December 2005 - 12:23 AM.

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