I like the BBBB but didnt like certain things and wanted to come up with my own design. It started with and idea I had to pull hard at to finally understand the basics. Then I wrote it all down on paper.(This really helps.) Enough chatter, lets talk about how I did it already.
This is what I began with a stock BBB.I hated the arrows because even when I got them the fins were broken so I knew I had to do something more. I also had to do something more because I am a modder and this is what we do.

I opened the gun up then sawed off the barrel where the arrows slide down and sanded it flush so it looks like this. Can you see the air restrictor in the back? I kept that in the gun because the thing felt like it was going to break without it.

I then cut/sanded down the part at the front of the gun so cpvc could slide through it. You will also need to sand down a few nubs inside as they create friction against the pulling and pushing of this gun.

The barrel was attached using a little bit of 5 minutre epoxy to stabilize then covered it in plumbers goop. At the base of the barrel there is a trimmed coupler that helped keep it in place and it gave the glue something else to bite into. The pvc is cut in 2 places. 1 place on the top of the barrel for the breech and the 2nd place on the bottom for the sliding bar to connect to the cpvc so it can slide the 19/32" over the 9/16" creating the air tight seal I always wanted in the breach. Here are some videos of the breach and the Breach closing sliding arm. There is 10.5" of 9/16" brass and about 4-5 inches of 19'32" brass that slides over the breach. The pvc is also 10.5". The second opening in the bottom of the pvc should be slightly larger than 3".
The clip was fun to figure out and I went over a lot of ideas and one day looked down after scraping my pits with the thing and realized this might work. It could open from both ends and was transparent but could it hold nerf darts? After cleaning the thing out it turned out it could. To help get rid of the gunk left by the stickers use either goof off or zippo lighter fluid. as seen in the back of this pic.

Snap off the back end and clean the thing out. This part is not fun if you are using a gel type of deoderant. Then bust out your saw or dremel and make the cut. along the top of the stick.

Now take the lid off the deoderant and chop it down to the right size. Then cut a hole in the bottom and line it up with the breech and epoxy/goop it on there. I used a little bit of 5 minute epoxy to keep it sturdy and then used the plumbers goop.

The clip on its own should look like this. She snaps in and out of place now. Be sure to grab a deoderant stick that snaps in place and doesn't just slide on or you could lose your clip if things get really intense.

The clip can currently hold 6 fireable darts +1 in the barrel and 1 weighted dart. I will be working with different clip ideas shortly but I know for sure I will be able to get at least 7 fireable darts and 1 weighted dart. the weighted dart is filled with 6 or 7 size 7/0 fishing weights. It sits at the top of the clip and helps push down the darts flush with the breach. The hot glue has been pushed in so it is flush with the darts end so there is nothing for the glue to catch onto.
Now for the breach opening/closing arm. Take the right length of cpvc and epoxy/goop it onto the the existing rod of the BBB like so. I think I used around 10" this has to line up with the opening at the bottom of the pvc barrel.

Now take the 2 1/2" cpvc 90 degree couplers and stick a small peice of cpvc in between them and epoxy them together. Make sure they are on the right angle to line up with the opening on the bottom of the pvc barrel. Epoxy/goop them together and be sure to goop them to the existing peice of cpvc sticking out of the BBB.

Edited by Forsaken_angel24, 06 April 2006 - 12:20 PM.