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#34548 Squit Gun Mod/homemade 'thing'

Posted by PissBacon on 19 August 2004 - 08:51 PM in Homemades

Oh, the light is operated by a 'noid, like on the NF, right?

I don't own a NF, and I'm not sure what a 'noid is. However, I can tell you where the switch is. If you look closely on the innards picture, you'll see where the trigger is connected to something with a bent metal rod. What it's connected to is the mechanism that opens the valve. On the very thing that presses on the valve pin is a rubber-covered switch which closes the circuit to the laser. It works quite well since the valve pin is held by a strong enough spring. So, to turn the laser on, pull the trigger a little, and then fire by pulling all the way.

#34557 Squit Gun Mod/homemade 'thing'

Posted by PissBacon on 19 August 2004 - 09:57 PM in Homemades

I don't know how to measure psi on this kind of thing. If anyone has advice for some mechanism let me know; until then I'll be thinking about it. Maybe i can use the cap from the 2nd tank I sawed off of the storm2000. hmm

#35703 Squit Gun Mod/homemade 'thing'

Posted by PissBacon on 28 August 2004 - 10:13 PM in Homemades

Sorry for giving this topic a bump, but I thought it's worthwile to say I tested some ranges recently. Since I'm restricted to only so much yard space I could not measure too well, but here are some results (these shots are fired level from about 5 feet off the ground). I pumped the gun 20 times and fired; the dart went well beyond a fence of blackberry bushes 200 feet away from me (and I never found the dart). Then I backed up about 70 feet and the other dart I had with me was also lost beyond the blackberries. This gun's range easily beats the rest of my arsenal. Now for improving rate of fire hmm...

#35715 Squit Gun Mod/homemade 'thing'

Posted by PissBacon on 28 August 2004 - 10:57 PM in Homemades

(these shots are fired level from about 5 feet off the ground)

Sorry that information was sort of hidden ompa, but yes it was flat.

#77882 Split-tech 2k

Posted by PissBacon on 28 March 2006 - 01:13 AM in Modifications

Wow, that's pretty inventive. I can't wait to see how it looks with both turrets applied and finished up. If only my target hadn't stopped carrying at2ks months ago.

Also, how does it feel so far in terms of sturdiness? Are all of the parts fitting well together and sturdy, or does it feel like it would break if you hit it a little too hard on something?

#68645 Special Ammunition

Posted by PissBacon on 30 November 2005 - 08:43 PM in General Nerf

What about Lanard Blast Bazooka ammunition?

#51787 Sony Psp

Posted by PissBacon on 06 April 2005 - 09:55 PM in Off Topic

Did you note my mention of "Image Converter 2", the official sony software for converting their videos? It's much more efficient (smaller size), and is overall a better program. linkage
Edit: My bad, looks like it only supports windows. -Sorry.

#51340 Sony Psp

Posted by PissBacon on 02 April 2005 - 03:05 AM in Off Topic

Hey, fellows! I'm posting from my psp! Get Wipeout, it has a hidden browser. (google it) Also, sony makes a nice converter for video, image converter 2 (check bestbuy). This is not an april joke!

#52126 Sony Psp

Posted by PissBacon on 10 April 2005 - 12:51 AM in Off Topic

No, I'm definately able to browse the web on my PSP. It's just greatly overlooked because most people aren't willing to bother setting up their wireless network, or don't know the right way to do it. To browse sites you move with the directional pad to different hyperlinked stuff, and to type you hit X over a text entry box, and an API pops up, the same one you use to type other stuff. It's layout is very similar to typing text msgs on a cellphone, with the letter/num pad. Then you hit the start button a couple times to finish your entry, and it places the text in that box. Pretty sensible....

Anyway, for anyone who doesn't know how to hook up their psp, make sure you got a wireless router running mixed 802.11b/g, and boot up your psp. Make sure your wireless switch is on. Go into the network settings, pick infrastructure mode, and make a new connection(any name works). Scan for your router, and select it when you find it. Go to the next screen, and choose to custom set up your address settings. Use automatic IP address settings, and then manual DNS settings manually. For the primary DNS, use Your secondary DNS address should be whatever your router's is (start menu>run>type cmd in the box>type in ipconfig in the dos prompt, hit enter). Do not use a proxy server. Test your connection, save it, and then fire up wipeout pure. Go into the 'download' option in wipeout pure, and select the new connection you made. It should load up a portal that says psp web portal by fugimax, and will have a bunch of things to click on. If it only shows a mostly grey screen w/ a little thingy in the upper left corner, hit the square button (refresh button) to reload the page. Try a few times if it doesn't work. This site gets tons of traffic so patience is key; sometimes the site is just down. If it loads up the wipeout pure coming soon deal, that means the site is down, and it's using the secondary DNS you put in, which connects to the site it's supposed to go to.

Another option if the DNS is down a lot is a secondary portal. Just use which is another portal made for the psp (you could substitute this for your secondary DNS if you wanted). It also gets lots of traffic, so bear that in mind.

As for browsing, some tips are to avoid sites with lots of flash and crazy coding, as they can lock up your psp (no biggie, just hold the power switch till it shuts off). The hidden browser can only run basic html, no flash, java, music, video, shockwave, etc. One plus is that it can load up images, so be sure to check out pennyarcade. Another plus is that IRC for psp is in development. As for actual browsing, L is back, R is foreward, x is enter (usu. html link), sqare is reload, and the arrows are for scrolling through pages or moving between links. To exit the browser, press the start button. There is a loading indicator in the upper left corner which will move when stuff is loading, and stop when it's done. Remember, the psp isn't near as strong as a pc, so keep patience when browsing, as it's not really designed to do so.

If I left stuff out, just ask or PM.

#68910 Silencer Report

Posted by PissBacon on 08 December 2005 - 06:31 PM in Darts and Barrels

I'm not speaking from experience, so call me out if you must.

From what I gather, silencers silence by allowing the escaping gas to slow down before exiting the barrel. The larger the volume, the quieter the noise will be, to a point where the size would make no noticeable difference. Making more holes is only compensating for a silencer which is not adequately sized. While holes may help quiet things down, they're really just allowing the noise to dissapate from a variety of angles and places instead of being focused in one place (you may not have dremeled the same amount or size of holes on all the silencers, accounting for the results favoring one over another). If you google the word 'silencer' you don't see holes in any real silencers. Considering there is a great deal more air volume to be dealt with in a nerf gun than in a real firearm, a working silencer will have to be possibly awkwardly large. To compensate for the greater volume, you could try using wider diameters of pipe or longer lengths.

#68925 Silencer Report

Posted by PissBacon on 09 December 2005 - 01:48 AM in Darts and Barrels

Ok. I couldn't tell from the photos/description if the holes were on the outside, and for some reason I assumed they were. What really matters are the results, not the theory, so if it works for you, great.

#51386 Show Me What You're Working With

Posted by PissBacon on 02 April 2005 - 04:56 PM in General Nerf

Modded Storm 2000
Posted Image
Posted ImagePosted Image
Back-loading barrel (19") & specially designed plug for high pressure.
BTW: If anyone has seen the stock one of these, I took out the primary tank, and the light assembly has been replaced with .. err. trigger triggered laser sight (light press).

#68722 Shotgun Dart

Posted by PissBacon on 03 December 2005 - 04:02 AM in Homemades

I still believe stock foam is plain better if it fits properly. The characteristics of the cells cause greater air retention, resulting in greater muzzle velocity and less air resistance. Although, I wouldn't say they're only loser (sic) darts, they are the only kind I use in my clip modded guns since they are reliably uniform and perform well.

#47682 Shotgun

Posted by PissBacon on 21 February 2005 - 03:48 AM in Homemades

Looks great! My advice: put some support between those lengthy pvc pieces so their weight isn't stressing the end elbow joints. Try something like this:

Posted Image

Supports are in red, forgive my 30-second paint image :)

#51999 Shit.

Posted by PissBacon on 08 April 2005 - 07:32 PM in Off Topic

When I insert a dick, nothing happens.

Please try to skim over what you're posting before you post. To determine what's up with the drive, I would go into the control panel, and from there into the system. Click on the hardware tab, and click the device manager. Scroll through the list and when you find that cd drive, double click and see what it says. If it says it has a problem you can probably go from there, and if it says the device is working properly, you'll have to consider other factors, like the parts inside the drive.

#65427 Seen FF VII Advent Children Yet?

Posted by PissBacon on 10 October 2005 - 02:18 AM in Off Topic

I watched it on my PSP, and yes, it was pretty nice. Too bad I've never played the game.

#69298 Secret Shot

Posted by PissBacon on 15 December 2005 - 08:40 PM in Modifications

Gordon, you're right on the spot with this. The only thing I don't agree with is what you say about 3 barrel mods. I'm not positive, but it sounds like you think it's not possible to make one; I own the gun and know I could do it (my ss case is brutalized though, so I'm not troubling to mod it anymore).

#81355 Scout And Sspb Integration

Posted by PissBacon on 06 May 2006 - 12:27 PM in Modifications

Have you given any thought to connecting the cocking slide of the scout to the SSPB's pump knob? With a vinyl tubing tank expansion, it would take a few more pumps to prime, so it would just keep getting pumped as you use the scout normally, then be a backup shot when you need it. If you needed to re-prime quickly, you could just keep moving the slide, which would also cock the scout. This would also be a little more comfortable to pump, as I've always found those knobs to be way too small.

why not just twist around the pump on the SSPB, so that the pump faces you and the barrel faces forward, then just link it somehow to the cocking mechanism. it would serve you much better to do so, as many have already said.

You're forgetting that the pump has resistance. If the same spring energy that's shooting a dart is connected to priming an air gun, the already whimpy scout range will be further degraded. Now if you could somehow reverse the action of the sspb's valve so that pulling pumps air and pushing just returns the pump, then you might have something useful.

PS The quote system on the new forum is so good.

#48855 Ruff Stuff's Shotgun

Posted by PissBacon on 06 March 2005 - 01:38 AM in General Nerf

I've got to get one of those. I didn't see anything about what kind of gun it is (air, spring, ?), but I am guessing it might cock when you reload. Coincidentally, I'm heading to Chicago for spring break. Anyone know about getting nerf guns to another state, since they probably won't let me on the plane?
EDIT: I read further in the NHQ post and found it is indeed a plunger. I still don't know about the checked baggage rules, if a minor can carry a toy shotgun on an airplane[in checked baggage].

#49065 Ruff Stuff's Shotgun

Posted by PissBacon on 08 March 2005 - 09:37 PM in General Nerf

I have one, it shoots 20' stock, and I STILL like it. Although I think drilling out the shells would really help.

Did anyone else notice that at NHQ Tricksleeves claims 42' flat? Could it be an inconsistency in production, or is it just common measure inflation? Seems like if the plastic was just molded a touch wrong, the barrel and shell seal would be very inefficient.

#62953 Robot!

Posted by PissBacon on 03 September 2005 - 12:21 AM in General Nerf

I'm wondering what the advantages are to having a 'walking tank' or bipedal type of weapon for the military, aside from being badass and intimidating? It seems like unless it was incredibly maneuverable other vehicles would be far better, along with aerial support in any situation. Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems like unless people come up with something crazy like anime cartoons have it wouldn't be very useful.

PS: I've seen videos of those bipedal robots (on a much smaller scale of course) doing things like playing soccer with great agility and reaction, entirely autonomous; who knows if these are practical on a larger scale though.

#83096 Revival!

Posted by PissBacon on 11 June 2006 - 05:39 AM in General Nerf

Making a CS:S mod seems like a great plan to me. The source engine is so accepting of development and modification. The gun physics are all there, free to modify as you create new weapons which can accurately model nerf. A whole library of counterstrike maps are already available to use with the mod.

It seems there are 2 trains of thought. One is to take every gun seen in CounterStrike:Source and swap it for some equivalent nerf gun, leaving the gun physics as they were. The other is to forget about what CounterStrike has and define one's own, original gun physics to accompany the weapon models. This second notion seems more logical if the steam engine is to be used.

As for other fps mods, Halo CE is considerably easier to create new weapons for, I believe, since there is much less to account for in comparison to the source engine's intricacy. I've personally played a Zelda:OOT mod which was awesome; it had hyrule field as the map, and even the hookshot was a weapon. However, the Halo CE experience, in my opinion, is inferior to a source mod's fuition.

I'm hoping something is truly done with this project, instead of it being another thread in the pile of ambitious but never tried ideas.

#78259 Rejected!

Posted by PissBacon on 31 March 2006 - 08:54 PM in Off Topic

Grats Ompa, I hope you're happy and successful with the college you chose.

I was wondering how people are paying for their colleges, especially out of state. Out of state tuition (both public and private) for college seems close to $30,000 a year, which for me is no small sum. I'd gladly go out of state if it weren't for this cost issue. Are people getting scholarships? Loans? Jobs? Since I'm likely to do a double major, finding a job during the school year would seem to defeat the purpose of affording college for me. Places like Stanford and MIT have very strong financial aid programs, but you still leave college with big loans to pay off, which is something that worries me. Maybe this is just the way college goes.

#64655 Real Laser Pointer

Posted by PissBacon on 30 September 2005 - 02:11 AM in Modifications

I've done this process using a laser pointer. It was on my storm 2000 gun. The trigger was set up so when you pull lightly, the laser lights, and then a full pull opens the valve.

I don't have a firefly, so I don't know what voltage the batteries are wired to produce. Taking a look at laser pointers, I usually see the 2AAA kinds, and the 3 button-cell kinds. the 2AAA are wired in series, producing a total of around 3 volts, and the triple button kinds probably use LR44's in series, producing 4.5 volts. If you have a volt/multi-meter you can check the output of the batteries so you'll know what kind of laser pointer to use. Also, isnt the firefly wired to just 'flash' instead of maintain light? You will have to mod this too; again I don't have a firefly to offer wiring help.

#81436 Ramrockets?

Posted by PissBacon on 07 May 2006 - 05:39 PM in Modifications

Hah. I forgot I did this a while ago. I used a barrel that was about 3 to 4 feet long, to utilize all that slow air pressure. Of course, it was hand powered and didn't have a trigger. The barrel went into the gun mostly, and stuck out a few inches. It shot real hard, but it mutilated many darts. As for where I got my ramrocket (heh, never understood why they called it that) it was a gift from about 1993.

#65428 Ram Help

Posted by PissBacon on 10 October 2005 - 02:43 AM in Off Topic

What all is going into this system? Both of those choices aren't great latencies (which directly affects performance). Sure 4gb is nicer than 2, but not only are both of these not particularly fast, the 4gb is basically really slow. I reiterate: what are you putting this memory into?

#72049 Radio Controlled Touring Cars

Posted by PissBacon on 01 February 2006 - 04:21 AM in Off Topic

It all really depends on how much you want to spend, and where you're racing it around, oxide.

#78965 R/c Micro Air Vehicle

Posted by PissBacon on 06 April 2006 - 12:09 AM in Off Topic

I've got a couple questions. Is the entire ducted fan setup also part of the rapid prototyping product, or was that made/bought and added on? And less importantly, what does MAV mean in this context?

#74438 R-clip Blast Bazooka

Posted by PissBacon on 26 February 2006 - 07:43 PM in Modifications

On the gravity-feed issue: for my bbb mod I added in a weighted dart on the top to ensure they always drop properly. The only problem is that you need to watch your dart count (which is tougher on this 'nested' clip than on the bbb). The weighted dart makes it easier to load top-fed clips as well. One thing I've wondered: is it really a clip if it's not removeable (like the power-clip).

EDIT: Really clean mod by the way. Nice.

#68974 Question About The Far

Posted by PissBacon on 10 December 2005 - 03:17 AM in Homemades

Shouldn't you just buy airsoft guns? I'm sure they sell ones that look similar to the FAR anyway, and there's no way it's easier to make one than buy one.

#68721 Pump-action Clip Writeup

Posted by PissBacon on 03 December 2005 - 03:51 AM in Homemades

Mmmm maybe..You could make the breech smaller...and the barrel.

It's tough enough to make a breech barrel, this one is impressively compact as the barrel slides instead of an arm for loading; getting it smaller that would be near impossible.

I really might have to look into this for a different version of my 4B. It's so much surdier than a coathanger and weld epoxy on brass. Nice work.


Point the gun so that the barrel is facing you.

Interesting instructions. Might you need a disclaimer?

#47601 Problems With The Secret Shot 2

Posted by PissBacon on 20 February 2005 - 01:43 AM in Modifications

How would WD40 fix a leak?

#33726 Problems With Screws On Titan

Posted by PissBacon on 11 August 2004 - 12:09 AM in Modifications

Ok, here is what I've done in the past when I've needed a screwdriver shape that is uncommon (such as a triangle bit), and was too cheap to buy the bit. Get one of those Bic pens, the clear ones which come in 10 packs for 1 dollar at most targets and office supply stores. It has to be the clear kind. Take out the ink part of the pen which can be pulled out by the ballpoint tip (should be golden brown color) with pliers. Check to see if the clear part of the pen fits to where you need to reach the screws. If it does fit, great, but if not then sand it down some so that it fits. Then take a lit candle and heat up the clear part you have left til it starts to soften up. You should be using the end that the ballpoint pen used to be at, not the end with the colored cap. I recommend using a candle holder with the candle so you can press the pen up to it to test if it's soft. While it's still in it's soft state press it onto one of the screws firmly and hold it there for about 10 seconds or so so that the pen takes the shape of the misshapen screw. Hopefully you can twist and the screw will turn. If the pen sort of grips and then just gets scraped because the screw is too tight, reshape it with the candle, but put it in ice water right before attempting to turn so that it is somewhat harder. Repeat this process of shaping the pen for each messed up screw. When putting it back together hold each strange screw with pliers and press the pen to it again when heated, and screw in. Good luck! I hope I'm not too late.

#51906 Prepare Your Bladder For Imminent Release!

Posted by PissBacon on 07 April 2005 - 11:59 PM in Modifications

How about you just use www.imageshack.us ?

#64693 Post-mod Pics Of Ertl Blowdart Turret

Posted by PissBacon on 30 September 2005 - 07:41 PM in Modifications

awesome idea

It's also a pretty universal idea - something you could adapt to many guns.

#70736 Please Read: Spherical Ammo.

Posted by PissBacon on 10 January 2006 - 05:34 PM in General Nerf

Heres a possibility: Instead of bying 4000 of those things, take a bb or two and make a tape ball around it, lightweight, your bb is the centrat weight, and you can make planty. Just a thought, might not work.

Covering a painful projectile with plastic tape will not make it any less painful.

And I believe it's already been emphasized, but weight is not the only issue of a projectile. It's ok for airsoft ammo to be so like because it's so tiny and thus has much lower wind resistance; a large foam ball with the same weight suffers much more drag. Why do you think throwing a large nerf ball at someone hurts much less than a small rock?

#70566 Please Read: Spherical Ammo.

Posted by PissBacon on 07 January 2006 - 01:14 AM in General Nerf

Actionball has foam balls used in paintball guns available.  About $0.50 per ball though.  I've seem them, they are pretty soft.  Never felt one shot from a paintball gun though.

For homemade balls, that can be weighted easily, why not try crayola Model Magic foam?  I've seen unweighted ones used in the same situations as Actionball.  They are used in spring guns.


Don't ignore this; this is very close to what is sought (actually, the idea of actionball is as close as it gets without being nerf). These seem to be properly weighted considering they're fired from paintball guns. There are still a few things to account for, such as the potential difference in barrel size, and the poor aerodynamics at low speeds (price is also quite high).

I'm not talking about balls, im talking about short FBR chunks.

If you think spheres aren't aerodynamic at low velocity, have a look at short FBR cylinders; I'm not even sure how much worse that option is.

Personally, I'm pretty interested in rifling a barrel for some ball-type ammo to stabilize shots, and just for the sake of nerf modding.

Though the current state of nerf will stay, if this grows successful I can imagine an increased gravitation towards paintballing, since anything we create will just be struggling to emulate the design and performance of professionally engineered paintball guns.

#81041 Photography

Posted by PissBacon on 01 May 2006 - 12:26 AM in Off Topic

Nice photos everyone, I really like this thread. NinjZ must have some interesting stories. Sharp nature photos are tough, but the quality is great on ogopogo's (fuzzy photos really get to me). Here's a couple from me:

Posted Image
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All of these were taken while I was in Japan; I'm going back this summer.

#75120 Perfered Types Of Guns?

Posted by PissBacon on 04 March 2006 - 01:08 AM in General Nerf

I voted runner because other than my doubleshot I only have pistols because my dad works for microsoft and Bill Gates sucks monkey D!?*

You probably won't bother reading either of these articles.


Bill Gates: Time's 'Person of the Year'

Sad you could judge a person you likely know nothing about. B)

#66196 Paper Darts?

Posted by PissBacon on 20 October 2005 - 09:14 PM in General Nerf

I've made paper darts before, though I wouldn't dream of shooting people with them. They were just a section of a circle cut out and rolled into a cone, taped and weighted. Pretty crazy ranges when I added a tail to them (bic pen ink part jammed in).