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#79407 Don't Take Away My Crossbow, Mommy!

Posted by puggy on 10 April 2006 - 11:15 AM in Articles

I agree that long range guns should be allowed in nerf wars. But some people (like my brother for example) will use them in close range combat. This gives them an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage to them is that if you get shot, it will cause you a great amount of pain. But most of the time, they will only get one shot. So if they miss you will be ready with your PC. Most long range weapons are banned from wars because people will use them in close range combat. I wouldn't go to a war knowing that titans or sm5000's are allowed. But like you said, you need them for stand-offs. I think titan's and other long range weapons should be allowed in wars. But they shouldn't be missused. You should be within 100 ft. of a target to use a titan. So not to inflict horrible pain. Personally, I love long range guns. And if I ever will be able to go to large war, I would want to take my titan with me.

#79557 Titan Air Tank

Posted by puggy on 11 April 2006 - 08:22 AM in General Nerf

The titan's airtank is very large making the gun extremely powerful and banned from wars. I like my titan and if I ever will be able to go to a war I would want to use it. So I'm working on a semi auto titan that has a clip and all that good stuff. I should get about 6-9 shots in with ranges of at2k's on one airtank fill.

#79732 Atomizer

Posted by puggy on 12 April 2006 - 07:56 PM in General Nerf

The MBZ is fun, but LOUD. It also wastes battery life. But it has a good ROF.

#79833 Any Bay Area Wars?

Posted by puggy on 13 April 2006 - 04:39 PM in Nerf Wars

Yes, please people from N.C. Speak up so we can have a war!

Whoops I thought you meant North Carolina.

#79933 Nerf Contest!

Posted by puggy on 14 April 2006 - 12:19 PM in General Nerf

What fun would it be if it was al stock. Even if you snuck in an at2k they will probably supervise your every move. That wouldn't be fun. -_-

#80029 Springs For Nf

Posted by puggy on 15 April 2006 - 07:10 PM in Modifications

I just found this out yesterday. The confetti grenade things that you twist and confetti flies out. The springs in those are quite good and powerful. It's pretty easy to pull back but it holds a lot of power. I highly recommend it.

#80323 Fast And Cheap Remote Controlled Car Or Plane?

Posted by puggy on 19 April 2006 - 05:33 AM in Off Topic

I used to have an Air Hogs non-rc plane. It was cool, You used a pump to fill the bladder on the plane up. Then you flick the propeller and since it uses a cool valve thing. The airpressure keeps turning the propeller. The whole plane is light and it travels some far distances. It can take on a liitle bit of wind but to much will blow it off course. It was very fun and got some far ranges. It was cheap to. I think it was 20 dollars. It's worth it if you can find one.

#80831 Homemade Crossbow

Posted by puggy on 26 April 2006 - 07:37 PM in Homemades

I made a cross bow, it shoots nerf arrows just like a real crossbow. I used a bungee cord for power source.

Posted Image

I still need to make a trigger catch so I don't have ranges yet?

MMMMMMMMMM........More pictures
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Any questions or comments?

I know that this won't be very practical in a nerf war. But it is fun to play with. I think I'll launch some tennis balls or something for my dogs to chase.

#80832 Another Homemade

Posted by puggy on 26 April 2006 - 07:40 PM in Homemades

Here it is.

Posted Image

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It's a max fusion 10 dollar super soaker, I was constantly getting ranges of 130-145 ft. The longest range I think I got was 149.5 ft. Not bad at all . It takes about 3 to 4 pumps for a standard bicycle pump to prime.
The tank is only a little smaller than a Titan's.
It uses a cool spring loaded valve so the valve opens instantly.

For more of my projects go here....http://www.nerfx.net/smf/

#80866 Help.

Posted by puggy on 27 April 2006 - 06:26 AM in Modifications

You need to add a 4" peice of cpvc to the planger tube, secure it with some epoxy. The seal with the plunger is poor. So wap electrical tape around the plunger head 3 times. That should help.

#80895 Another Homemade

Posted by puggy on 27 April 2006 - 04:57 PM in Homemades

I am, I think that's a standard bike pump. :mellow: . I could just get 3 mini bike pumps (what your talking about ompa) and glue them together to have the air output of 3 pumps.

#81002 Hey I'm A Noob Who Needs Help With A Project

Posted by puggy on 30 April 2006 - 09:52 AM in Homemades

It sounds like your clip is poorly made and you have major air leaks. Go look at some clip designs and make on of them.

#81161 Long Range Nerf Rifle

Posted by puggy on 03 May 2006 - 03:15 PM in Homemades

The pic is to small.

#81452 Box Collecting?

Posted by puggy on 07 May 2006 - 07:36 PM in General Nerf

Nice. I would start collecting boxes but I have no room. I see that a Dart Tag dart lost his life...

#82035 Bows And Arrows

Posted by puggy on 18 May 2006 - 06:28 PM in Off Topic


#82420 Nintendo's Lastest System

Posted by puggy on 28 May 2006 - 07:34 AM in Off Topic

The revolution or Wii will be capable of downloading the other games from older systems. I love the Super Smash Bros. Games but I only have the newer one for gamecube. The old version of it for N64 is teh killer awesomness. Since I have not ever seen it at any of the flea markets or yard sales I go to. The Wii is the only way I can get it.

#82861 Huge Air Tank

Posted by puggy on 06 June 2006 - 06:32 PM in Homemades


#83257 Potential

Posted by puggy on 14 June 2006 - 05:00 PM in General Nerf

This thing has some potential.
I got a new water gun made by water warriors, it was called the Argon. The thing really sucks as a water gun. But it has this pressure chamber that is perfect for a plunger tube. I'm estimating that it is about the same size as a BBB plunger tube. Take a look.
I will update as soon as I actually build something.

#83269 Potential

Posted by puggy on 14 June 2006 - 07:01 PM in General Nerf

O.K. The white tube with the yellow bottom is the plunger tube, the yellow thing with the ring is the plunger head, and the big black and white thing that looks like a nite finder is in fact a nite finder. The NF is there for size comparison.

#83395 Charlotte, Nc Area Nerf-out

Posted by puggy on 18 June 2006 - 11:20 AM in Nerf Wars

Me and 2 others at nhq have been wanting to have a war for a while. I can probably bring 2 or 3 friends, not including myself. Yourworstnightmare lives up in virginia, so does boltsniper. I doubt any of them has the time for a war. But it couldn't hurt to ask.

#83425 Charlotte, Nc Area Nerf-out

Posted by puggy on 18 June 2006 - 08:17 PM in Nerf Wars

Cool guys, thanks. I am very new to the sport, as are the people I play with.

Well then, you will be a sitting duck! My friends that will probably be coming with me have only played about 10 times. They know how to play but their not very skill-full. I suggest that you get a Big Bad Bow from toys r us and mod it. I will be bringing my modded BBB and Maxshot. I will also bring a couple NF's for sidearms. You need to be prepared more for this war. I won't have anything extra in case something breaks or something. I will probably only have enough stefans for me and my member peoples.

#83462 Nerfx

Posted by puggy on 19 June 2006 - 11:08 AM in Off Topic

Hey everyone, since there really isn't an internet section of the site I decided to post it here. Well, NerfX is a well built and designed site. Plus it has teh kick-ass background that CS designed for us. Why there may not be many articles, but the forums really hold all of the content. Of course, everyone knows that there are billions of forums out there. Most of them suck. But NerfX was built a while ago. When there wasn't much n00bish forums around. It has grown greatly over time. While there may not be many members, the site is still as active as ever. What makes NerfX different from here and HQ you ask? Well, whenever someone posts a new thread. They post it on all of the other forums as well. I'm very tired of seeing that. NerfX has it's own original content that not all other forums have.That's what makes the site stand out from others.

Actual site


#83551 Charlotte, Nc Area Nerf-out

Posted by puggy on 20 June 2006 - 05:29 PM in Nerf Wars

Well first we have to have an official place to play. I think somewhere near the border-line should make a great spot. I might know of a couple places that I could see are available. Also, there are a couple of places in Greensboro that might look interesting. Like a small park near my grandma's house!

#83556 Charlotte, Nc Area Nerf-out

Posted by puggy on 20 June 2006 - 07:08 PM in Nerf Wars

The Virginia border-line. I can get pics of the park pretty soon. I don't even know if we can use the park, it was just an idea.

Well, the park is pretty small. It's got a few large trees, a creek with a bunch of small bushes and small trees. Of course, it has a playground area. A few benches. Some swings, a merry-go-round, some slides. Well I guess thats it.. I'm sure that there is a better location. I'm just putting ideas out there.

#83906 New Site

Posted by puggy on 27 June 2006 - 05:57 PM in Off Topic

Edit: NerfMonkey is right. I am closing the site until it has some content.

#83935 Wally-mart

Posted by puggy on 28 June 2006 - 03:16 PM in General Nerf

Yay! It says from up to 30 ft. away you can shoot your oponent. Stock NF ranges? I'm going to put one on layaway! (Not really).

#84040 Still In Stores

Posted by puggy on 30 June 2006 - 10:34 AM in General Nerf

I still have the BBB in my toysrus but the BBB is a toysrus exclusive so maybe they ran out and have no more. That's the same with the rf20. My 2 local targets haven't had at2k's since I started nerfing. I have only had one at2k set. :(

#84111 Congratulating Ninjz

Posted by puggy on 01 July 2006 - 01:18 PM in Off Topic

I'd personally like to congratulate Ninjz for still helping the newer members here at NH even though he is kind of out of nerf. He has stuck with it and is really helping some members. Congrats to you!

A whole thread, to what, "congratulate NinjZ?"


I'm not sure what the intention is, but if you're trying to get him to sell cheap/ give you his X-bow, you'd have to do better than that. Like send some money to him. :lol:

This is a first in my five years on Nerf boards. Congrats!


I want his Xbow

You just did.

#84235 Halo 3

Posted by puggy on 02 July 2006 - 11:20 PM in Off Topic

It is also only for Xbox 360. What a bummer.

#84657 Damn Those French!

Posted by puggy on 10 July 2006 - 08:52 AM in Off Topic

You know, a game that is ended by pks is pretty damn lame. Anyways, why hate the french? Because it's the "in" thing to do? You can thank them for the invention of the restaurant!

Why hate the French you ask? Because they can't sing of course.

#85447 Zoom

Posted by puggy on 20 July 2006 - 11:47 PM in Off Topic

The games they made up (or were submitted, whatever) were so damned retarded.
Why did everything have to involve popsicle sticks or paper cups?


So kids wouldn't hurt themselves. Zoom sucks! I hate that show. It was retarded and I can't believe parents let their kids watch that that shit. It would teach the kids to be kids and live with their moms till the're 40. They would be afraid of germs and knives and they'd still be virgins.

#85538 Razor Zing Shot

Posted by puggy on 23 July 2006 - 09:51 AM in General Nerf

That would be surical tubing. You can get it a lowes for 1.44 per foot. I got 4 feet of it to make a water balloon slingshot but never got around to it.

#85925 Cool Find

Posted by puggy on 28 July 2006 - 09:29 AM in General Nerf

I was looking through some google stuff and found this http://gadgetstv.com/tt460.html and thought it was cool. It says it shoots 150 feet. I am considering getting one and just wanted to let you folks know about it.

Those are on backyardartillery.com too. I was going to buy one then I backed out. It would hurt to be hit by a platic sawblade type thing though.

#86079 Banding Magstrikes Bladder

Posted by puggy on 30 July 2006 - 02:00 PM in Modifications

Why not just cut up a bike inner-tube and put it on the bladder?

#86188 Friend Codes?

Posted by puggy on 31 July 2006 - 03:54 PM in Off Topic

Actually, the best place to find hundreds of codes is to go to http://cheapassgamer.com/forums/.

You can also find some cheap ass games on there.

#86234 Homemade Problems

Posted by puggy on 01 August 2006 - 07:14 AM in Homemades

You're building a bolt for the FAR!

I already have so your lucky.

Don't use foam discs!!!!!

I had to rebuild the bolt using o-rings.

Sorry I can't be more detailed, I am going to the beach in 3, 2, 1,............out.

#86577 Crossbow Adhesive?!

Posted by puggy on 05 August 2006 - 05:49 PM in Modifications

PVC cement might work?

#86740 Definatly Something...

Posted by puggy on 07 August 2006 - 09:24 PM in Homemades

Ooooohhhh, oooooohhhhhhh. I have that valve, you got it out of a soa max fusion defender super soaker or something similar. They are spring loaded and open instantly. They are almost as good as a sprinkler valve. That is a nice gun over all. I know that grip isn't too uncomfortable because the Defender super soaker has one just like it. You should put a schrader valve on there also. That way if you buy a co2 bike tire inflator. You can fill it almost instantly, because 100 pumps takes an insanley long amount of time. 20 takes a lot of time also.

#87120 Sad Day

Posted by puggy on 11 August 2006 - 09:07 AM in General Nerf

My local target (45 minutes away) Has disappointed me twice at one time. I remember when I first went their a long time ago and I got the at2k twin packs and was very happy. Like 4 months later I go their with about 35 dollars. I was going to buy 3 twinpacks for an upcoming small war. I looked, looked, and looked some more. I didn't see them so I asked a guy where te nerf section was and he said they stopped carrying nerf a long time ago.

#87364 How Fast Can You Run A Mile?

Posted by puggy on 14 August 2006 - 05:05 AM in Off Topic

I haven't ran all summer. But I usually "jog" to my friends house thats about 1 1/2 miles away and it takes me about 11 minutes. But once I got 9.something on my stopwatch.