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#360026 Amazon.com BOGO 40% Off Sale on Select Nerf Guns

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 19 May 2017 - 10:07 PM in General Nerf

Hey Everyone,


Just wanted to let you all know that Amazon.com is currently running a BOGO 40% Off sale on certain Nerf blasters, although Amazon does not provide a list of all the blasters that are covered by this sale. Therefore, you will have to look for the words "Buy 1, Get 1 40% off Nerf toys" on the product page of a particular blaster in order to know whether or not it qualifies. Blasters that I've found that qualify for this deal are the Apollo, Artemis, Alphahawk and FalconFire (seems likely that all blasters in the Rival and AccuStrike line qualify, but you'll have to test that out for yourselves). Amazon does not specify how long this sale will be available.



#266747 Cross Style Stefans

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 24 February 2010 - 03:17 PM in Modifications

I like the idea mainly because the X on the tip of the dart looks cool and can be used as a marker to distinguish your stefans from those of other players. What kind of guns have you used the dart with? The only problem I can imagine with using a weight like that is that it is too light for high-powered guns. I remember using airsoft BBs for a dart and they were not heavy enough. As a result, I couldn't fire them out of a long range weapon without some fishtailing or great inaccuracy.

#266128 Air-powered Nerf Gun Maintenance

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 20 February 2010 - 03:38 AM in General Nerf

Doom - Thanks for the link to that site. It looks like they have a lot of different sizes of latex tubing. I think my Powerclip bladders are in pretty good shape now, but at least I know that I can buy tubing to replace them.

Hippopotamus - Are you talking about the kind of liquid latex that is used for the grips on tools, such as the handles of pliers?

#266074 Air-powered Nerf Gun Maintenance

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 19 February 2010 - 09:04 PM in General Nerf

Throughout the many years I have been collecting and modifying nerf guns, I have used a lot of air-powered guns, and a lot of those guns have been my favorites, such as the SMk5 and Secret Shot 2. However, about half of my air-powered guns have died due to over use and it is always the air tank that fails, specifically the air tank leaks. Because of the inevitable leaks, I tend to stay away from air-powered guns and stick with spring ones, which are very reliable.

However, I would like to have more confidence in air-powered guns because I have a few that I really like to use. And this leads me to my main question: Is there an easy way (or any way) to make the air tank of a nerf gun last a considerable time? I was thinking about spraying the part of the air tank that releases the air with silicon spray (I think I heard this somewhere before), but I'm not sure if this will do anything. Do you guys have any useful tips for prolonging the life of an air tank?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Another concern I have is the air bladders in my Powerclips. I know they perform the same function as the standard, hard-plastic air tanks in other nerf guns, but the material it is made out of looks like it will eventually rot and/or tear. Any advice on how to take care of air bladders?

#265390 2010 Toy Fair Video (nerf Booth)

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 14 February 2010 - 05:49 PM in General Nerf

I took a couple of still shots of the youtube video so we can have a better look at some of the new stuff:

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In the first picture, the shelf has a couple of shot blasts out of the box and there appears to be another kind of blaster right above them. On the top-center of the shelf, another kind of blaster appears in blue and red. All of the stuff looks good to me.

Also, in the second picture, there are some transparent versions of nerf guns that we already know about. A transparent Deploy? FAJEA.

I know it is hard to speculate about these new guns with just a picture of them out of the box, but it is exciting just to see some new stuff. I'm looking forward to their release.

#264246 Nerf Deploy Cs-6 - Reviews & Internals Guide

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 03 February 2010 - 04:21 PM in General Nerf

Yes, the Deploy can still fire with the front clip section flipped up.

So, if clip is flipped up and in a vertical position, how do you shoot the gun? Is there something besides the main trigger that allows you to fire the gun? Or is it the case that you can fire the gun with the clip in a vertical position only by using the main trigger?

#264221 Nerf Deploy Cs-6 - Reviews & Internals Guide

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 03 February 2010 - 03:19 AM in General Nerf

Come on, like there was any chance of the Deploy having a plunger setup any different from the Recon? Just be happy that you now have the option of getting a Recon that has a total makeover, which I think is very cute. The only reason I want this gun is because of its nice design and its rate of fire.

Thanks for the review SgNerf.

#261764 Glo-laser + Drain-blaster

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 14 January 2010 - 12:24 AM in Modifications

This should be a big hit with the ladies.

#261756 Deploy Cs-6 Sneak Peek

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 13 January 2010 - 11:29 PM in General Nerf

The Deploy is a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Could be because I haven't even seen a recon in real life. I like the way it unfolds at the push of a button. It really does remind me of that Magpul Portable TMP that Onyx posted a few days ago. The one important thing that I noticed was the spring. It seems that the Deploy has one long spring that powers the plunger and also pushes the stock out when it makes the transition from stealth mode to blaster mode. Also, every time the person shoots the gun in the video, it looks like the spring jiggles around in the gun and is not compressed at all. If that's the case, the gun is losing a lot of power. It looks like we need to replace the spring with something just a bit more powerful (and that is actually compressed all the time) to get some decent ranges.

Thanks for the video kevin and ice. You guys were able to satisfy my desire for more news on the Deploy.

#260834 Deploy Cs-6 Sneak Peek

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 05 January 2010 - 08:26 PM in General Nerf

I think that, when folded, it looks like a P-90

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It looks like just a few modifications will allow the gun to fire when it is folded up. I might need to get this gun and do a P-90 mod.

Thanks for the information and pictures kevin.

#108821 Baby Powder Stock Darts

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 01 June 2007 - 07:19 PM in Modifications

I like your idea and it seems as though it works very well. However, powder + lungs doesn't seem like a good thing to me. I use to fill up a small homemade with powder just to shoot out clouds of smoke. It was cool, but you drag a lot of the particles into your lungs when you breathe. I know your darts do not emit tons of powder due to their small size, but breathing all that powder in shot after shot seems harmful.

Using this type of dart once in a while would be useful (like these zombie nerf movies I'm hearing so much about). However, I wouldn't make it a habit of using them.

#108142 At3k Trouble

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 29 May 2007 - 03:00 PM in Modifications

As said before, PVC won't fit and it would be way too heavy for the turret to handle. For your other At3k, try using crayola barrels and larger brass to fit over them (because it sounds like 9/16 brass is too small for your darts). It's a shame to lose all of that rof.

#107409 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 24 May 2007 - 02:25 PM in Modifications

Due to an upcoming war, I decided to increase the fire power of my BBB. I took my old Airtech 2000 shotgun and gooped it to the bottom of the BBB. I was kind of going for a M-16/M-4 grenade launcher setup. I know the barrel is tan long, but I'm not quite finished with a new white barrel, which is shorter and has holes drilled in it to create a silencer effect (purely cosmetic).

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#84649 Damn Those French!

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 09 July 2006 - 11:11 PM in Off Topic

I don't like the Italian team and their style of play. Even though its very effective, its too defensive for my liking. Congrats to them and all that but I was disappointed.

As for Zidane, i wouldn't go bashing him yet and hate the French for what he did. You have no idea what he heard before he got the red card. I know its still a violent act that resulted from mere trash talk, but I'm not very upset over it. I rather liked it to be honest. Its one hell of a way to retire.

#84600 Primer

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 08 July 2006 - 04:32 PM in Modifications

If the spraypaint you are using says that there is no primer needed, such as Krylon Fusion spraypaint, then you should be good without it. If not, you will need a primer. I reccommend Krylon Fusion, it works wonders on plastic.

#84472 Lnl Question

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 06 July 2006 - 04:43 PM in Modifications

I recently received my LnL in the mail and I went straight to modding the sucker. However, in all the mods I have seen on the gun, including the one on the site, none tell me to remove the second air restrictor that is infront of the plunger head:
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I feel like a noob asking this question, but I don't want to screw up my gun. It seems like it should be fine if I cut it off but I still want some input before I hack away. Thanks.

EDIT: After closer reading on Cxwq's mod, I figured out that it was removed. My folly, sorry guys.

#84459 Behold!

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 06 July 2006 - 03:49 PM in General Nerf


37 feet for a stock rapid fire gun is very nice. Once you get those poles out, you should get even more range. Thanks a lot for putting up pictures Captain.

#84423 Js-super Ammo Factory Kit

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 05 July 2006 - 11:53 PM in Homemades

Wouldn't any type of clay break on significant impact? Plus it would hurt like chartreuse if you got hit by it.

#84374 Js-super Ammo Factory Kit

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 05 July 2006 - 01:25 PM in Homemades

From the looks of it, it didn't work unfortunately. It looks like a solid concept though. What kind of spray are you using to create the foam? I've never seen anything like that in a can. Also, I was wondering where you get those rolls of yellow foam, because they look like perfect dart material.

#84371 Fireworks Pics

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 05 July 2006 - 12:55 PM in Off Topic

Damn, those are nice. And I thought I new how to use my firework setting on the panasonic. Very nice work, I really like the pointed clam shell type one.

I was too lazy to get to my local firework extravaganza. Buh.

#83959 Vans And And 1 With Magstrikes.

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 29 June 2006 - 09:47 AM in General Nerf

Exactly what I was thinking, it looks like a perfect size for that child in the picture, meaning it will be a good size to dual wield those bad boys. Thanks for the heads up mol.

#82142 Nerf War/assassins On Fox9

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 20 May 2006 - 10:03 PM in General Nerf

I too think its cool that nerf finally got this much publicity. The only thing I have trouble with is how far they go with this "assassin" type war. I mean, is it just me or does it seem to be going overboard shooting people with nerf guns at almost any time of the day? I know they exclude work and school, but I think taking nerf beyond a specific war zone is pushing it. Well thats just my opinion, cool concept nonetheless.

On another note, I was glad to see some very nice mods in that video. Great find Forsaken.

#81888 Half-hearted Mav Mod... Gone Awesome?

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 15 May 2006 - 10:25 PM in Modifications

As you suspected, I have trouble believing those ranges. Are you using really tight fitting stefans? How are you measuring ranges? Also, this could be another reason for very long distances on your stefans:

Also, all ranges are taken on a 45 degree-ish angle.

People usually test their gun's range with both flat shots and angled shots. Angled shots are basically despiration shots to me if your using a small spring pistol, whereas flat shots give people a better idea how effective a gun is going to be in a war.

I'm not knocking your mod, I'm just asking you to get some flat ranges and inform us how you are measuring.

#81391 Turning Down "velocity"

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 06 May 2006 - 08:07 PM in General Nerf

Just pump your at2k, let's say, half as many times as you usually do. I'd also recommend using stock darts as another alternative. I wouldn't want some kid chipping my Inca coffee table statue with a stefan.

#80654 Happy Birthday!

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 23 April 2006 - 02:13 PM in Off Topic

Happy Birthday Zero, have a good one fool.

For some reason it seems like Zero's birthday was only like three months ago. I guess its just me.

#78521 Bbb Question

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 02 April 2006 - 08:17 PM in Modifications

I just took some ranges on my BBB. I'm using 12 inches of 9/16 brass with good fitting stefans, 1.5 inches long.

Six Flat Shots_____:

Wick, by a decent barrel I mean a barrel that is at least eight inches long and provides a good fit for your specific darts. You should get ranges close to mine.

#78506 Bbb Question

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 02 April 2006 - 07:51 PM in Modifications

I really need to update that BBB mod that was posted by Darkside. The ranges aren't great because my barrel was horrible. The actual dart was nested in 2 inches of brass and traveled out of about 10 inches of larger tubing, in which the dart did not even make contact with really.

Shortly after the mod I put in 12 inches of 9/16 brass and acheived far better ranges and more accuracy. I will get some new range tests done soon.

So my point is, do everything I did in that mod and have a decent barrel. You will get good results kids.

#78151 Split-tech 2k

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 30 March 2006 - 08:19 PM in Modifications

I love the appearence of the gun; the turrets look suprisingly good bulging out of the SF. If I remember correctly, the splitfire has pressure trigger that allows you to shoot one dart at a time if you want to. Having two long range shots with only having to prime the gun once seems like a very beautiful thing. Great job on the mod Falcon, its one of my favorite intergrations.

People on the Haven seem to be coming up with brilliant mods and inventions lately.

#77079 Making A Homemade

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 20 March 2006 - 09:58 PM in Homemades

Everything before the ball valve is considered to be the air tank. If you take a look at the Zero's generic ball valve homemade, you can see what I'm talking about:
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That "U" shape, along with the handle that connects both the top and bottom, before the valve is where the air pressure is held. Once the valve is turned, all the air pushes out of the barrel. Its really that simple. Same thing goes with other large airtanks that people use for their homemades; all space behind the valve is where your air is held.

#76873 Secret Shot Ii

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 19 March 2006 - 04:49 PM in Modifications

Nice basic mod on the SS2. You're not going to get very good ranges by using stock nerf darts, especially megas. If you use stefans, you'll be able to get 100' easy, and zeros could get you up to 130'. I'd give you the link to Zero Talent's website but I can't find the working link. Just another route you could take to get more range and use the gun's full potential.

And as for that SS2 leak, sometimes you need to get the first two or three pumps off fast to make a seal. So if that isn't the problem, PM me Skiermon and tell me what you did to your gun, I'll help you out as much as I can.

#76636 Shindig!

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 17 March 2006 - 04:33 PM in Site Feedback

Happy Birthday. One more year and its Zima Nation.

EDIT: Before anyone yells at me, I am well aware that Zima is one of the worst beers in the nation.

#76491 NCAA Tournament 2006

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 16 March 2006 - 12:23 PM in Off Topic

Arizona is the winner on my bracket (and they have been the past eight years) defeating Duke in the final. But if they all get food poisoning and have to remove themselves from the tourney, then I believe it will be Duke and Boston College, with BC probably taking it. My underdog final four team this year: Alabama.

#75826 Painted Maverick

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 11 March 2006 - 12:50 PM in Modifications

That's the best paintjob I've seen so far. I really love the dark camo green and black combination, it really masks the toyish look of the maverick that I hate. The whole gun looks clean and well painted besides the trigger. Very nice job, I might use that colorscheme for one of my guns if I get around to it.

#75334 Frenzybob's Clipped Nf

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 05 March 2006 - 10:39 PM in Modifications

That's a pretty good idea. I did something similar back in the day with my NF, but I used drilled-out at3k barrels for my shells:
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I just had to put some masking tape over the outside of my 9/16 brass in order for the at3k barrels to fit tight. It should work wonders in wars when your on the run and need a quick reload.

People have many different variations of this kind of barrel set up. I've seen people with three long barrels made out of pvc glued together to fit their Xbow for good rof just to name one. Good thinking with the cpvc/NF setup though. It should work. Just use tough glue when gluing the mini barrels together.

#74754 Favorite College

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 28 February 2006 - 10:19 PM in Off Topic

University of Arizona. Knew I was going to go there since I was two years old. I'll be a freshman there next year. The basketball program is my soul:
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#74276 R-clip Blast Bazooka

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 25 February 2006 - 03:29 PM in Modifications

I love the way that clip is nestled right on top of the gun. Very smooth and it doesn't take away any of the gun's beauty, but rather adds to it. Very nice Renegade, it looks sharp.

#72855 Worst Gun/series

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 11 February 2006 - 04:33 PM in General Nerf

Their really is no worst gun, every gun can be good given the right player and usage.

You must have never used the Rangeshot. It made me not want to have kids.

#72668 One More Question

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 08 February 2006 - 06:57 PM in Modifications

If you add the extra 4", it should give you more accuracy and probably a little more range. A little more length is better than just having your dart pop out of a barrel stub. Experiment with a few different lengths to see which one works best for you.

#72081 Supermaxx 5000 "roadblocker"

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 01 February 2006 - 07:47 PM in Modifications

Beautiful mod Piney, the sm5k looks great. I'm usually not too crazy about homemade stocks because I think they ugly the gun up, but your stock matches the gun's theme very well. I also like you infamous handle addition; it makes the gun more intimidating. Great job once again.

#71735 Nerf On Frappr

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 26 January 2006 - 10:30 PM in Nerf Wars

Awesome idea Enigma. I agree with Angel, its a great way to check possibilities for a war. Hopefully a lot of people will sign up. I just did.