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#281063 Nerf Ontario Canada

Posted by cheyner on 23 July 2010 - 05:46 PM in Nerf Wars

Funny you should ask that, the gears just started turning on a August war in Toronto.
Click me! That is the exact thread where the date is being figured out.
Check it out, then join the site, fresh meat is always welcome.

#326928 Airtech 2000 mod problems

Posted by cheyner on 17 February 2013 - 07:09 PM in Modifications

Plug your pump better. Although your wording makes it seem like its not actually a problem at all.


Posted by cheyner on 08 October 2012 - 08:08 PM in Nerf Wars

Any Americans planning on coming?

#315769 K.I.N.G.

Posted by cheyner on 15 May 2012 - 10:54 PM in Nerf Wars

First post updated with new info.

#315613 K.I.N.G.

Posted by cheyner on 12 May 2012 - 09:26 PM in Nerf Wars

Kingston Inaugural Nerf Games (K.I.N.G)

Date: Saturday, June 9th, 2012
Time: 10am until everybody has had enough.
City: Kingston, Ontario.
Location: Lord Strathcona Public School 251 McMahon Ave K7M 3H4
Directions: Take the 401 whichever way will get you to Kingston, exit at Sir John A MacDonald Blvd and head southish until you come to Glengarry Rd on your right, turn onto Glengarry Rd. Take your first left at Avenue Rd and follow that until you get to McMahon Ave and turn right. The school will be on your right an is hard to miss.
Posted Image

Admission: There will be a charge of $10 for this to cover prizes, materials, and most importantly, badges.

-Eye protection is mandatory
-No singled Titans, assorted Shit Cannons, plugged Big Blasts, or converted water guns. (must have a minimum of 3 barrels firing at once)
-This is not daycare, and I'm not your babysitter, act your age or older if need be.
-No age restriction, having said that, no mercy. 13 and under needs to have a parent/guardian present all day. (see above)
-No shields, Manta excluded obviously.
-No melee
-Barrel tapping is ok with me, stabbing not so much. A Barrel tap is when you tap somebody with the side of your barrel.
-No exposed metal tips on barrels.
-No primarily black, brown or camouflage painted blasters, if you must bring them, cover them in bright coloured tape.
-If it's not yours, don't touch it without asking.
-Dart sweeps are for everybody, and don't just pick up your own darts, pick up every dart you see.
-If it comes with you, it leaves with you. (pick your shit up)
-Swearing is fun, just don't yell it
-Use common sense when selecting blasters to bring, if its too powerful you will not be using it.
-NO MASKS, PAINTBALL OR OTHERWISE. Don't need anybody thinking we are playing paintball.

Dart Restrictions:
-No exposed metal
-Slugs will be heavily scrutinized
-Spherical or washer weights only, nothing pointy.

What to Bring:
-At least 1 primary
-Sidearm if you feel like it.
-200 darts
-Previously mentioned mandatory eye protection.
-Water or other means of quenching thirst.
-Lunch, there is also a few fast food places and a Loblaws close by.
-Good attitude.
-Stuff breaks, so bring extras for yourself and others if you are so inclined, my personal supply is mostly being used by my guests.

Games to expect:
-3:15 deathmatch
-Defend the core
-Tower Defense

-Before the war starts, during lunch, and after the war are the only times you should be doing this.

-5-10 guests

I have several back up sites if we are forced to move for one reason or another. One is across the street, another is 2 blocks away.

#276355 Vengeance #1 Video

Posted by cheyner on 29 May 2010 - 05:46 PM in Nerf Wars

Another fine piece of work Angel. The clip of Slushi jumping Crooked was great.
Cannot wait to see your next piece of art.

#324249 PhotoBucket Issues.

Posted by cheyner on 08 December 2012 - 04:38 PM in Off Topic

You used the wrong link.
Your non-working link is for E-mail and IM, this site is neither of those things.
Its still the bottom one, like it has been for awhile now, or you could use the one literally right below the one that doesn't work, you just have to do the [IMG] stuff yourself.
I just posted a picture from PB to make sure, but have edited it out as it serves no purpose in this thread.

#328721 Canada, NewBrunswick

Posted by cheyner on 13 April 2013 - 04:33 PM in Nerf Wars

You are the first and only Canadian Nerfer I have heard from/about on the east coast. Most of us are in Ontario, with a few in Quebec and out west. You are most likely going to have to get the scene in your area going yourself, it sucks, but can pay off with some work.
And here is a helpful tip, you will bunch up less panties if you post a thread saying you are hosting a war, as opposed to a thread looking for one.

#314110 Vengeanace 6

Posted by cheyner on 07 April 2012 - 07:25 PM in Nerf Wars

Love the teaser trailer.

Made another 4 barriers today, have at least 16 now. That's pretty much my max, my trunk cannot fit any more. Consider cover in the open field taken care of.

#274876 Nerfers In Winnipeg?

Posted by cheyner on 15 May 2010 - 08:20 PM in Modifications

If you are a Canadian, I hope you are a member here.
If not, please do.

#324195 Splitfire Breech Guide

Posted by cheyner on 06 December 2012 - 10:06 PM in Modifications

I love how clean that looks, cannot wait to see what it looks like after you paint the barrels and whatnot.

Still the same name as top left corner of this post.

#312270 Screaming Salvo

Posted by cheyner on 02 March 2012 - 06:19 PM in Modifications

Thanks, yes it does still transform, I would not have followed through with the mod otherwise, the first pic was taken after the mod was done.

#296127 Vengeance 4

Posted by cheyner on 16 March 2011 - 06:14 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm leaving now to finish paying for Bookworms ring, so we will both be there.

I will bring my core, and obstacles incase its decided they could be useful.

#312164 Screaming Salvo

Posted by cheyner on 29 February 2012 - 11:59 PM in Modifications

This is my entry in the Canadian Mod Contest, posted here to share the love.
When first tasked with creating a new mod I went to my cave and started digging in bins. I was quickly distracted by my stock Starscream Blaster, shoots darts, transforms, and most importantly, it's a jet.
The next night I decided to take full advantage of those features, but I decided to give it enough power to justify running around with it at a war.
Enter parts list:
1 Big salvo tank
1 Sm3000 pump
1 Tubing T
1 Hornet Blast button
1 45 degree CPVC coupler
3 .75 to .50 PVC reduction couplers
Tiny bit of CPVC
Some 1" and .50" PVC
Random lengths of random sizes of tubing
Materials for a breech, and enough .50" PVC to cover it (if not already used in the breech)

Start with this:
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Quickly open it up before you get distracted, giving you this:
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I got started before taking that picture.
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I had problems with the orange caps, large amounts of glue and weak plastic worked against me here, and I could not get them off, to make later stages easier, and to get an overall cleaner look, try and get them off before opening. I ended up completely cutting them off with a knife later.

Gut the internals, and dremel away at the inside's until you roughly have this:
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The top is a whole new ball game that I will get to later.

Cut down the stock trigger piece thing to this:
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I though I had a picture of it stock, I thought wrong.

Next you are going to want to attach your internals so you can get a feel for where things are going (or do it before, whatever):
Posted Image

Now make your breech, there are many types to choose from, and I leave that part to you. The one I use I received in a trade, and as such I do not have picture of its construction. You don't even need to use a breech for this mod, but I feel it fit the look I was going for.

Attach the breech to the 45 degree coupler, and shove some CPVC in the other end. The length of the CPVC will depend on how deep you get the Salvo tank into the shell, for me it was .75". Dab some super glue on the CPVC and place it in/onto the Salvo tank, you should have some wiggle room. Work fast to get the barrel and tank situated before the glue dries.
Posted Image
Chop down some 1" PVC into 2 pieces .75" and 2 pieces 1" or so. Dremel out 2 of the reducers so there is no ridge on the end and cut one in half. Stick the 2 full length couplers into the 1" lengths of PVC, and the now 2 half couplers into the .75" lengths. Slide the .75" sections on the breech and pump tube respectively.
Use your glue of choice to secure everything in the shell now, I used hot glue.
Cut about .50" of .50" PVC and slide it onto the end of the pump shaft, stick the 1" PVC section with the unmodified coupler in it over this. The other section goes over your barrel, wrap both in packing tape until they fit snug in the orange caps, add glue if needed.
Posted Image

Now for the top half of the shell, cut a hole for your breech opening in the fake barrel and cut a hole to make clearance for the Salvo tank. Go slow to make sure the fit is tight as possible.
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Once you have everything fitting how you like, reassemble and start practicing your jet noises.
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2 cameras died in the making of this writeup, leading to blurry photos shot with a video camera.

I could have used 2 tanks, but then it would have left me no room for the pump. I also could have placed the Salvo tank completely in the fake barrel, there is room, but it would have left me with barrel sticking out, ruining the look I was going for.

Ranges when the sun comes back, and the wind goes away.

#295529 Vengeance 4

Posted by cheyner on 07 March 2011 - 08:15 PM in Nerf Wars

Are we going to get a chance to play some type of game on the hill this year?
I'm still maybe, but I will sell my soul to make it if I have to.

#274874 Nite Finder Cometic + Reanfocement And Extra Spring

Posted by cheyner on 15 May 2010 - 08:17 PM in Modifications

You know, I really am quite entertained by this post.

He talks about these nice cosmetics, and there's not even a picture of the damn gun.

A fucking gorilla could've made a better post.

Agreed, I also enjoy the paragraph long sentence.

#321046 Sourthern Alberta Wars

Posted by cheyner on 26 August 2012 - 11:41 AM in Nerf Wars

Try CanadianNerfers.ca, most of the recent members are from out west.

#285706 Cobra Drain Blaster Pump Replacement

Posted by cheyner on 18 September 2010 - 09:04 PM in Modifications

I like the pump replacement, I almost had to do one myself. I found my Pango at a Value Village, the pump was not actually pumping. I took it apart, left it for a month or so, and it magically worked when I put it back together.

HELLA BAM! My personal configuration with 6-barrel attachment. Really though it’s just for show just for this pic, I have yet to figger out a reasonable use other than the obvious 6-shot burst (which is actually quite effective).

Clearly, you have not fired a Titan missle with one of these. On my Pango, they hit just short of 100', arrows are also pretty entertaining to shoot as well. I find a barrel selector with a shot gun attatchment, and a Titan missle or 2 arrows is very effective.

#283330 Nerf Stopcock

Posted by cheyner on 17 August 2010 - 12:15 PM in Homemades

I knew I should have started to work on this when you first mentioned it. Great work BuffDaddy, you have been on a roll this summer.

#321076 Sourthern Alberta Wars

Posted by cheyner on 27 August 2012 - 12:38 AM in Nerf Wars

I'm pretty sure I figured out what name you are using, either that or somebody has ripped-off your deploy mod. PM me your name just so I know it is you and I will see what I can do.

#323532 Death By Foam

Posted by cheyner on 13 November 2012 - 04:06 PM in Site Feedback

All of them are still on here, look, you will find them. If not, then I guess it was never meant to be.

#316891 CPVC scatter blast

Posted by cheyner on 11 June 2012 - 07:38 PM in Modifications

Doesn't this also have back-pressure tanks? I find they tend to need tighter barrels anyways.

I really like this, I keep meaning to mod mine, but keep getting sidetracked.

#290580 Hell Before Halloween 4 Videos

Posted by cheyner on 10 December 2010 - 05:20 PM in Nerf Wars

Awesome work. I didnt realize we lost by that much in monster mash. Good thing most of team 2 makes up for it in part 2.

This video is further proof that if you have a chance to get to one of Angels wars, deffinantly go, you will regret it if you dont.

#325440 Looking for Nerfers in Northern Virginia

Posted by cheyner on 18 January 2013 - 12:39 PM in Nerf Wars

Man, what kind of women do you know that you expect to find other people in their viginias?
Might want to proofread your title next time.

#272593 Turrets Info

Posted by cheyner on 18 April 2010 - 04:19 PM in Homemades

"Scouting" in this case means visiting regularly, over and over, for months and months.
I've been stopping by a certain Goodwill store (happens to be the one nearest to Blue's house) about twice a month for maybe two years, because it's on a route I need to travel anyway, and I find something interesting only once in a while.

Take this to heart, thrift shops such as Goodwill and Value Village (Canada) are goldmines. At least 75% of my blasters are second hand. They usually have an abundance of turrets in the form of Tek 6's. Some will even set aside nerf guns for you if you ask. I have a couple of guys doing that for me at Value Village and it has paid off. In the last month or 2 I have gotten a SM3K, a Big Salvo, 4 Big Blasts, a Magstrike, SM1500, and a Cyclone.

#273575 Nerf Product Safety Question

Posted by cheyner on 27 April 2010 - 10:18 PM in General Nerf

It shows it in a Tan colour in one of the pics, which wouldnt be too bad.
As for the ammo, it depends, yes the one review said 20 ft range, but the "only" was refering to the 3 second fill. If that is as much as you can pressurize it, then I think it would be okay.

#311875 Rayven Flywheel Switch

Posted by cheyner on 26 February 2012 - 02:48 AM in Modifications

Sounds like what a lot of people do to their Barricades. If you place the switch close enough to the trigger it shouldn't give you many problems, by close enough I mean like a hair trigger.

#294552 Why Lock Threads In Off-topic?

Posted by cheyner on 15 February 2011 - 11:24 PM in Site Feedback

This is why: http://www.nerfhq.co...x.php?board=7.0

Well played sir.

This is called Nerf Haven for a reason, it is a haven from stupid shit.

#269252 Ammo Question

Posted by cheyner on 15 March 2010 - 09:51 PM in Darts and Barrels

Your range would probably suck hard, but you could try and make it like a ball shooter. By this i mean, put a lip on the end of the barrel. You could then use the barrel as an inline clip. Instead of balls use your footballs.

#308037 A pair of Sonic Bazooka mods

Posted by cheyner on 04 December 2011 - 09:26 PM in Modifications

I like the coupler set up, but you really killed your ranges with those "smaller tubes".
Try it without the disks and smaller tubes, all you need is three barrels, and it's pretty easy to make sure your barrels do not go past that ridge.

But yeah, I like that coupler set up, should save a shit-ton of hot glue.

#273580 Nerf Product Safety Question

Posted by cheyner on 27 April 2010 - 10:47 PM in General Nerf

Really now? First of all, the gun is $180 and each shell is $60.

Why don't you buy yourself a ultimator or something...they're cheaper and you can still hit kiddies with big ass rockets. I assume that's what you want to do

I'm pretty sure he is planning on buying this for airsoft, as he states in his first post he is becoming more active in airsoft then nerf. And is wondering if he can get more use out of it by buying those foam slugs and then using it at a nerf war, if everybody was okay with it.

#301164 Octo-shot turret

Posted by cheyner on 07 July 2011 - 11:00 PM in Modifications

I went through 2 priming bars myself, before I forcibly removed the turret with the screws still in the shell.

Your priming bar is either flexing downward ever so slightly, or you have the slightest knick in the tooth that is causing it to slide out at the last moment.

The gigantic amount of epoxy putty MakeItGo has at the front of the blaster is 100% necessary. I have tried his Octo-shot myself, and I still don't know how it works so well.

#298332 Very simple crossbow modification

Posted by cheyner on 20 May 2011 - 05:37 PM in Modifications

And if you have a tight enough dart fit, you can shoot a foot of brass at somebody.

#288467 Commlink Walkie Talkie

Posted by cheyner on 15 November 2010 - 10:19 PM in General Nerf

If you want something pretty steep, but awesome as hell, put cell phones in them.
Upgrade to the max.

Whatever you plan on, I hope you have these ready for the badlands in the spring.

#315738 Southern NH Nerf War

Posted by cheyner on 15 May 2012 - 12:00 PM in Nerf Wars

I second what Beaver is saying, the last Massacre had a entry fee of $40, and there was still around 30 people. We have also started handing out badges at some wars, which require a entry fee to cover the costs of.

#298725 My Hop'A'Long

Posted by cheyner on 26 May 2011 - 11:19 PM in Modifications

i went there today and it didnt fit my rona foam and it fit half way and got stuck so idk and canadian forum?

If you are using a springer, having to twist slightly isn't bad. If you are looking for an airgun fit, you might have to use brass if you can find it locally.

Or switch to mega's, using 5/8 foam and 1/2 pvc or 3/4 cpvc.

Click on the link in my sig to find the Canadian forum.

#302518 The Giant Caulk

Posted by cheyner on 29 July 2011 - 09:32 PM in Homemades

Somebody has to say it, I love your giant caulk Buffdaddy.

I will have to dig through all the different caulk guns at work tomorrow to see if they will work.

#276305 Sm3k Help

Posted by cheyner on 28 May 2010 - 10:05 PM in Modifications

So, I'm almost done my Sm3k and I'm down to one problem. Either my pump is leaking because they didnt put enough plastic on it, the OPRV is out of whack, or I am actually filling the tank on one pump. Does any of this make sence to anybody?
Posted Image
Should I plug this hole?
Or should I plug my OPRV?
I replaced the o-ring with a new one, does this grant me magical one-pump powers? Is somebody going to sig what I just wrote?
It's a yellow Sm3k, and I have never fired a working Sm3k to compare the air-output to.
Help? Suggestions?

#314422 stefan stampede clip

Posted by cheyner on 15 April 2012 - 11:12 PM in Modifications

I'm a bit lost on this one, is the brass glued into the clip? How does it become stock compatible if so? If not, what is holding it there?

Other then that this is pretty well done, definitely a fan of not having to deal with the tabs on the clip.

Edit: That just makes this so much better, thanks for the clarification.

#276351 Sm3k Help

Posted by cheyner on 29 May 2010 - 04:00 PM in Modifications

The hole is in the end of the pump that attaches to the pump handle, so it is not effecting pump efficiency.

Thank you, one down.

Ok, still, not a vaccume issue. The leak was the same with the original o-ring, with the new one it just happens faster, this is what is leading me to belive that the OPRV has weakened over time.
I know that if water got in there it could have rusted a bit and that would have weakened it a bit.
I am going to rip apart my green Sm3k and try the pump shaft from that.