Start with the nightfinder innards:

And chop it so it looks like this:

Now, cut off the OVRP at the end of the bladder (the green nub). I used a sharp razor blade to make it flush with the white plastiic. Then, affix the switch from the nightfinder's electrical stuff onto the back of the MS bladder with hot glue, like this:

I also had to build up a small wall of hot glue on top of the white plastic end cap.
Now dremel/drill a hole through your MS shell, wherever you want the indicator light to be:

Now, add more wiring as necessary, make sure everything works, put your light through the hole, lightly glue or tape everything in like so:

Close up the shell and pump up the magstrike. As the bladder expands towards the rear of the shell, it will press against the switch, completing the circuit and causing the LED to illuminate. This is your semi-finished product, note the convenient placement of the battery holder:

I didn't like how ineffective the magstrike's semi-auto fire was so I integrated two hornet barrels, this is the end result:


I call it the Cyborg.
A T-splitter is used between the MS pump and bladder. This then connects to another MS trigger (fills the hornet tanks) which connects to a homemade blast button with a built in check valve, and then to the two hornet tanks. The bottom tank is gooped to a 1/2" pvc endcap with a hole drilled through the center. This provides a much easier alternative to cutting a coupler in half if you want a flat surface and minimal deadspace. The top tank is gooped to a 3/4"-1/2" reducing slip coupler. The barrels are CPVC hammered into 1/2" PVC.
I cut apart a recon shell and epoxy puttied it to the plastic wall of the magstrike, minimal dremeling was required to fit the hornet assembly into the recon shell. The paint is used to unify the two shells and cover up the putty. I also added a dollop of hot glue over the indicator light to both diffuse the light and protect the LED.
35 pumps required to trigger the bladder indicator light. 40 to fire 2 clips. The hornet tanks can be filled after only 6 pumps, at 40 pumps, the hornets can be filled and fired 15 times before the bladder is empty.
I'm going to experiment with banding the MS bladder later.
I hope you all enjoyed my first semi-writeup! Thanks for reading.
Edited by Fome, 04 July 2010 - 03:26 PM.