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#159357 My Longshot

Posted by Ambience 327 on 16 June 2008 - 02:29 PM in Modifications

I like the idea of the flip-open front, but is it purely cosmetic, or is it meant to allow you better access to the barrel or some of the other internals?

The white is nice and bright, and reminds me of an Imperial Stormtrooper. If I were you (which I'm not) I would add a few small areas of black trimwork to heighten that effect, then throw an Imperial symbol on there somewhere.

I agree with Bomberman on keeping the bipod - with that long of a gun, and with a red-dot sight, it may have actually been useful for stabilising while lining up a shot. However, I don't think you'll suffer too much from having removed it.

And finally, a bit of an OT rant:

That thing is sweet, but this probably should of gone in the modification/paintjob thread.

It isn't SHOULD OF, it is SHOULD HAVE or at worst SHOULD'VE. That is one of my biggest pet peeves!!!!!

(This isn't directed at you personally chefdave - more of a general commentary to get it off my chest. This is one area that really bothers me - people often put an "of" where "have" should go. "Should of", "would of", "could of". It isn't correct, and it makes me want to smash my head against the wall!!!!!)

#158837 Noobs

Posted by Ambience 327 on 11 June 2008 - 02:03 PM in Off Topic

That article would be hillarious - if it wasn't so firmly grounded in reality and truth!!!

#158702 My Mp5 Semi Auto Airsoft/nerf Gun

Posted by Ambience 327 on 10 June 2008 - 04:22 PM in Modifications

Yes all my friends like my sister.
Im thinking about adding brass or cpvc.

I'm surprised nobody added that hilarious quote to my signature, while playing with my butthole that yet.

#158644 The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Posted by Ambience 327 on 10 June 2008 - 06:51 AM in Modifications

Well, in my circle we use lightly modded guns (or even stock), which is where you would think a Firefly would thrive - but even there it wasn't much use. It's basically just an oversized Maverick with a few extra shots, some ammo holders, and a bright flash of light. (oooh...aaah....)

Then it broke, and I never could get the thing fixed to fire more than 5 feet or so - so I sold my turret to Splitlip and now I'm going to mess with singling the thing just to see what it can do.

Bottom line - it isn't much use, especially if you have better modded guns like the LS/BBB.

#158106 Detroit Wins The Cup!

Posted by Ambience 327 on 05 June 2008 - 09:23 AM in Off Topic

As a displaced native of Hockeytown, I couldn't be happier. I know quite a few folks in my family who are probably celebrating big time right now. B)

#157451 At2k Peg/air Restrictor Removal?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 30 May 2008 - 06:55 AM in Modifications

I don't mod my guns for extreme ranges, because we play indoors at a church, so high-powered guns are just not going to fly. I can tell you, since this is exactly what I have done to my AT2K, that drilling out the AR & peg will get you much more range than the stock gun is capable of. Here's what I did:

1) Take the gun apart (including breaking/cutting off that stupid ring on the front of the pump housing)

2) Remove the turret assembly.

3) Remove the barrels. (You may have trouble with this. Three of my barrels came out with little work, while the fourth wouldn't budge no matter what I did. More on how to deal with this in a moment)

4) Remove the AR's & springs from the barrels.

5) Drill out the barrel peg and the AR stop (the thing that holds the peg and keeps the AR in position), using the drill to make the entire rear area of the barrel smooth. (A nice wood bit is great for this - drill from the rear end of the barrel to make things easier!)

6) Reassemble and enjoy ranges of 40'-50' flat with no other work!

Now, if you have the same problem I did with one or more barrels not wanting to come out, here's what you do:

1) Lodge a thin piece of scrap wood between the two halves of the turret assembly (so you don't mess up the area where the seal is created).

2) Drill out the peg and AR stop from the front. This will take longer than the previous barrels, as you have to chew through the peg, and the AR & spring will also slow things down. Be careful not to let things get too hot, as you don't want melted plastic gumming up the works.

#156729 Favorite Video Game Weapon

Posted by Ambience 327 on 23 May 2008 - 04:16 PM in Off Topic

and that gun that shoots mini-rockets at rapid fire rate from Duke Nukem 3D....

Ah, the good ol' Devastator. That gun was ridiculous. I loved it!

Of course, Mr. Nukem had access to several other great guns in that game:

The classic RPG - KABOOM!!!

The Shrinker (make your enemy small, then STEP ON THEM!)

The Freeze Ray (freeze them solid, then launch a kick to shatter them into tiny bits)

#156714 Favorite Video Game Weapon

Posted by Ambience 327 on 23 May 2008 - 02:22 PM in Off Topic

Not quite a weapon, but I love the portal gun from, you guessed it, Portal.

The gameplay mechanics involved with that thing are just ridiculous - and quite fun.

After that, it would be the Frag Grenade in any Halo game. Around-the-corner-boom-goes-the-badguy is just so much fun! (and that little "tink-tink" sound it makes as it bounces just fills me with joy)

#156694 Homemade Vulcan

Posted by Ambience 327 on 23 May 2008 - 09:19 AM in Homemades

Also, you would have less control over the ROF. With the current design, he can push just a few, or all of the darts at once - meaning he can use short, controlled bursts to keep people back, or full auto to sweep an area clean. The gravity-fed clip would basically be an all-or-nothing - you pull the pin and all the darts fire - no stopping it now!

#156612 Use Of Stock Guns

Posted by Ambience 327 on 22 May 2008 - 08:05 AM in General Nerf

We play at a church, with my wife & I helping as sponsors for the Youth Group. As such, most of the guns we use are stock, with lightly modded Mav's, NF's and AT2K's (AR's & posts removed on all, penny mods on some Mav's) as the only modded guns. Even with that, the 2K's are only allowed to be 2-pumped unless you are taking a long-ranged shot. So any further mods would be pointless, the guns wouldn't be allowed!

However, If I ever manage to get to one of the bigger wars, I'll probably add a few mods to one of my AT2K's to stay competetive.

#156611 Knock Off Tech Target Mod

Posted by Ambience 327 on 22 May 2008 - 07:53 AM in Modifications

Or how about "Load 1 or 2 Foam Darts onto launcing tube(S)." I guess when you sell stuff for a buck, you can't afford a proofreader - or a brain!

Still, if these things have similar potential to a real TTG, that is one cheap way to get a decent gun.

#156459 Dart Sizes

Posted by Ambience 327 on 21 May 2008 - 06:42 AM in General Nerf

My group uses primarily stock micros, with a few rockets thrown in (from pump-rocket launchers).

As soon as I get a few projects finished, we'll be adding felt-tipped nano stafans to the mix though!

#156246 1" Backer Rod

Posted by Ambience 327 on 19 May 2008 - 08:20 AM in General Nerf

Now I feel the need to make a nerf cannon that shoots 4" backer rod with a nice weight in the center (Not enough to injure someone) and call it my artillery.

I was just thinking the same thing as I was browsing their FBR. I think you could get away with a slightly heavier weight if you embed it into the tip so that it is flush, then add a short length of additional foam on top of it to cushion the impact. It would probably work if the "missile" was long enough behind the weight to counter the unbalancing effect that the foam tip would have. (You might also be able to trim the tip a bit to round it, improving the flight characteristics a bit more.)

But man, you would need some serious air or a large plunger to push a dart that big any decent distance. It would be quite cool though - but not exactly the most practical thing since it wouldn't be any easier to hit a moving target at long range.

#156245 Homemade Vulcan

Posted by Ambience 327 on 19 May 2008 - 07:48 AM in Homemades

It is beautiful! I mean that.

It isn't the appearance that counts here. No, not by a Longshot ™. :mellow:

No, this thing has beautiful personality. It is beautiful because it works. It is beautiful because it is simple, yet effective.

It is beautiful because it is mounted on a tripod!

OK, enough gushing from me. Kudos for taking a concept and running with it - not just blabbering on about it (like I am with mine until I can get the fundage together to make them - the wife keeps saying something about needing to buy food and diapers for the baby - pfft!)

Anyway, I love the "push forward to fire" concept that you've developed - it is so simple that it wouldn't fail on you in the middle of a heated firefight. It also looks fairly simple to re-load the barrels (even if a bit time-consuming), as it doesn't rely on having tight-fitting barrels or anything. But you've even managed to improve the reload time with your velcro-clips - great work!

Seeing as this is tripod mounted - I'm guessing you intend it to be more of a static, point-defense weapon. That means you could have a bucket nearby simply loaded with extra clips for the thing - giving you the ability to have hundreds of shots at your disposal - and quickly at that!

One question - have you considered using micro-stefans in these clips? You've got 20" clips to work with - and if you tried 1" darts (rather than the 2" ones I assume you're using to get 10 shots) you would have 20 shots that might suffer a bit in range, but would up the ROF even more, providing you with even more flying foam. Just a thought.

Another thing to think about, considering the tripod mount, would be making the whole gun even longer - so that you can fit even more darts in the clips. You could overcome any difficulties with reaching to the end by extending the firing handle backward (parallel to the gun/clip setup) far enough to help you reach. Again - just a refinement on your design that might make it even more effective.

Good job man. Looks aside the only thing id say it could use is a easier methon of reloading.

You do realise that he can reload it buy pulling the "clip" off at the velcro points, and slapping a new one in, right?

#156244 Hornet As-6 Modification

Posted by Ambience 327 on 19 May 2008 - 07:33 AM in Modifications

B.D. - it is the "Unity", not "Utility" :mellow:

The "N-Strike Unity System" includes a Titan, a Hornet and a Scout - and they are fairly hard to come by these days in some areas. (The Titan and Hornet can each be purchased individually now, but the full set is becoming quite rare.)

#155980 Spy Gear Wireless Tracking System Review

Posted by Ambience 327 on 16 May 2008 - 09:25 AM in General Nerf

Sounds intriguing. I'd be game to at least know what kind of kit you could put together and how much it would cost. I'd say don't buy anything just yet - but get your ideas together and let us know what you intend, then you would get a better gague of who would be interested in your kits.

#155804 Favorite Older Computer Game.

Posted by Ambience 327 on 14 May 2008 - 03:51 PM in Off Topic

Let's see, older games....


-Piney- (really old person)

I humbly bow to the even-more-ancient-than-I among us. :angry:

#155779 Favorite Older Computer Game.

Posted by Ambience 327 on 14 May 2008 - 07:40 AM in Off Topic

And it would certainly cut down on the creepy factor a bit. Maybe my wife would play it now? :)

#155696 Favorite Older Computer Game.

Posted by Ambience 327 on 13 May 2008 - 04:21 PM in Off Topic

I replied on NHQ, but I know some folks here don't go there, and I wouldn't want them to miss out on my nostalgic drivel, or the chance to see how ancient I am! So here is my reply, re-printed (with permission from myself) from NHQ for the NH community:

Although I had a game system since the mid 80's, I still played a lot of PC games back then - and for quite some time afterward!

I spent many happy hours on the following games:

Bugs Bunny's Cartoon Workshop
SimCity (the original)
Sid Meier's Civilization
Tie Fighter
Dark Forces
Jedi Knight
Warcraft 2
Wolfenstein 3D
Duke Nukem 3D

I could go on...

But if you want to go really old school, and still technically "computer" games rather than console, we had an old TI-99/4A computer system that we got for Christmas back in '81, when I was 3. (Man, I'm feeling old right now!) That thing had some great games that I still love to play (via an emulator and LEGAL ROMs)!

The best would be Parsec and Tunnels of Doom (One of the earlier graphical RPGs, and a great game for its time - you can read about it at Wikipedia by clicking right here. The Wiki page even includes a link to the free emulator "Classic99", which includes completely legal, licensed ROMs of many TI-99 cartridges!).

Of course, it was only 2001.

Wow, way to make me feel even older there Bomberman!

#155688 Primary Guns

Posted by Ambience 327 on 13 May 2008 - 03:20 PM in General Nerf

Dual weilded spy gear signal launcher. One 2k turreted and one singled and silenced. Or a mongo titan longshot combo.

You can't carry that many guns effectively.


If I am reading his post right, that's two options of on only two guns at a time.

1) Spy Gear Signal Launcher w/ an AT2K Turret attached
2) Spy Gear Signal Launcher (singled & silenced)


1) Longshot
2) Mongo Titan

To stay on topic, I personally use a lightly modded AT2K (AR's & posts removed) and a Maverick (AR's & posts removed). In our indoor wars, this is generally all I need to stay competetive against the youth.

My wife, on the other hand, prefers to tote either my LS or one of my Recons - sometimes with a Maverick as a backup.

#154874 The Half And Half Nerf Grenade

Posted by Ambience 327 on 06 May 2008 - 06:22 AM in Modifications

Now if you could get those frisbees in O.D. Green, you'd have the coolest Nerf grenade ever! :D

As mentioned, the Barricade Buster is an old idea (don't feel bad - a lot of the things I've thought up are either variations on others ideas, or things that I find in the archives of this site after I think of them). However, your clip-pin is quite clever and original to my knowledge. I also like the use of tagger heads as your shrapnell - they are a bit heavier than just foam, and if you make a lot of CDTS's you'd have loads of these lying around anyway!

#154029 Marvin The Paranoid Android

Posted by Ambience 327 on 30 April 2008 - 04:27 PM in Modifications

Well, um, he did ask us for ideas about what to do with it. We're just giving him some.

So your idea is "Do nothing. Save it, and sell it later."

If he's all about the moolah, that is great advice. If he doesn't care much about money, and he'd rather have a very unique gun to call his own, he's much better off following our idea.

And since these are readily available on Amazon right now, quite a while after the movie came out, I don't know how much of a "limited run" they were. But I'd say if you're interested in investing in one or two, now would be the time.

You can find them right here.

#154019 Nerf Gun Malfunctions/breakages

Posted by Ambience 327 on 30 April 2008 - 03:16 PM in General Nerf

  • When i was opening my mav, the cocking mech exploded

You didn't by any chance have it cocked when you opened it, did you?

  • there is a marble down the barrel of my other mav.

Couldn't you just open 'er up, open up the turret and push the marble back out from the back?

#153998 Attention Newbies

Posted by Ambience 327 on 30 April 2008 - 11:38 AM in Off Topic

Actually, I believe the M16 and the Barrett were both done by the same guy. (xNFx 37)

Just, you know, paying attention to the details. B)

#153991 Barret .50 Cal Idea

Posted by Ambience 327 on 30 April 2008 - 10:39 AM in Modifications

Trevor - does that mean you're going to go through with that mod, rather than just telling us what would look good? B)

#153977 Longshot Mod

Posted by Ambience 327 on 30 April 2008 - 08:01 AM in Modifications

I will grant that my experience (playing mostly indoors in a decent-sized church) is probably different from what most of you outdoor nerfers are used to. However, I can't see how it would be impossible to reload a magazine or two during a game if you are sticking together with friends for support. Does everyone who uses a Longshot in wars own enough mags to keep them set for an entire game? I know that before I bought my Recons, I only had the two, and I was able to keep them loaded when I needed to, just by having teammates cover me for a moment. It really doesn't take that long to load them, and with someone watching your back (and a good sidearm within reach if things get hairy), I don't see why this would be such a terrible thing for someone who can't afford / doesn't have access to / doesn't want to carry half a dozen mags for their Longshot.

But then, I've not played in anything large outside. My only big game experience (approx 30 players in our biggest games) is indoors, so maybe all that cover plays a part in skewing my viewpoint?

#153786 Longshot Mod

Posted by Ambience 327 on 29 April 2008 - 11:00 AM in Modifications

Why does everyone insist on making the Recon and Longshot shoot taggers? They jam in the magazine, the head interferes with the dart receiver and dart tooth.

I only see one of these issues being addressed, and that's done by cutting off the dart receiver. They'll still jam in the magazine and rub early against the dart tooth when pushed forward.

It's much easier to mod the taggers themselves than to fuck around with the gun's mechanisms, so for all I suggest making custom dart taggers until you're ready to do a breech.

Well, consider this scenario: You are playing an intense game with a lot of participants, and you've just fired your last streamline/CDTS/long stefan (i.e. stuff that fits/works in a stock LS). All of your ammo is now 40-50 feet away from you at best. What do you do?

If you've done a mod like this, you can pick up anything they have been firing back at you (stock taggers, micros, screamers, etc) that will fit in your clip, and keep on shooting.

If not, then all you can do is run, and hope they don't get you!

#153665 Marvin The Paranoid Android

Posted by Ambience 327 on 28 April 2008 - 03:49 PM in Modifications

Well, Marvin himself would tell you that no good will come of this gun, whether you leave it alone or attempt to modify it! :(

I say open 'er up and see what it's got going on. I'm guessing there is a lot of empty space inside. Maybe you could make some kind of massive, dart-holding compartment in all that space?

Or, if you are really crazy, integrate a half-dozen Secret Strike Pocket Blasters inside, at various angles, hook them all up to one pump and one trigger (that would take some fun engineering), and make this into the ultimate scatter gun!

#153624 Disk Shooter Mod

Posted by Ambience 327 on 28 April 2008 - 07:40 AM in Modifications

Definately interesting. I have a pair of manual (i.e. not battery-operated) disk shooters that I pull out from time to time. For some reason, if I dual-wield them and fire as quickly as possible, the resulting cloud of foam reminds me of the dual-wielded needlers from Halo 2...

...except they don't make things go BOOM! :D

#153071 Homemade Buzz Bee Shells

Posted by Ambience 327 on 25 April 2008 - 07:29 AM in Modifications

Very interesting, and it looks quite cool. However, every modding-instinct in me is screaming out in anguish over the fact that you just PUT AN AIR RESTRICTOR BACK INTO SOMETHING!

Heh, just kidding. Good ingenuity, and congrats on the increased range! :blush:

#152786 Foamslinger

Posted by Ambience 327 on 23 April 2008 - 12:41 PM in Modifications

It looks like it could be useful - use the LS for the ability to shoot without having to turn the motor on and alert them to your presence - then flip the switch and unleash 20 darts as quick as you please.

However, the blue/yellow color combination makes me sick. It could really benefit from a good paint job!

#152777 Some Questions...

Posted by Ambience 327 on 23 April 2008 - 11:57 AM in Off Topic

You should start hitting up yard sales and Craigslist then; you can find old guns for cheaper than new ones.

Powerclips for $3? SM5k for $7? Yes please.


Actually, my wife is an avid yard-sale fanatic, and she keeps her eyes open for things I'm interested in. She has yet to find a single Nerf gun either here in Fort Wayne or down in the Fishers/Indianapolis area where her side of the family lives.

Folks here in Indiana must just be really attached to their Nerf guns - because I know they sell well, as evidenced by how quickly the shelves can become bare after a re-stock!

#152776 Is It Only Me?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 23 April 2008 - 11:52 AM in Modifications

Oooh! Oooh! I know! Pick me!! B)

Don't you hate those moments - when you try so hard to do something, only to realise you've forgotten that one tiny (but all-important) detail? I know I do!!!

Don't worry, it happens to the best of us. Most of us just try not to post it to a web forum! :lol:

#152753 Some Questions...

Posted by Ambience 327 on 23 April 2008 - 06:47 AM in Off Topic

Why do YOU mod NERF guns?

To help make our games with the Church Youth Group more exciting. It is more fun to have a bit of extra range, rather than needing to be within 10 feet of one another to score a hit! Obviously, since I share my guns with the kids, and with both teams when we play team games, it isn't to gain any tactical edge for me or my team!

How much money do you spend on new NERF guns versus older NERF guns?

I'd say that the ratio is generally 0% old / 100% new. I did buy an old NB-1 missile launcher off of EBay, but that was more for nostalgia than actual use - we have yet to use it during a game. The rest of my arsenal is made up of currently available guns. I'm on a budget (a fancy way of saying I can only spend the money my wife lets me spend on Nerf!), so the rarer, more expensive older guns are not really an option.

The Youth Group also spends its money only on current guns, for the same reason. They have a bunch of old SM250's, but they were purchased many years ago while they were still in production, so they didn't cost an arm and a leg!

#152443 Pistol Tommy 20 Mod (no Writeup)

Posted by Ambience 327 on 21 April 2008 - 04:44 PM in Modifications

45-50ft? With 20 rounds that'll make a great secondary. <_< Reloading would be a pain so maybe not so much... but good job.

The nice thing about loading the MT20 is that you can do it piecemeal - meaning you don't have to wait until it is empty to reload. Due to its revolving nature, you can simply load as many slots as possible whenever you have time. The real trick is keeping the thing quiet enough that it doesn't announce your presence to the whole world when it is turned on.

#151840 Secret Strike Question - Did I Get Some Lemons?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 18 April 2008 - 02:56 PM in General Nerf

I mean no offense, and maybe I'm missing something here FA, but why would the dart's condition affect the pumping? My "problems" both have to do with the pumping:

1) Pumping slowly produces no effect - the air tank doesn't get filled. This happens whether there is a dart there or not, and with any dart I put there, including the two that came with it, Streamlines, Taggers, Sonics, etc.

2) Pumping also causes the dart to "hop up" just a bit - meaning air is escaping from the air tank into the barrel prior to me pulling the trigger - and obviously having enough force to move the dart a bit. I can only assume the situtaion you describe would actually prevent/hinder this occurrance.

#151833 Secret Strike Question - Did I Get Some Lemons?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 18 April 2008 - 12:19 PM in General Nerf

Ok, thanks!

I guess that means I'm free to start modding them, since I'm not going to get anything better.

It shouldn't be too big of an issue to pump quickly, but I'll probably have to keep the "dart pushing" thing in mind when I design the mod - most likely a method of pump-then-load will work the best. Since I was already thinking of coupler-modding them *, that shouldn't be too hard - I can just pump it up then slap the loaded barrel on the front.

* The idea of the coupler was originally this: I want these things to perform well, so the primary mod will be plugging the OP valve and replacing the barrel, but I am going to try out a longer barrel with a shotgun-load of 1" Nano Stefans to see what kind of range I can get with that loadout. If I can get a spread of darts at 10+ feet, it would become a rather useful addition to my arsenal due to the nature of our indoor play. If this works, I'll be sure to post a good write-up of it.

#151829 Secret Strike Question - Did I Get Some Lemons?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 18 April 2008 - 11:45 AM in General Nerf

I would hope that isn't the problem here with mine, as I just got them and have only used them indoors with clean darts - that would mean they both shipped with dirt in the valve!

#151808 Secret Strike Question - Did I Get Some Lemons?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 18 April 2008 - 07:58 AM in General Nerf

I don't believe the AR in the SS has the 3-prong spring deal. Also, it pushes the dart up in small increments, and only during a pump, so I know it is the air doing the pushing. The dart will come 1/3 to 1/2 of the way back out of the barrel, a little-bit at a time, after 5-10 pumps.

What is the problem with your hornet? And do you know how this might be fixed?

#151806 How Many Guns Do You Have In Your Arsenal?

Posted by Ambience 327 on 18 April 2008 - 07:45 AM in General Nerf

My current personal arsenal includes:


- 4 Mavericks (ar's removed)
- 2 Nite Finders (awaiting mod)
- 2 Airtech 2000's (awaiting mod)
- 2 Secret Stikes (awaiting mod/integration)
- 2 Recons (stock)
- 1 Longshot (stock)
- 1 Firefly (WIP)
- 1 NB-1 Missile Blaster (nostalgic E-Bay purchase, because my brother and I had a pair when we were just wee little guys)


- 2 Double Shots (both broken, working on repairs)


- 4 Air Rockets (THESE THINGS) *

My church's youth group has its own arsenal (paid for by the YG's funds), which is suplemented by my guns when we play. Currently, all of these guns are stock.


- 20 (yes, 20!) SuperMaxx 250's **
- 2 Mavericks
- 1 Nite Finder
- 2 MagStrikes
- 1 Rapid Fire 20


- 1 First Shot


- 1 Mech Tommy 20

* We use these mostly in scenario play as rocket launchers. In our rules, ricochet darts do not count as hits, it has to be a direct hit. These rockets, on the other hand, are deadly until the stop moving. They also are the only weapon capable of damaging targets in an "Objective Assault" game type we play, where the targets are boxes with holes cut in them, with the holes then covered with tissue paper - only a rocket which breaks the tissue paper counts as a hit on the target. Quite fun, but not very accurate weapons. They are, however, the longest-ranged weapons we use. (This is because a hit from these things even at point-blank range doesn't hurt unless it hits you in the eye!) I made a pair holsters for these which hold one launcher and two missles each - this makes them a bit easier to carry around, and therefore more likely to be used when we're in the mood.

** These were the first Nerf guns the youth group purchased, many years ago. Prior to these, we used single-shot dart guns of the type that have plastic-shafted, suction-cup darts where the act of pushing the dart in cocked the gun. Most of the SM250's are still operational, despite years of play. Half a dozen don't want to cock anymore, so when I have the time I have volunteered to open them up and see if I can fix them.