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There have been 174 items by PissBacon (Search limited from 16-January 97)

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#34401 Hornet

Posted by PissBacon on 19 August 2004 - 03:26 AM in General Nerf

I just wondered if epoxy holds leaks under high pressure, since I'm dealing with a related problem. Would it just sort of break apart when pumped up, or is it strong enough to hold under pressure an air tank usually experiences? I will probably just have to use good old trial and error.

#34509 Hornet

Posted by PissBacon on 19 August 2004 - 06:17 PM in General Nerf

The epoxy worked like a charm. I can pump the tank up 50 pumps with no ill effect! This is not a hornet though, just so you know.

#34933 Homemade Pistol Idea

Posted by PissBacon on 23 August 2004 - 01:52 AM in Homemades

What about the bike pumps that use co2 cartridges instead? Those would make for some quick shots.

#47681 Homemade Mac 11

Posted by PissBacon on 21 February 2005 - 03:32 AM in Homemades

As I scrolled through the posts, I kept thinking you should use paintball parts, and thank god you did. It has always been my belief you could make a killer homemade almost entirely from paintball parts.

#34564 Homemade Flash Bang Grenade

Posted by PissBacon on 19 August 2004 - 10:38 PM in Homemades

It's funny that I just see this posted. Only a few days ago I was considering building a flash from an old camera into one of my guns. I figured out how to wire it and all right next to the laser sight. In the end I decided it was sort of pointless and scrapped the idea. It is possible to put a simple disposable camera flash circuit into many guns with a bit of wire and solder though. Just open up a standard disposable camera and you'll see what I mean (careful though, one of those shocked me pretty hard when I touched part of the circuit).

#35249 Help With Wclp

Posted by PissBacon on 25 August 2004 - 11:27 PM in Modifications

So are you saying you modded your scout to have a clip, or just that it's like having a scout with a clip?

#53378 Help With Modding An Rf20

Posted by PissBacon on 24 April 2005 - 05:42 PM in Modifications

Well, first of all, you probably are not going to need the 20 barrel assembly. I'd probably start by opening the gun up and seeing where everything is. Since I don't want to make a rice firing gun myself, I'm not going to open mine up and ponder this. To solve the rice going backwards issue, you'll need some kind of mesh that allows air through, which you will place between the area of the barrel where rice goes and the firing mechanism. One thing I'm unsure of: do you want the rice to fire in single pellets or just bursts of rice like a shotgun effect?
As for the actual rice firing part, I would make some sort of hopper like paintball guns have to mount on top. You will probably want to single barrel the rf20 (sound crazy?). The rice would flow into a part of the barrel, and then the barrel will funnel to create higher pressure as the rice leaves the barrel. I don't know how far/accurate this rice needs to fly, so I could come up with a more efficient barrel design too if you like.

#35930 Helix Barrel

Posted by PissBacon on 30 August 2004 - 11:19 PM in Homemades

What if you somehow bored spiral patterns into a barrel like a real gun?

#36041 Helix Barrel

Posted by PissBacon on 31 August 2004 - 08:53 PM in Homemades

So, since rifling doesn't really work with nerf because of the physics of it, I guess I'm unsure of why silencers work then. In a real gun, the silencer is intended to slow down the air so that it's not at supersonic speeds, preventing a sonic boom (I think that's how it works). I may just be confused.

#79228 Guns Releasing Air Without The Trigger Pulled

Posted by PissBacon on 08 April 2006 - 10:30 PM in General Nerf

If it's leaking air from the barrel, you've got a valve problem. The sspb I would recommend simply replacing, but for the sf, you'll have to open it up and fix the valve. The red pin that sticks out is the area of interest; one quick fix that might do it is to apply some silicone lubricant (non-petroleum based) to the valve area and see if that fixes it. Good luck.

#73098 Gun Lubricants-lubes

Posted by PissBacon on 13 February 2006 - 09:26 PM in General Nerf

Silicon (silicone? I do not understand the difference) lubricant is what I use. It'll never errode your rubber stuff and it works great. For spring guns you can put it around the plunger and the barrel. For air guns you should just put it in the barrel and pump mechanism. Generally think of where friction is created, and apply.

#73283 Gun Lubricants-lubes

Posted by PissBacon on 16 February 2006 - 12:34 AM in General Nerf

WD-40 is indeed corrosive to rubber parts. The problem with petroleum lube is people do not notice it because it ruins your parts over a long time period, so you won't know you're getting screwed over until it's too late.

#73660 Gun Lubricants-lubes

Posted by PissBacon on 20 February 2006 - 01:47 AM in General Nerf

Black Wrath, if you just clean the guns out and change to a silicone lube, it should be fine.

I know from experience soaps leave residue (tried on a wildfire long long ago).

#51790 Grrr At My Jeans.

Posted by PissBacon on 06 April 2005 - 10:08 PM in Off Topic

Does that happen when you get your pants wet?


There are a few things to consider about your jeans. First of all, some brands just do that. Secondly, if they're new, give them a few washes, including inside out washing. Other things you could try are avoiding contact of jeans to shoes by some strange method like tape on the inside of jeans or rubber band. Also, sometimes using water proofing products on your shoes will prevent stains from attaching. If all else fails (or it's not worth the trouble), just avoid wearing that combonation.

#63839 G-mail

Posted by PissBacon on 18 September 2005 - 02:51 PM in Off Topic

Also, I'd like to add you can get g-mail without invites now.

#73285 Fully Utilizing Secret Strike Pocket Blasters

Posted by PissBacon on 16 February 2006 - 12:58 AM in Modifications

To fit it in you'd have to do some fancy cut-and-glue on the valve to barrel connection, as seen in my mod (which cobbers, in fact, beat me to posting). The sspb has that vertical excess route between the valve and pump which can be shortened to save space (or lengthened to increase air volume). If you're willing to put in the time and are careful not to get glue anywhere inside that connection when you shorten it, it will produce a nice mod.

#74331 Favorite Game System

Posted by PissBacon on 25 February 2006 - 11:04 PM in Off Topic

In terms of handhelds, I've always thought the gb, gbc, and gba (at first) unbearable for the simple fact that they were so touchy with lighting. It's supposed to be portable but you have to practically orient yourself towards the nintengod to be able to see the display propery if you dare go outside; playing in the dark was simply out of the question. Then the day came some genius thought of the afterburner mod for gba, and I bought one the day I heard about it. And portable gaming was never the same. Then Nintendo got smart and made the SP, which I can't argue was a bad thing (though I was definitely pissed they didn't do the flip design before).

Some time later the PSP comes along, and I was sure to get one as soon as it was reasonably priced (lik-sang sure went crazy). Considering I can't afford a car yet and my carpool to school typically takes in excess of an hour after we get on the freeway, portable gaming is very practical for me (when I'm not asleep and people aren't so talkative). The PSP hasn't failed me with all of its homebrew goodness (Baby Boomer anyone?), but in no way does it beat consoles which are currently much more comfortable to play.

Well my WoW que is up; sorry for the rant.

#83095 Favorite Aircraft?

Posted by PissBacon on 11 June 2006 - 04:54 AM in Off Topic

The P-38 Lightning has always fascinated me for some strange reason.
Posted Image

Additionally, the F-4 Phantom II caught my interest while playing Chuck Yeager's Air Combat; putting on the afterburners and nosediving ripped that baby's wings off after leveling out at 10 ft altitude.
Posted Image

P.S. Isn't it strange the first search of the F-4 in google images returns a pic with the f-4 and p-38 together?

#47680 Dremel Bits

Posted by PissBacon on 21 February 2005 - 03:20 AM in Homemades

I used to have a dremel, but over time I found more power was a big help. I love my Foredom now; you might want to check one out. The motor is separate from the handle part, which allows for much higher rpm, plus you can control the speed with your foot instead of stopping to mess with it all the time. Then again, if you only want it for nerf, that may be overkill.

#70183 Dremel

Posted by PissBacon on 31 December 2005 - 02:59 AM in General Nerf

You might also like to use the cylindrical cutter (made of metal) for cutting parts of the shell of some nerf, as well as for working on restrictors depending on what feels comfortable. In general the disc cutter is your best friend though. In case you don't know this, never ever use the metal bits on metal parts, use the disk or sand parts on metal.

#65628 Crayola'd Bbb

Posted by PissBacon on 12 October 2005 - 02:57 PM in Modifications

I think the idea is: if you can't measure ranges, don't post ranges.

#86232 Cool Find

Posted by PissBacon on 01 August 2006 - 03:18 AM in General Nerf

Those things are painful, I know by experience. However, they aren't really worse than paintballing, but keep in mind it'll hurt more than nerf darts. As for plasti-dipping, that's not gonna do much except jam the firing mechanism.

#39842 Clr Power Plumber

Posted by PissBacon on 26 October 2004 - 01:53 AM in General Nerf

Has anyone seen those commercials lately for CLR Power Plumber? I've never used/seen in use one of those, but they look like a potential way to add on to a nerf gun for a quick fire, especially on guns that need priming. I don't know if the cleaner emmits some kind of toxic gas or messy cleaner fluid, but if I find time I'll consider experimenting. This also has a lot of potential as a homemade gun. It would be similar to CO2, but a special valve wouldn't be necessary, and the whole design would be simpler. ...I've been missing out on the nerf community lately since school started, but hopefully I can get back to testing my spiral darts.

#64366 Clip Mod

Posted by PissBacon on 26 September 2005 - 12:26 AM in Modifications

Did you run into this thread from a link I posted? In any case, I have a similarly designed mechanism (magvalve), and it doesn't loose much power at all. It's about the same as adding a couple inches of vynil tubing, or having a barrel a little too long, and not pushing the dart in all the way. If you're using a single barrel at2k, I don't see this being a problem (are you really going to hit people from that far away?!).

#40433 Clip Friendly Dart

Posted by PissBacon on 01 November 2004 - 02:01 AM in General Nerf

Goodie; super power + ok rof. Maybe I'll buy an n-strike after all...

#64654 Cars

Posted by PissBacon on 30 September 2005 - 01:53 AM in Off Topic

This can outperform many sports cars since its a custom hybrid tuned properly. The electric motors allow for extreme acceleration, and the gas allows for maintaining speed and charging the battery. The frame is a matter of taste, but I bet its a wild ride.
EDIT: Some more detailed specifics about this car: 0-60 in under 4 seconds, over 50 mpg, 200 horse turbo diesel and 200 horse electrics. The batteries are intended mostly for acceleration, so the diesel runs during normal use

My current ride isn't so bad; how do those of you in highschool get your parents to buy you cars? It's the same thing with my friends, they all get cars for birthdays or after getting a license, but I can't afford a car or the insurance.

#65006 Buzz Bee Rfr + At2k Integration

Posted by PissBacon on 04 October 2005 - 03:13 AM in Modifications

Incredible - it must have taken quite a bit of time to work that all out, as you have stated. The only part I find unfortunate is that the rof is actually decreased because of the pumping required; from a practical standpoint it defeats the purpose of having the rfr mechanism. Nonetheless, it's something new and inventive, and more mods can add onto this as well.

#63898 Buzz Bee Rapid Fire Rifle Guts

Posted by PissBacon on 19 September 2005 - 12:23 AM in Modifications

Wait, did I miss something? How did you get that gun? I haven't seen anything about the rff (rapid fire rifle) being out posted.

#79524 Buzz Bee New Guns!

Posted by PissBacon on 10 April 2006 - 08:50 PM in General Nerf

Of course the ripoffs are going to look cheap or cartoonish; they're based off of well designed nerf brand guns, but can't look too similar due to lawsuits. Speaking of what their designs are based on, look familiar?

Posted Image

Buzz bee really doesn't look to have original content comming out at the moment, and the cheap plastic really detracts from their guns, at least to me. Why would I buy the knockoff when I can get the real maveric for only a few bucks anyway? I'll wait to judge the other two new ones just yet, but my expectations are low.

#64251 Buyin A Rf20/nite Finder

Posted by PissBacon on 24 September 2005 - 10:43 AM in General Nerf

Ask for guns in the trade section, and be sure to mention they need to ship to Australia.

#53976 Bottle Gun!

Posted by PissBacon on 01 May 2005 - 05:53 PM in Homemades

You could add some kind of hose/pipe between the barrel and the bottle, so it could be stepped on instead. The force from stepping on it would be much greater than a press of the hands, and would easily make up for the extra airspace in the hose.

#35845 Best Gun

Posted by PissBacon on 29 August 2004 - 11:49 PM in General Nerf

Ompa, is your ss1 tri-barrel a secret shot 1 or a sharp shooter 1, because I was just recently thinking of making my secret shot 1 into a tri-barrel.

#47608 Behold! My Awesome Modification!

Posted by PissBacon on 20 February 2005 - 02:02 AM in Modifications

Osgood-Schlatter disease really sucks; as for the crutch gun, I have a pair of old crutches laying around. The trigger would definately be placed around the handle part, concealed of course. I've just finished up making a semi-automatic pressure regulating valve that looks like it will fit inside the crutch's aluminum piping. Just need to work out how the darts would be loaded; I definately do not want to have to ram each one down the bottom of the crutch. Just imagine dual-wielding nerf crutches.

#74436 Bbb In A Nf

Posted by PissBacon on 26 February 2006 - 07:36 PM in General Nerf

I'm wondering how you got the trigger to catch at all, since when I look at it there's no way the plunger shaft could be catching anything.

Shouldn't this be in the mods section?

#74487 Bbb In A Nf

Posted by PissBacon on 27 February 2006 - 12:43 AM in General Nerf

But even plastic epoxy made to hold 3,500 psi broke.

Maybe this is obvious to you, but just because the epoxy is strong doesn't make the whole design strong. A chain's only as strong as its weakest link.

#64639 Bayonet

Posted by PissBacon on 29 September 2005 - 10:05 PM in Homemades

I was thinking of puting a bayonet on the homemade rifle I am making.  I am going to make it out of cpvc covered with pipe insulation.

Why don't you do it and then post, instead of vaguely speculating?

#72317 Bag's Badass Bow

Posted by PissBacon on 04 February 2006 - 10:06 PM in Modifications

I guess it's sort of like two power rangers gettin freaky to 'the bad touch' (that's a good thing right?). I remain impressed with the greatness of this new spraypaint you discovered, but I wonder why you didn't take time to sand down the little things on the bbb that aren't particularly nice looking but easy to remove (tabs on top of sight, nubs on sides of sight for superfluous attachments, name brand if you didn't already,3 raised bars near sight, tiny nubs below the 3 bars). These differences are a matter of taste though, so I'm not arguing that you should have done it, it's your mod. I think I'm to lazy to touch up my bbb though, but like I said before, those extra areas of color are well placed.

#73661 Bacon Big Bad Bow

Posted by PissBacon on 20 February 2006 - 01:52 AM in Modifications

I like the adaptation; it's much less complex since you don't have to cut the brass halfway through carefully without bending it (brass pipe is so thin and weak I couldn't use a vice). Sure the glue's a little messy but I'm sure it performs great, suggested by your ranges. I'm suprised it does so well considering how the breech is set up and would be expected to treat a dart.

#47603 Atomizer Slingshot Mod

Posted by PissBacon on 20 February 2005 - 01:45 AM in Modifications

What did you say about ranges? I have never shot one of these before so I don't know what to expect.

#47677 Atomizer Slingshot Mod

Posted by PissBacon on 21 February 2005 - 02:40 AM in Modifications

thanks. I'm not that surprised though, since it's just a slingshot after all.