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There have been 136 items by WEASEL (Search limited from 18-January 97)

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#46222 Guass Gun/coil Rifle

Posted by WEASEL on 16 January 2005 - 02:35 PM in Homemades

I'm making a coil gun, not a railgun. Coil guns are more efficeint.

Coil guns require alot of tweaking and sensors to make the magnets turn on and off at the right time. Also, all your stefans are going to be different and not going to want to....cooperate. But hey, If you can get it to work, wow, that would be cool.

#46077 Does The Rifled Barrle Thing Really Work?

Posted by WEASEL on 13 January 2005 - 04:09 PM in Homemades

If anyone even bothered to read the reveiw of the rifled petg (nerfworld.com, go to homemades, last link) he said that it worked when it worked, but sucked when it didn't. He also said that it was a litle bit crooked. Maybe if one could put the rifled barrel inside a peice of pvc to keep it straight, it would work better. But as has been pointed out before, the foam doesn't expand enough, so there would be a gap between the groove and the pvc. One could fill that in however...

#46040 Happy Birthdays

Posted by WEASEL on 12 January 2005 - 11:21 PM in Off Topic

Heh. I'm such a bitch!

Ya, I know, you are <g>. And I didn't get a halo 2 for my b-day but I got one earlier! The nice people at gamestop did this thing where they gave me a new game, twice, because my x-box keeps on scratching my discs. But I picked up a five pack of d-skins while I was over there. Very nice, keeps your discs from getting scratched, I would highly recomend them for any valuble disks.

#46038 Shoot Stefans With An Nf

Posted by WEASEL on 12 January 2005 - 11:15 PM in Modifications

Would I need to take out that little pole inside the barrel to shoot micro Stefans

Yes, you would, unless you have holes in the back of your stefans made by a straw or something.

or do the mod on this site?

That would help also with your range and such.

#46001 Happy Birthdays

Posted by WEASEL on 12 January 2005 - 05:46 PM in Off Topic

Don't hit the bottle too hard tonight.

Ya, it might break.

#45989 Cafepress Coupon

Posted by WEASEL on 12 January 2005 - 02:37 PM in Site Feedback


#45988 Happy Birthdays

Posted by WEASEL on 12 January 2005 - 02:29 PM in Off Topic

O ya. Check it out! I'm the..um..crap..youngest person who's birhday is today.

EDIT: Never used a smilie before, guess now is as good a ever. ^_^ ^_^ :P :D

#45956 How Far Do Guns Shoot?

Posted by WEASEL on 11 January 2005 - 09:19 PM in General Nerf

You probably aren't going to be accurate enough past 80-90ft unless you have some kind of sight with auto stableizing darts. Which you probably don't.

#45929 Park Regulations

Posted by WEASEL on 11 January 2005 - 06:30 PM in Nerf Wars

That sounds great FIDO. I live in west San Jose and my freinds live close so.....wait. How did you know were we were nerfing at? Probably did some search on the regulations or something. Any way, I could look them up for San Jose.

EDIT: Holy crap, wtf? You guys never told me that you guys signed up at the NH. Last I heard you guys only were at NHQ. OK, that makes everything clear.

#45925 Park Regulations

Posted by WEASEL on 11 January 2005 - 06:15 PM in Nerf Wars

Sorry these are accually city park regulations and we don't want to drive far away and we would have to go scouting first to find parks that would work. Besides, we love our park, its so huge, and foresty.

#45917 Park Regulations

Posted by WEASEL on 11 January 2005 - 05:11 PM in Nerf Wars

Sorry I didn't post this earlyer (sp?).
Park rule:
No person in a park shall do any of the following:
Use, carry, or possess firearms of any description, or air rifles, spring guns, bow and arrows, slings or any other forms of weapons potentially dangerous to wild life or to human safety.

The "snip"s are where there was other rules but they were irrelevent. I guess that a nerf gun would be a 'air rifle' if it was a pump gun and a 'spring gun' if it was a spring powered nerf gun. Now if they are potentially dangerous to wild life or people is questionable.

#45876 Park Regulations

Posted by WEASEL on 11 January 2005 - 12:16 AM in Nerf Wars

Ok, here's the situation: There is this park that my friends and I nerf at, but one of my friend's mom's found this article in the news paper about some guys that were like arrested or fined because somebody called the cops on them because they were airsofting in the park. So we haven't played nerf in that park (or anywhere else) since. Should we nerf anyway and if somebody tells us we're not supposed play with 'guns' say we didn't know it was agenst the rules, or just not nerf? I don't know if your answers will affect anything but I would like to know what you guys do. Do any of the parks you nerf at have some kind of rules against nerfing?

#45591 Nerf Gun In Toy M16 Case?

Posted by WEASEL on 06 January 2005 - 10:23 PM in Modifications

I have recently recieved a M16 W/ Grenade Launcher (from realistictoygun.com)

Ok that site is the most screwed up thing I have ever seen. Text overlapping and everything.

#45587 Combustion Gun Poll

Posted by WEASEL on 06 January 2005 - 10:10 PM in Homemades

This is just like that poll that my dear friend ELEMENT made a long long time ago about co2 guns. co2 and combustion are sort of alike in terms of power and range and hurtness. I voted either way because it kinda depends on the gun.

#44131 Sliding Tubing

Posted by WEASEL on 15 December 2004 - 10:35 PM in Homemades

You want it to be 1/2 pvc so that you can can shoot megas? I haven't found any yet but if I do I shall tell you. <_<

He didn't mention anything about shooting megas, and 1/2" PVC is pretty common.

#44130 Just Wondering

Posted by WEASEL on 15 December 2004 - 10:31 PM in General Nerf

I know some people who would pay $25 just for the rings. Well, I lied. I don't know anyone but rings are preatty rare.

#44105 Sliding Tubing

Posted by WEASEL on 15 December 2004 - 06:45 PM in Homemades

If you mean tight as in like, no air escapes, I can't help you. But boltsniper used two peices of pvc for his bolt action on his rifle. I know it's probalby not what you want if you want something air tight.

#43746 One Questions

Posted by WEASEL on 10 December 2004 - 09:20 PM in Homemades

It was Two Questions but I forgot what the second one was.

Could regular pipe caulking be a substitute for plumbers' goop?


If your talking about the caulking i'm thinking about, no.

#43660 Need Help Hosting War.in Ohio!

Posted by WEASEL on 09 December 2004 - 07:53 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll check with you first from now on.

Sorry, I didn't mean to kinda try to tell you what to do from now on but i was just giving my thought on this issue.

#43658 Nooo, Dimebag Darrell!

Posted by WEASEL on 09 December 2004 - 07:50 PM in Off Topic

Holy crap. This kind of thing should be illegal (wait it is illegal). Maybe what I ment was it should be indirectly illigal. Why the fuck are guns legal. I mean guns are cool and all but they should only be used for target practice, cops and hunting. I don't want the world leaders to get crazy go nuts and make all types of guns illegal like airsoft, paintball and nerf but just the fire-arms. I feel sorry for Dimebag, and his brother, the band, the fans, the metal listeners, and anybody who sympithises with them.

#43656 Need Help Hosting War.in Ohio!

Posted by WEASEL on 09 December 2004 - 07:41 PM in Nerf Wars

Ok, if this guy was a serious nerfer, why would he make a account named nerfnewbie. Its kinda like the whole 1/2newb1/2nerfer thing all over again (not to insult you 1/2newb1/2nerfer). But don't delete him just because he is being stupid once.

#43655 Using A Silencer

Posted by WEASEL on 09 December 2004 - 07:35 PM in Homemades

Zero's Silencer Writeup
This is a good place to start. Felt works well in Zero's design. A hole-y tube with foam pipe insulation around it works well too.

Wait, don't real silencers have holes in a piece of "pipe" the same ID as the barrel? Otherwise the air would just escape around the bullet when the bullet reached the larger silencer tube. Has anyone tried Zero's silencer because I have a feeling that it might not work with the piece of pipe that has the holes in it is 3/4". But if the pipe on the silencer with holes in it was the size of your barrel, the dart wouldn't have enought momentum to make it throught the barrel with all the friction and no air presure behind it and it would probably get caught on the holes. Just my two cents on this issue.

#40363 Powerclip Homemade Clip

Posted by WEASEL on 31 October 2004 - 02:31 PM in Homemades

Why doesn't someone try to make one out of balsa wood?

#39957 Homemade Breech

Posted by WEASEL on 26 October 2004 - 09:42 PM in Homemades

You can also use milling bits if you have them. They make a nice clean slot.

#38624 My Modded Nite Finder

Posted by WEASEL on 08 October 2004 - 05:54 PM in Modifications

what can i do

You could take a piece of felt and wrap it between the end of the plunger and before the noch inside the spring. Just hot glue it in there.

#38117 Hornet

Posted by WEASEL on 01 October 2004 - 05:35 PM in Modifications

Awesome mod, all you have to do is look at the top of the page, find the magnifying glass (looks like a circle with a yellow stick attached) and use your left mouse button to click it. Then, you will see a box that says "search keywords" Type in the letters hornet mod, and press the enter key. Voila !

If YOU did some research, you would find out that searching hornet mod doesent bring you to any hornet mods. But I get that you are trying to teach him to search.

#38047 Nerf Finally Updates Their Webpage

Posted by WEASEL on 30 September 2004 - 05:30 PM in General Nerf

Buying the N-strike only darts indavidually(sp?) is cheaper than buying the micro six pack.


nail polish beauty secrets?

nail polish secret beauties to be exact.

#38039 Future Video Game Poll

Posted by WEASEL on 30 September 2004 - 03:59 PM in Off Topic

Halo rocks, mmmm...multiplayer online.

Prince of Persia was pretty good, but I got stuck where you have to battle your daddy. Any advice?

Please do not hijack thy thread.

Gamecube scares me.

Sorry, thy will not hijack thou's thread.

#38029 Future Video Game Poll

Posted by WEASEL on 30 September 2004 - 12:13 PM in Off Topic

Halo rocks, mmmm...multiplayer online.

Prince of Persia was pretty good, but I got stuck where you have to battle your daddy. Any advice?

#37894 Size Of Vinyl Tubing

Posted by WEASEL on 27 September 2004 - 08:40 PM in Homemades

If you used a smaller diamiter tubeing, it would restrict airflow.

#37411 Brass

Posted by WEASEL on 17 September 2004 - 09:59 PM in Modifications

Ya, I use my punch to but i was cutting 19/32" and it didn't go that big. Thanks guys.

#37212 Brass

Posted by WEASEL on 14 September 2004 - 07:59 PM in Modifications

Well maybe some people don't look at the topic list and only look at the portal page.

#37203 Brass

Posted by WEASEL on 14 September 2004 - 06:33 PM in Modifications

Mmmmm.... forgot to search. Thanks

#37201 Brass

Posted by WEASEL on 14 September 2004 - 06:27 PM in Modifications

when you cut brass with a pipe cutter, how do you get out that incurve?

#36734 Impressive Paint Jobs?

Posted by WEASEL on 08 September 2004 - 09:45 PM in General Nerf

You should practice twirling it on your finger, then shooting it. People would drool at your awsomeness.

Twirling stuff on fingers is fun. Stupid goat with his covert modded nitefinder. I drool at your twirling awsomness.

#36680 Quad Barrel Titan W/scout

Posted by WEASEL on 08 September 2004 - 04:48 PM in Modifications

Edit:^^^^^^^crap people beatme to it^^^^^^^

Nice titan. Can you show us one of your missiles. Also, what are the ranges?

#33669 Nf 4in Petg Barrel

Posted by WEASEL on 10 August 2004 - 02:16 PM in Modifications

I was wondering if a nite finder barrel needs to be longer than a your dart length. Would it make a difference if it was petg where the barrel is the same tightness for it's whole lenght. I assume it wouldn't make a difference if you are useing stock micros because they wouldn't go down the barrel.

#30975 Jspb-rl

Posted by WEASEL on 12 July 2004 - 02:19 PM in Homemades

what's the range.

#27422 Code Of Conduct

Posted by WEASEL on 01 June 2004 - 11:45 AM in Site Feedback

I'm new and am looking at this post, I see "spazkake". How did he get a custom avatar like that when he has very few posts?

I'm not trying to support him or anything but how did he get a cosom avitar.

#26197 Positions In Nerf

Posted by WEASEL on 14 May 2004 - 05:37 PM in General Nerf

I beleve why you can't post your article is because cxwq has to proof read it first. Otherwise we would have people posting articles of nonsence all the time. Sent it to cxwq and see what happens.

Edit: (oops, for got to say what i thought)

Me and my nerfin' friends usually just work together as a team. whoever has the right gun for the job. We don't really plan who does what ahead of time.