Here are your materials:

You'll need:
-Craft foam (at most hobby/craft stores)
-1/2" Pipe insulation (I found mine at an Ace hardware, it should not have a slit)
-Hot glue (low temp)
-Liquid glue (Elmers might work, I used Mod Podge)
-A blue or purple pen
-an adjustable craft knife
-a template for canting your fins
This is your template, which is easily the most important and difficult thing to construct.

You'll need to find some sort of tube that fits your foam perfectly, I used the cardboard roll of some Scotch packing tape. You'll also need to cut three angled, lengthwise holes for marking where your fins should be. These holes should be spaced precisely evenly apart and all have the same angle. With a little math and a lot of measuring and diligence you'll produce something that looks like the above picture. If you make your template correctly, you'll be able to quickly make arrows that perform very well.
Next, measure and cut your foam pipe insulation. This particular brand came in 6 foot lengths, so I cut my arrows to 7.2 inches. Use the template and a sharp knife to make square cuts.

Now, get your craft foam and measure and cut out the pieces that will make your fins and caps.
My fins are 2.5 in by 1 in and the caps are the OD of a 1 inch PVC coupler. (you could greatly expedite this process by finding an appropriately sized cookie cutter or large hole punch) Also, if available, use thick craft foam for the caps. Some weight at the front is necessary for the arrows to perform well and more padding is always a plus.

Bevel your fins and make hot glue sandwiches with your circular caps.

Now, take your template and place it over one side of the foam. Use a pen to mark the cant of the fins.

Next, adjust your hobby knife so that it barely perforates the surface of the foam. It should cut into the foam but not through it. Cut into the marks you made, the length of your fins.

Smother one end of your fins with your glue and then place them securely into the slits you just cut.
(This will dry clear)

Hot glue the foam caps to the other end of your arrows. Stand them upright and let dry overnight.

Additional tips:
- Do not use hot glue to secure the fins. You'll add an unnecessary and unbalanced amount of weight to the back of the arrow.
- Make sure all of your fins are uniform
- If you decide to deviate from this writeup, keep in mind that longer arrows and larger fins yield better results than shorter arrows and smaller fins.
- These arrows work best with blasters that have a high volume of air.
- Making barrels is really easy. Take a length of CPVC, wrap E-tape until the arrow fits snugly, and then cover it with a clear coat/sealer to prevent the tape from snagging. I used Mod Podge.
Comments are more than appreciated.