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#291273 Scun December 18th War: Christ

Posted by Cannonball on 21 December 2010 - 01:55 AM in Nerf Wars

Making Jake's blaster go off was pretty funny. He'd been smacking my darts out of the air with his xbow for a while before then.


-Not cracking my head open by sliding around in the rain
-getting the new hopper to fire pretty consistently. Just needed a better end cap.
-Some awesome TPB in the rain.
-Nor-cal guys coming down. The more the merrier.
-putting my ball gun to good use

-breaking the trigger on my ball gun. the Polycarbonate happened to be a little too thin.

Pretty good day of nerfing.

#307731 SanchoPanza

Posted by Cannonball on 24 November 2011 - 05:52 AM in Homemades

Wow. You really took my quote and ran with it! This thing looks awesome! I like the idea of being able to actually sight down your barrel now. I'll have to get all my materials together and build one of these ASAP! Nice job, man. Keep up the good work.

#354496 S.L.I.D.E. socal war

Posted by Cannonball on 23 June 2016 - 12:45 AM in Nerf Wars

Slideball! I'll be there!

#354864 S.L.I.D.E. socal war

Posted by Cannonball on 08 July 2016 - 01:59 AM in Nerf Wars

What Part of the park is it in?

There is a part of the park up the road that has two large slides built into a hill. That's where we'll be playing. If that address takes you to the large parking lot, go up memory lane till you hit another access road into the park. Can't miss us.

#200738 Rscb On At2k Or At3k?

Posted by Cannonball on 03 January 2009 - 12:17 AM in Modifications

As a person who's done it before with great success, I would stick with the At2k. slightly better ranges than the at3k and it's not as bulky. Don't ruin the advancing turret on the at3k when you can do it on an at2k too.

#137219 Review: The +bow

Posted by Cannonball on 25 January 2008 - 06:54 PM in News

Say slug, exactly what kind of rail system does this use. VACC mentioned brackets so I'm assuming this is a standard picatinny-type rail, or is it something different?

That would be cool if that's the case. You could always just dismantle cheap airsoft accessories. Even then, I don't think it would be too hard to fabricate the system to hold it to the picatinny rail itself. Here's a crappy paint picture to demonstrate. (to those who need it)

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Just find the desired nut and screw/bolt that will thread on it with a big enough head and you should be good to go. I don't think this will be too hard for anybody on this forum to accomplish.

#137097 Review: The +bow

Posted by Cannonball on 24 January 2008 - 01:32 PM in News

I couldn't have expected a better review. I've been in the wings on this plusbow versus crossbow thing for awhile, not being able to really make any declaration of superiority since I own neither. I still really can't and that suits me fine.

That said, the review was a work of art. The pros and cons of both guns were clearly laid out so that a noob like myself could educate himself. The plethora of details was awesome to say the least. I've been interested in both the crossbow and the plusbow and possibly owning them in the future. I've been holding off on my cash expenditure for quite sometime now and with good reason now I guess. i haven't really attended a war on par with the ones you guys attend regularly so I have no use for either gun at this moment. VACC, I think you did a beautiful job of laying out info for the noob population (me included, to set the record straight) I've been around for a couple months and I've seen a ton of people flying off the handle for a crossbow purchase opportunity. Your review helped me not to join that massive group of people crawling all over each other for one of those 'sacred' guns.

The sad thing is I doubt many people will take any of this to heart. If only there was a noob disclaimer on every crossbow ;)

I'm already shedding a tear for those crossbows that will be inevitably purchased and not used to it's full potential in a war and may end up collecting dust in someone's garage again.

In any case, this review was educational and very helpful. I'll stick to my longshot for a while and get some more wars under my belt before I attempt to snatch a crossbow out of the snapping jaws of some noobs. (not saying all people interested in purchasing crossbows are noobs either).

#262655 Replaced Plunger Tube Disc Shot...

Posted by Cannonball on 21 January 2010 - 09:21 PM in Modifications

I think a 1 1/4 inch pvc bushing just might work. I'm pretty sure that 1 1/2 is a little too big because I've used those end caps to seal off the ends of bbbb tanks. That section that bridges the gap between the pump and the tank is a little thicker than the pump tube itself. But if 1 1/4 inch doesn't work, I'm sure a 1 1/2 bushing would work instead.

#133839 Recon Internals! (scroll Down)

Posted by Cannonball on 26 December 2007 - 12:44 AM in General Nerf

damn, beat me to it dude. I just opened mine up and was going to throw up the pics. good thing I checked your thread first.

#133671 Recon Close Up

Posted by Cannonball on 24 December 2007 - 02:03 PM in General Nerf

no ranges yet. I'm pretty much busy for the rest of the day since it's christmas eve. Internal pics probably will be taken later tonight since that is the only time I'll have to dissect this monster. Sorry to keep you guys waiting.

Also, how do I get this topic switched over to general?

#133609 Recon Close Up

Posted by Cannonball on 23 December 2007 - 11:31 PM in General Nerf

$20.00. I'll be opening this bad boy up tomorrow and I'll make sure I take pictures of it.

Oh shoot. My bad guys. I accidentally put it under trading. How do I get it moved to general?

#133605 Recon Close Up

Posted by Cannonball on 23 December 2007 - 11:13 PM in General Nerf

I messed around with the "laser"/light thing too.

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"Tactical light" setting

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"red dot" setting

All in all, slightly more impressive than a nitefinder light.

I test fired it and it doesn't sound too different than a stock longshot. I haven't taken a look inside yet, but I'll throw some pics up when I get around to it. Any picture requests? pm or just comment, I'll be happy to snap them. And if my pictures need to be resized, let me know.

Edit: I read the comments that you guys put up before I finished.

I think ranges are better than a stock maverick. Ranges might compete with a nitefinder missing one of the restrictors. I'll range test it officially tomorrow since I'm confined indoors right now.

The arm doesn't really get in the way.

#133602 Recon Close Up

Posted by Cannonball on 23 December 2007 - 11:03 PM in General Nerf

Alright, I just snagged me a Recon I could call my own today and I figured I'd show you guys some pictures that weren't of a box. Here they are for those who are interested.

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Inside the box

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Here's the main gun compared to a nitefinder.

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The whole thing compared to my slightly longer Longshot carbine. The handle on the gun feels better than it looks, but the stock is flimsy as hell and will most likely snap off during intense play.

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Pulling the slide back is similar to pulling the bolt back on the longshot. It stays in position until you push it back forward. Here is the breech. It has a little lid over it.

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And there is the little arm that lets you know when the thing is cocked.

#138478 Recon

Posted by Cannonball on 03 February 2008 - 11:05 PM in Modifications

Careful with the slide. I forgot there were screws on it and I literally tore the slide off because it's flimsy as hell. I then realized how stupid I was. I was just going to replace it with a bolt anyways but I still broke the doggone thing. It's tricky.

#363239 R.H.O.M.B.U.S.S.

Posted by Cannonball on 03 August 2018 - 01:09 AM in Nerf Wars

There are a few Socal groups running events on a regular basis these days. Attendance is always up in the air but we usually get a handful of people to show up at least.

#363235 R.H.O.M.B.U.S.S.

Posted by Cannonball on 02 August 2018 - 05:42 PM in Nerf Wars


Rolling Hills Park, Fullerton, CA
2700 Maple, Fullerton CA 92835

August 25
9:30 am

Armageddon rules: the gold standard. Copied below, with a few additions.

Slugs and safer darts only. No metal is preferred but I understand that to maximize attendance while keeping it safe I need to keep this restriction more open. If you do make slugs, use #6 washers and not #8 washers.
If you use larger ammo, like megas or similar, keep them soft-tipped by the same guidelines as above.
If you are using silicone dome darts, they must be soft tips.
Keep total dart weight under 1.3g, too, if you're shooting 1/2" darts.
You are also free to use stock-style darts, obviously. China Darts as reviewed by Cheerios are fine. No FVJ/FVN/whatever type of darts have a rock hard rubber/vinyl tip. The tip of the dart needs to be soft.

Everyone is welcome to come, veterans and newcomers alike. I'm not going to outright ban people younger than 13, but if you plan on bringing someone who is, you are responsible for them all day and you are especially responsible for them remaining safe (hydrated and wearing eye protection). S.C.U.N. wars tend to run a little rougher/more fast paced sometimes than stock/super stock. Keep that in mind if you bring your young ones. Diy class can sting abit.

Blaster rules:
HOMEMADE AIRGUNS: Case-by-case basis. It is highly recommended that you talk to me beforehand (send me a PM or something). I'm very understanding.

TITANS: You may use them if they fire missiles (stock or Draconis or whatever) or balls. They must not be firing darts, of any size.

LBB/4B/UMB/SIMILAR: You may use them if they have the functional stock OPRV.

SUPER SOAKERS/SIMILAR: Do not bring them. If they shoot darts, they're too powerful. If they shoot water, people get mad.

SCEPTORS: If you want to use a Sceptor, make it colorful. Make it look as little like a paintball gun as possible. Wrap the tank in denim or something. If you replace the tank or pump, the OPRV must be kept at the same pressure and the tank volume may not be made any larger (stock is about 800cc).

SUPERMAXX 2000/5000/9000: Do whatever. It's fine. I hope you don't blow up your tank.

TACTICOOL GEAR: vests and mag pouches are fine, even some camo is too, but we aren't running anything milsim. Save that stuff for the airsoft field. If you think your kit is too realistic/threatening then gussy it up with some neon ducttape or flagging tape. If you look like you came off an honest to goodness battlefield or I decide your gear is excessive I'm going to ask you to leave.

MELEE WEAPONS: Don't bring anything larger than nerf brand swords or Mashoongas (if they still exist.)
If you are running a melee weapon you MUST carry a loaded blaster.

SHIELDS: Hits on shields count as hits on you if you plan to use them. I'm nostalgic enough to say that Manta Rays count as actual shields against 1/2" darts, though.

Anything else?
1.) To stop a round for safety reasons, yell out the word "HOLD". If you hear someone call "HOLD", STOP PLAYING IMMEDIATELY. At any time during a round, anyone can call "Hold", which will temporarily stop that round. Players should repeat the call of Hold so that all other players hear, until the round stops completely. If a pedestrian is walking through the field, if a player is injured or if there is some other threat to personal safety, you are obligated to call hold. You can call a hold to pause the game and sort out some issue that is not a matter of personal safety, but do not abuse it.
2.) No barrel taps allowed. Barrel taps are how you absolutely gouge someone with a brass barrel and take out a chunk of skin. Barrel taps are how you break the barrel and bushing off your blaster. You can shoot them from point-blank, or you can ask them to take the hit. Don't touch them with your blaster.

The standard fair. Pistol rounds. Some freeze tag. Maybe king of the hill. Maybe some stock ammo only rounds.

#363289 R.H.O.M.B.U.S.S.

Posted by Cannonball on 18 August 2018 - 10:44 PM in Nerf Wars

I think it should be ok, but I'll have to see

#297297 R.H.H.O.M.B.U.S.S

Posted by Cannonball on 19 April 2011 - 02:12 AM in Nerf Wars


Rolling Hills Hosts Outstanding Manly Boys Using Silly Stuff.

I know it's way short notice, but I'm a busy guy, what can I say? Anyway, My first hosted war is this month.

Rolling Hills Park, Fullerton CA
2700 Maple, Fullerton CA 92835
Click me!

April 30th
9:30 a.m.

I suggest following this address to find parking. Scouted it on foot, It's a pretty good sized hill with a bunch of trees on it's slope. Nothing too bad. Also has a play ground. The Hat/Brea mall are down State College, which is not far away, so we've got plenty to choose from in the food department.

Expect the usual blaster rules. I'm not a big fan of plugged pump 4Bs, or anything else that eats Kittens.
Eye protection is a necessity. It's not optional. I don't want anyone to lose an eye on my watch. Bring water to hydrate with, and make sure you have money for lunch or a sack lunch. Let's just try to have as much fun as freaking possible! I don't want my first war to end in misery...

Anyway, This place might be a little different since it's on a hill, so it might prove to be a nice change in pace. Hopefully we won't have to change locations...
I'd like to try the usual stuff, maybe some capture the flag, or we can formulate an honest to goodness "King of the Hill", since we can play on an actual hill. But I wouldn't mind if we just goofed off all day.

#233663 Pullback Shotty

Posted by Cannonball on 31 May 2009 - 08:06 PM in Modifications

I like it. That priming bar and it's tendency to break has been pissing me off. I modded a PAS for a friend and he hasn't taken the best care of it. I may just try this except substitute an aluminum rod instead of cpvc. Kudos for figuring a way around that problem.

#140381 Potc Flintlock Blaster

Posted by Cannonball on 15 February 2008 - 12:25 AM in Modifications


#140370 Potc Flintlock Blaster

Posted by Cannonball on 14 February 2008 - 11:03 PM in Modifications

I guess I could buy some brass to fit in the petg already in the pvc but I don't think the change would be drastic.

#139978 Potc Flintlock Blaster

Posted by Cannonball on 13 February 2008 - 04:47 PM in Modifications

The plunger tube and barrel assembly are identical to a Single Tek.

Ya, it definitely does. I really didn't realize that until now. It definitely looks better than a single tek though.

What size PVC did you use? I have a little different plan for it, I saw some at the KB toys nearest me. I might stop over there on Thursday when I go down to portland, Oregon. It won't serve anything close to a secondary, but more of a novelty.

I used 1/2 inch PVC with petg nested inside. I might cut the barrel down to try some stock darts on it and see how that goes. I have some parts laying around that may make this gun decent, but I have to rummage through my pile to find them.

And thanks for all the kind words everyone.

#139874 Potc Flintlock Blaster

Posted by Cannonball on 13 February 2008 - 02:02 AM in Modifications

I'm still a novice when it comes to modifying guns, but I've got a good number under my belt right now so don't expect anything phenomenal. There's the disclaimer, on with the show.

Here she is.
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This little number came in a two pack on ebay for something like 20 bucks in total. Stock ranges were pitiful, measuring around 10 feet or so if you're lucky because there really is no real barrel to be had. The cool thing about it is it's a flintlock of course, and you cock it by pulling the hammer back.

Here's what you'll be needing:

-around 5 inches of pvc
-4 inches of thick-walled OMC PETG
-dremel, complete with cutting and sanding bits
-small philips head screw driver
-plumbers goop
-some craft foam (optional)

alright, so flip the gun over to the other side so you can get at those screws. Now when they are all removed, you can either just snap the orange ring at the end of the blaster because it is that easy, or just dremel it off now. I ended up having to dremel it when I put the new barrel in so you might as well do it now.

Here are the insides. Pay attention to the little mechanism that cocks the gun. The hammer pushes back a little arm that slides the plunger rod thrown a little channel in the shell that hooks it onto the catch. No pulling involved.
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Pull out the plunger tube and rod and let's get to work. Here it is compared to that of a Nitefinder. Not really impressive. I ended up switching the spring for another one of a thicker gauge, but short a couple rings.
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Cut the orange part right around where I cut it. That gives you a perfect place to put your petg. Yank off the little protrusion on the side of that and you are ready to goop on your barrel. I completely forgot to take pictures of that part, but that really isn't too hard to figure out. I nest the petg in pvc and it was good to go.
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Now here it gets a little tricky. You want to sand down the front of the shell to make room for the barrel. Be careful though because the plastic really isn't thick at all and it is quite easy to put holes in the shell, I did it a couple of times but I ended up just sanding all of it off to expose more of the barrel in preparation for an eventual paint job.
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After that, just fit it in there and screw the shell together. Now I forgot to mention the craft foam. I put two rings of it around the plunger rod to put a little more tension on the spring. You can do whatever you want to substitute. That's just what I had on hand at the time.

Here's the finished product in front of the Jolly Roger on my wall. Who isn't a pirate at heart anyway right?
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Compared to my nitefinder:
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After all of that, ranges were disappointing. around 20-35 feet tops when fired flat. I have some ideas floating around on how I can better use the shell, which is cool in my opinion. I may just slap a nf tube in there and see what happens. But ya..

Tharr, she Blows

questions, comments, you know what to do.

#140118 Potc Flintlock Blaster

Posted by Cannonball on 14 February 2008 - 12:23 AM in Modifications

The gun looks really great. It's a shame that the ranges are short.

It seems like any kind of spring replacement would not work out well since you'd be putting a lot of stress on the cocking mechanism. If there was some way to increase the diameter of the plunger tube to get it up to nitefinder specifications, I think power would increase by quite a bit.

Also, by looking at the internals, it seems like the plunger tube's full length isn't being used by the distance available for cocking.

I think that's probably more work than it's worth, though. This gun would be fun to carry around at a halloween party.

You are correct. I tried winding another spring in there with it but it didn't work out too well. Oh well. I've been toying with the idea of replacing the plunger and rod with that of a strongarm. The only thing i'd need would be for the catch to work. the way the strongarm plunger rod is looks like a pretty good place to start. Needless to say I'd have to forget about using the original cocking mechanism. I'll throw up some pictures of that whenever I figure it out.

#331477 possible balls for a homeade

Posted by Cannonball on 02 July 2013 - 04:04 AM in Darts and Barrels

I've been using yellow practice golf balls in 1.5 pvc without a problem for a while. I usually pick mine up at target. Looks like they might've changed brands or packaging. You should be fine with just 1.5 pvc. Big blasts and Jobars/cobras get the job done. Particularly effective if you utilize them as Roboman explained. 6-7 in. barrels give you enough room to load two balls with a mess of darts in between.

#129816 Popbottle Nerf Gun

Posted by Cannonball on 15 November 2007 - 09:42 PM in Homemades

popbottle rocket= 2 liter bottle with fins and nose cone filled with water and pumped with a bike pump. It's one of those grade school like experiments. Am I the only person who thought those were cool when I was a kid? In any case, it would basically be an air powered homemade gun. Nothing new.

#141575 Pop Point Integrations

Posted by Cannonball on 20 February 2008 - 06:49 PM in Modifications

on the subject of those pop points, I was looking through home depot today and they have these snap on saddle pieces for less than a dollar which come in 1/2 and 3/4 sizes. They'd work the exact same way I assume but they are threaded on an end too. may come in handy.

#141196 Pop Point Integrations

Posted by Cannonball on 19 February 2008 - 12:15 AM in Modifications

I don't know guys, I think I am being compelled to just go out and buy a crossbow and see how many guns I can stick to it before I fall over. I have a question though cole, how are you turreting all of the spidey dart tag barrels? and are the ranges worth the turreting? I know I've separated the barrels so that I have 3 individual ones but did you lengthen the tubing too?

#243091 Pistol Splat Holster

Posted by Cannonball on 21 July 2009 - 10:16 PM in General Nerf

I use a UTG holster identical to Groove's. My pistolsplat with the front cut off was a very snug fit. The buckle barely gets around it. After unhooking the buckle and preparing to draw, it get's snagged on the buckle occasionally. I would suggest making a holster for it instead.

#140842 Pic Of Blue Titan/scout Rerelease

Posted by Cannonball on 17 February 2008 - 05:37 PM in General Nerf

the kid on the box kind of scares me.

#272727 Petg Breech Breakthough

Posted by Cannonball on 19 April 2010 - 09:30 PM in Homemades

I would also highly recommend bringing in a sample of PETG with you if you decide to buy some SCH 80 at a local store. I've found that the ID sometimes vary and have accidentally bought some SCH 80 that fit my PETG too tight or didn't fit them at all.

#249582 Pantz-off... Is Canceled

Posted by Cannonball on 04 September 2009 - 05:32 PM in Nerf Wars

I really don't understand the logic of having 6 or 7 people planning to come and you canceling it because one guy can't make it.

out west they expect all nerf wars to have Effeminate attendance.

Funny. Since when did you become an expert on west coast war attendance Badwrench?

We didn't cancel only because one person couldn't show up, we canceled because nobody else could either. Not to mention the current conditions with the heat and the fire.

#248438 Pantz-off... Is Canceled

Posted by Cannonball on 24 August 2009 - 06:32 PM in Nerf Wars

Count me in on this for now. School is up and going again but I think I'm good for it.

#297800 P.A.V.L.O.V.

Posted by Cannonball on 03 May 2011 - 01:40 AM in Nerf Wars

Hoping to be there.

#139122 Ok You Primitive Screwheads, Listen Up!

Posted by Cannonball on 07 February 2008 - 12:34 PM in Modifications

Nice right up Badger. I appreciate the quote from the army of darkness greatly. You have the right to yell "Hail to the king baby" every time you get a hit with that thing. Again, nice job.

#152329 Not Quite Nerf But Cool

Posted by Cannonball on 21 April 2008 - 12:23 AM in Modifications

This gun (or at least something similar) has been brought up several times and discussed, but if ForsakenAngel_24 is working on it, then we can just wait.

What the fuck? I have mad respect for FA24, but seriously, do we all need to wait for him before we can take a dump? Why the hell do you need to wait? If it looks like it has potential, then try some shit out. You don't need to take ALL your cues from the guy. If he's got something in the works, awesome. If a bunch of people each have different things in the works then that's all the better.

For one, if anyone has already bought this questionable gun and is going to mess around and review it or what not, I'd rather wait to see how it turns out based on what they've found instead of just dropping 30 dollars for a gun that may suck balls. In short, I would rather someone else buy a POS gun and find out it is useless than finding out the hard way. The fact that FA24 is no novice to the workings of nerf guns is an added benefit.

#142815 Nonstandard Game Types - Ideas, Rules, Etc.

Posted by Cannonball on 27 February 2008 - 11:23 AM in Nerf Wars

I like the sound of that. It's good to sometimes get "up close and personal" in the way only a springer pistol can provide. Not to mention it's fun.

#179470 Nite-finder Comes Apart.

Posted by Cannonball on 25 September 2008 - 12:03 AM in Modifications

Seriously, I swear by Devcon Plastic Welder. It never fails. Plumbers goop has never been able to get the job done for me when it comes to nightfinders. If your other epoxy doesn't work, get yourself some plastic welder and do what Retiate said and rough up the surrounding areas.

#212465 New Raider CS-35 Speculation Thread

Posted by Cannonball on 15 February 2009 - 04:23 PM in General Nerf

kind of looks like a glorified recon to me.

#127644 New Nerf Blaster From Hasbro

Posted by Cannonball on 27 October 2007 - 02:47 AM in News

OMC = :rolleyes: at Hasbro.


I'm anxiously awaiting the hasbro over throw.

One Man Clan, or One Man Company?