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There have been 476 items by CustomSnake202 (Search limited from 15-February 97)

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#17039 New Darts

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 24 January 2004 - 10:08 PM in General Nerf

First off, I wouldn't want a dart with SCREWS in it. Secondly, the huge globs of glue will hurt like a mofo. I wouldn't want to have those in a war but if you want to fool around and make things explode in your back yard, go ahead.

#17189 New Darts

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 26 January 2004 - 05:16 PM in General Nerf

Darts weighted at both ends have no inherent stability. They will wobble or spin and lose range to the added air resistance.

Very true. That's the same problem that I was having with my tracer darts. I tried putting in two bb's instead of just one and it wobbled in mid air. Good thing glow in the dark paint is available, and quite cheaper than tracer bb's. ^_^

#34807 Nitefinder M4

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 21 August 2004 - 10:42 PM in Modifications

I could pretty easily put a stock on it. I still have the stock pieces and all I would have to do is some dremelling. The thing is, if I did put the stock on, it would be awkward to cock. I need to think about doing that. And as for the scope, I really wouldn't want a red dot for a nite finder. If it were my SS2, I would of put a red dot on.

#17131 New Darts

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 25 January 2004 - 10:43 PM in General Nerf

Ah, take the points off. You still have two skinny pieces of metal just chillin' in your globs of hot glue and fbr. And isn't there a slight chance that one of those nails could pop out and drive into your skin?

#57302 At2k Shotgun

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 11 June 2005 - 11:40 PM in Modifications

I've had a couple of airtech 2000's lying around for the longest time, but never wanted to barrel mod them or intergrate them with another gun. So I decided just to gut one of them just for the airtank and pump. I took a piece of black plastic tubing I had lying around to cover twelve inches of 9/16 brass tubing. I located the pump right under the barrel with the help of some spare plastic to give space in between the two. Then I hot glued the two pieces together and wrapped the whole thing up in electrical tape. I also plugged the over release valve.

I added six pieces of brass on the left side of the gun for ammo holders and I also put on a led light that is surrounded by sch80 on the right side (also used on my NFM4). I also added a clip from a keychain on the metal release bar on the back of the pump. Let's have a look...

View from above:
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View of the front:
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View of me holding the gun:
Posted Image

I loaded up the gun with three darts at a time. The darts measure out to an inch and a half. With three pumps, I acheived the following results:

Shortest of the three darts: 51.75 feet
Middle of the three darts: 56.26 feet
Furthest of the three darts: 61.33 feet

-One dart fired (shoved down the barrel with a ramrod): 83.38 feet

All of these shots were fired with no more than a ten degree angle. The shotgun tests with three darts did not require a ramrod.

#17853 New Nite Finder Mod And Holster

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 01 February 2004 - 03:16 PM in Modifications

I thought the NF looked familiar....
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#76491 NCAA Tournament 2006

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 16 March 2006 - 12:23 PM in Off Topic

Arizona is the winner on my bracket (and they have been the past eight years) defeating Duke in the final. But if they all get food poisoning and have to remove themselves from the tourney, then I believe it will be Duke and Boston College, with BC probably taking it. My underdog final four team this year: Alabama.

#17724 New Nite Finder Mod And Holster

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 31 January 2004 - 03:04 PM in Modifications

That does look sweet, both the gun and the holster. I need to mod my nite finders STAT.

#46478 2005 Deathpool

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 24 January 2005 - 06:15 PM in Off Topic

This is a pretty sick topic. Anyway, long live Bill Cosby; he is innocent and he will never die.

#15213 Which Do You Prefer?

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 28 December 2003 - 11:07 PM in Off Topic

I prefer airsoft. After I read Talio's comments about it, I agree and disagree. Yes airsoft can be a painfull sport, can potentially get you arrested, and isn't fun. But condiseder this: If you like it a lot, you most likey would get some sort of vest or protection for your chest and possibly your arms. Plus when you have heavy pants on, you will have just enough protection. You head is covered with a heavy duty mask and helmet. You're set. You getting cuffed was probably because the forrest you were playing in was either to close to other houses or maybe some bb's were hitting homes or something. In well organized wars, you plan your playing field according to the space you have to play and if you will interfere with any other people while playing. And if you are in a league, it's even more organized. You have airsoft fields that are specialized for airsoft. And, if you play in a league, the people you play against are more responsible and you know they won't go out of the way to hurt you. I understand you're feelings towards airsoft because of what happened to you but consider everything I just said: with the proper protection, planning, trustworthy friends/opponents, airsoft can be a real hoot. And the reason i prefer airsoft over nerf is because i think that it involves more strategy and sneaking around. Don't get me wrong, modding nerf guns can be loads of fun.

#17324 What Is Petg?

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 27 January 2004 - 06:10 PM in General Nerf

Ace is the place.

#17335 What Is Petg?

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 27 January 2004 - 07:42 PM in General Nerf

Ace has K&S brand?

Um, I don't know what brand it is but it's a good brand. (never heard anything about crappy brass) Ace has all kinds of sizes like 1/2, 3/8, 1/4, and a bunch of smaller ones. There is about ten different sizes at my Ace.

#21155 Best At2k Mod For Stock Micros

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 11 March 2004 - 09:46 PM in Modifications

my cpvc'd at2k gets over 150' feet flat

Say what!? I never knew any other blaster than the SS2 or the smk5 to get that kind of range, but I guess I could be wrong...

#24755 Super Soaker Sites

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 24 April 2004 - 05:37 PM in Off Topic

Nice research, I would of never spent that much time on the site. I was also waiting for someone to post a pic of the old guy in camo with his bitchin' blasters. Just the look of Bob scares me, he's just too damn happy. But I agree with everyone else about kids who take playing with squirt guns just as serious as we do with nerf. It's just a bunch of kids having fun with squirt guns.

#22112 High Velocity Super Gun

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 22 March 2004 - 10:25 PM in Off Topic

Those spud guns scare the crap out of me. I don't see why you would want something that powerful that could easily kill someone. But hey, whatever floats your banana boat.

#265390 2010 Toy Fair Video (nerf Booth)

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 14 February 2010 - 05:49 PM in General Nerf

I took a couple of still shots of the youtube video so we can have a better look at some of the new stuff:

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In the first picture, the shelf has a couple of shot blasts out of the box and there appears to be another kind of blaster right above them. On the top-center of the shelf, another kind of blaster appears in blue and red. All of the stuff looks good to me.

Also, in the second picture, there are some transparent versions of nerf guns that we already know about. A transparent Deploy? FAJEA.

I know it is hard to speculate about these new guns with just a picture of them out of the box, but it is exciting just to see some new stuff. I'm looking forward to their release.

#38143 Armageddon 2k4 Video

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 02 October 2004 - 11:07 AM in News

Very nice video Cx. Also thanks goes out to Julie for an awesome editing job. I can't believe how nice it looks and there was only about twenty to thirty minutes of actual footage. I remember the war very well now. I miss my haircut.

And Ice Nine, if you just download the newest version of windows media player for mac, the video should work just dandy.

#63232 New: Tech Target Redesign; New Dart Tag Gun

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 06 September 2005 - 08:39 PM in General Nerf

The Scout and Maverick haven't been very good in the distance department.

#67169 Happy Halloween

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 05 November 2005 - 08:41 PM in Off Topic

Check this out


The next person to post this shit is going to die. Someone posted a "whats the difference between the two pictures" screamer a few months back and my heart rate went up and didn't come back down till five minutes later. Coincidentally, I once again had my headphone volume up a considerable amount when I viewed this one. Asshats.

#66893 Happy Halloween

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 31 October 2005 - 10:39 PM in Off Topic

I wanted to go trick-or-treating this year very badly but homework did away with that idea. I would have gone as one of the beastie boys from the Intergalactic music video. Maybe next year.

#29440 New Stefen Tip

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 24 June 2004 - 02:23 PM in Homemades

I would think that the fbr on the tip of the dart would be the best to reduce pain. The craft pom poms will probably hurt more actually.

#32954 Would You Buy Watermelon Pink 1/2" FBR?

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 02 August 2004 - 09:41 PM in General Nerf

Wow. Those are some pretty awesome prices. Dennis fbr cost about $4.50 for twenty feet. So if I bought five bags for a total of 100', it would come out to 22.50, plus tax. So the grand total would be about $25. So basically if I buy 100' of CS & SS's fbr, I'm going to pay let's say $33 with shipping included. And finally, I could make 600 two inch darts. I'll think this whole deal over, but I salute you for your prices.

#13873 What Your Main Gun Looks Like

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 07 December 2003 - 10:36 PM in General Nerf

Basically, yeah. It also work as an ok scope too.

#13867 What Your Main Gun Looks Like

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 07 December 2003 - 08:41 PM in General Nerf

Alright, no more geo linkage. Also, I should of said what your main "modded" gun looks like, so I wouldn't get a response like Blade's.

#20410 Suck It Spielberg!

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 01 March 2004 - 05:41 PM in Off Topic

I didn't think ROTK was that good compared to the first two. I agree with formerly sane about how each movie has it's moments. The only thing I really didn't like about the last one was all of the ghosts coming out and dominating. But if its in the book, its in the movie. I thought mystic river was gonna take best picture, from the things I heard.

#13863 What Your Main Gun Looks Like

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 07 December 2003 - 07:46 PM in General Nerf

Just wondering what everybody's primary gun looks like.

Posted Image

#41834 Ompa's Title

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 16 November 2004 - 10:26 PM in Site Feedback

Introductor? Welcomer? Greeter? N00B helper? Assistant?

Those titles make Ompa seem like a guy that likes noobs. He needs something more like "Anti-Jackass Instructor".

#13876 What Your Main Gun Looks Like

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 07 December 2003 - 10:43 PM in General Nerf

Never get tired of looking at that 3000.

#21259 Rototrack Or Chainblazer

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 13 March 2004 - 02:01 PM in General Nerf

Anyway, don't you have to strap the Rototrack to your arm or something?

No, that peice of crap is the strongarm.

#44270 Your Mission, If You Choose To Accept It.

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 18 December 2004 - 12:51 PM in Homemades

That would be pretty damn sweet to make a gun that took pez dispensers for magazines. Good thinking. Now just to find out hold to make a gun based around the mags.

And bolt, do you think you could fit a regular 1/2 stefan in that giant pez dispenser? It looks like you can fit a 2" stefan in there, but I don't if width of the dispenser would force a very tight fit for the dart, not allowing it a good feed to the gun.

#32582 Did You Pre-Order The New Nerf Set?

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 29 July 2004 - 11:13 AM in General Nerf


Right there at walmart.com.

#29529 Artic Camo :: Nite Finder

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 25 June 2004 - 11:02 AM in Modifications

Very nice. I like the look of the TTG better. I guess the forest camo is more appealing to me. Anyway, great job on your guns.

#64364 New! Sharpshooter II00!

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 26 September 2005 - 12:18 AM in Modifications

Awesome job once again Starbuck. I can't believe you were able to get all the internals in there and still be able to use the original SSII trigger to fire it. I have done something similar myself with the SSII and a SS2 but its no where near as clean as your mod. It sort of reminds me of a splitfire with the plunger out in front. Keep up the good work.

#82142 Nerf War/assassins On Fox9

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 20 May 2006 - 10:03 PM in General Nerf

I too think its cool that nerf finally got this much publicity. The only thing I have trouble with is how far they go with this "assassin" type war. I mean, is it just me or does it seem to be going overboard shooting people with nerf guns at almost any time of the day? I know they exclude work and school, but I think taking nerf beyond a specific war zone is pushing it. Well thats just my opinion, cool concept nonetheless.

On another note, I was glad to see some very nice mods in that video. Great find Forsaken.

#24283 What Browser Do You Use?

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 14 April 2004 - 09:29 PM in Off Topic

You do know the Google toolbar provides both of these features for IE, right?

Mozilla has both of them built in and supports tabbed browsing as well.

Safari: What you use if you are stuck on a Mac.

Uhhh...yeah, of course I know. Well I don't care: some people like Mac and others like Windows and what not. I just prefer the look of Panther on my iBook and the User Friendliness.

#23177 Ehem...

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 01 April 2004 - 06:54 PM in News

You'll never know how I feel until your testicles drop.

O SNAP! Anyway, I would sit on some ice.

#24271 What Browser Do You Use?

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 14 April 2004 - 08:49 PM in Off Topic

Short and simple: Safari.

Right on Ice, I love surfing the web without any pop ups and having a google search in the top right corner at all times. Eat it Bill Gates... and those other guys.

#18418 Happy (belated) Birthday To Anastasia!

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 07 February 2004 - 01:17 PM in Off Topic

That would be Cx's daughter. Any, congrats Cxwq.

#63534 Legendary Weapon 01: Rose's Judgement

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 12 September 2005 - 09:57 PM in Modifications

That is a damn good paintjob. I'm not a big fan of dark red paintjobs, but it does look sharp on the NF.

The rose is hella cute. If you're giving it to a girl (assuming that you are), you might get laid.

#63538 Legendary Weapon 01: Rose's Judgement

Posted by CustomSnake202 on 12 September 2005 - 10:42 PM in Modifications

Oh word. Yes, like I said, I assummed. All gender put aside, still a great touch.