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#290831 Flip-up "grenade" Sight

Posted by zaphodB on 13 December 2010 - 07:21 PM in Modifications

This would be infinitely more useful on a mav-titan scatter gun or something else of the sort than any single-shot blaster.

No, it would actually be worse. Thats putting a sight on a shotgun...

No, that's like putting a sight on a grenade launcher. If you're looking for dispersion and high trajectory arcs, the closest would be a scatter gun.

Or you can continue to live your small deluded world.

I just don't get how a distance sight would be particularily helpful for a gun that disperses over distance. It wouldn't be completely useless, but it seems like a scatter gun is meant more so for close distances. Also, the sight no matter what gun it is on is not gonna be particularly helpful. The comparison I posted was a bad one, I'll admit it.

The idea is that a real grenade launcher serves the purpose of a wide-dispersion weapon, like a scattergun. The real lethal radius of a grenade is much larger than videogames would lead someone to believe. A scattergun like a mav-titan would be the closest nerf approximation of that. You'd have to jam a ton of darts in there though.

#286910 Nerf Assassination 4: The Firm

Posted by zaphodB on 13 October 2010 - 02:28 PM in General Nerf

I'm willing to bet that your videos keep getting removed because they're boring and stupid.

#282996 Rotating The Fury Fire And Maverick Turrents Manually?

Posted by zaphodB on 13 August 2010 - 01:14 AM in General Nerf

We're faced with a turgid torrent of turrents!


That said, I would think the ratcheting action exists because the designers were smart, knew their target audience, and put it there so the kiddies don't break the thing on day one when they try to spin the cylinder, but that it still isn't how it was intended to be used.

There seems to be a contradiction in there that you're missing. How sad.

#275003 Magstrike Air Compressor Mod

Posted by zaphodB on 16 May 2010 - 10:01 PM in Modifications

We don't mind questions. We mind stupid questions.

#273303 Magstrike Air Compressor Mod

Posted by zaphodB on 25 April 2010 - 03:53 PM in Modifications

I would be taking out the part of the magstrike that makes it an automatic--basically just having a compressor, a tank, a release valve(trigger), connected to a barrel, and (like i posted earlier) only harvest the magstrike for the shell and bladder.

Still won't work.

Blasters need a chamber of some kind, with a valve that releases a blast of air much faster than the MS trigger valve could ever hope to. Unless you think you can wield a blaster with a barrel that'll probably have to be more than six feet long, to accelerate a dart from the ridiculously SLOW release of air.

first off, thank you for not being a dick like some people on the internet. so, from my understanding, a ms trigger has a slow release rate, correct? so its simply the ms internals are all made for the use of automatic firing. but, using internals from a single shot pump gun w/ a magstrike bladder(or a bigger one, such as a titan) would work? but thanks again! :)

No. A bladder system has an inherently slow release. What you're talking about, (and you really could do with being more clear when you ask questions) has been done. As I said in my previous post, people have taken the magstrike bladder and hooked it to a 2k tank, then used the firefly shell and turret to complete the blaster.

#272273 Dart Door V2

Posted by zaphodB on 15 April 2010 - 01:57 AM in Darts and Barrels

This is a fucking fantastic idea, the sort of thinking that really moves the hobby forward. I really hope this gets the recognition it deserves.

#271976 Closed

Posted by zaphodB on 11 April 2010 - 09:47 PM in Off Topic

Now go back and get rid of all the fucking first person tense you use, and then learn how to make concise paragraphs. Your paragraphs are a page long. That is shitty essay writing. Every time you change topics or ideas, you should make a new paragraph. Don't drag shit on until reading your essay is like trying to find a quarter in a bucketful of organs.

If you turned this paper in to me, I would give you a D at best.

#271851 Nerf Grenade (no Frisbee)

Posted by zaphodB on 10 April 2010 - 07:10 PM in Homemades

There's so many reasons why this is a dead end idea.

*Blast radius is tiny
*It's solid
*It's heavy
*A reliable impact trigger that also won't injure a person if it hits them is much more complicated than a knife holding a few rubberbands
*Flight stabilization will be bulky, and get in the way of the dart "explosion"
*The exact same effect can be achieved much more simply by shotgun barreling a titan.

#271834 Gearbox?

Posted by zaphodB on 10 April 2010 - 03:33 PM in Homemades

Take a look at a vulcan.

re-evaluate your question.

#271832 Magstrike Air Compressor Mod

Posted by zaphodB on 10 April 2010 - 03:13 PM in Modifications

Twice in one thread? Alright, if I must.

No. Idiot. You have zero understanding about how a magstrike works, and what makes it different from, say, a titan. Taking a system that is designed to shoot a heavy projectile once and modifying it to propel a small projectile once will result in greater range. Taking a system that is designed to shoot multiple small projectiles and modifying it to shoot one small projectile will result in little to no range increase, followed by a long hissing noise.

Someone (and I say "someone" rather than "you" because, lets be honest with each other here.) could, and have done, attached a magstrike bladder to a firefly with a 2k tank in it.
But that system
a.) is finicky under the best of circumstances
b.) requires a lot of work, skill, and thought.

Feel free to single your magstrike anyway though. Take lots of pictures, I could do with a laugh.

#271808 Closed

Posted by zaphodB on 10 April 2010 - 11:50 AM in Off Topic

Also, parenthetical statements should be avoided in formal essay writing. Use footnotes if it's truly parenthetical, or find a way to work it into the essay. Otherwise cut it out completely.

Also also avoid the first person.

Also also also, Blue, I'd advise you to pretty much disregard nerfsharpie's reworked essay entirely. He is clearly a much better writer than you, and if you turned that in for your english class your teacher will know you didn't write it.

#271598 Automatic Design Question

Posted by zaphodB on 07 April 2010 - 05:39 PM in Homemades

If you build that, it has a 50/50 chance of breaking every time you let go of the trigger. There's nothing to stop the trigger from catching behind the plunger and totally fucking everything up.

There's a bunch of other problems too, probably, but none that would totally prevent this from working as much as your trigger design.

#271465 Goop Or Putty?

Posted by zaphodB on 06 April 2010 - 06:07 AM in General Nerf

No. The difference between 100psi of air and 100 psi of water is that wader does not compress. A pipe full of water at 100 psi has pretty much the same volume of water in it as a pipe full of water at 0 psi. On the other hand, a pipe full of air at 100 psi has substantially more air in it than a pipe full of air at 0. That air will expand if the pipe is ruptured. Violently. Which is why you shouldn't fuck around with high pressure air systems unless you're very sure what you're doing.

Every single high-pressure air system is a fucking bomb, under the right circumstances.

#271359 A New Singled Longshot.

Posted by zaphodB on 05 April 2010 - 12:10 AM in Modifications

The worth of the modification should not be based on its difficulty, but on its results.

Also, I'm not comparing the process or the results of slug's Guru mod and this gun. I'm Just saying the philosophy is the same; homemade internals in a nerf shell.

#271354 A New Singled Longshot.

Posted by zaphodB on 04 April 2010 - 11:23 PM in Modifications

Anybody could make a NF shoot 100'+ if they put a +bow inside of it. It takes brains to make an actual NF shoot that far.

You mean the NF rifles? Yeah, those have been around for maybe a year now. Where were you when that happened? It sounds to me like you're just looking for an opportunity to get all indignant on the internet. This modification is, essentially, a plunger tube replacement for a singled longshot. The trigger system is stock. When Slug did essentially this to a crossbow for Groove, nobody talked shit. Maybe you have some deep rooted psychological aversion to PVC?

#270727 Hornet Tanks

Posted by zaphodB on 29 March 2010 - 07:02 PM in Modifications

Confusing gif

Little representation.

This is misleading to everyone who doesn't already know how backpressure valves work. To clarify for those people (who I assume the animation was for in the first place), one would attach the barrel to the top part, and the trigger is the red box.

Ambiguous paint drawings do not an explanation make.

#270712 Magstrike Air Compressor Mod

Posted by zaphodB on 29 March 2010 - 05:02 PM in Modifications

No, idiot. The innovation is not adding a compressor to a nerf gun. That's been done a few times. The innovation here is that the compressor automagically turns on when it is needed, and turns off when it is not. You wired a dildo to a battery and put it in a ziplock bag. It's different.

Also, why the fuck does there have to be multiple people in every good thread saying "oh, that's cool, I actually thought of that a fortnight ago." Quit derailing excellent threads with your sub-par shit.

#269863 Nerf M203 Grenade Launcher

Posted by zaphodB on 21 March 2010 - 07:15 PM in Homemades

If you want things to explode, play paintball or airsoft. This is nerf. Explosions are for milsim.

#268543 Pvat-piston Valve Air Tank

Posted by zaphodB on 08 March 2010 - 05:53 PM in Homemades

Use pvc cement to connect pvc together. Tools are specialized for a reason.

#267871 Whats Wrong With My Longshot?

Posted by zaphodB on 03 March 2010 - 05:29 PM in Modifications

As far as I can tell, the problem seems to be that you're connecting the front gun to the longshot.

#267870 Straw <-dart Possibility?

Posted by zaphodB on 03 March 2010 - 05:27 PM in Modifications

This is actually how nerf guns used to work. If you look at old modifications, you'll se that everyone cut them off, so it's probably not a more efficient way of doing things.

#266997 Nostalgia

Posted by zaphodB on 26 February 2010 - 02:54 AM in Off Topic

This doesn't really strike me as something that belongs on a website with a large population of children.

on the other hand, it does look totally fucking balls out kick you in the spleen awesome. I don't know what to think

#266758 Cross Style Stefans

Posted by zaphodB on 24 February 2010 - 04:05 PM in Modifications

Do these work, or are you just making a thread of stupid shit that doesn't help the problem. Because I'd be willing to bet that the plastic k'nex piece isn't any heavier than the glue that you're using to stick it to the fbr.

#266083 Why I Love Nerf

Posted by zaphodB on 19 February 2010 - 09:45 PM in General Nerf

I feel like this little piece needs some background. I may not have been a part of the community since it's inception, but I grew up in the 90's, the heyday of nerf. My parents were fairly liberal, particularly when it came to guns. My mom was from boston, so she wanted nothing to do with them. In fact, I had no toy weapons at all growing up, until such time that I could construct them on my own out of legos. So it was a magical moment for me that, one christmas eve at a cousin's house, I discovered a chainblazer. It jammed, and only had a few darts, and was noisy and probably broken, but to me, it was awesome.

It woke something in me. I became enamored with projectiles. All through my childhood I build bows, blowguns, marble launchers, and absurd paper airplanes. It wasn't the killing aspect that intrigued me. Rather, it was the mystery, almost the magic of sending an object flying away from me in a predictable manner. Even when I was building bows and making arrows out of honeysuckle shoots, it was never with the intent to hurt anything. It was some elusive skill that I wanted to have.

As I grew older, the desire stayed with me. But the rules my parents set up for me were still in effect. They didn't have a problem with me making things, but purchasing a firearm, even a toy one as innocuous as a nerf gun, paralleled in their minds to hero-worshiping murder. It was after I could drive, and after I had already mastered a blowgun that shot 6 inch steel needles at ludicrous speeds, that I finally worked up the courage to sneak home a nerf gun. It was a maverick.

It wasn't anything special. It had the same problems all mavericks do. It jammed. It was weak. You couldn't put tagger darts in it. It was noisy. But I loved the damn thing because it was the next step for me and my understanding of projectiles. I hid that gun from my mother for months, and when she finally found out about it, she was legitimately angry with me. I couldn't explain the projectile thing to her, so I made up some story about modifying it as practice for becoming an engineer.

So, I arrived here. It was the end of 2006, I think, so right at the beginning of the n-strike line. Modifications were different then. FA_24 and Slug were both regular member, albeit talented modders. But by and large, the hobby was still mostly held together with duck tape and hot glue. My first few modifications were almost on the razor's edge of advancement; I was one of the first people to add a dtg to a longshot. I'm not here to brag. That was the only modification I was ever really proud of, and it wasn't even that good.

But I think the fact that I'm not proud of any of my modifications is worth looking at, because it speaks to something that has gone sour in this community. Somewhere along the line, we stopped being a website of people celebrating the simple and childish fun of pelting each other with silly plastic toys, and changed into some sort of mutant connoisseurs of hasbros products. We're nerf HIPSTERS now, for christ sakes. We put on our ray-ban glasses and ironic flannel vests, pour ourselves into skin tight jeans and purple all-stars and say things like "the vulcan? Sure, it's an interesting gun cosmetically, but the lack of modification potential makes it, at best, a substandard gun practicality-wise, especially when it's weight and battery power are taken into account."...

Really, guys? Really? It's a fucking toy belt fed machine gun! It holds 25 darts, and shoots them at the push of a button, pelting your little brother, your cat, your mom, your dog, and your goldfish with foam darts all without having to reload! At what point did we decide that that wasn't FUCKING AWESOME?

We've lost our souls. We're turning this hobby into a series of highly competitive battles with modification based cock-waving in between. We demand excellence and optimization in a hobby that is inherently ridiculous and haphazard! There's nothing wrong with creating a highly efficient, accurate blaster. The Doomsayer and the +bow, to name a couple, are works of art in their design and their effectiveness. But we are too quick to make those blasters the standard by which we judge other modifications.

I think it's time to be a little less elitist. So, for me, this is an all inclusive salute to all the guns that we all labeled as shitty. All the duct tape and marker guns. All the sticky black paint job guns. All the ball guns and converted super soaker guns and made-out-of-wood guns. Because before the topic for each of these guns was posted, the person behind them was proud. Lets remember where we came from. Whether your modifications are for form or function, remember that the most important is fun. Don't let anyone else's retarded concept of good mar your own.

#264084 Mod Of The Decade

Posted by zaphodB on 01 February 2010 - 07:44 PM in Modifications

You were robotripping, blazed, and on oxy all at the same time and that's all that happened? Lucky you, dude. Hope you did learn your limits, recreational narcotics are all well and good until they become dominant factors in your life. Cheers

#264082 Arb

Posted by zaphodB on 01 February 2010 - 07:17 PM in Homemades

If there was one golden rule in modifying/making a homemade Nerf blaster, it would be Rate of Fire>Range>Accuracy. Really, the last two should just be blessings that happen after your undertaking.

You are so wrong on so many levels. By your reasoning, the rf20 is a better gun than a crossbow, or even a rebarreled bbb.

If there's a golden rule to any nerf gun, it would be reliable performance > anything else. If you can use a gun to your advantage, it doesn't matter if it shoots 20 feet or 200

#260753 Longstrike Cs-6 Revealed

Posted by zaphodB on 05 January 2010 - 12:20 PM in General Nerf

I do not think it has an inverse plunger seeing how it is much like the longshot. Compare it to a recon where as the priming mechanism is above the clip where as in a longshot the priming handle is behind the clip and the area of the plunger rod is above it. so I am assuming the longstrike is more than likely going to have the same setup as a longshot.


I think you might have a decent point somewhere in there, but I really can't tell. Something about where the priming mechanism is? Bolt-sleds or something?

Anyway, I wouldn't be too concerned about whether or not the internals are like the recon or the longshot. The major reason the recon internals were such a pain in the ass wasn't because it was an inverse plunger - although that had a lot to do with it - but rather because there wasn't any fucking room in the shell to do anything about it. This gun, on the other hand, is as big as the longshot, and I'm sure some ambitious pioneer with a dremel will chip out a ton of plastic and slap +bow internals in there. I'll go so far as to make that my prediction for 2010.

#246581 Lanard Shotgun (the Right Way)

Posted by zaphodB on 11 August 2009 - 02:26 PM in Modifications

It's made out of plastic. There is not going to be a single gun that's too front heavy to be unusable.

#245167 Nerf Wars On Wikipedia

Posted by zaphodB on 02 August 2009 - 01:04 PM in General Nerf

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

If you're volunteering to help with the wiki page, please just don't.

There are already more than enough people "helping" who have your kind of ability to put together coherent sentences.

It's a meme. One of my fav's, actually. go back over that question. It's impossible to decipher.

#234994 Finished Physics Project

Posted by zaphodB on 08 June 2009 - 04:31 PM in Off Topic

Actually, a blaster bolt is a combination of plasma and laser. Depending on the blaster it has higher concentrations of plasma/light. The "ammo" that gets used up is the plasma cell.

A lightsaber is also a plasma weapon.

#232848 An Open Letter To New Posters And Anyone On The Waiting List!

Posted by zaphodB on 27 May 2009 - 03:33 PM in General Nerf

Nerf is definitely a competition. The whole point of a Nerf war is so afterwards you can fap over your k/d and k-d.

Of course, the problem with this is that certain people are cheaters and don't call proper hits. That is why Ice9 and I are designing a new system for Nerf. Instead of shooting foam "darts" in any manner that is "fun" or "relaxed" we will put a small paint marker into each bullet so there is a visual system for noticing hits.

This leads to yet another problem however. There is a chance that our Nerf "blasters" are not able to generate the impact force necessary to consistently deliver the paint marking bullets. Therefore, we will require all guns at future wars to hit a minimum of 200'. The most effective method to deliver this power of course, is compressed air.

The bonus to this system is with increased power comes increased range. Thus, we can set up various scenarios that play across a long-range field where we just hide behind bunkers and other visual and physical impediments and set up snïper posts. This will also give a much more realistic and militaristic feel to our wars.

I love you. I doubt anyone who needs to get the message will understand this post, but my god. It is truly a work of genius.

#232778 Foam Ballistic Shield!

Posted by zaphodB on 27 May 2009 - 12:24 AM in Homemades

Agreed. See corrections above.

Don't even praise someone if you fail to grasp the basic rules of capitalization and spelling for the language, please.

Shut up. All you do is grammar snlpe. It's irritating, immature, and idiotic.

#231996 An Open Letter To New Posters And Anyone On The Waiting List!

Posted by zaphodB on 22 May 2009 - 11:39 PM in General Nerf

And this has officially gotten off track. You want to know how to survive in the haven?

Act like an adult.

That's it. There's no secret. There's no formula. Just don't be an ass. That includes nit-picking grammar. Who gives a shit if an appostrophes missing. Was it difficult to read? No? Then shut the fuck up. This is not a high school english class, and even if it WAS, that shit would STILL be inappropriate.

That being said, if your post is illegibly misspelled and mispunctuated, then shame on you. This is the internet, and it is serious business.

#188916 Maverick Air Powered Rifle

Posted by zaphodB on 10 November 2008 - 10:08 PM in Modifications

Longshot trigger to titan is actually pretty easy. I just ran some heavy gauge wire from a coathanger from the hole at the top of the trigger to the pin, and dropped the airtank where the maverick's magazine used to be.


#187781 My Nightfinder/longshot

Posted by zaphodB on 06 November 2008 - 12:38 AM in Modifications


Although those do look cool, please refrain from making new topics for every mod you have. Instead, post in the Mod/paintjob thread that is stickied


That's really cool looking. Really different styled foregrip.

Uh, it's not a foregrip...
Read the posts before yours before you post.


Uh why have you posted this here it is extremely erotic here at the Haven.I belive there is a modifacations thread or paint job thread. :)


In other news, I like what's been done with the shield. One thing that doesn't happen all that often when modding a gun is the addition of texture. Oftentimes it's just paint, or functional additions. The designs on the shield look really cool, and it'll be nice to see what you do with it to make it actually, you know, work.

#180689 Greatest Game That You Have Ever Played In Your Life

Posted by zaphodB on 30 September 2008 - 07:13 PM in Off Topic

I honestly have never plated Gear of War.

Dude!!! You need to get yourself a copy on either PC or 360. The PC version has an extra couple of levels in it. It is sick wicked.

Can't my computer is a Mac and I don't have a 360 and I'm not paying over 100 dollars just so I can play a video game.

Dude, it's called bootcamp. Run windows on your mac. There ya go, problem solved.

#179474 Automated Foam Cutter - New Pics/vid

Posted by zaphodB on 25 September 2008 - 12:43 AM in Darts and Barrels

I guarantee you that the hotglue won't cool by the time it falls out of the tube.

#178640 Automated Foam Cutter - New Pics/vid

Posted by zaphodB on 21 September 2008 - 03:31 PM in Darts and Barrels

The completed dart will only be in the cooling tube for half a second, at best. I'd suggest just dropping the dart into a bucket of water. if you wanted, you could make it tank with a current, so the dart gets cooled and then floats out of the way.

#178636 Spore.

Posted by zaphodB on 21 September 2008 - 03:07 PM in Off Topic

Really? That's your only qualm? What about the intersections of bodyparts? What about how some bodypart are so useful (wings) You'd be stupid not to use them. What about how repetative the whole game is in general. What about how easy it is to win playing agressively, but if you want to be a diplomat, it's a million times harder. The balance is atroacious.

And all of that is barring the "security feature" that only lets you install it 3 times. A feature that is missing from the cracked version. Which has led to Spore being the most illegally downloaded game in recorded history. (The Sims 2 is the most, but those weren't tracked.)

#178381 Automated Foam Cutter - New Pics/vid

Posted by zaphodB on 20 September 2008 - 02:05 AM in Darts and Barrels

I like where this has gone so far. It looks to me that the easiest thing to do is make the cylindrical mold for the hotglue out of aluminum. That negates the problem of trying to be super precise with the gluegun, as well as the issue of forming the dome. You'd have to figure out a way to make sure it doesn't get hot though... a cooling element? Have it rotate through water? That could help with making sure the glue doesn't stick to the mold too.