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#251719 Need Some Help With Nf Mod Troubleshooting

Posted by Hi Yah on 26 September 2009 - 01:13 PM in Modifications

What lube did you use? I too believe your problem is the dart fit.

#268363 Longshot Optimal Spring Size/type

Posted by Hi Yah on 07 March 2010 - 05:18 PM in Modifications

When you add springs to your ls make sure to reinforce the boltsled. I have a red bbb spring added to mine and it's great.

#242177 Tech Target Overhaul

Posted by Hi Yah on 16 July 2009 - 07:34 AM in Modifications

Nice job. With a good paint job you'll hardly notice the PVC ring on the shell. Also, what kind of spring did you put inside of the gun?

#250786 Problem With The Raider

Posted by Hi Yah on 18 September 2009 - 06:04 PM in Modifications

We need more information to figure out what the problem is. So, be more detailed and post some pictures.

#276119 Make Your Own Wye

Posted by Hi Yah on 26 May 2010 - 08:08 PM in Homemades

I only advantage that I see with a homemade wye is that you can customize the angle. If you have a mellower angle you can use longer darts with the system and darts should load smoother. Try a 40 or 35 degree angle next time. Nice job.l

#270653 Modding Nitefinder

Posted by Hi Yah on 29 March 2010 - 06:54 AM in Modifications

Pipe cutters are the best way to do it, but seeing that you are a noob, I doubt you have them. Light a candle and rotate the plunger tube over it to soften the glue. Be careful to not kept the plastic.

#251811 Need Some Help With Nf Mod Troubleshooting

Posted by Hi Yah on 27 September 2009 - 07:55 AM in Modifications

Try getting some CPVC, it's about the same price as PETG but has a tighter fit.

#271183 Brass Breached Longstrike

Posted by Hi Yah on 03 April 2010 - 07:09 AM in Modifications

Good job. But, what is the purpose of sanding the jam door?

#227970 Switchshot Ex-3

Posted by Hi Yah on 03 May 2009 - 07:14 PM in Modifications

Nice write up, but I'm a little confused on your ranges. If the plunger tube is shorter and the spring is weaker than a nitefinder how are you getting 40-50 with just an ar removal and plugging a hole?

#240995 Couplered Locking Breech, A New Type

Posted by Hi Yah on 09 July 2009 - 09:39 AM in Darts and Barrels

Amazing! It's so simple I can't believe I didn't think of that! Just one question, the o-ring is at the end of the PVC closest to the air output to seal with the barrel, right?

#241024 Couplered Locking Breech, A New Type

Posted by Hi Yah on 09 July 2009 - 01:02 PM in Darts and Barrels

Why did you put the loading port in the middle? Wouldn't having it closer to the BBBB make less work in the reloading process? Other than that it looks good.

The bbbb isn't minimized so the dart has to be loaded in front of the front of the bbbb. And then the o-ring pushes the dart into the petg. So, it doesn't matter where the loading port is.

#276988 The New Nigth Finder Ex-3 Help.

Posted by Hi Yah on 06 June 2010 - 03:53 PM in Modifications

If you don't have pipe cutters or don't want to risk using boiling water, try roatating the plunger assembly over a lit candle. But be careful, it is easy to melt the plastic.

#237594 Longshot Back From The Dead

Posted by Hi Yah on 20 June 2009 - 06:42 AM in Modifications

Come on!

Once I get over how amazing one of your mods is you post another.

Does the recon barrel decrease the range?

The recon barrel covers the PVC that is sticking out of the gun, so it shouldn't affect the range.

#233601 Marshmallow

Posted by Hi Yah on 31 May 2009 - 01:44 PM in General Nerf

I'd recommend that he lose the recon and get a big salvo, dtb, or hornet. All those guns will give better ranges and pretty good rof.

#231712 Lnl Write Up

Posted by Hi Yah on 21 May 2009 - 03:32 PM in Modifications

Nice write up, you don't see that many lock n' load write ups, so it's good that you posted another.

#278491 Longshot Breech Questions

Posted by Hi Yah on 24 June 2010 - 06:24 PM in Modifications

For a 17/32" angel breech you simply down size each piece of brass. Coop772 on youtube has a very nice, in-depth video write-up on how to make a 17/32" angel breach. Here's the link.

#256889 At3k Internals Questions

Posted by Hi Yah on 20 November 2009 - 09:46 PM in Modifications

You could just cut the tubing as close to the goo gauge as possible, on both sides. Then you can attach tubing with barbed connectors.

#252684 Stefan Question?

Posted by Hi Yah on 05 October 2009 - 05:24 PM in Modifications

I would recommend using the 3/8 felt discs and using #bb fishing weights, instead of washers. The 3/8 felt disc won't completely cover the #8 washer.

#252561 Big Salvo With 3-shot Barrels

Posted by Hi Yah on 04 October 2009 - 07:18 AM in Modifications

I really like how you have the three shotgun barrels and one single shot. It seems very effective. Nice mod.

#239196 Sspb Write-up

Posted by Hi Yah on 29 June 2009 - 09:51 AM in Modifications

Why didn't you cut the PVC a bit longer so it covers all of the brass?

#229456 Modular Longshot.

Posted by Hi Yah on 10 May 2009 - 07:29 PM in Modifications

This really col! It kinda has the concept that the recon had, how you can customize the gun with removeable accessories.

#233736 Yalpam (yet Another Longshot Pump Action Mod)

Posted by Hi Yah on 01 June 2009 - 06:42 AM in Modifications

This kinda looks like the raider which is coming out soon. It looks really good; although, I'm pretty sure someone has already done this.

#256920 At3k Internals Questions

Posted by Hi Yah on 21 November 2009 - 08:32 AM in Modifications

Use 3/16 barbed connectors. I know Home Depot has them, but I don't know if Ace has them.

#268165 Dtb Singling

Posted by Hi Yah on 05 March 2010 - 06:49 PM in Modifications

Why would you ever do this? The only good thing about the dtb is it's rof, which you just got rid of.

#227375 Nb-2k

Posted by Hi Yah on 30 April 2009 - 09:21 PM in Modifications

Great use of a shitty gun. Looks great too!

#274322 Barrel Length Guide . . .

Posted by Hi Yah on 08 May 2010 - 08:51 PM in Modifications

For your nf barrel lenghts I would recommend 4"-4.5" for CPVC. And about 5" if you're using brass. Brass isn't as tight as CPVC. And PETG is in between CPVC and brass.

#268347 The Coolest Thing...

Posted by Hi Yah on 07 March 2010 - 02:27 PM in General Nerf

As Vacc said, if he can't follow the rules, it's kind of irrelevant.

I am eternally wary of "official" nerf news unless it comes straight from Hasbro by way of a press release or from someone who has demonstrated a relationship in the past, such as OMC, Talio, etc.

Nerf has tried variant screws in the past, as well as just gluing their blaster shells together. I think they recognize that if they can make it, we can unmake it and change it. Therefore I predict that they will stay with the cheaper phillips head screws we have been seeing of late.

But, think of the electric eel, it has triangle screws and there isn't even an internal picture of it. I think these new screws will greatly cut down on the number of modders.

#265846 Supermaxx 750 Write-up/improvements

Posted by Hi Yah on 18 February 2010 - 07:38 AM in Modifications

Try making the clip a bit shorter, and maybe nest some copper in it to reduce deadspace.

#247171 Left-handed Drum/clip Mod

Posted by Hi Yah on 15 August 2009 - 08:15 PM in Modifications

Nice mod. I found the drum to be really annoying when reloading, so this is really helpful.

#231770 A Nice Find...

Posted by Hi Yah on 21 May 2009 - 09:11 PM in Modifications

This is pretty cool. I'm wondering what the name of the gun is?

#228887 My Ls Is Worse Than Stock

Posted by Hi Yah on 07 May 2009 - 08:20 PM in Modifications

You should check your seal on the plunger head.

#226281 Short Bans

Posted by Hi Yah on 26 April 2009 - 05:55 PM in Off Topic

I think when you are registering your account the admins should have the COC stay up on your screen for a period of about 2 to 3 minutes so you have nothing better to do but read it.

#234277 Bbbb : Lerazor Variant

Posted by Hi Yah on 04 June 2009 - 02:24 PM in Modifications

"Rear loading was well over 200ft"
I'm calling BS on that

Yeah, that's is impossible for a big blast to shoot 200 feet.

#237250 Question About Fixing Vulcans

Posted by Hi Yah on 18 June 2009 - 08:17 PM in General Nerf

My vulcan had one giant flaw: it suck donkey balls. Don't get it. The worst $45 i've ever spent.

#250616 Ertl Pump Action Shotgun Modification

Posted by Hi Yah on 16 September 2009 - 04:54 PM in Modifications

This reminds me of the cross snap. Nice job coop.

#244383 Marshmallow Blaster Modification

Posted by Hi Yah on 28 July 2009 - 04:36 PM in Modifications

How can you pump it 50 times in 15 seconds?

#251409 Nitefinder Problem....fixed

Posted by Hi Yah on 23 September 2009 - 03:32 PM in Modifications

Try using a heat gun.

#249235 Nf Plunger Problems

Posted by Hi Yah on 31 August 2009 - 07:29 PM in Modifications

Unless you did a barrel replacement or coupler addition you need to have the front of the nightfinder attached to the gun.

#226277 7 Shot Scattergun Attachment

Posted by Hi Yah on 26 April 2009 - 05:51 PM in Modifications

Thanks for all the support, guys! I actually prefer not to plug pumps on my air guns because I don't really trust myself. I thought about it and I'll probably plug up the 7th barrel. I want bettter ranges, dammit!

While at it you might aswell do a tank expansion.

#263010 Replaced Plunger Tube Disc Shot...

Posted by Hi Yah on 24 January 2010 - 07:19 PM in Modifications

On my bbbb's I use one #17 o-ring and my over pressure valve pops at 7 pumps. I figure 2 should give you a great seal.