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#31285 Nerf Robots

Posted by Daedarus on 15 July 2004 - 01:42 PM in Off Topic

That's fucking awesome. That reminds me of the Lego nerf gun. Of course, when the guy pulled the trigger, the gun shattered...

#31251 Session 11 - "toys In The Attic" (with Pics)

Posted by Daedarus on 15 July 2004 - 10:28 AM in Off Topic

I take it you guys have never done the dairy challenge. Milk chugging is a tradition on my cross country team. This June, at our beach house, everyone purchased gallon-containers of 2% milk (except for 2 girls, who shared a gallon of whole milk). I believe it was $65 of milk altogether. Anyways, the challenge is who can drink a gallon of milk in an hour WITHOUT puking. No one on the team has ever done it. Anyhoo, I chugged immediately, and puked first after 10 minutes, after drinking 2/3 of the container. It is impossible because the milk curdalizes(sp?) inside your stomach, which feels grody. We were out on a dock in a canal, and when we all puked into the canal, and moved to one side of the dock, the dock would go under, and the milk would come back up all over our feet. The entire back of the house smelled like rotten milk for a day afterwards, anf the whole canal was white. Quite grody, and highly recommended ;)

#14218 High Rof Tactics?

Posted by Daedarus on 12 December 2003 - 10:13 PM in General Nerf

My friend is a fast runner, and always used his speed to chase opponents and shoot them, so I will use something like a Powerclip (he used to always use a BBB) and I would shoot like 3 darts and then yell something like "Damn!" and run away, faking reloading. He would run after me, and then I would jump out and mow him down.

#14034 It's My Birthday And I Got The Fucking Flu

Posted by Daedarus on 10 December 2003 - 08:32 PM in Off Topic

Happy Birthday Cx, hope you get better soon. I know what it feels like to be sick on you birthday. I had the frickin' chicken pox on my 5th B-day :wacko:

#13970 Appraisals?

Posted by Daedarus on 09 December 2003 - 09:10 PM in General Nerf

You can most likely get someone to take the 2500 and 1000 off of your hands for a hefty sum of money, they are rare guns. Also, Powerclips have gone out of production, so they can probably be sold for in the neighborhood of $20. I realized the Larami guns weren't on the list, so just trying to help you out...

#13968 My Birthday

Posted by Daedarus on 09 December 2003 - 09:05 PM in Off Topic

Happy birthday...teenager.

#13831 Is This A Good Computer?

Posted by Daedarus on 06 December 2003 - 11:42 PM in Off Topic

Calm down, everyone has their own opinions. Anyways, I like how Macs looks, how its just that one moniter thing.

#13790 Is This A Good Computer?

Posted by Daedarus on 06 December 2003 - 09:59 AM in Off Topic

Was that the E-Machines at Best Buy? That was a 2.8 GHz, 128MB video card, I can't remember what kind. We went to Best Buy at 6 in the morning to get that (there were only 20 in the store, it was only $250) and the line was all the way to the back on the store. Now, I am thinking of getting a Sony Vaio. Are those good computers? I have heard they have reliability problems.

#13784 My Collection

Posted by Daedarus on 05 December 2003 - 11:09 PM in General Nerf

"Gyrostrike Crossbow" /grammer freak.

Anyways, very nice arsenal. It sure beats the hell out of my modded Splitfire ;)

#13663 MOds

Posted by Daedarus on 03 December 2003 - 09:28 PM in Off Topic

Heh, as for originality, I mangled my SM5K trying to copy Cxwq's mod, too bad I'm a horrible "modder". And as for revolutionary, I used to think taking the orange junk off of a BBB would ruin the gun **ducks**.

#13499 MOds

Posted by Daedarus on 01 December 2003 - 06:34 PM in Off Topic

I massacred my SM5k.

#13396 Paintball

Posted by Daedarus on 29 November 2003 - 12:10 PM in Off Topic


**smacks forehead**

I actually remember Outburst from the old NO. The only thing I remember was everyone yelling (or typing, if you will) at him.

#13393 Paintball

Posted by Daedarus on 29 November 2003 - 09:43 AM in Off Topic

Y'talkin 'bout Subterfuge?

#13334 Newbie (dont Flame Me!)

Posted by Daedarus on 27 November 2003 - 07:19 PM in Homemades

You might want to check at NerfEvolved. Sandman has great mechanics on homemades, and has made PVC weapons of all types and sizes. Also, if you are new, you might want to start out at Nerf HQ, just because it is less-harsh.

Edit: Yes, there are Aussie nerfers, Lech being the only one I can remember.

#13316 Why Do You Nerf?

Posted by Daedarus on 26 November 2003 - 10:52 PM in General Nerf

Shooting people with stefans is fun...

I am with Shindizzle.

#13152 Something Funny

Posted by Daedarus on 23 November 2003 - 10:34 AM in Off Topic

And thus the decay of western society... that is one of the funniest things I have ever read.

#13132 Michael Jackson

Posted by Daedarus on 22 November 2003 - 05:49 PM in Off Topic

What do you say to a one-legged hooker?

Hop in!


#13129 Michael Jackson

Posted by Daedarus on 22 November 2003 - 04:32 PM in Off Topic

Take a long, hard gander at stuff that is white and creamy...yeah

#13128 Help Me!

Posted by Daedarus on 22 November 2003 - 04:29 PM in General Nerf

I said there was an SM5K in MY TRU, not necessarily everyone's.

#13115 Help Me!

Posted by Daedarus on 22 November 2003 - 09:02 AM in General Nerf

Most people would advise against this, but I would look in Toys 'R Us. I can still find NIB SM 5000's in there (dead serious). I would buy one, but I don't have enough money to support both airsoft and nerf.

#13072 Which Do You Prefer?

Posted by Daedarus on 20 November 2003 - 06:41 PM in Off Topic

You have good intent, Subterfuge, but please look at the post date before you post, or else the other members will verbally diddle you.

#13069 Michael Jackson

Posted by Daedarus on 20 November 2003 - 06:36 PM in Off Topic

I just want to take him and drop him off a balcony B)

#13068 As And Pb Vs Nerf

Posted by Daedarus on 20 November 2003 - 06:34 PM in Off Topic

Thanks for scrogging up the forums with an old topic, guys.

#12999 Badass Nerf Quotes!-world Famous-

Posted by Daedarus on 18 November 2003 - 06:36 PM in Off Topic

...Never ever thought I'd see the day when kids debate about which gun sucks more

#12966 Matrix Revolutions

Posted by Daedarus on 17 November 2003 - 06:33 PM in Off Topic

Maybe Morpheus excells in car disassembly and repair? And yes, Beast, I noticed that also. Also, isn't gasoline flammable? If he cut through the body (cool, but yes, unlikely) the metal-on-metal could form sparks, therefore moving into the gasoline tank and igniting a fire. It wouldn't explode nearly at that intensity, but hey, it's Hollywood, and it looked cool.

Edit: Just read Grinch's( he posted right before me) post, and I agree. Hollywood does alot of crazy crap, like making Van Damme a millionare.

#12935 Badass Nerf Quotes!-world Famous-

Posted by Daedarus on 16 November 2003 - 09:01 PM in Off Topic

with the ultimate picture plan

#12934 Matrix Revolutions

Posted by Daedarus on 16 November 2003 - 08:59 PM in Off Topic

Doh! I think after almost half a decade on the NIC, Talio just gave me my "initiation". I don't care if it was real, it looked awesome. The idea of stopping bullets isn't real, but people liked that one. Yeah, stick that in your pipe and smoke it :lol:

#12920 Matrix Revolutions

Posted by Daedarus on 16 November 2003 - 09:36 AM in Off Topic

I still love the part is Reloaded when Morpheus rolled to the side and essentially cut the Cadillac Escalade pick-up in half, and then blasted it to pieces with a Glock 26c. That is like my favorite scene in any movie, ever.

#12909 Matrix Revolutions

Posted by Daedarus on 15 November 2003 - 05:27 PM in Off Topic

Well, by saying "in the first one" I was inferring to before he know he was the One.

#12892 My Fucking Mom Is A Fucking Retard

Posted by Daedarus on 15 November 2003 - 10:05 AM in Off Topic

**Hands Taita_cakes the "Thanks for Bringing Back an Old Topic" award**

#12891 Matrix Revolutions

Posted by Daedarus on 15 November 2003 - 10:03 AM in Off Topic

Well, he didn't know how to stop bullets in the first one. When he can render people unconcious without killing them and not worry about being shot, guns would be a hassle.

#12842 Badass Nerf Quotes!-world Famous-

Posted by Daedarus on 14 November 2003 - 07:16 AM in Off Topic

Never a dull moment, GrOOvE...

#12799 Matrix Revolutions

Posted by Daedarus on 13 November 2003 - 03:50 PM in Off Topic

If you don't like it, then don't read it.

#12717 Happy Birthday To Mantis

Posted by Daedarus on 11 November 2003 - 04:01 PM in Off Topic

Happy Birthday, Mantis.

#12670 Best Gun

Posted by Daedarus on 10 November 2003 - 05:20 PM in General Nerf

Blastfire. Cut the kid a break.

#12623 Ah!

Posted by Daedarus on 09 November 2003 - 06:49 PM in Off Topic

Just offering some friendly advice. Try Home Depot for FBR. Now we let the topic R.I.P.

#12615 Ah!

Posted by Daedarus on 09 November 2003 - 04:56 PM in Off Topic

3 words: Use Private Messages.

#12614 Newbies

Posted by Daedarus on 09 November 2003 - 04:41 PM in General Nerf

On the contrary. It is a good topic, and you made some good points, it is just there are way too damn many topics exactly like this ;) . Just don't say anything stupid, and you won't get flamed, that's basically how it goes here. BTW, just a guess, did you get your name from Rallos Zek? Because that is the name of a god on EverQuest.

Edit: I just read Fletch's post. And it was "misinformed". The only different between "n00bs" and "newbs" is a combination of letters and numbers in the former. You can call them anything you want, it's not like we govern a code here or anything.

#12613 Happy B-day Sandman

Posted by Daedarus on 09 November 2003 - 04:38 PM in Off Topic

You are gone for one weekend, and the biggest Chocolatey Cereal-box-nerfer gets to look at porn. How time flies! Happy Birthday (belated) man

#12337 Does Anybody Airsoft Here?

Posted by Daedarus on 04 November 2003 - 05:51 PM in Off Topic

Although you are bringing back an old topic, it is a useful post. Springers do give people the wrong impression of airsoft, whereas it is normally much more exciting squad-based warfare. But, would you go out and spend $250 on an AEG if all you have done is heard references to airsoft? Springers are good for beginners.