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#315902 Longshot air seal problem

Posted by Banshee on 20 May 2012 - 01:19 AM in Modifications

Thank you for the picture, Hammy.  Indeed, the bolt does leak air very fast if the bolt is not securely fashioned.  Banshee, it may very well be that the bolt is not locked forward, despite outwardly appearing to be in the forwardmost position.  I'll look into putting back in some locks.  The blaster still gets identical ranges to my Longstrike with its AR removed and re-lubricated internals, which is about 50ft parallel to ground.  Was it just a myth perhaps that basic mods on a Longshot get 60ft+ ranges because of its huge plunger tube, stronger spring, and direct plunger setup?  Anyhow I will open up the blaster tomorrow and check the air seal when I push the bolt forward with the priming handle.

Thank you all for the helpful suggestions.

Yeah, I would say 60 feet is probably accurate. I don't know how strong your spring is, but when I add a NF spring with the stock spring along with basic mods, I get around 70-75 feet. But that's with a good NF spring, like one of the older ones. The new ones are almost useless because they're so weak.

#159947 Paintable, Sandable Substance

Posted by Banshee on 22 June 2008 - 12:22 AM in Modifications

I've never used epoxy putty before, but I have to agree with Angle, Bondo gets pretty brittle. It flakes off and chips easy, so when you paint it, the Bondo is first to go. I used plastic wood once. It doesn't hold to the plastic real great sometimes but its sandable and dries real fast, I use it for screw hole and stuff that I want to fill in.

#211199 One Of Those "whoa.." Moments...

Posted by Banshee on 10 February 2009 - 06:29 PM in Modifications

Wrap Teflon tape around the plunger head under the o-ring, enough of it to create a tight fit. The tighter the fit, the quieter the gun and the lower the ranges, so you can find your happy medium. Trust me, I've done this with all of mine.

#239022 Nitefinder Mod; Your Take?

Posted by Banshee on 28 June 2009 - 11:09 AM in Modifications

So let me get this straight, you're a "loser"? Haha. Every noob falls for that one. And you have explosive missiles, that you fire at people? Not to be the one who says "safety first", but dear lord, that sounds like a bad idea... Not the concept of it, the use of it. Why would you do that?

#315896 Longshot air seal problem

Posted by Banshee on 19 May 2012 - 06:49 PM in Modifications

It kind of sounds like the bolt isn't being returned completely forward. That means the plunger will hit the part you showed in the picture harder than normal, and because that piece isn't pushed all the way forward for the o-ring to seal, air escapes around it giving you poor performance and virtually no air seal. And because you took all the locking mechanisms out, you don't even have to return the bolt to the forward position to fire. You don't have to have the bar very far back at all to have this problem, maybe 1/8" to a few millimeters. You might not even notice it.

That's just a theory, but if that is whats happening, you need to open up the gun and manually operate it and see whats not working perfectly. Usually its just a misaligned part inside the gun.

#159521 Super Soaker Writeup

Posted by Banshee on 17 June 2008 - 04:40 PM in Modifications

Amazing. And those ranges are un-angled, right?
That's got some serious power...

Actually Those where angled ranges, I usually never do level shots, but i just did a level shot and it was about 140-150 feet and 13 pumps.

#159502 Super Soaker Writeup

Posted by Banshee on 17 June 2008 - 02:13 PM in Modifications

I used to have the same water gun, and I cut the nozzle off and glued a piece of CPVC to it. It took forever to pump it up, but mine got pretty good ranges, though not quite that good. Water guns have a lot of potential for conversion because they have a higher volume of air than pretty much every nerf gun out there.

Very true. The reason most people don't use squirt guns is because the ROF is so little because you have to pump it so much. I highly recommend my pump mod. It takes 4 seconds to pump it if you're quick!

#189183 Bigblast Tank Expansion

Posted by Banshee on 11 November 2008 - 10:42 PM in Modifications

If I were you, I'd put a large piece of PVC over the entire tank like a sleeve and fill the whole gap all down it with epoxy... It'll never pop that way.

#125986 Are These Good Guns? Can I Mod Them For Stefans?

Posted by Banshee on 12 October 2007 - 10:04 PM in General Nerf

Without using the directory your answer is no. that gun is about as good as the maverick and wont get and better. It can be modded to shoot steffans, but don't get it as a primary, it may do fine as a sidearm depending on your style. But for 5 bucks, get it. but the airtechs are better.

#253968 Tightening Rings

Posted by Banshee on 19 October 2009 - 06:19 PM in Modifications

So you're talking about one of the rotary styled pipe cutters with the wheels? Wouldn't that cut through it though?

#191064 Is A Realistic loser Rifle Possible?

Posted by Banshee on 21 November 2008 - 12:17 AM in Modifications

The only true nerf "loser" rifle ever made:


That said, "losing" in nerf is retarded, impractical, and it goes against everything nerf stands for (not to mention it's not really possible). In fact, it is such an Effeminate failure in nerf that we can't even type it without it becoming hilariously and deservedly filtered, via our awesome overlords.

I don't see how that gun is the only true s?iper rifle? Is it because it uses shells, or that its semi auto, or what? Because I've seen guns that shoot farther and more accurate. Not as practical but still, what are you basing this on?

#288102 Splitfire Problem

Posted by Banshee on 07 November 2010 - 08:19 PM in Modifications

I might try replacing the pump somehow, but there is no hose, it's a solid plastic manifold type of thing that's all glued together.

Anyway, thanks for the replies, guys.

That's right, I remember now, I sold mine a while ago, I'm not sure, but that means you''l need to put hosing in. Try putting in some connectors or something that you attach hosing too.

#243375 Basic Stormfire Mod & Ctf Description And Overview

Posted by Banshee on 23 July 2009 - 06:05 PM in Modifications

But ranges are useful. I don't give a flying fart how good your darts are or if there's a cross wind or you're using a yard stick, I just want to know how far you can guess the gun shoots. I wouldn't buy they gun if it got the ranges of a crossfire. So people need to at least say "Somewhere between 50-70 feet" which would mean its about as good as AR modded nightfinder. If no one ever tells us some ball park ranges, the only way to ever find out is to waste money and find out. Speaking of which how much are these? They don't sell them where I live yet. I hate sets like these though, just like the disc shot and the tech target, they make us pay for useless add-ons.

Anyways, all I'm saying is ranges are necessary in a range modifying writeup. Otherwise, why would I go through the effort of following your instructions. In the real world, its all about numbers, lets start hearing some from now on. But thanks for answering Bedhed's question.

By the way, nice drums man, I got the same kit in red. Haha.

#285176 Functional Samus-style Arm Cannon

Posted by Banshee on 09 September 2010 - 05:24 PM in Modifications

I love metriod and that is awsome.

Did you seriously just quote the entire write up? What the fuck man?

#255103 Need Your Help

Posted by Banshee on 01 November 2009 - 05:01 PM in Modifications

Try skimming through the Nerf Gun Modifications Directory and just look for something that fits your needs. We all want a fast and accurate gun, but whats in that thread is what we have, and not a single person on here is going to spoon feed you your information, if its not in that directory or in the search bar, then YOU have to come up with it because no one else has. Good luck.

#250642 Cpvc At3k

Posted by Banshee on 16 September 2009 - 07:10 PM in Modifications

CPVC would work great if you singled it, but not too great for the turret. The seal between the tank and the turret is so bad that the tight fit on the dart is so much that most of the pressure is lost out from under the turret. Your dart will fly, but I wouldn't bet on more than 40-50 feet. I've seen Mavericks nearly do that. And since you said you have another one turreted, I see no reason to not single the other one, its not like you can use them both efficiently at the same time, so have some diversity in your armory.

#125635 Sts Grenade

Posted by Banshee on 09 October 2007 - 07:35 PM in Modifications

Holly hammer of Thor... Does it work? I mean when you trow it, do darts go flying? You should cut up tiny little stefans and load like 4 in each barrel so it shoots more projectiles.

#288080 Splitfire Problem

Posted by Banshee on 07 November 2010 - 12:04 PM in Modifications

Taking apart your splitfire is just a sure way to piss yourself off

Well I don't know what that means, the Split Fire is one of the easiest guns to open and work on. But as said before, it sounds like a shot check valve. If you have another pump from another gun, you could try plugging it into the hose for the tanks. if not, you could drill out the check valve and order a new valve that goes between the hoses.

#229391 A Modified Maverick For My Son

Posted by Banshee on 10 May 2009 - 03:31 PM in Modifications

If you replace the spring in a maverick, be VERY prepared fro it to break within a month of heavy use. The cocking pin can not handle the stress. Once it breaks, drill holes on both sides of the cocking handle where the pin used to be, run a long bolt through it and put nuts on the ends, then it'll never break again. Or you could just do the bolt thing before it breaks.

#180970 Singled Maverick Link?

Posted by Banshee on 02 October 2008 - 12:11 AM in Modifications

Well I can't say I've ever seen a write up, but do you really need one? Its pretty simple.

#163157 Magstrike

Posted by Banshee on 17 July 2008 - 09:34 PM in Modifications

You should not use CO2 on Nerf blasters. CO2 is to cold and it will make the plastic brittle and break.

Yes, I realized that. However, my father said he knows of a way to refill those CO2 tanks with compressed air. The air wont be very cold at all.

#163227 Magstrike

Posted by Banshee on 18 July 2008 - 02:33 PM in Modifications

Never mind, CS just answered my question. Good job CS! I might try this when I get some money.

#163136 Magstrike

Posted by Banshee on 17 July 2008 - 07:40 PM in Modifications

This reminded me of an idea I had a while back. When I was looking at the Magstrike I noticed it resembled somewhat a paint ball gun with the tank jutting out the rear end. Then I thought, hey! What if we cut off the tank and did sort of what CS did but instead of a back pack tank/bladder, we could put an actual paint ball C02 tank! One of the 20oz. refillable ones, for those of us who can refill on at home, this could be very convenient. We could carry multiple clips and tanks and we might be able to get several clips out of one tank. Might not be as practical as CS's version, but for someone with the money and knowhow, this could work very well!!!

Sorry for the hijack.


#126149 How Do I Mod My Ls?

Posted by Banshee on 14 October 2007 - 12:50 PM in Modifications

Ok, thanks. Now I have the plunger out. I've been looking at all the mods in the directory, and I still don't understand how to get to the AR without cutting at the barrel... How am I supposed to get the barrel off of the plunger tube, and if I can't, how do I at least get the AR out of there?

#125967 New Color Scheme For Yellow Nf

Posted by Banshee on 12 October 2007 - 06:05 PM in General Nerf

That little capacitor looking thing on the switch is actually a fuse. It's really small and easy to burn out. I cuz out the LED on mine and replaced it with a really powerful pocket laser from OfficeMax and it blew the fuse in a minute. but it's worthless cuz i cut it out and re-soldered the wires and it works great. That was actually a really cool mod, I should do a write up...

The fuse was just another retarded safety feature added by Hasbro.

#126145 How Do I Mod My Ls?

Posted by Banshee on 14 October 2007 - 12:35 PM in Modifications

Ok, I just bought a Longshot the other day and i just opened it this morning. I'm trying to get plunger out so I can get to the AR but the thing is stuck to the breech system thing. How do I get it out so I can get the AR out?!

If anyone has pictures on taking this sucker apart, that would be nice!

#165210 Big Bad Easy!

Posted by Banshee on 29 July 2008 - 04:40 PM in Modifications

Nice theft of signature....

#176653 Dremel Repair

Posted by Banshee on 11 September 2008 - 05:57 PM in Modifications

I find it funny how you put a Dremel repair in a Nerf mod section... haha

#181001 Singled Maverick Link?

Posted by Banshee on 02 October 2008 - 11:00 AM in Modifications

Dude... search "singled maverick" I found all kinds of shit..... seriously...

I searched that and got tons of shit.

What was the point of that post? We already know there is tons of shit, I just said it... I'm not flaming you or nothing, I'm just wondering if you're one of those kids that are gona post stupid and pointless posts on anything you can just to get tons of posts under your name. Forums HATE those kinds of people...

#180967 Singled Maverick Link?

Posted by Banshee on 01 October 2008 - 11:39 PM in Modifications

Dude... search "singled maverick" I found all kinds of shit..... seriously...

#180965 Bbb Mod

Posted by Banshee on 01 October 2008 - 11:36 PM in Modifications

Fuck.... you know what? Let me say that again "FUCK." Thats all I can say... I want 20 seconds of my life back. This is like the 5th fucking "lets shove dicks in a BBB without pictures" mod in the past month. WHY ARE YOU WASTING OUR BANDWIDTH??? Go read the CoC, take a break from nerfing for 4 years, and come back when you can write a fucking mod writeup. I'm sick of this...

#181659 Titan Leak

Posted by Banshee on 05 October 2008 - 11:37 AM in Modifications

No do not use vegetable oil. It can supremely fuck up your seal and any other rubber. Only use a lubricant with a silicone base.

YES, and don't use WD40 for anything... Try that and let us know.

#180864 Couplered Sharpshooter I, Updated!

Posted by Banshee on 01 October 2008 - 07:29 PM in Modifications

God, I wish ranges were a mandatory part of a "range-increasing" mod... I'm getting sick and tired of asking for ranges.... Nice mod though!

#270724 Modding Nitefinder

Posted by Banshee on 29 March 2010 - 06:41 PM in Modifications

Hasn't the answer to this question been answered repeatedly in the past month or two? Jaw495, did you even try the search function?

#184945 2 Bbbb As 1 Gun

Posted by Banshee on 22 October 2008 - 04:49 PM in Modifications

And follow that damn CoC to a freaking T or Groove will shove his groovy Crossbow up your funky ass.

#210277 Big Salvo

Posted by Banshee on 07 February 2009 - 09:37 PM in Modifications

I'm getting almost 120' with CDTD's and 10" of CPVC. However it is VERY impractical to reload because the barrel fits so tight.

#226938 Vulcan Motor

Posted by Banshee on 28 April 2009 - 07:18 PM in Modifications

Well, I wouldn't be concerned about the motor you put in, it should work just fine. My concern would be the rest of the gun, can the gears handle the stress and heat of a high RPM motor? You might want to look into heat shielding like foil tape and stuff and make sure the gears can handle the stress.

#226972 Vulcan Motor

Posted by Banshee on 28 April 2009 - 08:22 PM in Modifications

Its an electro-magnet motor so its torque for the most part depends on how big it is and how strong the coils are, so if its expensive, its probably well made and torquie. If its the same size, it should do just fine. If its too big, you might have a problem. But like I said earlier, don't worry about them motor, worry about the gun.

#231661 Longshot Scope Now Usefull!

Posted by Banshee on 21 May 2009 - 08:42 AM in Modifications

Where'd you get a yellow LS? I have yet to see one in stores.

#253932 Titan Barrel

Posted by Banshee on 19 October 2009 - 11:14 AM in Modifications

I have the green Titan and mine would come off easily every time. I've heard of people's sticking, but usually they yank it and it comes loose. What version do you have?