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Pn's Long Awaited Nite Finder Write Up

Easy to read, soon to be tested by badger.

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#1 precisionnerfer



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Posted 06 October 2007 - 01:35 PM

Hey guys, here is how to mod your Nite Finder:
What you will need:
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Cutting tool
Tornillo Maderd wood screw # 6 X ¾ [Home depot]
Crown Bolt Stainless Steel # 6 cut washer. [[Home depot] Here are the washer and screw compared to a ammo holder screw:
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Screw drivers
Hot glue and gun.
Super glue.
Drill with drill bits.
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OMC PETG [one man clan]
Handyman spring [home depot]
Bolt cutters
Paper towels
Here is the gun with all of the screws out of it.
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Here are the screws:
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You have 10 gun screws, which hold the gun body together, then you have 2 barrel screws, which hold the barrel in place, and finally 2 ammo holder screws, to secure the ammo holders. The gun screws are of a medium length, the ammo screws are the longest, and the barrel screws are the shortest. Set the screws aside for a while, in little piles similar to in the picture.
Now you will want to look at the internal parts of the gun:
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If you will notice, at the bottom part of the gun, on the right bottom corner of the handle, is a small metal square washer. This is a pivotal piece to hold the handle cap, [the black thing on the handle] in place. I would suggest putting that with your screws for now.

The long orange tube you see in the middle of the assembly is called the plugger tube, as it holds the cocking rod, which has the plugger head attached to it. When the gun is cocked, the plugger rod catches onto a rectangular piece with a spring on it in the top left corner of the gun called the trigger catch. Once the cocking rod catches on it, the gun is “primed” and the plugger head has the compressed spring behind it. Once the trigger is pulled, the catch is pushed up by the back of it and the spring/cocking rod is released, therefore pushing the plugger head through the plugger tube. The air in the plugger tube, being pushed by the plugger head, is directed around and through the plugger head stopper, through the air restrictor, through the air limiter, and finally to your dart, pushing it out of the barrel and to your target. When the trigger is released, the trigger catch moves back to it’s original place, and the gun is ready to be primed again.
Here are the internals:
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Unscrew the two screws on the top left and bottom right corners of the plugger tube, and then set them aside with the other screws. If you mix the barrel screws with the plugger screws it is fine, as they are the same size.

Before taking the shooting assemble out, make sure to cover the catch spring with your hand, as it could easily fly away. Gently take out the assembly, as brute force is never the way to go with Nite Finders.

Once you have the assembly out, set it aside and look at the other frame of the gun. On the top middle part you will notice two pieces; a spring and a rectangular piece. They are worthless to me but I think you can use them to attach two guns, so if you want, leave them in place. I find it easier to aim with them out though.

Next, pull out the cocking rod from the assembly. With it will come the trigger catch and spring, a quite weak main spring, and a plugger head with an o-ring around it. Your plugger head will either be black or orange. On the plugger head will be a small metal screw with a washer around it. Unscrew that and throw it away. If your plugger head is black, it will come apart in two pieces, mine was orange, so you will see an orange plugger head throughout the write-up.

Get your cocking rod, plugger head, plugger tube, and o-ring and put them in the sink with some water in it.

There is a piece that is attached to the front of the plugger tube called the plugger head stop, it is a circle with a circle in it, held up by three pieces. You will know what I’m talking about when you see it. Put that in the sink as well. The reason we are putting those pieces in the sink is due to the fact that they have stock lubrication on them, and we will let it come off a little in the sink so we can work with the pieces better.

Now turn back to your air restrictor and air restrictor spring. It is a three-pronged piece with a spring behind it. Throw those away. After that, grab your air limiter. It has a post sticking up out of it, and you call that a barrel post. Here is the air limiter:
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We don’t need all of that plastic in the middle, so take your knife to it and cut it out. It should look like this:

Edited by precisionnerfer, 16 October 2007 - 07:00 PM.

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#2 Chewbacca



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Posted 06 October 2007 - 01:47 PM

Good job, man. Nice and clean. I'll definitely try this if I get any of OMC's PETG.

P.S. Nice switchblade.

EDIT: Woah, why isn't it done? The whole thing was done when i viewed it. I'm sorry.

Edited by Chewbacca, 06 October 2007 - 02:51 PM.

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#3 precisionnerfer



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Posted 06 October 2007 - 01:52 PM

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A little sloppy, so clean it up a little by shaving off the spare plastic. Make sure there is enough plastic in the hole for the dart to be stopped though, or else it will go past the barrel and shoot badly.

Now grab your barrel. You will notice another piece on the barrel that looks like this:
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But you only need this:
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Alright, see where the sight is that sticks out the top? If you don’t unplug the computer and walk away. If you do, grab your hacksaw and saw off the barrel in front of it like so:
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In this mod we will employ a new technique that has no name. It can be applied to any barrel similar to the nite finder’s. Upon examination, you will note that the barrel starts small, and then gets a bit wider, and ends widest at the front. This is called a telescoping barrel. In this picture you will see what I mean:
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So with this new trick we are extending the “widest” part of the barrel with exactly 4 ½ centimeters of OMC PETG. This trick can be used with several guns, and I want to try it with the ten shot soon, as it has a similar barrel setup. This technique is part of the big difference in this mod.

The difference is that with normal NF barrel replacements, the barrel has to be a rather short, “Wider” or a long “Widest” if it was a “narrow” the dart would not go anywhere. Whilst normal barrel replacements are done with one piece of tubing, this barrel replacement is more of an upgrade, with the barrel starting narrow, getting wider, and then for 4 ½ centimeters, it accelerates at a bit smaller then stock “Widest” I bet you could probably use more of the PETG to get even better range, but I just did 4 ½ cm, and don’t really want to try much more.
So cut your PETG to the length you wish, [recommend 4 ½ cm] and then trim it down to be straight and clean with your knife.

Go out and get your cut off stock barrel, and clean it up to be straight and clean as well. Sorry I have no pic for this, but it should just be straight, flat ended, and probably sanded too.

Once you have that done, grab the hot glue gun and glue your PETG on the cut off stock barrel. It may take you a few times to get it on straight and without glue in the barrel, but it’s worth it when you get it right:
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Now blow into it while plugging one end with your finger. If you hear a leak, that bad. Fix it. Your finished product should be leakless and straight and clean, with not very much hot glue around it. Once you have it ready, get your super glue and glue around it, making sure the seal is perfect and it won’t come off.
You will notice that there are some posts in the middle of my right-up, but it looked done when they posted and I was having trouble with photobucket so It's all good.

Edited by precisionnerfer, 18 October 2007 - 06:22 PM.

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#4 WratH



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Posted 06 October 2007 - 01:53 PM

Cool mod, some new stuff (to me at least, although I'm not really into Night Finders). A few things, the thing you're calling 'plugger' is generally called 'plunger' around here, and telescoping barrels really aren't new at all. This is a sweet mod though, I'm probably going to buy a new NF and do it because my old one is basicly an experiment piece and barely works lol.
edit: my bad, the writeup was all done last time I looked.

Edited by WratH, 06 October 2007 - 01:54 PM.

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#5 precisionnerfer



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Posted 06 October 2007 - 02:16 PM

Now set that aside with the bored out air limiter, and retrieve your pieces from the sink. Now grab a paper towel and dry them off really well, where the stock lube and all water is gone. If you can’t dry the inside of the plugger tube that’s fine, or you could get a blow dryer.

Next grab your cocking rod and screw in the wood screw this much:
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Make it as straight as possible. Now get your plugger head:
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Bore out that hole a little bit so the screw can fit in well.
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Make sure it’s not to big of a hole though, or it will slip through and you won’t have a working gun.

Now get your bolt cutters and cut 2 /12 rings off of the handyman spring:
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The reason we cut off the handyman spring is because those two and ½ rings are rather worthless in the scheme of things and makes the gun harder to cock. Now, unscrew the wood screw and then put on the catch, and then the spring, pointy side first:
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Now put on the plugger head, and screw it in all the way with your wood screw. [ if you have a black plugger head, put the washer on first] We will now improve the seal on the gun, making it able to vacuum load. Grab your e-tape and rap it three times around the plugger head:
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And now clean it up nice and neat with your knife:
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Next, put on the o-ring, and set aside the whole deal with your bored out limiter, barrel, and screws.

Now grab the plugger head stop and plugger tube. Connect the plugger head stop to it’s place on the plugger tube, where the nub on the stopper fits into the groove on the tube. From the top it should look like this:
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Now grab your drill, and make a circular hole in the middle of the X mark on the plugger head stop:

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As you see I went for the blob shape, but I messed up on it, so you can clean it up with your knife or just drill a nice circular hole. Do not drill a larger hole then the blob hole, but make it circular.

Now clean up and plastic hanging out with your knife, always clean and neat for this mod.

Now hot glue around the circle part of the plugger head stop with the hot glue. Do the side that used to have the X on it, not the side that was smooth. It should look like this:
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Now we have directed the airflow straight through the hole! This is another mod that really helps.

Now take your bored Limiter and put it on the plugger head stop like so:
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And now stick the pieces on the plugger tube like so, and then glue around the limiter, but not in the hole:
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Finally put on the barrel assembly, and glue around the limiter and stopper to seal them tight. Then lube your plugger head with your lube, and finally stick the setup in like so:
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Now put the assembly back in:
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Now super glue around the plugger tube to hold it in tight, and put super glue in the plugger tube screw holes, and then screw in the plugger screws

Put the ammo holders back in, put the square washer back in it’s spot, and put the gun back together. Now super glue around the barrel here:
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Now grab the other barrel piece, the nozzle:
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And cut off that nub:
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Now bore out the inside of the nozzle so it will fit cleanly over the PETG, and finally glue it on!
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You are finally done. With my style darts, using FA24 foam:
FLAT: 80-90
My style CDTS:
FLAT : 90-100

I know some of my pictures are over-sized, so I will begin work on those directly. DO NOT POST

wow finally done. It's okay that you guys posted, I made it all confusing at first. Wrath, I know that telescoping barrels aren't new, but this is a noob write up. I said that my technique on the barrel was new, because you use the stock barrel and another barrel.

Sorry about the double post, but here is some explanation:
I can't edit anything without everything messing up, so that is why there is one over-sized blank picture. I hate it too but unless I redo the whole thread I can't do anything about it.

I've posted like 4 more times but all of them are combining, this is why I can't edit them, as they will blow the picture posting limit. It really stinks. Ignore all warnings because you can go ahead and post.

This mod was brought to you by:
Me mainly,
PTV flurry
Some of you might not know why your name is on the list, but little things here and there can give a lot of inspirtation.

Edited by precisionnerfer, 06 October 2007 - 01:55 PM.

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#6 Maeric



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Posted 06 October 2007 - 02:32 PM

Kinda hard to believe, maybe 80-90, but nice write up none the less...
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#7 nerfer34



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Posted 06 October 2007 - 02:35 PM

OK thats a pretty cool mod, but I honestly doubt you do all of that to all your modded nfs. Thats just too much work in my opinon.

Cool reinforcement
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#8 precisionnerfer



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Posted 06 October 2007 - 02:40 PM

I do it to every single last one that I advertise going 100flat. That's why I charge 23 bucks for it, with paypal and ebay fees, it's really not that bad. Especially when right down the street other guys sell them for 18 bucks and they go 80 Maxed out. [angled sky high to the moon] and yes I advertised mine that way too, but thanks to OMC, wldworld, keef, and a few others I quit pretty fast, realizing that it is pretty cheap to do that...... I wonder what would happen if I did that now?.....

Edited by precisionnerfer, 06 October 2007 - 02:44 PM.

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#9 PvtMcFlurry



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Posted 06 October 2007 - 04:36 PM

Shit man. I gotta hand it to you. You came out and shoved what we said back in our faces and I give you props for that. Next time I pick up a NF you can guess what mod I'm doing. Great job on sticking with what you said to prove us wrong.
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QUOTE(Cannonball @ Oct 26 2007, 11:47 PM) View Post

I'm anxiously awaiting the hasbro over throw.

One Man Clan, or One Man Company?

Crossbow Mod.

#10 Nonsense Man

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Posted 06 October 2007 - 04:39 PM

What do you do to make your CDT's. Also are you thinking of making a write up for your 80 ft mavericks.

Edited by Nonsense Man, 06 October 2007 - 04:41 PM.

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QUOTE(1lastnerfgun @ Apr 19 2008, 08:39 AM) View Post

40 shots for 40 cocks

#11 badger


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Posted 06 October 2007 - 04:54 PM

I still want to test the gun for you as an outside evaluator to verify your range claims. Just because you finally posted the write-up doesn't mean that the ranges are accurate. I commend you for finally realizing that the secrecy was useless.

In addition to the testing parameters that I posted in your recent topic in Trading concerning you NF mods, I will also do some accuracy tests as well as climate tests for how the gun reacts in different ambeint conditions. The E-Tape around the plunger head is the reason for the climate tests. PM me and we'll talk it all out.
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#12 precisionnerfer



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Posted 06 October 2007 - 05:15 PM

Nonsense man: I will probably do a write up on two of my dart types, both a for of Converted taggers. I will also do a little maverick mod as well, but the 80 feet was angled.

Badger: Pmed
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#13 Lynx



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Posted 06 October 2007 - 10:01 PM

I need video on this.

Your initial secrecy and poll leads me to suspect you of pure unadulterated bullshit.

I'm calling bullshit until I see the video of the NiteFinder breaking through a cup at 5 feet, shooting a CDTS with a good measuring tool (I suggest your local high school football field), on a flat angle (level on top of gun), on a calm day (pick grass and toss it like golf) and with a thermometer.

Prove me wrong and answer me this:

1) What spring are you using?

2) What lubricant are you using?

3)Why post the poll before posting this?

4) Why does my screen smell like bullshit every time I look at one of your posts?

EDIT: More specific questions.

Edited by Lynx, 06 October 2007 - 10:09 PM.

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#14 zaphodB



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Posted 06 October 2007 - 10:06 PM

... You're demanding that he test on a football feild or major league baseball diamond? Why? That's stupid, distances don't change according to location. I'd guess that this is a reasonable post, there's a lot of stuff done to it.

Oh, and a bullshit call from somebody who just recently graduated from asking really stupid questions doesn't have much weight.
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Alice came to the fork in the road.
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#15 Lynx



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Posted 06 October 2007 - 10:20 PM

Yeah, I asked a stupid request on the mlb diamond. I chose the locations because they are nice and flat. I now edit my posts readily and I have stopped asking stupid questions unless necessary.

I think I proved my point.

Edited by Lynx, 06 October 2007 - 10:29 PM.

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#16 bobafan



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Posted 06 October 2007 - 11:01 PM

I think you may have disproved your point.

How do you make your CDTS? What makes them any different.
I believe the 80-90' ranges, but doubt the 100'.
And I don't at all believe the plastic cup at 5'. I just tried it with my singled titan at point blank range. All that happened was it made a slight dent.
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thaygor: all i remimber is pumping it hard and shooting than trying to pump again


<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
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#17 zaphodB



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Posted 06 October 2007 - 11:12 PM

Lynx, no you haven't. Your whole first page is filled with inane blather.

bobafan it could be a syrofoam cup, that's technically made of plastic. Or it could be weak, thin plastic. We don't really know without pictures of it.

Edited by zaphodB, 06 October 2007 - 11:13 PM.

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Alice came to the fork in the road.
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"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
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#18 Lynx



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Posted 06 October 2007 - 11:49 PM

Inane blather or on topic questions or comments that contribute to the conversation?

The cup is probably thin and precisionnerfer probably just used death darts (darts with a spike at the front). I will take the information from the spring, lubricant and his style of darts to help find a realistic range with my math teacher (calculus bc). She will love saying that this is bullshit.
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#19 badger


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Posted 07 October 2007 - 01:28 AM

How about this everyone...shut the fuck up and stop getting into arguments in the thread. If none of you have been paying attention, I made an offer to evaluate his gun in his polling thread in Trading and I will be posting the results of my evaluation once it is complete. He has agreed so I should be receiving the gun soon.

Until then, leave him alone. I am not protecting him since I have also flamed his claims in the past. My testing is to end all of this shit and get the true data pertaining to his gun.

Lynx, your Calculus teacher would not be able to figure out the ranges with just the spring stats, dart info, and the lube alone. There is alot more to take into account.

Just everyone lay off of PN and wait for the testing to be concluded. Once I post the results of my battery of tests, whatever the outcome, just everyone grow up and leave it be. Don't flame him. Don't harass him. He decided to agree to this to settle the debate once and for all. He agreed to my experiment because he knows that I will be objective and not skew any data that I receive. I am sick and tired of watching the flame war going on when it comes to his NF mod.

I want everyone who has been bashing him to ponder this, as I will as well. What if his ranges are accurate? What will you say then?
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Posted 07 October 2007 - 01:54 AM

Not bad. I have respect for you for going and posting your mod when we criticized you, instead of arguing or anything less dignified. However, some clarification is still needed. What kind of material was the cup made from? (Styrofoam, thin plastic, reuseable thick-walled plastic...) How does the gun hold up after prolonged use (100+ shots in similar conditions)? How much does the removal of the 2.5 coils from the spring (Handyman 9713, I believe) help as far as facilitating the priming process goes?

To everyone who is not contributing questions, comments, or criticisms: stop posting. Wave your dicks around over PMs, not here. Several questions can be answered through common sense alone. Some of you are trying to get the last word in, and others have no idea what the hell they are doing. Neither is useful, all should end.

badger: I await the evaluation. No doubt it will reveal quite a bit about this gun.
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#21 nerfer34



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Posted 07 October 2007 - 09:53 AM

I cut my handyman springs about 2 coils, I can say that it does help the priming process, while maintaining great power.
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#22 precisionnerfer



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Posted 07 October 2007 - 01:48 PM

Yes it does, I mean, with a spring like a handyman, you can get too much power for practicality. It doesn't take that much just to push the plugger head once it's lubed, [plunger head, sorry] and the cutting makes it closer to the size of the plunger tube, so it's easier to cock.
EDIT: Guys, really, stay on topic please. Badger appears credible and knows you guys so he can be the one to judge whether I am lying or not. I am confident enough to actually send my gun to him, along with 20 darts I made, pretested and marked so he knows just what to expect. If it turns out I'm lying, [which it shouldn't] I will go out with a bang saying it was the canola oil or badger's fault lol.

SHA: If I keep selling, [which I might not be] I'll post a little video of it shooting through a plastic cup if it makes you feel better.

Edited by precisionnerfer, 07 October 2007 - 01:51 PM.

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#23 AJAQ



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Posted 07 October 2007 - 02:04 PM

Shooting through a plastic cup isn't all that unrealistic. With my (basic)maverick, I can shoot through paper.

I am not even going to start on what a longshot can do.
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#24 Nonsense Man

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Posted 07 October 2007 - 02:31 PM

I just tried it with my singled titan at point blank range. All that happened was it made a slight dent.

Dude how many times did you pump the titan because if you pumped it like 20 times and it only made a dent you screwed up your titan.I mean even my NF with the ar's removed, a brass barrel and an ace #49 spring I can make a sizable dent in a soda can.
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QUOTE(1lastnerfgun @ Apr 19 2008, 08:39 AM) View Post

40 shots for 40 cocks

#25 six-five-two



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Posted 07 October 2007 - 02:32 PM

Shit man. I gotta hand it to you. You came out and shoved what we said back in our faces and I give you props for that. Next time I pick up a NF you can guess what mod I'm doing. Great job on sticking with what you said to prove us wrong.

Same thing I was going to say.

Great job! I am going to try this myself in a few days aswell.
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