Internal Coupler... kept clean
All pictures are post de facto, but they should suffice for anyone replicating the mod. It's simple, really.
Part 1: Coupler setup
Overview of the coupler set-up. It consists of a 1/2" PVC coupler solvent welded to a 1/2" PVC endcap. The endcap is there so that the assembly is more centered as the e-tape wrapping are farther apart. The endcap has a 5/8" hole drilled in so air can get through the assembly. E-tape wrapping center the coupler assembly. Everything was gooped in and that space around the coupler at the top was filled with hot glue. The reason there was deadspace left at the back is to allow air to get around the "inline clip pusher" housing (the valve opening is beneath it).
Close up of the mid-section. Holes are drilled between the e-tape wrappings to allow excess goop caught in between to cure. The mid-section can be filled with epoxy, gorilla glue, hot glue, etc if you feel the need to do so. I didn't. We'll see how it holds in the long run. The seal is perfect, though.
Front-view. I painted it red to match the blaster shell. You can also see that CPVC is nested into the segment of PVC that joins the coupler and end cap. This helps reduce dead space.
Back-view. You can clearly see the ring of goop around the end-cap.
Part 2: Hole plugging
Here you can see the "inline clip pusher housing" filled with hot glue to kill deadspace (oxymoron, killing deadspace) and also to plug the hole that the advancing rod previously fed through.
Part 3: Finished Pics
Here you can see how cleanly the coupler looks at the front of the gun. Probably my first mod where the blaster looked mostly stock post-modification.
Here's the Sceptor in all her glory.
Part 4: Coming Soon...
Now I know you guys probably want ranges and a video. I should have that up tomorrow. Stay posted! I can tell you though that the darts shot pretty hard into my blanket out of the hopper set-up shown earlier. And that's with a 12" barrel. We'll see how she really performs when its light out.
Edited by TantumBull, 04 July 2010 - 02:29 PM.