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#256284 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by jubjub517 on 14 November 2009 - 07:25 PM in Modifications

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Breeched Expand a Blast

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Inlined Splitfire

You can tell I suck at sudoku.

#259071 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by jubjub517 on 15 December 2009 - 03:28 PM in Modifications

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My beloved SM5k. Getting close to 150' flat.

#252867 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by jubjub517 on 07 October 2009 - 05:56 PM in Modifications

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My Sspb-Hornet tank integration.

About 60' flat. Barrel is shorter now.

Nice clean desk too.

#284074 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by jubjub517 on 26 August 2010 - 11:02 PM in Modifications

Wow, I sorta forgot about the post button in this thread.

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5k + 4k + 1500 pump = SUPERTECH OVER 9000

The cam works, and the pump is unplugged and held on with hose clamps.

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This is my other 4k. 3K tank on the left, 4k tank on the right. And yes, that's a fucking 1/2" dump valve. I may post a revision to Ryan's 4k overhaul, but don't count on that.

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Sm5k + SS Sm5k + Sm2k + Hopper = Colorful, yet effective 5k.

oh look, a matching SS Sm500?

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Sneakshots are awesome, but only awesome if it utilizes the original bolt.

This one is especially awesome because it has a 4 shot inline clip.

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Semi auto Sm1k. Neat huh? Wanna see an internals pic?

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Yes, those are the internals. Wanna know what I did to it?

I cut down the cam spring. The trick is to cut it down just enough so that it opens the tank, but the air is enough to force it valve closed. Wanna know how long the cam spring should be?

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That long. If anyone wants a thread about this, feel free drop me a PM.

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Uh oh, is that a SS2 tank with a new dump vale?

I'm also going to solvent weld a coupler over this, so don't warn me that the epoxy isn't strong enough.

#247691 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by jubjub517 on 19 August 2009 - 06:48 PM in Off Topic

I might as well spit mine out.

Gamer tag: jubjub517

Games Played:

Halo 3 (Got Mythic)

Games sometimes played:

Guitar Hero: World Tour

#260815 Deploy Cs-6 Sneak Peek

Posted by jubjub517 on 05 January 2010 - 06:46 PM in General Nerf

The breech also looks identical to the raider's. Nothing new there either, though it was still the best of the breeches I've seen from Nerf yet.

Um... The whole breech swivels 90º, so there is something new here.

#265633 The Official Internals Directory

Posted by jubjub517 on 16 February 2010 - 03:47 PM in Modifications

Might as well throw this out.

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#265639 The Official Internals Directory

Posted by jubjub517 on 16 February 2010 - 04:40 PM in Modifications

Bob's right.

And Mr. Yetti, your defective.

#279456 Diy: Hopper Clips

Posted by jubjub517 on 04 July 2010 - 02:18 PM in Darts and Barrels

But from what I recall, people on #nerfchat complaining how they buy something from you and it breaks in three different spots, and you not willing to fix the problem. I've heard that from at least three guns I can remember.

And I don't think I ever told anyone to use PVC sheet for anything. Sure I use it on barrel spacers, but they're barrel spacers.

Yes it did break. However, Split has offered multiple times to fix it for me. He has made multiple replacement parts, and has shipped them to me the next day. All free of charge. Apart from that, it has performed flawlessly at all the wars I brought it to. I have no regrets buying it.

Again, I must have confused you with someone else.

#294232 Slugs And Domes And Taggers, Oh My!

Posted by jubjub517 on 08 February 2011 - 10:33 PM in General Nerf

I like taggers the most. They bounce off walls and shit.

#274280 War In New Hampshire/maine Area *date Change Take Two

Posted by jubjub517 on 07 May 2010 - 11:59 PM in Nerf Wars

The weather channel says theres supposed to be light rain tomorrow. Re-scheduling will be tough for me.

#274079 War In New Hampshire/maine Area *date Change Take Two

Posted by jubjub517 on 05 May 2010 - 04:22 PM in Nerf Wars

I will be there. Possibly with a friend or two.

#274848 War In New Hampshire/maine Area *date Change Take Two

Posted by jubjub517 on 15 May 2010 - 05:43 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there.

#264984 Battle Of The Bunker

Posted by jubjub517 on 10 February 2010 - 07:26 PM in Nerf Wars

If we can work out car pooling, I'd be much more likely to come. I still have yet to discuss this with my parents. I'm from Hamilton, MA. Those who are near me can either PM me or we can further discuss this in this thread. I don't have my license yet, so I'm going to need someone else to drive.

#264647 Battle Of The Bunker

Posted by jubjub517 on 07 February 2010 - 07:58 PM in Nerf Wars

I just might be able to make it. Put me down as a maybe.

#255417 Airtech 4000 Overhaul

Posted by jubjub517 on 05 November 2009 - 06:38 PM in Modifications

Damn it Ryan, you beat me. I guess I'll just have to think of something else to do with it, that is if there's anything left for me to do. Did you have to strengthen the trigger spring? I found on mine that it was too weak to close the air tank, it was Stock too.

Btw, this is my all time favorite gun. Glad to see someone make this gun worthy of a war.

#276761 N-strike Spectre Rev-5

Posted by jubjub517 on 03 June 2010 - 10:43 PM in News

That's one ugly mav.

#267493 Salem State Nerf Game

Posted by jubjub517 on 01 March 2010 - 04:59 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there. Probably with a friend or two.

#268192 Salem State Nerf Game

Posted by jubjub517 on 05 March 2010 - 11:17 PM in Nerf Wars

Wow, you guys are all losers! (just kidding, I almost didn't make it, too). I'm a go. No Shelby, though. Just me and Clay.

I hate to continue the streak, but I'm sick at the moment, and I doubt I'll make it.

I will be there come April. This is a definite.

#262882 The First Look At The Tetrastrike

Posted by jubjub517 on 24 January 2010 - 12:44 AM in General Nerf

I need a tank comparison. They look small, but they also have some depth to them.

Do you think the tanks are separable from one another?

#251870 Nerf 1928 Tommy Gun

Posted by jubjub517 on 27 September 2009 - 08:37 PM in Homemades

Pics aren't working.

So all you did was hot glue a Rf20 Blatter Bladder, Not air tank, and a wildfire piston to a inline clip. Tape that onto a amalgam of cardboard and foam core. Then give it a shitty pj. Clean it up and I'll shut up.

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Nice pic. Smile next time.

Edit: Read my last post. Its self explanatory.

#252803 Nerf 1928 Tommy Gun

Posted by jubjub517 on 06 October 2009 - 09:39 PM in Homemades

NerfAlCapone: Listen, Your gun looks like shit. But i think that your inline clip/wildfire piston is a great idea. My suggestion is that to put a coupler on the end of the piston, and create multiple clips for it. This would make for a speedy Rof. I hope you ditch the "Al Capone" shit. No one will take you seriously, and Halloween isn't year round. I want you to actually be a decent modder and not some necro. You surprised me, congrats.

Oh, and wohnson89: Yes, it was sarcasm.

#282613 Dart and Barrels pictures thread

Posted by jubjub517 on 09 August 2010 - 07:11 PM in Darts and Barrels

I don't feel like bumping the DIY hopper thread, so I'll just post here.

So I figured out that you can save $.31 by drilling a 9/16" hole through a 1/2' ball valve.

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It's air tight, and the the darts slide through with no problem. Occasionally a dart gets stuck, but falls through with a shake, or the next dart pushes it through.

This also makes the hopper considerably lighter. Which solves the problem of having your clip flip upside down when your running.

#282850 Hopper Clip Improvements

Posted by jubjub517 on 11 August 2010 - 02:16 PM in Darts and Barrels

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I've been using this concept for the past three months.

Not only does it work with lower volume blasters, but you can also fire streamlines from high volume blasters.

#251884 Cpvc Clipped Longshot

Posted by jubjub517 on 27 September 2009 - 09:22 PM in Modifications

Woah, this reminds me of my very first attempt of an angel breach. My local hardware store had only 17 and 9 brass and I had lost the original barrel and used a big ass screw to attach it to the bolt sled. The gun had been signaled and I have put a Ls spring and a FULL Arrowstorm spring within the gun. All with out it breaking. This mod I will have to try sometime. But incorporate the screw idea.

Great Job. I envy your ideas.

#253542 Double-capacity Standard Size Ls Mag

Posted by jubjub517 on 14 October 2009 - 06:30 PM in Modifications

Like the design. The only problem that I can see is that you can only hold 1.5" darts. The original Angel breech was designed for use with 1.75" darts. Without revision, The back darts (that are not in use) could get jammed and thus ruin the darts. From your pics, this isn't a problem for you (Your darts seem to be 1.5"). This would just be a pain in the ass (Like dubcwill and his lack of grammar) for those who copied Angel's mod exactly as he had it. Honestly, I have no idea. I'm just predicting.

If my memory serves me right, several LS AR springs glued together should suffice.

#261463 Smith & Wesson 1911 Style Foam Dart Gun

Posted by jubjub517 on 11 January 2010 - 01:08 AM in Modifications

Wow, great job. Love the paintjob.

However, jerm did this on his blog about a month ago.

One problem I've experinced with flexable tubing (I.e. Pex pvc) is that it will start to deform after one or two bends. Does this happen to hep20?

#261501 Smith & Wesson 1911 Style Foam Dart Gun

Posted by jubjub517 on 11 January 2010 - 05:07 PM in Modifications

Where'd you get this from? I want it....


I could only find the twin pack.

#272862 Salem State Nerf Game

Posted by jubjub517 on 21 April 2010 - 12:23 AM in Nerf Wars

His guns, no. My furyfire, yes. Thankfully i reminded him that it was mine. He just went around taking guns and using them, like he was testing them for a company or something.

I'm pretty sure he stole a maverick or two from sky. He tried to steal my raider, but only made out with the three clips I had with it. He also broke my xbow too, after I told him he couldn't use it. Can't wait to meet his fat ass at the next war.

Anyways, the war was great. My friend and I had a lot of fun, and plan to at the next war.

#278442 War Of The River

Posted by jubjub517 on 24 June 2010 - 11:05 AM in Nerf Wars

When?- July 17, 2010

Aw man, I just ordered darts.

Anyways, I'll be there.

#280468 War Of The River

Posted by jubjub517 on 17 July 2010 - 12:44 AM in Nerf Wars

Ok, so five people it is.

But it doesn't really matter; because in the end, you will all fall to my riot shield.

#280331 War Of The River

Posted by jubjub517 on 15 July 2010 - 02:59 PM in Nerf Wars

So we have two days to go. I thought I'd give this a bump and get an updated list going of the attendees.

-Wes +1?
-Myself (Jubs)

Definitely not going:

Whom I haven't herd from yet:

#272654 Salem State Nerf Game

Posted by jubjub517 on 19 April 2010 - 09:27 AM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there. I might be a little late.

#256432 Firefinder

Posted by jubjub517 on 15 November 2009 - 11:47 PM in Modifications

So whats the point of this mod? You only dampened the range of a NF.

This could be useful to someone if they need a pistol and when modding their new NF, the plunger tube shattered. They could then use this as a backup idea.

You could just go to Petco and get some 1" thinwall PETG for the plunger tube.

1. It will shatter.

2. It will melt from hot glue; even low temp

3. It will dent

4. Stock NF O-rings are too big to fit right. So you'll need to buy a new one.

It will work for awhile, but will break not long after.

And no, there's no torough writeup. That's because it's not complicated enough to deserve one!

If it doesn't deserve It's own write up, then It doesn't deserve It's own topic. Post it in the Modification/paintjob Pictures thread. If people aren't smart enough to think of this on there own, then they can just use the all mighty Search Function.

Also, it's ENTIRE, not etire. And no, there's no torough writeup. That's because it's not complicated enough to deserve one!That's pretty easy to discern just by looking at the pictures.

This thread is dumb Enough said, I'm done talking.

Edit: Ok, I think I overdid it a bit. Sorry for getting a little aggressive. The concept of salvaging a working blaster from a pile of unrelated parts is great and all, but It doesn't need its own thread (In my opinion). I've make my point loud and clear. A little too loud and clear.

#256391 Firefinder

Posted by jubjub517 on 15 November 2009 - 08:40 PM in Modifications

So whats the point of this mod? You only dampened the range of a NF.

#256491 Firefinder

Posted by jubjub517 on 16 November 2009 - 06:44 PM in Modifications

So again: PETCO sells PETG??? I looked on their website and didn't find anything. Just out of curiosity, what do our pets use it for?

They use it to drain the water from fish tanks.

#254154 Breech Lock N' Load

Posted by jubjub517 on 20 October 2009 - 10:26 PM in Modifications

I like this. Just disappointed with the range.

Edit: Blue brought up a good point.

#303362 Ammo counter

Posted by jubjub517 on 15 August 2011 - 02:44 PM in Modifications

A few months ago I was toying around with an idea similar to this. I have no real experience with breadboards and shit like that, so I started out with a basic $2 pedometer. Unfortunately I still haven't picked up a stampede yet, so I had to do this to my age old Ls. I hooked up the counter directly to the catch, and the reset to the mag release. I liked the fact that it counted up, it made it more practical given all the different types of clips and drums, nevermind whatever's on the drawing board over at hasbro.

As cool as it was, it's purpose was pretty useless. Obviously this would be different for a stampede, or future clip fed full auto blasters.

If you really want to invest your time and money, and program yourself a pulse rife, that's your choice; If your really lazy you can just cut a window in your magwell. But a pedometer or a calculator is more than enough to get the job easily done.

#247844 Nitefinder + Maverick Integration

Posted by jubjub517 on 20 August 2009 - 04:53 PM in Modifications

@ buying online: No Paypal. Parents don't allow money through mail. No bank account. Don't really have much of a way to buy through NH, unless it's from someone who lives nearby and is willing to come to my house (no car either).

Um, That sucks. The least I can do is direct you to a $5 off and 25 free darts with your next purchase.

@ clip-on shit: The whole point is that I can de-integrate the guns and lend the maverick out to a friend. I don't nerf with holsters, so carrying two pistols generally means only using one at a time, a problem when rushed.

Make some holsters. You would be very surprised by how much they help.

If you still want the clip on shit thats fine. The problem i would find is that shaking the gun would cause it to fall off (Especially held facing the ground).

I may have misunderstood what you meant by "de-integrate the guns and lend the maverick out to a friend". I believe your talking mid-war right?

@humfree: I need a decent amount of range and some RoF, not really at the same time. Problem is I don't have a way to get OMC PETG, and mine is too thick to fit into just about anything, including PVC. This means rebarreling turreted guns won't work, ie the Furyfire.

Well, the Furyfire is basically a 10 shot maverick. Since your wars involve Mavericks as primary, the furyfire is not a bad choice. I doubt that any other nerfers there use OMC PETG. So they probably get about 30ft off of there Mavericks. a Furyfire is very expensive right now. and since you can't shop on eBay, i doubt you will begetting one. Same with the raider. A raider is a rushing gun. It has a incredible ROF. It gets 40ft flat with basic AR removal. Sounds like your kind of gun.

My advise to you is to save $30 for the fall. Pick a gun that you find suitable, and use it. Weather its the Furyfire, Raider or even the classic DTG. If your satisfied that the Dtg is your kind a gun. Then get it now. Also, Don't be afraid to mod your guns. Especially removing the ARs.

The point of me starting a thread on this was because I thought it hadn't been tried before, and I wanted feedback on it. I'd like to think it better than the posts with zero grammar and spelling and standard AR removal mods. Sorry if it offended you.

I like people new to the haven who value grammar and spelling, Unlike past victims of the "Ban Hammer" I'm actually glad now that you started this post. I feel many off haven members will find this discussion "Eye Opening" and useful for there nerfing carer. No offense taken.

#247759 Nitefinder + Maverick Integration

Posted by jubjub517 on 20 August 2009 - 12:03 AM in Modifications

I feel this "Mod" is way too impractical. I also feel it doesn't deserve its own Topic, but i won't get into that just yet.

If you rely feel compelled to do a Maverick - NF integration then i would ditch the "clip on shit", and smother that mother fucker with some epoxy. I would also cut out the light and its housing. Something like this blue NF.

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This Image was Borrowed from NerfMonkey from his sales thread.

And just epoxy on the barrel (I would first house your PETG with some PVC) and the little stub of the shell. This is all kind of hard to explain in text. If i rely have too i can show you a 5 min diagram of it (Via Paint).

The reason why I rely hate this mod is because your integrating a much larger gun onto a small pistol. The only advantage to this is that you will give your maverick a slightly faster ROF (if that). NF just aren't ment for integrations (Except for a 2k tank or something like that). NFs are pistols and Mavericks are pistols. The only way to integrate two pistols is "Manta Style". But even that is stretching the practicality of our nerf guns (More of the Maverick then the NF).

Quick Question: Are there any other guns that cock with a slide and have decent RoF? The DTB set is too expensive, otherwise I'd have used one of those instead of a Maverick.

One of the great advantages of Nerfhaven, is the fact that you can buy $30/$40 gun for about $8, $10 or even $15.