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#275590 Deadliest Warrior On Spike Tv

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 22 May 2010 - 08:19 PM in Off Topic

You know, he has a point there.

On topic, my favorite is season 1's last episode when the spartan and the samouri faced off.( the first battle was all I saw because I had a lot of homework that night :lol: )

Yea, the 52% wins for the spartan wasn't very much, but it was sweet. You didn't miss much with the spetznaz vs. IRA because the spetznaz's weaponry is so much more advanced, they just killed it. My favorite is the Maori vs. Shaolin monk, its awesome, although this week with the Rajput warrior is going to be sick.

#273723 3k Tubing

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 29 April 2010 - 08:19 PM in Modifications

Use a really small hose clamp.

#273416 Externally Singled Hornet (for Power)

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 26 April 2010 - 03:54 PM in Modifications

If you plugged this into the bottom of the titan, you would essentially have a 2 shot titan. With the ridiculous range though, it might be more beneficial to put three barrels into one and the other three into another and make a hornet-split shot.

#272389 Dart Door V2

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 16 April 2010 - 09:57 AM in Darts and Barrels

Does the gasket around the screw show any signs of wear? After a while, I feel like it might break at this point, and a small washer would be a easy fix, unless there isnt room for a washer without impeding the dart's movement.

#270512 Hornet Tanks

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 27 March 2010 - 07:33 PM in Modifications

Posted Image

Little representation.

#270271 Ballzooka Mp150 V2.0

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 24 March 2010 - 10:44 PM in Modifications

What brand are those red drills? I've always found DeWalt drills have higher RPMs than other drills of similar voltage levels, and usually are more durable (I dropped one off a 2 story roof into the mud, it was completely comsumed except for a small yellow patch, and it still works fine). Also, $90 a battery is not worth it, Home Depot has deals on DeWalt drills 2 or 3 times a year, a few weeks back they had 18v Variable Speed Drills with an extra battery and charger for $60 (I got 5), and although they aren't the XRP you're using, they're definitely worth it in my opinion.

Other than my OCD about the drills, this is wonderful, I love ball guns, and not only did you make a ball gun primary worthy, you made a flywheel gun primary worthy. Wonderful.

#266467 Wtb Stock Titan

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 22 February 2010 - 05:30 PM in General Nerf


#264880 Tetra Strike Barrel Replacement

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 09 February 2010 - 10:43 PM in Modifications

I think a zip tie would be a better choice than e-tape to hold that part of the shell together because of simplicity and lack of adhesive residue. Also, you look like you need a bandaid for your finger. Also, also, good job, way to take chances on the tank's opening size and figure out a way to fix it afterwards, makes me happy that you didn't just create a "what would happen if" thread.

#264595 Ballistic Ball Sizing

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 07 February 2010 - 11:23 AM in General Nerf

Which ballistic balls are you talking about? Yellow, green, and blue balls all have different diameters.

#263627 Finding A Blaster For A Friend In A Power Chair.

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 28 January 2010 - 11:28 PM in General Nerf

Something with salvo tanks and an SMDGT trigger would work well. 3 good ranged accurate shots without reloading. As far as pumping goes, if he rigged up the pump on a pivot to one wheel, it would pump as he drove around and could fill an external tank as perviously mentioned. The only thing is he'd have to keep the OPRV in so he didn't blown the tank while driving around.
Posted Image
This is what I meant by pump attached to the wheel with pivots, as the wheel turns, the pump goes in and out, filling the tank. It would be hard to get perfect, but make everything easier for him.

#262061 Md / Dc War Planning

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 16 January 2010 - 07:45 PM in Nerf Wars

I'd be cool with the 20th or 27th at rockville.

#261751 Problems With Glue

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 13 January 2010 - 10:49 PM in General Nerf

Here are two recent threads about this very issue.

#261198 M3 Take Two

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 08 January 2010 - 05:52 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there, whichever day works.
I have to work :D

#261068 Does This Work

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 07 January 2010 - 01:11 AM in General Nerf

Sure, if you're strong enough to prime it.
Judging by your weak grammar, I assume you're either 7, 11, or 12. You won't be able to prime it.

I'm pretty sure he's 16 years, 1 month, and 7 days. Just sayin'

#260443 Offset Coupler

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 02 January 2010 - 02:21 AM in Modifications

The maverick shoots straight, and the hole in the reverse plunger is not centered so I would say yes.

Then 9 feet later it goes strait down...

Straight down is still straight.

#260411 Offset Coupler

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 01 January 2010 - 10:42 PM in Modifications

The maverick shoots straight, and the hole in the reverse plunger is not centered so I would say yes.

#259248 Crossbow Longshot

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 17 December 2009 - 03:01 PM in Modifications

How sturdy is the stock? I wouldn't think hot glue would be strong enough to hold it.

#258273 The Best Nerf Site(s) Of All Time Are Gone For Ever.

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 07 December 2009 - 11:52 AM in Off Topic

I hope none of you planning to form RAD teams, work on your gun combos, execute a Yakman mod, or make an original stealthblade holster, because the first generation of Nerf Websites is gone, as of October 25th.


Welcome to December...

#258249 Alternative Hobby/activity Thread

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 07 December 2009 - 01:17 AM in Off Topic

This is Kate:
Posted Image
She took me 18 months to get to this point, most of my junior and senior years of high school. I still spend hours every weekend working on things for her. Currently refinishing snowplow brackets and hardtop for the winter, then putting heaters in the seats. She's a 1979 Jeep CJ7 with an AMC 304 V8, 3-speed, full fiberglass body, 35" tires, and 2 12" subwoofers. Overkill? Mabye. Accomplish my childhood dream? Definitely.
And since people always ask, roughly 7.5 mpg, I sympathize with no one on gas prices.

#257164 Dart Weight Regulations/range Testing

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 23 November 2009 - 11:11 PM in Darts and Barrels

I've been watching this discussion on the Midwest Nerf site for a while. I'm one of the Nerfers who has loved the steady increase of the ranges of Nerf guns. The big appeal for Nerf where I live is that it is more accurate than Air soft and has less range than paint ball. There appear to be three things that people have problems with, I would like to present a counter argument for each.

1) Ranges: why would there be a problem with ranges? There are reasons I can see for people disliking increased ranges: pain at close range, many guns don't get the far ranges of the +bow or overhauled at3k, or they cant hit anyone at the far ranges that these guns fire at. You can stand further apart when you shoot, you don't have to be 50ft apart when you shoot. If you can't hit someone from that range either you can accept that or work to improve your aim. It appears we are working to address concerns about the +bow by decreasing the range of high powered Nerf Guns. If we are fighting to keep the +bow fair maybe we need to take a look at the +bow again.

2) Pain/safety: as I said before, you can stand further apart. If you choose to get in close you choose to accept the pain of getting shot. How many people here have played paint ball? The paint balls will leave bruises through sweatshirts and will make you bleed if it hits bare skin. Nerf even at point blank isn't that powerful.

3) The +bow: If all we are trying to do is make it so the +bow doesn't smear the competition, then we need to adjust the +bow not the darts. Not all of us like or have a +bow. I prefer weak close range guns as opposed to the sn!ping weapons we appear to be capping the rages of. I have no issues with the +bow, you wanna use it have fun with it.

I understand that we all have a right to Nerf as we please and this is a place that we can discuss our views. If you wanna ban the slingshot weighted darts that is your decision, I will allow all ammo types at my wars, if there are problems with safety then I will ban the guns not the darts. In summary:

I am opposed to any dart ban.

2) Although nerf at long range isn't that powerful, at point blank range, there are plenty of guns which can break skin.

3) You're suggesting a ban on guns or mods to guns. This limits progress. If someone can make a gun that shoots further and faster than other guns (within reason), more power to them. The dart ban would allow these guns to come into play without jeopardizing the safety of players, encouraging others to find new ways to give their guns more power.

#257073 Ballzooka Mp150

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 22 November 2009 - 10:03 PM in Modifications

This is the kind of large and ugly you don't have to be drunk to appreciate...

#256989 Heeelp!

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 22 November 2009 - 12:19 AM in Modifications

Wing'd man- why would it need to be WIDENED? It seems to me that with the pen mod, the air would be more concentrated on the dart, hence a stronger airflow, and more range...

It might need widened because there could be too much concentration on the dart. If your hole is too small, you need more pressure, and your springs don't have the pressure to push it through that small hole. If it's just hot glued, take a knife and cut around the edge to remove it completely then test fire the gun. If it shoots farther, that's your problem, if not, you just heat up that outer edge of hot glue and stick it back in.

#256279 Nite Finder Dual External Sprigs

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 14 November 2009 - 05:58 PM in Modifications

I like the idea, makes it look much cleaner. Those springs don't look very strong though, how much power do they add?

#255354 Lb Pump Relocation

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 04 November 2009 - 11:56 PM in Modifications

A problem with this is you lengthened the tubing. The way the LB was designed, the check valve is at the base of the tanks, not on the pump, so by lengthening the tubing you create a pocket of air that can compress without being pushed through the valve. This is going to make it harder/impossible to achieve the same amount of pressure in the tanks. I would suggest putting another check valve right after the pump, or replacing the pump with one that has an attached check valve.

#255152 Need Your Help

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 01 November 2009 - 11:03 PM in Modifications

Since money is no option, I would suggest you get the SuperTech 9000 Rifle/Pistol combo. Not only will it make you an automatic guru, your penis will grow a foot aswell.

#254786 Nerf N-strike Longstrike Cs-6 - Preview!

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 28 October 2009 - 11:27 AM in General Nerf

Did anyone else notice the design of the stock. Like the Recon and LS it holds a clip, but it looks to me like it holds it off to the side rather than the center of the stock like we have seen with previous clip blasters. It kind of looks like a fender to me, like on an old style car. If it has the same setup on both sides, that means it can carry 2 clips for reloading instead of just one. Not a major innovation but a nice little upgrade none-the-less.

It also holds it sideways, hopefully allowing for reloading on the go.

Looks like the stock is a little on the short side.

It's a toy made for children, what do you expect?

#254690 Nerf N-strike Longstrike Cs-6 - Preview!

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 27 October 2009 - 12:40 PM in General Nerf

another reshelled recon.

I think it's more of a reshelled long shot, it's roughly the same shape, has the same cocking mechanism, and the longshot doesn't appear on that poster (at least what we can see of it). Edit, plus similar range claims.

#254438 Jlego's Hybrid Breech System (somewhat Picture Heavy)

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 24 October 2009 - 03:05 PM in Darts and Barrels

Your cuts are just perfect, I am unreasonably impressed.

#253973 Tightening Rings

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 19 October 2009 - 06:31 PM in Modifications

So you're talking about one of the rotary styled pipe cutters with the wheels? Wouldn't that cut through it though?

... stop just before you cut through.

Not if you're careful.

#253930 Titan Barrel

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 19 October 2009 - 10:50 AM in Modifications

You twist it to the left (counter clockwise) and if you can't get it, go to your father/mother/brother/sister/neighbor/some bum and have them do it, it's not that difficult.

Actually it's not that easy, I'm not saying this as some wimpy little 15 year old. I'm actually quite strong and I cannot get this barrel off for the life of me. It sticks when I twist to the left and when I twist clockwise it quickly gets hard for me to twist but it doesn't stop right away like it does counter-clockwise.

Actually, it is that easy, you're unscrewing a children's toy, grab it and twist. Seriously, take it to someone bigger than you and have them twist it off if you can't get it.

#253908 Titan Barrel

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 19 October 2009 - 01:44 AM in Modifications

I don't know if it's just my Titan but the barrel does not want to come off despite my best physical efforts to twist it off both ways. I've seen posts that just have the barrel off and they say "Just twist it." I have decided NOT to cut the barrel off because I need the original barrel for support of my breech system. Thanks in advance.

You twist it to the left (counter clockwise) and if you can't get it, go to your father/mother/brother/sister/neighbor/some bum and have them do it, it's not that difficult.

#253803 Fixing The Raider Cs-35

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 18 October 2009 - 12:57 AM in Modifications

Days? Take it back to the store and exchange it.

#253292 Question Awnsered

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 11 October 2009 - 07:52 PM in Modifications

Frankly, if you're looking for the best, I wouldn't settle for less than an industrial spring with 18kt gold plating and diamonds, but thats only if you want the best.

#252027 New Idea For Stefans

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 28 September 2009 - 07:44 PM in General Nerf

...magnetizeabel, like, for example, steel or iron, it would make picking up darts easier, prevent lost darts, and (with a magnet on the end of a stick) make it easier to get them from behind the couch.

So I'd like to give this a try. Does anyone know of any small, round(ish) objects I could use that can be "magneted" to accomplish this? Thanks!

Magnetic, but you could use steel bb's or washers like stated above.

Hmmm. Lots of people already use washers. i'm pretty sure washers will already stick to a magnet. problem solved.

EDIT: i'm pretty sure BBs are also magnetic. With those being very VERY common stephan making materials i'm pretty sure you could already use a magnet and not have to worry about making the entire community switch materials!

Not all bb's I know around me they sell copper bb's which aren't magnetic.

But even if they were magnetic you'd need a pretty wide bar magnet for it to be worthwhile because if you have a normal magnet on a string, you'd only be able to pick up one or 2 darts at a time, and then you might as well just pick them up by hand.

#250554 Longshot Catch Issues

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 15 September 2009 - 09:30 PM in Modifications

Take a pic of the part of the priming rod the catch catches, that might be worn out.

#250342 Fall Dcno

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 13 September 2009 - 06:56 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there
edit: +1 or 2

#249338 How Do Semi-auto Air Blasters Work?

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 01 September 2009 - 03:02 PM in General Nerf

I found this image on a spud gun site, its not the best, but its something.
Posted Image

#248471 Photobucket Problem

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 24 August 2009 - 10:21 PM in Off Topic

There are many other media hosting sites out there, try using one of those is photobucket is giving you problems.
Daily Motion

#246973 Recon O-rings

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 13 August 2009 - 11:00 PM in Modifications

If you have thrift stores nearby, they usually sell recons cheap, so yo ucould buy one, take the o ring and have a bunch of replacement parts for the future.

#246587 Insert Gun Name Here

Posted by fallinouttadabox on 11 August 2009 - 03:29 PM in News

If we do this, maybe new guys will actually be able to come on here and find what they're looking for.

The Modification Directory takes care of this problem.
No matter what the gun was named by its creator, it is listed under the stock guns name and further listed under the company who makes it.

If we want to further help out noobs actually find the modification directory, the link titled "Modification" under "Site navigation" at the NH homepage should be changed to the modification directory.
All of those mods are added into the directory anyway.
Why have a half assed directory with cool thumbnail photos when we can have the whole thing for people to see on the front page.

I don't see it being a problem at all for guns that have write ups that are in the directory.
Any other posting showing off a mod would be in the modification/paint job pictures thread anyway.

Yes, but you have missed some things, for example Zorn's big bad bow overhaul,(which, conveniently, had "big bad bow overhaul" as it's title, so it was easy to find) the triple nitefinder (which I have spend literally HOURS trying to find, using Google, yahoo, Nerfhaven search, etc.), and others.

Other than that though, I agree with you, especially about putting a link to the directory in the front page.

Yea, if the modification directory replaced the "modifications" link on the left hand side, that would be very helpful since those modifications are already in the directory.