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#235322 Xbox Live Recreational Community House ---

Posted by pjotrkuh on 09 June 2009 - 09:10 PM in Off Topic

Gamer tag: pjotrkuh


GOW 1&2
Guitar Her World Tour
Guitar Hero 3
Army Of 2
Burnout: Paradise

dont play much though, found another hobby, something with guns & foamdarts.........

oh BTW i live in Holland, Europe

#248519 Why Brass And Not Copper?

Posted by pjotrkuh on 25 August 2009 - 11:31 AM in General Nerf

Copper sucks. You could use it for Mega's and it was god awful. I don't think the inside is smooth enough because the dart didn't even come out of the barrel anytime I tried it.

Usually copper has a "mold" line down the length of it, so air will leak or darts will get stuck, brass doesn't.

#244526 What I've Been Working On

Posted by pjotrkuh on 29 July 2009 - 12:10 PM in Off Topic

That is really kick-ass, it is pure awesomeness, does it weigh more or less than the original bike?

#270364 Washer Based Plunger Heads And Replacement Plunger Tubes - Please Help

Posted by pjotrkuh on 26 March 2010 - 10:10 AM in Homemades

I have the same problems here in europe AJ, only PVC over here is way to loose for streamlines or CDTDarts, or are very thick walled = way to heavy for use in homemades.

Same problems with brass-tubing......

I think the PETG they sell in pet stores, is used to cover tubelights in aquariums...
I cannot think of another reason to sell clear rigid tubing.

#248410 Vulcan Troubles..

Posted by pjotrkuh on 24 August 2009 - 03:38 PM in Modifications

My vulcan lies open on my desk, I will look into it tomorrow, I need to reinforce that piece somehow anyway.

#248505 Vulcan Troubles..

Posted by pjotrkuh on 25 August 2009 - 06:33 AM in Modifications

hmm...sorry not much help from me, other than good luck..................

#280304 Vulcan Air Removal, Stuff Up?

Posted by pjotrkuh on 15 July 2010 - 09:54 AM in Modifications

Did you drill it out or just removed the restrictor?

When the vulcan primes/ is primed the plungertube comes foreward and seals against the chainlink, in that piece of plungertube is a grey O-ring for optimal seal....

If the barrel does not come foreward or doesn't stay foreward there is something wrong with the internals....

In the case of the plungertube not staying in the "sealed" position when primed, the plungertube has been replaced wrong, on the plungertube there is a little square(?) nub wich must be faced towards the shell, because another orange (the color could be different) nub needs to "catch" and hold it until the dart is fired.

#251160 U2’s Stage For 360 Tour

Posted by pjotrkuh on 21 September 2009 - 02:52 PM in Off Topic

It looks like a base from some halo covenant apparatus, like the canon you have to destroy just before the flood appears. Really cool indeed.

#287919 Troubleshooting: Stampede Firing Uncontrollably

Posted by pjotrkuh on 04 November 2010 - 02:55 PM in Modifications

Maybe you should use a lower voltage, I use 12 volts and a stronger plunger spring without any problems....

#259959 Trouble Opening A Maverick

Posted by pjotrkuh on 28 December 2009 - 12:54 PM in Modifications

ok you'll need to use the clawhammer between the barrel and the grey piece, the orange pieces aren't gleued in, they are forced on to the rod, when you took out the AR's you can use the clawhammer again but then to smack the orange piece back on... good luck

#251281 Triple Nightfinder Help

Posted by pjotrkuh on 22 September 2009 - 02:12 PM in Modifications

You should have payed more attention on the mechanical details (like, reading articles on this site about plunger heads, rods and o-rings), before asking for help on this forum.

Some people gave very good advise, but then you keep japping about that the gun is fine, wich is clearly not, or else you wouldn't be asking for help would you?

So you should do this:

-Add good fitting o-rings to the plungerhead.
-Straighten out your plunger tube (scrapping this one and build one from whatever material is best, search the site!!)
-Lube the thing with a good lube. (again search the site)
-Add the [k26] spring

If THEN your gun won't work properly, take pictures of the whole contraption, inside out completly taken apart, and ask again.

I tell you this because I read more topics like: "Help me my gun sucks, but it's working properly and I ain't doing anything wrong"
lately and I think it's really annoying.

Also I am a lazy bastard, because I won't search the 'Haven for the articles you should have read, you should go through that trouble not me,

Good luck and greetings,

#252365 Titan Modification Question

Posted by pjotrkuh on 02 October 2009 - 07:21 AM in Modifications

Use a large screw-on bushing on the titan, then have adapters for each barrel.

ex: 3" bushing with 3"-1/2" for the micro and megamissle, 3"-1" for mongo, 3"-3" for scatter

Thats what I did initialy with my Titan:

A shot of the barrel:
Posted Image

Here is a picure with the barrel and an adapter piece in it:
Posted Image

A picure of the missile barrel and an un-used adapter:
Posted Image

And finaly a picture of the whole gun, (like it was back then, its being overhauled now)
Posted Image

#240779 The Split Shot

Posted by pjotrkuh on 08 July 2009 - 08:10 AM in Modifications

Can you tell me what brand the gun is from? it looks like the same brand as some small guns i found in a kind of dollarstore in my block. überly sucking b.t.w.

#240841 The Split Shot

Posted by pjotrkuh on 08 July 2009 - 03:49 PM in Modifications

Thew purpose of this thread was to ask what I should do to mod this gun. The spring is already pretty beefy so I don't think I should add more....

Maybe you should try to replace the plungertubes and plungers with bigger ones (NF,LS?) and lengthen the barrels appropriatly(?)

But again, what brand is the gun from?

#280491 The Official Internals Directory

Posted by pjotrkuh on 17 July 2010 - 11:26 AM in Modifications

Lanard Shell Shock X-6 internsals:

Posted Image

#235268 The Gemini

Posted by pjotrkuh on 09 June 2009 - 06:12 PM in Modifications

nice job!! hmmmz maybe its time for me to build a double maverick.................LOL :lol:

#247977 Tfs-semi

Posted by pjotrkuh on 21 August 2009 - 12:36 PM in Homemades

Makes a nice "plop".
It looks great, cant wait to see the gun with the mag firing!!

#247596 Tfs-semi

Posted by pjotrkuh on 19 August 2009 - 06:58 AM in Homemades

So your saying you pull the trigger it shoots, ejects the shell, then reloads from a clip. How fast is this process? How much did this cost? Also, what kind of ranges does that thing get at certain levels of psi?

Errr.... You only watch pictures dont you? or did you completly miss the bottom sentence in the first post?

Either way, PVC Arsenal 17, what function is the cylinder thing on the side of the gun?
And nice work on machening the handle, but it looks a little to "straight"

#247972 Tfs-semi

Posted by pjotrkuh on 21 August 2009 - 12:10 PM in Homemades

Video ain't working......

#236205 Switchshot Modification

Posted by pjotrkuh on 14 June 2009 - 12:57 PM in Modifications

Where is the video?

#252176 Stefan Moded Raiser Clip

Posted by pjotrkuh on 30 September 2009 - 09:22 AM in Modifications

Filling the gap with just fbr wont work, because of the pick up prongs that lead the darts into the part that goes in the gun, youll have to remove a good part of them, possibly making the darts jam and mangle int he drum....

#280790 Stampede: Leaked

Posted by pjotrkuh on 20 July 2010 - 02:46 AM in General Nerf

So I don't mind flaming this Ricochet asshole for his very very very stupendous mistake.

But I do mind using incurable deseases wich probably killed friends and family of you, to be wished upon him...

So I'd rather like you to flame him being fucked in the ass with a singled titan firing a thumbtack stefan up his bum or something... Instead of saying he is cancer (or as someone posted canker).....

#303601 Stampede, Bolt Return Spring

Posted by pjotrkuh on 20 August 2011 - 03:23 PM in Modifications

If you really wish to replace the return spring, the follower spring from the buzzbee tek rapid fire rifle clip might be a good add-on or replacement.....

Did you do anything else? like replacing the o-ring or something? maybe you should lube the PT.......

#295172 Stampede Broke.....

Posted by pjotrkuh on 28 February 2011 - 05:12 PM in Modifications

So last sunday my stampede broke, after a few weird and fast back and forth slams, it made a whizzing sound when I pulled the trigger........oh-o....we thought it was the common catch spring jam...... after opening we saw it wasn't that.....It was the gear-box....oh my...

Today after work I opened up the stampede and went on dismantling the gearbox, it is actually a "box" with the motor screwed on one end and just the half-gear sticking out on the other:

Posted Image

Posted Image

Inside the box are some gear-combinations, offcourse allot of down gearing, for more torque less rpm, but 1 combination wassent molded in 1 piece....

Posted Image

It is some kind of motor protection I think.... It doesn't show that well on the picture, but the hole in the large gear and the nub on the small one are supposed to be square but they are worn to a roundish state

When I pulled the trigger, the motor (running 12v 2600mah) forced the 2 gears appart (the "box" isn't made out of the same thickness of plastic as the rest of the shell) so the could slip....

So after I let a BIG sigh of relief I glued the 2 parts together and thats the fix!! Tommorow Test-day(I hope this is the correct place to post this....)

#346704 Spring supplier

Posted by pjotrkuh on 12 May 2015 - 03:43 PM in Modifications

Hey guys.... I'm not really an "active" nerfer anymore (well got married and kids so maybe.....)....I only do paint and minor mod's (steampunkish) but:

As I said in a reply : I ordered some springs at: Conrad; Drukveren IMPORTANT!! DO NOT order springs with a wire thickness of more than(then?) 1,5MM thicker ones are way to strong...... also they vary much in diameter and length.... I just ordered a bunch of different springs and went along.....

Also foam backer rod is (almost) never used here.... and if so it's the open cell kind.... Some well stocked DIY stores (praxis) sometimes carry small packages of it....

I hope I helped out greetings(groetjes) Peter AKA Pjotrkuh....

#259350 Soda Bottle Nerf Gun

Posted by pjotrkuh on 19 December 2009 - 05:21 AM in Homemades

Regardless of the dangers of PVC... Pop bottles? Seriously? Does anyone know how to say "ghetto" in noob-speak? I mean come ON.

I used small and even large soda bottles for replacement lego's pressure tanks.......although I used an OPRV to prevent popping hoses

Posted Image

#259302 Soda Bottle Nerf Gun

Posted by pjotrkuh on 18 December 2009 - 09:46 AM in Homemades

Please keep in mind that when pvc fails, it produces much more sharp shards flying violently everywhere, carbonated soda bottles are designed to take some pressure, pvc is not!

#259564 Soda Bottle Nerf Gun

Posted by pjotrkuh on 22 December 2009 - 11:23 AM in Homemades

While we're on the topic of the safety of pop bottles, I have a question.

Does anyone know if using something like fiberglass+epoxy to reinforce a 2 liter one will make it significantly safer to operate at higher pressures (ie will hold its own at higher pressures)? Would it be impractical to assume that covering all surface area on the bottle with fiberglass is possible?

And for making a safer explosion, what about using denim and duck tape? I know that doesn't work for PVC shrapnel, but this plastic is significantly lighter and thinner.

Something hard like epoxy will actually make it more dangerous.

Duck/t tape wrapped tightly will actually make it more dangerous.

What you want to be looking for is to contain the explosion, not to stop it. I have done exactly that with denim and duct tape but NOT TIGHT. Layers, with some room to expand. Then zip it all into a backpack for more convenience and an additional layer.

Indeed, a backpack will be sufficient enough to contain an explosive decompression I think.......

An advantage of using soda bottles is that you can use another (smaller) bottle when you blew up your old one!!

#242033 Silencing A Crossfire

Posted by pjotrkuh on 15 July 2009 - 09:56 AM in Modifications

If you do not have extensive amounts of electronics experience, do not attempt to add a flash to your crossfire. The capacitors in a camera, disposable or not, supposedly can build up enough voltage to kill you.

Voltage....yes....Amperage I don't know.....but I don't think so.......

On Topic:

You could wrap a blanket around your gun..............but that would look silly, otherwise it's impossible to silence your gun.........

#301777 Shot Blast Nerf Conversion

Posted by pjotrkuh on 18 July 2011 - 03:49 PM in Modifications

@SRSJ, It is really that easy, I did a commision for some one, I cut off the handle, a LS front gun handle slots in easily, connect a piece of copper wire or clothes hanger and voila, I even managed to get the RSCB inside the shell by moving the airtank back and down, cutting out the filler cap so the rscb could be loaded from there and keep the comfy shoulder stock, only downside is that the tank nor pump hava a OPRV, so over pumping ended up using pliers to pull the wire for releasing the air...................Also did a large amount of dremeling out the insides and pump handle, even parts of the watertank to accomodate the rscb.............

#239179 Selling Xbox 360 Modded Controller!

Posted by pjotrkuh on 29 June 2009 - 08:45 AM in Off Topic

Wow that's a cool mod, for a not Nerf thing :ph34r:

Anyway Tantumbull I believe there's a slightly difference in rate of fire

#289753 Screwdriver To Open Longshot

Posted by pjotrkuh on 02 December 2010 - 03:45 PM in Modifications

If you have some screwdrivers to spare, I used the cutting blade on my dremel to cut a little bit of the tip of one of my screwdrivers (only 1 mm, even less....) I use that srewdriver for big nerf screws, and another of the same type for the smaller ones

#269834 Scorpion Ldr

Posted by pjotrkuh on 21 March 2010 - 04:50 PM in Homemades

*sigh* Why do people paint their guns black? Because they are "cool" being black in movies/games?

Although the design looks nice, walking with that on the streets might end in receiving a few holes instead of stefan bruises.......

#235270 Sawn Off Ds

Posted by pjotrkuh on 09 June 2009 - 06:16 PM in Modifications

use a hacksaw with a saw for cutting steel or iron (very fine tooth) but dont go sawwing like a mad man, then youll melt the plastic

#255770 Rscb Clip

Posted by pjotrkuh on 09 November 2009 - 11:07 AM in Darts and Barrels

bla bla
-What can I use to separate the Longshot Clip Case? (without snapping apart the plastic)

Thanks in Advance :)

well, boil a good size pan of water, dip the clip in it and let the glue soften for a while, then take out the clip and pry lose the 2 tabs on the small sides of the clip, take out the 2 screws and your done!

remember: taking something glued appart requires really hot water and patience.....

#263527 Reverse Plungers

Posted by pjotrkuh on 28 January 2010 - 01:05 PM in General Nerf

No no, offcourse there's only 1 wizard per team, a few archers (with arrow shooting blasters offcourse), some cowboys (with pistols), some soldiers (with ls's or whatever primary's) and cavemen (with melee weapons)

#263523 Reverse Plungers

Posted by pjotrkuh on 28 January 2010 - 12:48 PM in General Nerf

Yeah,offcourse you'd have te be dressed up as a wizard to use that kind of missle......

#265456 Reverse Plunger Dead Space Killing Method

Posted by pjotrkuh on 15 February 2010 - 03:08 AM in Modifications

When I modded my Recon I drilled out the whole AR. You probably broke his bolt somehow by taking a hammer to it. Implying removing a small ring of plastic caused a range reduction of 500% ... wow.

?? I didn't read the part in his post where the dart flew out the back of the plungertube and got a range of +100ft..................

Alright it if it really works I might take a go at this mod, probably will try this on my mav first though....

#255961 Red Recon

Posted by pjotrkuh on 11 November 2009 - 10:20 AM in General Nerf

Yes people have seen them:klik here

#251138 Recon/compressed Air Idea.

Posted by pjotrkuh on 21 September 2009 - 08:56 AM in Modifications

Seriously...buy a paintball gun.................

If you want to mod a recon like that, it would more look like a watergun,(well that is kinda rediculous as you wish)

But I believe there is no-one who tried to make such a complicated bladder design,

If I were you, (and maybe I will try this mod if I get my hands on 1), I would try a larger plunger tube/ plunger assembly, (maybe a (enlarged, or home-made version of)LS plungertube, with some extra springs), but then again, you would be better off buying an LS............................

Or you could try to find tube material that fits the plunger head and o ring from the recon, and tubing that could replace the barrel end of the plunger assembly, and enlarge the whole rig,length wise, I might try this.......

Try researching the Ak47 and how it is made. It might give you some ideas to make this mod the best it can be.

What the fuck has a AK47 to do with a bladder designed gun??