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There have been 353 items by ChiliPepperFender (Search limited from 15-February 97)

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#146754 Hand Cannon

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 24 March 2008 - 10:44 PM in Homemades

The pictures are really small. If you could re-size them I could examine them better.

#151844 Problem Solved.

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 18 April 2008 - 03:54 PM in Off Topic

Edit: Problem solved, thanks.

#143898 Longshot 2k

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 04 March 2008 - 07:55 PM in Modifications

Hey I’ve been searching these forums since November and have stumbled upon some awesome mods. After seeing Frost Vectron's Sawtooth mod it really inspired me, one problem, I didn't have a sawtooth. So I decided to try something similar with a longshot. I've searched deeply for an integration with an AT2K but only found a few with an AT2K externally modded on to a Longshot. Now I wanted to do one internally, my original plan was to do something like Dart Attacks front gun integration but just put an AT2K inside of it, unfortunately there wasn't enough space for that, but i still managed. I'm sure this mod has been done many times before but i haven't found anything with a write. By the way, this is also my 4th post and my first write up. Hope you enjoy!
The longshot has the original mods done to it which include Ar removed bbb spring added, and soon to come, The Inventor Guy's LS mod with it.

The first thing you want to do is cut of the bipod and the area near this:
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Next gut out and sand down the front gun to the point that I did to the left.(This part took some time as there is alot to gut out. Be sure to do this to both sides of the gun) Although when puting in the air tank it is a bit tricky and may require some trial and error.
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After you've gutted the front gun out do your basic mods you would do to the AT2K. This includes Ar removed and new barrells ect.. Although I didn't plug the pump, I'm not sure if you should do this for this mod.
Anyway you need to shorten your pump and pump shaft so that they can fit in the gutted part of the front gun.
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After this drill a big enough hole in the part where you would pump the gun so that the rod from the front gun can fit in this.
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Be sure to remove the goo guage.
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If you already noticed and tried putting the part that cocks the front gun in through your pump and tried pumping, you would have noticed that it doesn't work too well. To fix this cut off the parts in the inside that stick out so that they are flush.
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The next thing you want to do is shorten the front gun. From the size of the one on top to the size on bottom.
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Now glue the pump shaft down in the gutted front gun, make sure that you have the maximum space so that it will pump with the least pumps and stays in when pumped!
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Also glue down the air tank, this may take trial and error for where you would want to put this.
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Make sure that the air tank is symmetrical(sp?) for the barrells. The pump shaft doesn't need to be.
After you put together the front gun, you'll notice you can't put on the AT2K barrels, well cut a little bit of this part off to accomadate the barrells, then glue them on to one side of the gun.
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After this the top of the front gun isn't flush with the bottom of the longshot so cut off what is nessacary.
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For firing the AT2K unit attach fishing wire and a key ring and make holes so that the wire goes through the longshot. Make sure it doesn't get in the way of the clip though!
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Now that this is flush you can add the barrells and super glue or hot glue or epoxy the rotating barrels on. Then glue each side to the longshot so that you can unscrew the longshot and still open it up.

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I know that i used super glue to glue the gun on and I advise you to use epoxy or a much better stable glue to hold the gun.

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You are now done and in Angels words "one step closer to being deified" Although this isn't even close to the types of mods Angel does.

Thanks to the admins for validating me, I hope you enjoyed my write up!

Questions? Comments? Flames?

Also any suggestions from people who have done many write ups?

#163816 The Manta Star

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 23 July 2008 - 01:55 AM in Modifications

My creative juices have really been flowing with alot of unique/special modifications I've been doing lately. So yesterday I saw Imaseolman's Arachnaphobia Pistols and I was in awe. I think he does some of the best and most creative mods on this site and I love pretty much all of them. Seeing his gun's just reminded me of how good the SMDTG/BS integration's are. Selling one, but still have one left I decided it was time for an integration. I was looking through my bunch of gun's and was thinking about what may need improvement and an increase in badassim. Most of my good guns would just look awkward with the integration on them except for one. The Manta 2k. This gun is good but having the bottom barrel crooked really only had me shooting one of the 2k's instead of both. I decided I needed to revamp the gun a little. So I added a SMDTG/BS integration to it.
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The gun itself is a little less than 2 pounds, not heavy at all. On the right side, when seeing from the bottom, I put one BS barrel and the pump. The pump is on this side because I hold the gun with my right hand, making it easier to pump with it up by my arm, rather than it lower under my arm. The second barrel that would be fired is symetrical to the pump on the other side. The third barrel, symetrical to the 1st barrel. Just like imaseolman, I purposely did this. The first thing I did, actually, was to find out if the SMDTG trigger would be comfortable, which it is.
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My thumb slides right on the detonator of the SMDTG and my other fingers barely touch it, if at all touch it. Well after perfectly installing the SMDTG/BS integration my next order of business was to fix the crooked AT2k barrel, which I did with epoxy putty while holding the barrel still. It's 100% straight but around 90%, plus it's the back up "gun" I use on the Manta. The tubing doesn't get in the way at all since my wrist slides under it. Since NerfCrazy and Falcon were giving me ideas for puting the trigger by my hand, I figuired I needed one there and having the SMDTG/BS worked out perfectly.

Ok, now the name? Well imaseolman named his original Arachnaphobia because he had 8 barrels and so do spiders, hence the name and being afraid of the gun/spiders. Well what animal/insect has 5 legs you ask? Well, none, unless something got amputated or a mutation but those don't count. A Starfish, which is a Echinoderm, has 5 "legs". My gun has 5 barrels, as well as a star has 5 ends or points.

I have no official ranges, it's almost midnight here. I'll get some tommarow. Based on my other guns and comparing them to it. I'd say both the AT2k's get around 70-90', with 5 pumps. The BS barrels probably get around 75' with 25 pumps. The pump I'm using is an AT2k pump. At 25 pumps it get's hard to pump. The great thing about the SMDTG/BS integrations is that you can pump it 25 times and fire off the first BS barrel. Then pump it maybe 5 more times and have the first barrel full again. Doing this really utilizes the integration. Getting to shoot one shot 75'+ while having 2 back up 75'+ shots is totally badass.

Questions, comments, flames?

#153184 Shopping Sites

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 25 April 2008 - 11:05 PM in General Nerf

I ussually use ebay, and sell big items, like guitars, on craigslist. I sell more expensive things locally on craigslist. Ebay is where I like to "shop" though and look around for items.

#148050 Ls Questions

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 30 March 2008 - 11:19 AM in Modifications

To make a removable barrel, you just take out the LS front gun's orange fake barrel, and stick it in the LS's bolt tooth, and duct tape.

To make a carbine, look in the LS mod thread.

What the hell is a bolt tooth?

He probaly meant dart tooth. Anyways refer to Captain Slugs diagram

#147641 Crossfire Catch Replacement

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 28 March 2008 - 10:59 PM in Off Topic

I'm not sure but I've heard of people using the springs from pens. Specifically BIC pens.

#163876 The Manta Star

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 23 July 2008 - 01:06 PM in Modifications

Galaxy: I use tubing connectors that are size 1/4 OD. I know imaseolman uses 3/16 but that's for barbed fittings. On my first Marvelous Salvo it leaked a tad bit but only when you violently moved it. On this one it doesn't leak at all though which is great. You find the coupers/fittings in the irrigation section. Or maybe the Plumbing section...It was one of those two though. I'm telling you man, these Marvelous Salvo's are GREAT, definently good integration material.

imaseolman: Thanks for the compliments. Yeah it is kinda hard to aim with the two key rings in the back. The top barrel not so much but the bottom barrel especially. Though my main gun I use is the first MS barrel and just "reload" that

I agree with you though, there are too many pumps. I was kinda forgot about the number of pumps when I was making it, also the bottom AT2K is hard to pump due to there being 3 barrels in the way. I like the gun anyways though. I may make changes later on though if I feel I need too.

#175579 Cutting Hoses

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 07 September 2008 - 03:19 AM in Modifications

You mean just cutting it? Then puting some barbed fittings there? What exactly do you mean?

#146055 #49 Spring In Ace

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 20 March 2008 - 10:37 PM in Modifications

Yeah, I got mine from a guy named Mod Man on ebay for 2.00 dollars. I believe he still sells them along with much other mod materials.

#213208 Turreted Sm5k, Need Some Photos

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 18 February 2009 - 01:18 AM in Modifications

Kinda funny...Heh, I was going to do this when I got another 5k from mulletman. Looks awesome!

#190396 Another Game Like N Strike

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 17 November 2008 - 10:33 PM in General Nerf

Let me explane it a litle more clearly it has a blonde boy with a gun that looks like a maverick and the title is something and then soldier.

Great explanation there buddy.

#247253 Xbow + Lb + Ms

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 16 August 2009 - 05:45 PM in Modifications

I've actually been thinking about integrating a Lightning Blitz on my Xbow for like a year now, but just never thought it'd turn out good. After I saw Gear's I was convinced to do it.

Here's what you need:
-3 Salvo tanks
-SMDTB trigger
-6 Tubing connectors (really only need like 3, i'm just stupid)
-Pump of your choice
-Some PETG or something
-Glue, maybe?

Ok, so first make measurements by placing your LB basically on your Xbow to know where to cut. Then...cut?
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Be sure to do it to both sides also.
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Now glue it all together wih the glue of your choice. Here's what the internals should look like. Really, pretty simple to do.
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Now, I was kinda bored. So I integrated something else as well. Get your pump tube and glue it where everyone else glues theirs. I used an SM1500 pump (I think) and a 2k pump.
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Now, connect the pump with your working Marvelous salvo. Then glue the barrels down wherever you want.
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Personally, I put the first two shooting ones on the left side, then the other on the right side.
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The pump tube turned out a little crooked facing downards, so I just put some foam under it, cause I'm cheap like that and don't use plexiglass/ polycarbonate.

If you don't know how to make the Marvelous salvo, then... go figuire it out? I made a guide somewhere on this forum.

I like the gun I made, I don't really care if you don't. Everything get's pretty normal ranges. Xbow around 90. MS around 60-80. LB around 50-80. It's a pretty kickass gun. LB takes 15 or less to fill. MS takes 30 to fill. Then 8 after you shoot the first one.

Step bro's:
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I don't think I'm forgetting anything, I probably am though. Ask questions if you want, or you can flame galore.

Oh yeah, btw thanks to Twitch for the idea to put the MS trigger where it is.

#247286 Xbow + Lb + Ms

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 16 August 2009 - 08:18 PM in Modifications

Sweet, you coming to WALL or any upcoming WA state wars? I want to see this, I have a clusterfuck of a gun that similarly has a bajillion barrels.

I wanted to come to MM just didn't have a ride haha. I get my liscense in sept. so it'll be easier to get to the wars.

#156819 Re-styled Tek 10 Mod

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 24 May 2008 - 01:25 PM in Modifications

I searched in the mods directory and I used the searched funtion for what this gun is called and I still can't figuire it out. If anyone knows please tell me. Anyway, I did a mod for the gun I found at good will for 2.99$.

Here's the gun stock:
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Before you start unscrewing all of the screws, get off the slider, keep these pieces:
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Here are the internals of the gun:
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All you need to take out is the turret here:
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Here's the air restrictors:
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In order to open the turret there's a screw at the top that you need to unscrew, next take a flat head screwdriver and pry it open carefully, don't force it:
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This is the turret exploaded:
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See all of those pegs? Sand and cut off them until it becomes smooth. Now add your barrel of choice. I chose PETG, and cut it 2 1/2 inches long. Next, glue them straight where the pegs used to be and the put the barrel assembly back together. Here's the turret now:
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The final product:
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This gun sucks, don't get it unless you find it for cheap. My ranges were around the 40's untill the cocking slider broke on me. Again, if anyone knows what this gun is called please tell! All it says on the gun is Air zone and Buzz Bee.

Any questions, comments, flames?

#156861 Re-styled Tek 10 Mod

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 24 May 2008 - 10:24 PM in Modifications

I'm doing an integration inside of the Sawtooth. The only reason I got this gun was because it was 3$, don't get this gun if you ever see it though. Mine already broke and I don't really want to fix it because its performance sucks.

Re-styled Tek 10? I'll change the title of the thread.

#156816 Vortex Tornado

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 24 May 2008 - 01:14 PM in Modifications

The Vortex tornado is basically impossible to mod to fire darts, and I don't even really know how it fires the little rings either. Internal Pic.

That's the Firestorm not the tornado.

#151897 Recon Mods

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 18 April 2008 - 07:59 PM in Site Feedback

I don't think this is site feedback, be careful where you post your topics. Also, check the mods directory for the recon mods, there have been a few.

#149540 Modding A Reactor...

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 05 April 2008 - 07:41 PM in Modifications

Sn1per did one here: http://nerfhaven.com...0790&hl=reactor
I don't know if it is worth it though, the range isn't much.

#145826 Who Wants Free Stuff?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 19 March 2008 - 03:38 PM in Off Topic

I'm pretty sure that most of those are just scams to get your information, so they can send you crap. I wouldn't do it.

#147972 O-ring Problem

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 29 March 2008 - 11:00 PM in General Nerf

Before I posted a topic about what lubricants to use, I had (stupidly) used a petroleum based spray one that totally F-d up one of my SMDTG pumps. Although, instead of the lubricant "eating away" my o-ring, which many had told me, it has actually expanded it. Doing this thus made it terribly hard to pump the gun. My question is, is this normal? Also, this may sound stupid, but, should I add a lubricant to my expanded o-ring to try to shrink it down? I'm not sure if this would work at all. But I would like your suggestions.

#147999 O-ring Problem

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 30 March 2008 - 12:24 AM in General Nerf

Hey thanks for the help Sluggy, wow you know alot. Also, I can't believe I never realized to just replace the o-ring.

#148004 O-ring Problem

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 30 March 2008 - 12:38 AM in General Nerf

Yeah, I've gotten alot of o-rings before for longshots and nitefinders so I'll be fine. Thanks for all your help though.

#153836 Retro Thing

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 29 April 2008 - 04:57 PM in Off Topic

It's like ye olden technology shoppe.

English please. Modern that is.

#146756 Double Tek

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 24 March 2008 - 10:45 PM in Modifications

I like it, looks like the double nitefinder.
Good job!

#146767 Connecting Tubing

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 24 March 2008 - 11:22 PM in Modifications

Ok, this was my first attempt at extending an air tube on a AT2K. Stupidly, I cut right where the end of the yellow(stock) tubing was. I believe many of you do something like this when you remove the goo gauge thought. My question is, how did you guys connect your tubing. I can't use tubing connectors because I cut too short on the stock tubing.
Sorry for the crappy pic:
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Help is appreciated!

I did try and search but I'm not exactly sure what to type in because this is a very vague question.

#209124 Maxblitz

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 02 February 2009 - 10:53 PM in Modifications

Over the last few months I've only been experimenting with air guns. Untill I found the Maxshot, I really disliked springers. Anyway, I was looking for a gun with good RoF and the MS has that. Then I just wanted to add something that gave it that extra umph. Originally I had planned to use an Arachnaphobia pistol under the maxshot but after 2 failed triggers, I gave up that. In the future I'll probably be adding a Marvelous Salvo to this thing, just to make it more beastly.

Here's the gun, pretty simple:
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Basically just do everything like normal. Pump the LB while holding the handle of the LB and then pump. Prime the Maxshot the normal way. The LB also has a piece of velcro on the side of it. It's for a pencil that velcro's on to act as a thing to push the darts down the LB barrel. The barrels on both guns are solid, as in completely straight. Maxshot is hitting around 75 feet, but that was in 30 degree weather a couple weks ago. By summer it will be up more I'm guessing. The LB is around 60-70 feet as a shotgun spread.

Another pic:
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I really only posted this because it was something unique and different. Also the fact that I haven't posted a mod in like 4 months. Anyway, like I said, I'll be getting a Marvelous salvo on there in the near future. Hope you enjoyed.

#144126 The Killing Of John Lennon?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 06 March 2008 - 05:45 PM in Off Topic

This movie's alright. If you want to see a great movie, see Cloverfield. I beleive it is still out.

#165521 Marvelous Salvo And Marvelous Titan

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 30 July 2008 - 07:29 PM in Modifications

Nice mod and soon to come integration. Although we already knew the MS pump would work because it has a built in check valve. It's nice to know that it only takes 10 pumps to fill in the tank though.

How many pumps does it take for the Titan pump to fill both the titan and the Hornet? I'd expect alot.

#144334 My Rototrack Mod.

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 08 March 2008 - 03:36 PM in Modifications

Nice to see you put up a mod with some pictures! Or at least what I've seen.
Not to sound stupid, but how does this gun work. I don't own one and haven't heard much about it.
Anyway, nice job!

#209137 Maxblitz

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 02 February 2009 - 11:03 PM in Modifications

No signs of stress. I got the gun from Badger and it was in perfect condition.

#161083 Question About Air Guns

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 01 July 2008 - 01:26 PM in Modifications

On my first smdtg I pulled out the springs and it would not hold air. But I think it was somthing I did wrong.
And yes you can buy cupplers at ace,lowes,homedepo.


Anyway, they are called tubing connectors and I find all of mine at Home Depot in the irrigation section. I use 1/4 OD. I'm not sure about the springs inside of the tubing but I think saxynerfer is right about them. Also, I wouldn't bother with them unless you want to extend the tubing.

#157510 Sm750 Mod

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 30 May 2008 - 10:50 PM in Modifications

It should be noted that the barrel should not go all the way to bottom of the airtank.

Otherwise, Nice Wright up.

Well the end of the air tank has a small white barrel around it and that's what I meant, sorry for any confusion.


Same gun, same mod.

Also, if anyone says you get more than 90 with a SM750, your lying, its not even possible I think, a 2k one is bigger and gets better ranges. I usually get 70 feet if I'm lucky.

I know it's the same gun, and mod, but's it's a different version of the gun, I also stated that in the first sentence of the write up.

90ft? It's possible. If it's not then I'm lying, and so is this guy. http://nerfhaven.com...wtopic=5448&hl= He says that with 3-4 pumps he gets this. If 90 ft isn't possible, than cxwq is also lying. You probably have something wrong with your 750 that you don't know about, because with 7 pumps those are dead on measurements for me. I don't think you can achieve 90 ft with 3 pumps though. I was only hitting 50'.

#157503 Sm750 Mod

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 30 May 2008 - 10:00 PM in Modifications

This writeup is essentially the one in the "modifications" part of the website but this one is the older version gun and could have different results. On the to write-up.

First here's the gun stock, well mines not completely stock.
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Anyway, you open up the gun by prying off the orange cap by the barrel as well as the one by the pump.
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Now take out the pump, and plug it using hot glue.
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Replace the barrel with about 5 inches of PETG or another barrel of your choice, and add vast amounts of etape untill it is a snug fit inside of the airtank.
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Put everything back together inside the gun.
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Screw on the screws and your done.
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Range test results:
Ok, I've seen a couple other sm750 mods and they're getting in the 90's with 2-3 pumps, that's not the case for mine.

I've found that you need 7 pumps, which is when it starts to get hard to pump, to acheive ranges of 90'.

Stefan with 7 pumps:

Stefan with 3 pumps:

This was used a a 1.5 inch stefan that has a 3/0 fishing weight inside of it. The accuracy and velocity is fantastic with this gun. Comparable to my crossbow's.

For fun, I did a range test with a streamline with 7 pumps and here's what I got:

I was really surprised to see the darts soar that far, they were extremely unaccurate, but they twirled around and stayed up for a remarkable distance. Obviously, the 68' one, twirled straight into the ground. Also, all of these range test were done on a flat surface with a 0 degree angle on the gun.

Any questions, comments, flames?

#147305 Looking To Do Your First Modification?

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 27 March 2008 - 04:56 PM in Modifications

Did you just copy and paste this off the NerfWiki? Or actually write it all out?

#157522 Lnl Plunger Head Problems.

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 31 May 2008 - 12:46 AM in Modifications

I had the same problem but it was on my crossbow. I used epoxy putty and it's holding great. I've had it on now for about 3 weeks and it's still perfect. Just make sure you have the right spring and everything before you epoxy putty it. That stuff dries rock hard.

#150710 Pen Blaster Integration Into The Spy Gear Signal Launcher

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 12 April 2008 - 03:29 PM in Modifications

Did you hot glue the gun shut? In the sixth picture it sort of looks like you did. Also why a pen blaster though, how far does it shoot? Nice creativity.

#146776 Connecting Tubing

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 24 March 2008 - 11:49 PM in Modifications

Barbed couplers, or just unscrew the compression fitting nut on the part.

I'm assuming the compression fitting is the black peice, although how did you get it off? I believe they glued it on. Should I try to pry it off with a flat head screwdriver?

#146897 Connecting Tubing

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 25 March 2008 - 04:49 PM in Modifications

Thanks for the help everyone!

Sorry but how do I get off the yellow tubing after I have tooken off the nut? I tried puling it off with pliers but no luck. I think, though not sure, it is glued on.
Here's a pic of what I'm talking about:
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#193868 Quick Q

Posted by ChiliPepperFender on 03 December 2008 - 09:13 PM in General Nerf

Sm750's vary, but generally are from 10$-25$. LB's, I wouldn't pay more than 30$, more around 15-20$ though. Wildfires are weird, on ebay I've seen them sold for 50$ in some cases, and other cases 15$. So I'd sayd yeah around 20-30$.