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#27087 1500 Spupermax

Posted by Vassili on 26 May 2004 - 09:43 PM in General Nerf

Also, 200 feet shouldn't be too hard to achieve with a 5k...

Yes, it would. I can get at least 130 feet with mine, but 70 feet is a whole lot more. :P

I meant angled. IR's got about 130, too.

And yes, if you massively expanded the airtank of a 1500, then used darts heavier than the standard NATO round, you could get 200 feet. Of course, as Cx, said that's really not a 1500, but a homemade, and you have made Nerf a lethal sport/hobby.

#27211 Homemade Piston

Posted by Vassili on 29 May 2004 - 01:48 AM in Homemades

Alright guys, for my next project, which I don't know will happen or not, I'm going to be building a homemade plunger and plunger tube. Problem is, I can't decide on how to make the piston. I'm thinking about just testing O-rings at the hardware store and see what fits nicely in 1" PVC, but it's going to be hard connecting the O-ring securely to the piston without being able to mold plastic. It looks as though wrapping some 1/2" PVC in e-tape worked nicely for Boltsniper's P99, but if you guys have any other ideas for making a nice airtight piston they would be greatly appreciated.

#27240 Homemade Piston

Posted by Vassili on 29 May 2004 - 08:01 PM in Homemades

Wow, thanks guys. I'm leaning towards O-rings over a gasket, just because my local hardware store has half an aisle of O-rings. I don't know if I can get a hold of one of those spherical dremel bits, but I'm going to try Cxwq's idea for securing the O-rings.

Cx, is your xbow all back together and working?

Zero, why not relocate the charging handle to the stock, like a stock xbow? You could also put the charging handle in the foregrip like a real-steel gun.

#27317 Arsenals

Posted by Vassili on 31 May 2004 - 12:12 PM in General Nerf

The guns worth mentioning in my arsenal:

2 Maxshots
1 SS2
1 EaB
1 PC (2 clips)
1 Triple Shot
1 At2k (top left)
1 CPS 2000/EaB Creation

#27563 Making A Super Soaker Shoot Darts?

Posted by Vassili on 02 June 2004 - 06:16 PM in Modifications

If it takes 1-1/2 minutes to pump, you should definitely hack off your check valve and reduce the size of your airtank. With the check valve removed, you'll be able to achieve higher pressure in your airtank, so you should actually get increased range even with a much smaller airtank. On a super soaker, the check valve isn't on the end of the pump, it's next to the pump shaft, you should be able to figure out where it is.

#29975 Fireworks

Posted by Vassili on 30 June 2004 - 02:34 PM in Off Topic

For fourth of July, I'll end up in Palm Springs with a bucket of KFC Popcorn Chicken and a Mountain Dew.

The simple things in life. :P

I was just in La Quinta (in the greater Palm Springs area) last week playing golf, and it was friggin' 120 degrees. My friends pool was 90 and it felt cold.

Anywho, on the 3rd I'm going to be forced to watch a parade of a bunch of golf carts decorated by 70+ year olds at my grandparents house. I hope I don't have too much fun. The 4th will be filled with partying and fireworks, however.

#30317 My New Homemade

Posted by Vassili on 04 July 2004 - 05:20 PM in Homemades

I love your breach design.

The only thing I would change is I would move the pump a lot closer to the barrel, and maybe add a stock. Otherwise, nice design.

#30394 Air Xxl Skeet Shoot

Posted by Vassili on 05 July 2004 - 01:25 PM in Modifications

Looks like quite a good gun, but is it worth 50 bucks? Not with my money.

I definitely say take it back. If you were to mod it and widen the plunger tube, you would have to move/modify/remove the rotating mechanism, which is kind of the whole reason why that gun would be so good.

Nice job on taking those pics, though.

#30605 Spin Stabilization?

Posted by Vassili on 07 July 2004 - 05:57 PM in Modifications

I tried it with PETG. It didn't really work that well, the darts had very abnormal flight patterns and the reason one of the shots went 135 feet was because the dart decided to spin upwards. I never did find a very good way to keep the PETG very straight, so someone could probably make a better rifled barrel and get better results, but I doubt it will help at all.

Why do I not think it will work? With a rifled barrel, air can seap around the dart through the rifled grooves in the barrel, losing air pressure behing the dart. The benefit of the dart spinning just won't be able to make up for the lost air pressure.

The reason that rifled barrels work with firearms is because the bullet slightly expands from the heat and fills up the grooves. If someone was to make well-made darts with fins and made the fins spin in the grooves of the rifled barrel, you might get some good results. But, of course, making darts with fins is no easy task, and the added range will not be worth the extra hours put into making darts.

::edit:: And goddamnit okto, get a different avatar. That goes for you guys, too, NinjZ, crankymonky, and Katachi.

#30687 Nightfinder P-38

Posted by Vassili on 08 July 2004 - 10:46 AM in Modifications

Looks nice, but I don't see how it resembles the P-38.

#30688 Spin Stabilization?

Posted by Vassili on 08 July 2004 - 10:52 AM in Modifications

We also tried burning grooves in the darts, but they didn't really perform any better than normal stefans. They just weren't worth the time needed to burn the grooves. Also, as Ray said, they could not stand the Nerfing environment as well as normal stefans.

#32471 Drawing On Swift5d

Posted by Vassili on 27 July 2004 - 09:03 PM in Homemades

ShortShit, I think in order to fire all 5 he takes off the end of the barrel.

#33138 Modded Titan!

Posted by Vassili on 04 August 2004 - 07:51 PM in Modifications

Is it just me or does the airtank look big enough to power a few separate shots much like a pistol-modded PC? If you modified the valve to let out less air then you could probably squeeze off all 3 shots in your little turret-thingy without repumping.

#33165 New Homemade Barrel Assembly

Posted by Vassili on 04 August 2004 - 10:01 PM in Homemades


#33301 Razor Fin?

Posted by Vassili on 06 August 2004 - 12:25 PM in General Nerf

...and the barrels are epoxied into the case.

No, they're not.

For some odd reason I actually tried to be helpful to this kid at NHQ:

"The Razor Fin has a tiny plunger tube, and the mechanism that switches the barrels greatly restricts the airflow. I doubt you can get more than 30-40 feet if you leave the barrel switching mech on, so I'd suggest ripping it off and single barreling it.

The problem with single barreling it though is that you'd have to connect the barrel to the plunger tube with some kind of tubing because otherwise the barrel will stick out of the top of the gun. Of course, by changing the airflow you will lose some pressure, which is already pretty abysmal. You'll also need to either replace the spring or add rubber bands because the stock spring is extremely weak.

Once that is all said and done, you'll have to deal with firing the gun with the weird trigger mechanism, and cocking it from the bottom of the handle, which is also quite inconvenient. All that work for a gun that can maybe get 45 feet on a good dart? Not worth it.

What I ended up doing with my Razor Fin was hacking off all of the gun except the handle, which held the plunger tube, and taping/glueing a crayola barrel directly onto the plunger tube. I had planned on integrating or somehow adding this little gun to one of my primary guns to act as a last-resort backup shot, but never got around to it.

In short, give up on your Razor Fin and dish out the 7 bucks needed for a NiteFinder." -Me at NHQ

I hope that answers your question if you should buy 'em or not.

#33655 Petg On Spring Guns?

Posted by Vassili on 10 August 2004 - 12:39 PM in Modifications

Unless you have relatively wide darts, then PETG wouldn't have enough friction to get very good ranges. You can try doing this to your barrel, but I would still reccomend telescoped brass.

#34200 Hornet Mod!

Posted by Vassili on 17 August 2004 - 02:29 PM in Modifications

Very nice, but you might want to rethink having 36 inches of brass on the front of your gun. I always didn't like Blastfires because they were so front heavy. Get some Petg if you can.

#34231 Hornet Mod!

Posted by Vassili on 17 August 2004 - 10:01 PM in Modifications

Parents won't let me buy online, or I'd have tons of PETG by now.

Yeah, that was me too. The cool thing is that PETG kinda came to me, so that wasn't ever a problem.

#34234 Troll Wallpapers

Posted by Vassili on 17 August 2004 - 10:34 PM in News

There haven't been any major recent troll problems in the last week and a half, it's just kind of Groove's response to all the useless emo trolls everywhere, am I right?

#34292 People Taken To Jail And Guns Confiscated For Nerf

Posted by Vassili on 18 August 2004 - 02:44 PM in General Nerf

Yeah, dudes, the guy wasn't trying to be a retard, but it just so happened that he posted something that's already been mentioned a ton before. It's not like Cx is just gonna come and ban him. Also, you guys get way too excited when you're waiting for C to ban people. Yeah it's funny, but it's like you guys get boners over it.

#36524 The Google Challenge - A Redux

Posted by Vassili on 06 September 2004 - 12:55 AM in Off Topic

Ew. Mine was a bunch of half-naked bodybuilder guys. Search at your own risk.

#36822 Eab Breech Mod

Posted by Vassili on 09 September 2004 - 10:01 PM in Modifications

Nice, I really like how you cut into the EaB shell like that to make your breach. :o

#37030 Eab Breech Mod

Posted by Vassili on 12 September 2004 - 02:23 PM in Modifications

Yeah, I did cut a breach like that, but it was just a simple "Unknown" breach with no clip, so you win.

#47591 Vinyl VS. Compact Disc

Posted by Vassili on 20 February 2005 - 12:07 AM in Off Topic

I can't put vinyl on my IPod.

You can't put shit on your iPod because you don't have one.

#47742 Springs

Posted by Vassili on 21 February 2005 - 10:29 PM in Modifications

Yeah, a C-882 Century spring cut in half is the perfect fit for an EaB. You should be able to find one at your local hardware store, even Lech could find one in Australia.

I highly reccomend bolt cutters or aviation snips. The first time I cut a spring, the only thing I could find was a jigsaw. It wasn't pretty, but an hour later I finally had two pieces.

#49350 Yet Another Music Thread

Posted by Vassili on 11 March 2005 - 08:14 PM in Off Topic

I wasn't going to join because music wasn't one of my favorite things to think about after getting my iPod stolen, but I got it back so I'm in.