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#228303 Unicorn Gun

Posted by Herpestidae on 05 May 2009 - 03:37 PM in Modifications

"Sits back and scratches his head in silent confusion at why anyone would put a little fake horn on a magstrike."

#228226 Homemade Backpressure Tank

Posted by Herpestidae on 05 May 2009 - 02:00 AM in Homemades

Good work improving on the chaos that is homemade airguns. I can't wait to see the improvements you make on this.

#227425 Nb-2k

Posted by Herpestidae on 01 May 2009 - 01:48 AM in Modifications

That is awesome man and mad props for coming up with something way out of the blue. The only complain I could have against this blaster is that I wish you could have rigged up some kind of trigger so you could fire the blaster with out having to move one hand all the way to the back. Then again this is so novel I really shouldn't be asking for anything. So thank you for some thing refreshing.

P.S. Woot 100th post!

#227424 The Better Supermaxx 3000 Thread

Posted by Herpestidae on 01 May 2009 - 01:43 AM in Modifications

Fuck yeah I am so happy to be moving from Missouri to Wisconsin so I can battle against some of you Minnesota lads. I really can't wait to go against this thing at a war.

#227254 At2k In A Disc-shot

Posted by Herpestidae on 30 April 2009 - 02:56 PM in Modifications

I agree with the others about hooking the tank up to the original trigger for some mad stylish points. Also I never realized how nice the disk-shot looks without the orange priming handle.

#227015 Ghetto Magstrike Overhaul

Posted by Herpestidae on 28 April 2009 - 11:16 PM in Modifications

This is the very basic magstrike mod, and besides, you have no pics. At least you have grammar skillz. Use the mod directory.

But all it says in the directory is to put some PVC thing with two ribs in the bladder. And Angel said it didn't work.

If you had taken 5 minutes and read on from the first page Angel posts how to fix the problem. I'm sorry but I really don't see the point of this topic. A picture or two would have turned this into at least something worthwhile.

P.S. Anyhow welcome to the haven.

#225197 Need Help With Modding A Tek 6

Posted by Herpestidae on 22 April 2009 - 11:01 PM in Modifications

Are you getting a good seal between the turret and the plunger?

Also copper doesn't work for a barrel material. CPVC, Brass, or PETG is much better. Just make sure that the barrel is kind of snug on the dart.

#225117 How To Make Koosh Rings

Posted by Herpestidae on 22 April 2009 - 07:23 PM in General Nerf

Hooray a new member who actually seems to not be retarded! Nice work on doing something that I would have never even thought was possible using homemade materials.

#225110 The Cyclops

Posted by Herpestidae on 22 April 2009 - 07:18 PM in Modifications

Good job though I agree with Froot that I would reinforce the shit out of that pump to prevent any problems.

Also how is aiming since in my mind I would still try and aim down what used to be the old barrel? Just seems like it would mess with accuracy to me.

#224928 The Brass Snapper

Posted by Herpestidae on 21 April 2009 - 09:34 PM in Modifications

I give that awesome shit a thumbs up!

Something I really like about your work is that every piece has a very different feel to it and you can tell a lot of planning went into each one.

#224786 Airtech 2000 Pressure Question

Posted by Herpestidae on 21 April 2009 - 04:54 PM in Modifications

I know for a fact that I have had my AT3K with external supply up to 60-70PSI. Though I couldn't tell you how many pumps that is. I'll see if I can measure it tonight.

Thanks that answers my question no more information is needed.

#224672 Airtech 2000 Pressure Question

Posted by Herpestidae on 20 April 2009 - 11:54 PM in Modifications

Quick Question

What is the maximum safe pressure an Airtech 2000 tank is able to hold? Do not say 5 or 6 pumps because I already know that. I mean what psi does 5 or 6 pumps equate to? Surely someone here has attached a pressure gauge to their system to monitor the pressure.

I know Big Salvo tanks can hold 60 psi but I believe that the Airtech might not hold as high a pressure. I need to know for a mod I am attempting.

Thank you in advance.

#224000 Peasant's Guru

Posted by Herpestidae on 16 April 2009 - 05:40 PM in Modifications

[quote name='b00m13' date='Apr 16 2009, 04:18 PM' post='223983']
Herpestidae - There's no rule that says you have to do everything the exact same way I did~
If you like pumping it in the rear, then pump it from the rear... heck I tried pumping it from the rear once too... but it just
wasn't my thing. I just prefer the front. ^_^

"Smacks himself in the head"

I can't believe I walked right into that.

Rork-yeah we are referring to the same thing. Personally I have never seen that particular mod done so I don't know how useful it would be.

Boom-About how many times do you pump it to fill the BS tanks? I mainly suggested moving the pump because it would seem awkward to pump it in between the two barrels to me. Once again though major props on creating something really functional.

#223942 Peasant's Guru

Posted by Herpestidae on 16 April 2009 - 12:41 PM in Modifications

Stylish and deadly. Excellent work Boom!

I guess the only thing that I see that I don't like is that the magstrike pump is between the BS barrels. Did you give any thought to running it backwards and attaching it to the rear of the BBB? I know some people have done that before with airtech 2000 pumps.

#220910 Nerf Infection/zombies Variant

Posted by Herpestidae on 31 March 2009 - 04:37 PM in General Nerf

At Truman to get geared up for our HvZ games we usually play some CTF then a game we call HvZ abridged. It is very similar to your game only it is outdoors usually in a small designated area (the sidewalks around our quad divides up the area quite nicely). Also we only use socks and once a zombie is stunned they have to run back and touch something (usually a lamppost since they are everywhere) then they can return to play.

If you have a lot of socks then the game is really fun just be sure to get a large enough area to run from the zombies. As Ambience said the game usually lasts 10-15 minutes and really gets the adrenaline flowing.

#220142 I Give You The Minifinder

Posted by Herpestidae on 27 March 2009 - 10:58 AM in Modifications

I like it! It's small but it doesn't sacrifice any range making it a very nice subcompact.

#216020 New Improved Vulcan On My Website

Posted by Herpestidae on 02 March 2009 - 09:15 PM in General Nerf

So you just taped some cardboard pieces to the front of a vulcan. Congrats?

#212191 The Marvelous Magstrike

Posted by Herpestidae on 14 February 2009 - 12:23 PM in Modifications

It does look very...functional. Like Salindin_Naz said it is nice to see that there are nerfers in Wisconsin.

Also since they are both hooked up to the same pump how many times do you have to pump it to fill both the magstrike bladder and the big salvo tanks?

#211559 N-strike Raider Rapid Fire Cs-35 Press Release

Posted by Herpestidae on 11 February 2009 - 07:56 PM in General Nerf

Something I have been pondering that no one seems to have addressed is how the drum mag is going to get in the way. The picture shows it attaching to the left side of the gun which might make it easier for a left handed wielder to use it since he or she wouldn't have to go under or around it to grip the front of the gun. Of course for all we know the drum might be able to be fed into either side.

#195615 Secret Strike 2k

Posted by Herpestidae on 12 December 2008 - 02:41 AM in Modifications

How hard is it to shoot one handed?

#194924 Bitchslayer

Posted by Herpestidae on 09 December 2008 - 01:23 AM in Modifications

Must run faster must run faster.

#194828 Good Gun Combos Pt. 2

Posted by Herpestidae on 08 December 2008 - 07:39 PM in General Nerf

Seriously? Did you really need to make a new thread when you already have another one active where you could have just asked your questions?

I have no idea if you can get a spring to go back to normal if you have stretched it but I am going to guess no.

As for the darts, quit being a baby and order from the net. If no stores around you carry fbr then just order it from the internet. Both swiftnerf and modman have ebay stores and are reliable sellers. If you don't want to go through ebay then I believe herticorp is still selling foam. Either way it can be found on the web from good sellers. Just don't assume that everyone on the internet has been on "To Catch A Predator" at some point in their lives.

#193914 Quad B

Posted by Herpestidae on 04 December 2008 - 01:19 AM in Modifications

Nice write-up. It is good to see a different take on a singled big blast. Keep up the good work!

#193878 Quick Q

Posted by Herpestidae on 03 December 2008 - 09:55 PM in General Nerf

Deleted to hide a secret of national importance. Something about poisoning babies.

#193874 Quick Q

Posted by Herpestidae on 03 December 2008 - 09:47 PM in General Nerf

I did a bit of searching but it's a bit tough to find how much these guns go for or at least what someone would pay.

How much (minimum-maximum) for a New Style SM750, and sererately a Pulsator? Wildfires go for around $20-30 right? Lightining Blitz go for under $30?

Thanks in advance

Deleted to hide a secret of national importance. Something about poisoning babies.

#193392 Cheap Noise Maker To Nerf Gun/

Posted by Herpestidae on 01 December 2008 - 09:58 PM in Modifications

So how did you actually modify it? I hate it when people post things without explanation.

I took off a plastic cover from the end of the barrel thin i took out the weak stock spring and put in the two stronger spring that i have in the picture.

Thank you, I was unaware that it had an actual barrel since you described it as a noise maker. Also clean up your grammar a little.

#193386 Cheap Noise Maker To Nerf Gun/

Posted by Herpestidae on 01 December 2008 - 09:52 PM in Modifications

So how did you actually modify it? I hate it when people post things without explanation.

#190433 At2k Tank Extension

Posted by Herpestidae on 18 November 2008 - 01:03 AM in Modifications

Well the basic idea should still work even if you have to alter the piping used.

#190420 At2k Tank Extension

Posted by Herpestidae on 17 November 2008 - 11:55 PM in Modifications

Let me pick some brains while I'm at it;

Can any one think of a reason why this wouldn't work with any Air Tech blaster, for example an AT4K?

I don't see why you couldn't do the same thing on the 3000 or 4000. It would be cool to add some elbows to the design so the extended tank would go back into the gun. Then it could sit in the area behind the airtank and not make the guns any larger than they already are. Now if only I had an airtech 3000.

#189635 Pas Coupler

Posted by Herpestidae on 14 November 2008 - 12:00 AM in Modifications

How is the seal on your way?

#189341 Singled Titan

Posted by Herpestidae on 12 November 2008 - 07:51 PM in Modifications

You really should look around before you post mods but at least your grammar isn't bad so I am content. Also you should look into posting pictures because it makes the write-up come together.

#189339 Brass Vs Petg?

Posted by Herpestidae on 12 November 2008 - 07:47 PM in Modifications

Ok so I am a little confused as to why being a marine biologist gives you access to loads of specialized cutting tools...then again maybe I don't want to know (poor dolphins).

Onto your questions I have used brass more and it is easy to get a proper fit thanks to the different sizes so I have gotten some really good guns that way. That being said I am starting to use more PETG because it is cheaper. Nesting 17/32 brass in PETG has turned out really well and the PETG holds up to abuse better.

#188920 What Inspired You To Nerf...

Posted by Herpestidae on 10 November 2008 - 10:14 PM in General Nerf

About a year ago I signed up to play HvZ and bought a maverick for the game. I got really good with it and then it jammed on the last mission and I died. Don't feel too bad though I had a zombie literally leap onto my back so I liked that death. Pissed off at the maverick I decided to mod it. Friend of mine got me a nightfinder and away I went. Now I am the mod god of HvZ at my school and feared for my guns, too much fun.

#188059 The Contract.

Posted by Herpestidae on 07 November 2008 - 11:52 AM in Modifications

Damn this just further reinforces the fact that I want a sm 750.

#187977 O...m...f...g

Posted by Herpestidae on 06 November 2008 - 09:54 PM in General Nerf

I have sent a inquiry to Bass Pro in regards to the ad and will report back with what they tell me in the next day or so.

#187383 New Buzzbee: Pump Tek

Posted by Herpestidae on 04 November 2008 - 12:14 AM in General Nerf

Looks like it could have some potential. However it also looks like it could snap in half with little force.

#187245 Modding Materials

Posted by Herpestidae on 03 November 2008 - 05:42 PM in Modifications

The wires really don't get in the way at all. Besides what screws holding down the barrel are you talking about? There are 2 little ones holding in the plunger but if that is a deal breaker for you then you probably should not mod.

#184402 Hvz

Posted by Herpestidae on 18 October 2008 - 11:30 AM in General Nerf

Here at truman we are up to over 200 people and the game starts on the 22nd.

#184049 Secret Strike? Where Do You Buy It?

Posted by Herpestidae on 15 October 2008 - 10:46 PM in General Nerf

I get them at the Haistings here in Kirksville which I discovered by accident.

#183082 Couplered Sharpshooter I, Updated!

Posted by Herpestidae on 11 October 2008 - 05:54 PM in Modifications

Nice job. How is the seal?