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#176753 My Idea Of What A Longshot Should Look Like

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 11 September 2008 - 09:16 PM in Modifications

That's really clean looking, nice work. Best external mod that I've seen since the front gun integration.

#79336 Near

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 09 April 2006 - 07:05 PM in Homemades

Ompa, that is one inspiring weapon you have created. With the tube clip it has more than a passing resemblance to the M90 shotgun from Halo, and it's a shame that that didn't work out. I plan on doing something similiar, but possibly with an injector to help the dart into the chamber.

Again, Beautiful work.

#147113 Intro / Question

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 26 March 2008 - 02:31 PM in Homemades

Personally, I'd try and find a design with few seals and moving parts that can be made with simpler tools. Especially for your first homemade.

#147084 Intro / Question

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 26 March 2008 - 11:04 AM in Homemades

Hey Hubb, just thought I might be able to contribute. I was working on a variation of Dr. Nerf's/Doom's valve myself, although it's "on hold" at the moment. Here's the scheme.

Action Concept
Posted Image

Making it Easier to Manufacture
Posted Image

The original thread is here.

It's pretty low on parts, (threaded rod, O-rings, PVC)and you shouldn't need many tools to build. Whether it would actually work is another question entirely.

#94888 Chain Guns?

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 20 November 2006 - 08:08 PM in General Nerf

I personally don't understand why tape wouldn't work. Have you done any chain yet with fishing line? I tried, but it was extremely fiddly to work with. My proof of concept for the tape was easy and quick to do because there weren't any miniscule knots of near invisible material. Of course, I might be missing something crucial in how this chain has to function.

My rough example of what I am thinking:

Posted Image

#94842 Chain Guns?

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 19 November 2006 - 09:34 PM in General Nerf

Just an idea: If you try making a chain, I suggest using duct or electrical tape instead of string for linking the shells together. It'd be quicker and easier to make, and would probably be less prone to jamming/twisting

#193498 Maverick / Titan Integration

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 02 December 2008 - 02:52 PM in Modifications

That is one damn good looking mod. A scattergun would probably make this an effective secondary, because even when you panic and pull it out, you're still sending a lot of foam at the target.

#194337 Not A Rifled Barrel

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 06 December 2008 - 02:58 PM in Homemades

You mean a muzzle brake, Slug. And that would get annoying because it means the dart can catch on a port hole and shred, it has happened to me. And it would increase noise, not good things in a war. :angry:

If you countersink the hole from inside the barrel (dremel +spherical abrasive bit is good for this) you shouldn't have much problem with darts catching. As for sound, I'm dubious that porting would make a significant difference in a nerf blaster, not to mention that noise isn't really an issue with nerf anyways.

#155849 Recon Faster Reload?

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 14 May 2008 - 07:30 PM in Modifications

He wanted an idea to base his work off and I gave him one.

But it's a bad idea. Hell, it's not an idea at all. You drew a paint picture of how to wire an electric motor to a PP3 battery. You didn't show a linkage of any type between the cocking/loading mechanism and the motor. You didn't specify the motor type, or check if it had enough power to compress the spring and cycle the action using the non-existent mechanical linkage. Bad ideas get killed. Leave this one to die in peace.

#155845 Recon Faster Reload?

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 14 May 2008 - 07:05 PM in Modifications


AEG Nerf Blasters have not been proven feasable, yet. The Vulcan might just prove me wrong on that count.

The Magstrike works from a pressurized air tank, while the Recon uses a plunger system. They are not compatible with each other.

It is physically possible to link the trigger to the cocking mechanism, but due to the mechanical advantage (or lack thereof) you couldn't pull the trigger.

If you want a semi-auto blaster, Deaddumpster has the right idea, and the Recon isn't the blaster you want.

#140272 The Snap-4m

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 14 February 2008 - 06:03 PM in Homemades

I actually had an image of using it like a sword or wand, but I think that's probably going to go away.

Wingardium Leviosa!

But really, I like the idea of a hilt style grip. Keeps the whole "tiny" form factor.

#192821 Fang Automatic Nerf Gun, Prototype 1

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 29 November 2008 - 06:52 PM in Homemades

This looks really excellent. It's nice to see a semi-auto homemade that's so simple, with mainly off-the-shelf parts.

#195362 The "stefanzooka"

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 10 December 2008 - 10:37 PM in Homemades

Electical tape will not cover leaks. Use Goop on leaks.
Other than that, cool. Looks like a boomstick.

As has been said before, goop isn't good for making airtight PVC joints either. Use PVC cement to solvent weld the joints. It's not expensive or difficult.

#86224 New Pneumatic Gun

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 31 July 2006 - 11:32 PM in Homemades

I'm sorry, but something was lost in translation there. What is the "knee" of the gun?

This plan looks solid, but do you have some pictures we can see?

#86242 New Pneumatic Gun

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 01 August 2006 - 11:31 AM in Homemades

It's looking clean and solid, nice work.

By the way, wrong joint, that is an "elbow" joint.

Understandable (and somewhat humorous) mistake.

#87098 My Name

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 10 August 2006 - 10:52 PM in Off Topic

You know, elf_avec_gun, I think little teeny letters fit you just fine.

But that's just my personal opinion.

#205439 Categorizing Mods And Homemades.

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 22 January 2009 - 06:50 PM in General Nerf

I would say that the crucial difference between homemade and modified blaster should be whatever system is actually propelling the nerf dart.

You could build a custom shell and action, and as long as it uses a air system or plunger tube from a Lanard/Nerf/Buzzbee blaster, it's still a mod.

If, on the other hand, you take a shell and action from a stock blaster and replace the internals with a SNAP plunger tube (for example), it's a homemade.

It still comes down to exercising common sense for wars. I think all blasters should be taken on a case by case basis, homemade and modified alike.

#165775 Directional Control Valve Actuated Qev

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 31 July 2008 - 11:14 PM in Homemades

Wow, this is great. As much fun as it is trying to make a decent valve system with PVC and a dremel, I like this even more.

#108921 First Homemade

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 02 June 2007 - 02:21 PM in Homemades

I'm still not sure what you mean by a spiral shape.

I think he means that the pressure chamber has multiple angled couplers, allowing it to form a loop and save on overall length. I might be mistaken, it's hard to tell from such a vague opening post.

#80436 Free Pain, Anyone?

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 20 April 2006 - 07:18 AM in Homemades

The point of a sword is to be a sharpened stick with which you beat people. You don't swing your sword and then blast a dart at someone from the pommel.

I would beg to differ. People have been "swinging and then blasting" (although not necessarily with darts) since the late 17th century.

Eighteenth century flintlock sword-pistol

They were often used as hunting swords, designed to place two weapons in one hand.

But a cool sword, with or without blaster capabilities

#142695 Wob+

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 26 February 2008 - 09:03 PM in Homemades

The new design is rather nifty, but without the Crossbow form factor, I think it loses its original charm.

And what's all this about a much sillier project? Do Tell...

#88023 New Effective Bullpup Design

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 21 August 2006 - 08:41 PM in Homemades

The magazine would be cool and all, but I don't think that's the obstacle that needs to be overcome when making a bullpup design. The pressure chamber is the part that takes up space behind the breech, so it either needs to be relocated, miniaturized, or exchanged for a compressed air and valve system.

Unless you were talking about a compressed air and valve system from the start.

My point is, the type of magazine used doesn't make a weapon a bullpup, it is where the magazine is in relation to the trigger.

#84215 Pvc Ballvalve Barrel Attachment

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 02 July 2006 - 07:30 PM in Modifications

I just watched the video and had an Idea that might make this less "fumbly". What if you put a handle on that connected the two valves? This would make it a one motion operation to close one and open the other.
Kinda Like This...
Posted Image
Yes... I have sweet MSPaint skillZ...

#84015 Pvc Ballvalve Barrel Attachment

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 29 June 2006 - 09:41 PM in Modifications

Is it just me or do I not get this. Why would you do something like this. What the hell are the ball valves for? I have been looking at this all day and I just can't figure it out.

As I see it, this simply allows you to have two or more barrels, that can be controlled individually. If the valves were not in place, both darts would fire at the same time, at half the power. This way, You can open one barrel, fire it, close it, open the other barrel, fire it, close it, repeat as needed.

#83897 The Thing

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 27 June 2006 - 03:53 PM in Homemades

For the first homemade I built, I attempted using FBR cut lengthwise, wrapped around my plunger head. It made a decent seal, but was not durable enough. The point where the FBR attatched back on itself was always the weak point. using the pipe insulation solves that problem well. I might have to make another attempt using it instead.

#111785 Any One Good With Photoshop?

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 17 June 2007 - 10:59 PM in Off Topic

It looks good. I'm rather partial anything pertaining to the Halo universe, so I'm also a tad biased.

Now I don't claim to be any-some-such lighting expert, but it looks like the helmet-light-beam has edges that are too well defined. Maybe soften or diffuse it as it goes further out. Also, why isn't the chestplate/shoulder-strap a silhouette? Where is the light source illluminating it?

Again, I like the way it's looking, and I look forward to seeing the finished piece.

P.S. - What's this poster for?

#111716 Any One Good With Photoshop?

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 17 June 2007 - 12:49 PM in Off Topic

I think you're trying to do a "light-bloom" effect. Gabe, from Penny-Arcade, the webcomic, has a little video tutorial on his blog.

#94303 Homeade Plunger

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 12 November 2006 - 11:59 PM in Homemades

I did a Tutorial on how I make them a while ago. It's the same method that Flaming Hilt brought up.

#82852 Design Of Meh New Homemade!

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 06 June 2006 - 05:02 PM in Homemades


Linky Link Brokeded... Doesn't work for me,anyways.
Instead asks me to log in.
As you.

#112859 Nerf Grenade Idea

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 24 June 2007 - 04:12 PM in General Nerf

Do you guys think it's possible?

I don't think it's possible. I don't think it's possible because all you will ever do is talk about it.

Prove Me Wrong.

#83146 Mad Hornet Cpvc Mod

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 11 June 2006 - 08:54 PM in Modifications

Golly-Darn, those are some fine close-ups you have there. The focus on my camera won't get anything less than 9". Any tips on how to get 'em so good, or is it just the camera?
Nice mod too, but why do you stick with stock darts?

#157975 Pbpb Writeup

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 03 June 2008 - 10:16 PM in Modifications

A fine, simple mod, but posting "eyeballed" ranges will only get you grief on the Haven. Get us ranges, fired exactly level from shoulder height and you'll have our attention.

#116863 Homemade:troubleshooting

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 22 July 2007 - 11:07 PM in Homemades

You could try putting the valve to a ninety degree angle of the barrel.
...with that setup you may even be able to make it semi-auto with some leverage tricks. Making a triangle with your trigger on a short angle (IE 35) and your valve attachment on a large angle (IE 55)... and for maximum leverage you'd want to change the IEs so at full trigger stroke it'd be a 45-45-90 triangle.

This is an excellent idea, and one that I hadn't thought of previously. It brings up a new problem however: How to actuate the valve if it's on an angle. That would probably introduce a new seal into the equation.
And Seals Are A Bitch.

#116903 Homemade:troubleshooting

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 23 July 2007 - 11:50 AM in Homemades

My ideas.
1. Attach the trigger to the piece and use some sort of cord on little block and tackles to pull the breach.
2. Use the block and tackle idea to do both.

After you put in the vinyl tube take a long drill bit and drill out what protruds into the outer barrel. I think that those schrader valves were used in CX's homemade in the homemades section.


I wasn't clear enough with my original plan, I suppose. The beauty of the action in the first diagram is that the Inner Barrel can push the Valve back, and because the Inner Barrel is not sealed for its whole length, the trigger can attach at some point on it.

As for the Reservoir, I thought of something that I'd like to run by you all. If the Reservoir was wrapped all the way around the Outer Barrel, I wouldn't need to worry about protrusions into the Outer Barrel. It would be a question of making an air-tight seal at the hole through the 1" PVC endcaps.

Posted Image

#116907 Homemade:troubleshooting

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 23 July 2007 - 12:24 PM in Homemades

Well. Didn't I just say. Make a nice little triangle. Ahm. Wait for it...


Just replace "Valve" with what you had in mind. As for the seal in the back, use an O-ring one size smaller than the rod you use to control the valve, and it should be fine. I dun it.

Yes, that would solve the trigger pull problem, at the expense of adding another seal. I'm not sure which road I'll take yet.

#87783 Bikes!

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 18 August 2006 - 03:47 PM in Off Topic

2002 Brodie Energy.

It's light as all get out, and a simple bike. No hydraulic disc brakes or gas dampened shocks for me, no sir.

(Not that I don't want fancy fittings, but my bike is a mode of transport, not a TIE fighter wannabe)

#116759 Homemade:troubleshooting

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 22 July 2007 - 12:12 AM in Homemades

Do I need to use anything else to seal the hole, or is the rubber enough of a seal?

#116757 Homemade:troubleshooting

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 22 July 2007 - 12:07 AM in Homemades

I've been in the early stages of making my first compressed air homemade for too long now, and I approach NH with questions and a sense of apprehension. I'll start with what I have: vague plans and failed attempts.

The Vague Plan:

A valve inspired by Dr. Nerf and his valve and CaptainSlug's A.B.P.

Posted Image

I had first hoped that the barrel's back-and-forth motion would correspond directly with the trigger pull and return. Unfortunately, my first iteration proved that this would require a trigger pull of several inches: the dart length + dead space between dart and valve + valve travel.

Which brings me to...

The Failed Attempt:

My first iteration went undocumented, as I abandoned the project after hitting some problems. I can, however, give a description and illustration.

Posted Image

-The "Outer Barrel" is the long beige rectangle, with the right angle at the end, made of 3/4" CPVC
-The "Reservoir" is the grey rectangle, made of 1" PVC
-The "Connection" between the Outer Barrel and Reservoir is 1/4" Vinyl Tubing
The "Valve" is the more complex part, descibed further in (2.)

-The Valve consists of two O-Rings on a section of Threaded Rod, spaced by 1/2" CPVC and kept in place by two Nuts that have been ground down to fit inside the Outer Barrel.

This model failed because of bad seals between:
-The "Air Source" (not pictured) and the Outer Barrel
-The Reservoir and the Outer Barrel, at the Connection

Mistakes/Problems To Be Solved:
-I sealed the Connection with only hot glue, and expected it to be airtight.
-I didn't use a one-way valve between my Air Source (a hand pump) and the Outer Barrel.
-Where the Connection met the Outer Barrel, there was too much obstruction, keeping the Valve from sliding freely.

That should sum up what I've done so far. I've now been motivated to take another crack at it, but I'd like to run few ideas past the NIC. First, the Connection between the Outer Barrel and Reservoir. The "two crappy bits of tube and hot glue" approach was a bad one. Hot glue isn't durable, so I got some PVC cement, which means no more vinyl tubing. I need a Reservoir and Connection that's airtight and makes no protrusion into the Outer Barrel, so as to keep the Valve's movement unimpeded, yet allow maximum airflow when open. Second, I've realized I need a one way valve between the Air Supply and the Outer Barrel, as the pump isn't enough to hold back the pressure needed. I bought a couple Schraeder valves, but I need to find the best way to mount them. The valves are encased in rubber... and I kind of lost the little documentation they came with...has anyone used these before?

The Schraeder Valve:
Posted Image

The last problem, one which I haven't played with yet, is the best way to trigger the valve. If plain trigger pull is insufficient, then there needs to be a different way to cycle the action. I, of course, am leaning towards lever action. I'm shying away from a pneumatic ram (like in the A.B.P.) due to complexity issues. Ideas?

I hope I've explained the situation perspicuously, If you have questions, ask away.

#80814 Lever Action Ng

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 26 April 2006 - 11:20 AM in Homemades

Well Folks, I apologize for Prometheus' quick, rash post. I was hoping to have some actual work done on this project before it was posted. However, I may as well post one of the designs now.

Posted Image

This design has definitely not been perfected, and is a work in progress.
It utilizes a FAR-like pressure chamber setup, as well as a GNS/SCAR inspired fire control system.
The cocking action is acheived by a lever with a second, sliding fulcrum attatched to the pressure chamber. This lever is vaguely "Y" shaped, with the two arms of the "Y" on each side of the PC.

A second, but more expensive/fiddly option would be to use a rack+pinion system to achieve the cocking action.

The best part of the Lever Action is it allows the user to "spin-cock" the gun one handed. This in itself is radical, but it brings with it the possibilty of -dare I say it- effective dual wielding

Please post your comments/ideas.

#80817 Lever Action Ng

Posted by Gyrvalcon on 26 April 2006 - 01:00 PM in Homemades

Wouldn't your magazine need to be farther forward?

The pivot point is going to have a huge amount of stress placed on it. I also wonder about having enough mechanical advantage to compress a suitably strong spring with that lever arrangement.

First, thankyou for the feedback. It is encouraging.

-The magazine's placement is questionable, I agree. I originally had a vertical one on the design, for simplicitys sake, but angled it in an attempt to give the lever enough room to complete its swing. If it is not possible to squeeze it in, it may need to be mounted sideways.

-The lever is the main reason why this project's viability is suspect. Although I think it would be possible to mount it with enough strength, the mechanical advantage is low. Perhaps adding a spring that assists the PC/lever on its way towards the butt would decrease the amount of force needed to cock it. Of course, then more force would be needed to bring the lever back.