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Member Since 30 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 03 2017 08:42 PM

Topics I've Started

2017 Contest Entries

23 May 2017 - 09:29 PM

Submit entries to the 2017 Contest in this thread.
Keep discussion in the other thread; this thread is only for links to writeups.
Links must be posted by 11:59pm eastern time on August 31, 2017 September 14, 2017.

2017 Modification/Homemade Contest

23 May 2017 - 09:21 PM

Introducing the 2017 Nerfhaven Modification/Homemade Contest!
This thread will serve as discussion for the contest. If you have any questions or comments, post them here.
Official submission thread is there.
Voting is now open. Polls will be closed at 11:59pm eastern time Friday October 6. Results will probably be posted by the following Sunday  October 8.
Please go to each of the following threads and, review the writeup, and rate each blaster on the 4 listed criteria (Originality, Functionality/Aesthetics, Complexity, and Writeup Quality)
.5-.625 ACBR
Mag-Fed XBZ Longstrike
Rapid Red
Pump-Action Sentinel (VGS)


(Voting threads are only visible to Nerfhaven members, since only Nerfhaven members may vote)
Contest rules:


Any member of Nerfhaven may enter this contest by posting a writeup into either the modifications or homemade forum of Nerfhaven.com, and then posting a link to the writeup in the official submission thread.

The writeup must be for a build that was completed by the user him/herself. No, you cannot submit a writeup explaining how someone else built a blaster that you saw online! On the other hand, you may build a blaster similar to someone else and then post a writeup crediting the original creator (just don't expect to score high in orginality...more on that later)

The writeup must be posted to Nerfhaven.com no later than 11:59PM eastern time on August 31, 2017 September 14, 2017.

Note that any build or writeup posted to nerfhaven.com in 2017 prior to the start of this contest is eligible. Technically, the contest is running from January 1, 2017-August 31, 2017.

All entries will be divided into two categories: Modifications and Homemades.
Each entry will be judged on the following criteria:

1. Originality:
Is it similar to other modifications and/or homemades, or is it something completely new? (Maximum 10 points).

2. Functionality/Aesthetics
How well did the build achieve its goal? Does it shoot far, fast, and/or look great? Also, basically, "How much do you like it?" (Maximum 10 points)

3. Complexity
The more complex the entry, the higher score. (Maximum 5 points)

4. Quality of the Writeup
How easy is it to grasp what was done? Can you replicate or improve upon the build assuming you have all the necessary tools? (Maximum 5 points)

The judges of this contest will be the members of nerfhaven.com. Members will have the chance to "grade" each entry in each of the four criteria from 1 to 10 (or 1 to 5, depending on the criteria). Results in each criteria will be averaged, and the winners will be determined by whichever entry has the most total points.
Example, with entry 3 being the winner at 23 total points:
            Avg Originality   Avg Functionality    Avg Complexity      Avg Writeup       Total
Entry 1       2                          8                       1                       5                  16
Entry 2       7                          5                       3                       4                  19
Entry 3       8                          9                       5                       1                  23

The blaster with the highest overall point total will win the grand prize of $50 (awarded by paypal or Visa gift card).

The blaster with the highest point total in the other category will win the second prize of $25 (awarded by paypal or Visa gift card). For example: if a homemade wins the grand prize, the modification with the highest point total will win the second prize.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I submit multiple builds?


Is my project a modification or a homemade?

For the purposes of this contest, a homemade is a blaster which does not utilize any parts from a mass produced (Nerf, Buzz bee, Boomco, etc) blaster or one which only uses parts of a mass-produced blaster to aid in comfort or form factor. For example, the FAL-3 is a homemade even though it has most of a Nerf Firefly bolted onto it and uses the trigger. It works nothing like a Firefly; it is a homemade.

Any other build will be in the modification category. They will involve alterations to mass-produced blasters, but may include homemade replacement components. For instance, putting a homemade plunger and/or plunger tube into a spring-powered blaster made by nerf is a modification.

I realize that this is a blurred line these days. If you think that your build belongs in the homemade forum, post the writeup there. If a moderator feels that this needs to be changed, we will let you know prior to the start of voting.

What constitutes a writeup?

A writeup is primarily composed of written instructions and pictures to help illustrate various portions of the build. A writeup in this basic format is necessary in order to be eligible to win a prize; you can't just post a picture and a short description of the finished blaster.
If you are using 3d printing as a construction methods, please provide stl files. Provide cutting templates and/or detailed measurements if you are machining parts from sheets of plastic,etc.

Post-build guides showing closeups of the completed internals alongside detailed instructions are fine, but may not score as high as something that shows step-by-step instructions.

Computer-generated diagrams like this are great, but you should also include at least a few photos to show that you actually built the blaster.

A video can at times be helpful in getting your point across, but it should not be relied upon; most of the information should given in written form. Note: If you like making modification videos, you can always take screenshots from your video and use those for the writeup.
I already posted a picture/video of a blaster here or elsewhere. Can I make a writeup for it and enter it into the contest?
Can I make an HPA-powered blaster?
Can I use 3d-printed parts in my modification and/or 3d-print a homemade?
Yes, any construction method is allowed. But please include stl files or anything else you are willing/able to share to aid others in reproducing your blaster or continuing development on it.

SuperMaxx 1000 Reinforcement

23 March 2017 - 09:25 PM

I finally got myself an SM1k, and I'd love it if the auto-rotation didn't kill itself.


Looking around I've seen many posts alluding to the fragility of the SM1k auto-rotation mechanism, but I haven't found any pictures or descriptions of how it breaks. Can anyone provide info so that I can attempt to reinforce accordingly?


I'll include a picture to refresh everyone's memory:

Attached File  SM1k rotation mech.png   931.19KB   223 downloads


I've labelled the three components A, B, and C for easy reference. Original picture by Blue.


I'm guessing that the likely failures are:

1. Either of the two arms of component "A" snap (shouldn't be hard to reinforce or even replace the whole thing).

2. Component B breaks somehow (either breaking off the tip that interfaces with the cylinder or breaking where it attaches to part "C").

3. "C" seems pretty sturdy, but again the all-plastic, pin-in-hole connection to part "B" could be an issue for either component.


Any prior experience with SM1ks that you can share is appreciated.

Modifications Directory

07 April 2016 - 10:35 PM

As of now, this will be the new modifications directory. I have added several writeups that were never added to the previous directory, and will be adding more in the coming weeks.


In the meantime, if you see a modification posted on this site that is not included (your own, a friends, or just one that you happen to like), feel free to post in this topic with a link to the writeup. 


Note: Several writeups have lost their images to the depths of the internet. In some cases, we were able to archive them before they were lost; they can be accessed by clicking the "Image Archive" button, seen at the top of every page. For example:

Attached File  IMG Archive.png   119.85KB   222 downloads

Air Zone Guns

>>>>> Arrowstorm
::Rear Loading, CPVC Barrel Replacement

>>>>> The Professional
::CPVC Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Scorpion Bow
::Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Couplerred, Reinforcements

::::: Integrations.
::CPVC Couplered, SM1.5K Tank Integration



Boomco Guns

>>>>> Burstwave

::Disable the Overpressure Release Valve (OPRV)


>>>>> Rapid Madness

::Pressure info

::Twisted URM: Twisted spinner integration, OPRV adjustment

::Dart sensor removal [may cause issues with your blaster]

Buzz Bee Guns

>>>>> Air Max 10
::Rear Loading, Tank Expansion, Pump Replacement, More

>>>>> Big Blast
::PVC Barrel Replacement
::AT4K Turret Addition
::PVC Couplered
::CPVC and PVC Couplered
::Shotgun Barrels
::Shotgun Barrels, AT2K Integration
::Shotgun Barrels
::Bushing Couplered
::Forward Facing Pump Replacement
::Pump Replacement with Stock OPRV
::Rear Loading Tek 6 Turret Addition
::Triple Couplered
::Clever Tank Seal Fix, PVC Couplered
::"SVT4B" (Forward facing pump, stock OPRV)

::::: Integrations

::AT3K Integration
::AT2K Integration

>>>>> Berserker
::PETG Barrel Replacement, BBBB Diverted to Turret
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::AT3K Tank Powered Turret
::Rear-Loading, CPVC Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Clip Tek
::Plunger Tube Replacement, Dual SSPB Integration

>>>>> Cougar
AR Removal

>>>>> Double Shot
::CPVC Barrel Replacement Shells
::Minimization, CPVC Barrel Replacement, Improved Airflow
::Barrel Replacement, Shell-Less
::Half Shell Ejection, Rear Loading
::Rear Cocking
::Deluge Tank Internals Replacement

>>>>> Flintlock
::CPVC Couplered

>>>>> Hunter
::CPVC Breach
::AR Removal, Seal Improvements, Brass Barrel Replacement
::AR Removal
::Brass Breach
>>>>> Laser Tek
::AR removal and barrel replacement.

>>>>> Mega Missile
::Threaded PVC Couplered
::CPVC Couplered
::PVC Couplered, Pump Replacement
::Internals in a Maverick Shell
::SVTMM, Stock OPRV, Pump Replacement, PVC Couplered
::Vulcan Overhaul part 4.2 - Semi-Automatic integration

>>>>> Mustang six
::Minimization, Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Panther
::PVC/CPVC Couplered, OPRV Adjusting
::Tank Expansion
::CPVC Couplered, Manta
::PETG Couplered

>>>>>> RADS-12
::PETG Barrel Replacement

>>>>>> Rapid Fire Rifle
::Lever to Bolt Action
::Brass Breech Singled
::AT2K Internals Replacement

>>>>>> Range Master
::AR Removal
::Brass Breech
::Brass Breech
::Raider Re-Shell

>>>>> Reaper

::Pump action


>>>>>> Rogue
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::Rear Loading, CPVC Barrel Replacement Turret Attachment

>>>>> Sentinel

::AR removal, spring replacement, and reinforcement

>>>>> Single Tek
::PETG Barrel Replacement, Seal Improvements
::CPVC Couplered, Zip Tie Priming
::Crayola Barrel Replacement, Minimization

>>>>> Tek Three
::AR Removal
::CPVC Barreled Turret Attachment

>>>>> Tek Four
::Singled, Plunger Rod Replacement
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::AR Removal

>>>>> Tek Six
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::PVC Couplered

>>>>> Tek Ten
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::PETG Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Tetra Strike
::PETG Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Couplered, Pump Replacement

>>>>> Tommy 20
::2x, Powered by Drill
::Nerf Dart Compatibility, Voltage Increase
::Voltage Increase


>>>>> Tyrant

::Sealed breeches for micros or 3/4" megas; pump action

>>>>> Ultimate Missile Blast
::Handle Relocation, PVC Couplered, Pump Replacement NF and Hornet Tanks Integration
::PVC Couplered, Titan Integration

>>>>> Pump action shotgun
::PVC Couplered, Added Spring Compression
::Trigger Spring Enhancement, Deadspace Removal, Silencing
::Video of Above Mods
::Brass Breached, Clipped
::CPVC and PVC Couplered
::Snapped Plunger Head Repair
::Internal RSCB
::Trigger Repair, Spring Rest Replacement
::Manual Turret
::Pull-Back Conversion
::N-Strike Clipped, Total Internal Reinforcement, Handle Replacement
::Plunger Rod and Priming Bar Repair
::Ball Shooting Attachment
::Angel Breached
::Hinged, Double Barreled
::Salvo Tank Internals Replacement, Breached
::Clean Raider Handle and Stock Replacement, PVC Couplered


>>>>> Rapid Fire Dart Gun
::Doomsayer: PETG Barrel Replacement, Rearloading
::Plunger Rod and Trigger Reinforcement
::SCH80 Barreled Doomsayer
::PVC Couplered
::Trigger Reinforcement, Rotation Bar Repair
::CPVC Barrel Replacement, Rear Loading, Seal Improvements

Lanard Guns

>>>>>> First Shot
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::Brass Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Couplered, Minimized
::CPVC Couplered, Streamlined, Plunger Tube/Head Replacement

>>>>> Ball Blaster
::Dart Conversion

>>>>> Big Salvo
::Double Barreled
::O-Ring Replacement, Tank Repair

::SMDTG Trigger with Salvo Tanks
::Internals in a Firefly Shell
::Salvo Tank Using SSPB Trigger and Pump

>>>>>> Blast Bazooka
::Brass Barrel Replacement
::Removable PVC Barrel Replacement, Minimization
::Pump Plugged, Brass Barrel Replacement
::Shotgun Couplered
::Trigger repair.

::Extended Draw, Reinforcements, PVC Couplered, Seal Improvement
::PVC Couplered, Seal Improvement

>>>>>> J.A.M. Blaster
::Dead Space Removal, PVC Couplered
::PVC Couplered
>>>>>> Max Shot
::Locks Disabled, Brass on PVC Couplered
::CPVC Couplered
::SCH80 Couplered
::Brass Breached, Seal Improvements, Cosmetics
::Catch Fix

>>>>> Over Under
::AR Removal, Mech6 Shield
::AR Removal

::Rear Loading, Catch Spring Improvement
::CPVC Barrel Replacement
::Zorn's Overhaul
::CPVC Couplered, Rear Loading
::CPVC Couplered Shotgun Barrels
::Octoshot, Reinforcements
::Using Octoshot Leftovers with a Hornet Tank
::Retained Shotgun Function, AR Removal, Seal Improvements

>>>>>>Scatter Blast
AR Removal
CPVC Barrel Replacement

>>>>> Sonic Bazooka
::CPVC Couplered
::PVC Couplered, Hair Trigger
::Coupler Extension
::Shotgun Barrels

>>>>>> Speedloader
::Brass Barrel Replacement
::CPVC Barrel Replacement

>>>>>> Triple shot
::Brass Barrel Replacement
::PVC Pump Grip Replacement

Rapid Madness Dart Sensor Mod

28 February 2016 - 08:11 PM

Edit: This modification has been successfully completed by Zombona on an otherwise stock Rapid Madness. However, he had problems when he repeated it on his Bullpup Rapid Madness. For now, proceed with caution and be sure to test your blaster before making any permanent/non-reversible changes to it.

Zombona, perhaps the NIC's biggest Boomco fan, developed a method to seal the air release holes in Boomco clips (see here) in order to utilize blasters' air output more efficiently. This has been shown to substantially increase muzzle velocity/range out of the various spring-powered Boomco blasters like the Dynamag.

Unfortunately, the Rapid Madness (RM) has "dart sensors" that ride in these air release holes and thus prevent the use of sealed clips. Here's how to remove the dart sensors while keeping your RM functional:

First, you'll have to remove the ring that is glued around the RM's pump. It was quite a bit of work to pry mine off.


There is a second glued ring at the muzzle. I was able to just pry the blaster apart after removing the screws to break the glue at the muzzle, but you may choose to simply cut off the end of the barrel.


Once you've gotten the blaster apart, pull the firing valve assembly (infamously called the "black box") out of the shell.

The side of the black box that rested against the right side of the shell is the side of interest for this modification. It's this side:


Remove the circled screws to access the dart sensing mechanism, and you'll see this:


Remove the extension spring indicated by the red arrow. The piece indicated by the yellow arrow is what I'm going to call the bump trigger. It's essential in order to make the RM fire in full auto because when it's pushed by the dart sensing arms it lines up with this catch:


You won't be able to see this catch unless you disassemble the black box a lot further than this guide requires. It gets moved back and forth, and (if the bump trigger is pushed into place by a dart) gets rammed into the bump trigger, completing the cycle and releasing air down the barrel. We are going to make the bump trigger stay pivoted towards the back of the blaster (where the tubing connects to the black box), so that it will be lined up with this catch all the time.

Anyway, moving on with this modification, flip over the grey plate that you removed earlier. The circle molded into it matches up with the circle on the bump trigger:



You need to use something to keep the bump trigger in this position. I chose to simply place a screw to hold it in place. You could use a short 4-40 screw, countersink , tap it, etc etc. I didn't even have a small enough drill bit, though, so I used a #6 wood screw to drill a hole here:


And then put in a spare nerf screw:


You'll reassemble by placing the bump trigger back on its pivot point without the extension spring, and then turning it clockwise until it stops (aka moving it towards the back until it stops). I suggest putting it together and test-firing it at this point to make sure it works. You should be able to fire it with or without a clip inserted.

Now we need to remove the dart sensing armatures. Remove the right side cover plate again then remove these circled screws from the top of the black box:


Take off the top clip guide rail, which has that extra spring-loaded armature on it:


Do the same with the bottom guide rail.


At this point the front will look like so:


Take these three scews out of both guide rails.


Now you can take out the metal rod from each guide rail, which has the dart sensing armatures attached



Reassemble the guide rails. There is one more, torsion spring-loaded dart sensing part that needs removed from both the top and bottom guide rails. You could try punching out the pins, but I couldn't get them out. I suggest leaving the part of the hinge molded onto the black box, but you could cut the end off the spring-loaded armatures.


After this, reassemble everything and you'll be able to use sealed boomco clips.

Special thanks to Buffdaddy and Zombona for previously detailing how to disassemble the black box.
