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#51920 Prepare Your Bladder For Imminent Release!

Posted by Drano on 08 April 2005 - 10:25 AM in Modifications

you would be suprised what you can do with a can of spray paint.

#51469 Favorite Band

Posted by Drano on 03 April 2005 - 12:57 PM in Off Topic

*start rant*
It's people like you that makes listening to Alt Rock seem disgraceful. I suppose you also own a skateboard (but can't do shit) and also shop at Hot Topic? I hate the people who are stereotypical about their music, that they have to live their life arround it. Not to mention rap...But I will. Think about it. The majority of gang crime in the U.S. in the last few years is the pushing of the "ghetto" life-style that Rap puts on people.

The majority of gang crime? i don't even know where to start.

Unless you're a Criminology major or criminology is your hobby, you dont know what your talking about.

and as a Crim major, I can tell you, you don't know what you're talking about. Shut the hell up.

As for hot topic, what the fuck else is the store for? For all those DYI freaks (which i happen to be one) I hope you do realize that its becoming popular. O no, what shall we do? people besides me think its cool! Grow up, and get over it. If its Cool and hip and popular, so what?

back on topic,

As it happens my bands are blink 182 and good charlotte. I dont listen to them much any more, but they will always hold a special place for me. I've made my peace with them for selling out.

My favs that im listening to now are lost prophets and chevelle

#51222 Confessions Of An Evangelical Taiwanese Expatriot!

Posted by Drano on 31 March 2005 - 08:49 PM in Off Topic

thanks Piney,

I PMed you with the situation in its entirety.

Yea we havent been sayin stuff like that with the blood and the drywall.

Pretty much, some parents just dont plain like the fact that we are playing with guns, period.

Which beggs the question, why were the nerf guns hangin aroung in these kids garages in the first place ?

#51196 Confessions Of An Evangelical Taiwanese Expatriot!

Posted by Drano on 31 March 2005 - 03:25 PM in Off Topic

I knew that it would get back to you somehow.
Ck thinks you're slick shoes, Cx

Yea, our forums are probabbly actually the inspiration of nerfhaven also.
Our admin got the idea seeing as how our only contact with each other was once a week.

As for our nerf section it has also gotten pretty lame since one of the parents has been really spreading his distain for nerf.(funny how its the parent of our youngest, smallest, most enthused player, who is also one of our better nerfers) Citing of its violence and its potential extrapolation into the use of real firearms. So nerf in our chruch has unfortunately been put on hold until I graduate and come home and make a case before the Decons.

Bust : If your talking about me using big words, yea i was a little pissed that morning my mother brought it to my attention.

Cx: Thanks for the invite, we'll make plans for YANO next time.

#49968 Does Pvc Slow A Dart Down?

Posted by Drano on 18 March 2005 - 05:58 PM in Modifications

There is no physics of barrel material. Just the physics of barrels and darts

the difference between copper and brass or any other metal or plastic tubing is quite irelevent in terms of what its made of. Its all shiny polished metal, and its all the same to the foam.

like Cx says, "its all size"
What the physics is refering to is the measurements.

#49965 Nite Finder Hole

Posted by Drano on 18 March 2005 - 05:36 PM in Modifications

How much experience do you have from messing with play-doh ? Play doh cracks and shrinks and dries up all crusty with little crystals.

Just learn to use bondo, its not that hard. practice filling and sanding on some scraps until you have it right.

#48739 Robot Chicken

Posted by Drano on 05 March 2005 - 03:09 AM in Off Topic

i love robot chicken. my favorite so far is the animal kingdom thing
"Ferret, the assasin of the amimal kingdom. "

O and I wont soon forget: "lemming, the retard of the animal kingdom"

#48737 If You Could Ask Hasrbo

Posted by Drano on 05 March 2005 - 02:12 AM in General Nerf

"How often does the design team get to design a new, unprecedented blaster?"

"Do they have specific orders from the Big cheeses to give previous models only a shell revamp ?"

my second question stems from those suspicions that those shameless remakes (AT/SM series) are to save productions costs.

On a side note, I hope for some rereleases of the airjet plus series.

#48735 Best Feeling In Nerf

Posted by Drano on 05 March 2005 - 01:57 AM in General Nerf

I agree with something like that.
the most enjoyable moment in nerf for me is when I get a clean shot at someone at a decent distance, early in the game when they havent even discharged a single shot

#47598 2003 Toy Fair Pics

Posted by Drano on 20 February 2005 - 01:29 AM in General Nerf

triangular screws really would suck.
but if that did happen, i dont think it would be too hard to machine a triangular bit somehow. That is if they dont already make bits like that.

#47296 Instruments

Posted by Drano on 15 February 2005 - 09:41 AM in Off Topic

drums for 9 years, on a drum set. High school drumline too. (Go Arcadia!) altough i havent played for the last couple years.

Ive also played the guitar for about 7 or so years.

#47011 Supersoaker Xp270 Mod

Posted by Drano on 08 February 2005 - 11:04 AM in Modifications

what kinda mods have you done with the liquidator? I used one of those when i got into nerf last spring. I always had problems with my goop seals blowing (on my reduced tank).

#46957 Air Tech 3000 Re-released; Toys R Us Exclusive

Posted by Drano on 06 February 2005 - 03:02 PM in General Nerf

hey did anyone know that you diddnt have to use hot glue to plug up the at3k? I was tnkering around with one, and if you have a long enough screwdriver, you can just tignten the screw down at the botom of the pump shaft.

#46810 Primary Weapons

Posted by Drano on 02 February 2005 - 12:57 AM in General Nerf

I seriously like the Hornet from the N-Strike Trinity (it dosent say on the box but the inventory list at Target calls it the "trinity"). The Big Salvo is also pretty good, only problem is that its hard to use. You really have to train you trigger finger for that thing.

#46425 My Contribution To The The Sm750

Posted by Drano on 23 January 2005 - 02:54 PM in Modifications

Hey, nice , clean job.

I was wondering, since the only thing i hate about the at2k is that it shoots from the bottom barrel, if it was a concern for you guys?

If i ever do this mod, I would make the gun shoot the top barrel. The mod is awsome as hell though. Much more compact than the at2k

#46370 The Possibility Of Lemons

Posted by Drano on 21 January 2005 - 05:57 PM in General Nerf

i dont know if you would actually call it a lemon situation but, 2 of the 3 Titans i own are broken in the same way. (trigger pin pulled away from the breech valve) Might be more of a design flaw.
and as for ranges, I also always get lower distances than those outrageous ones.
The only ranges that i have acheived that were comparable to the ones reported here were the NF, AT2K, and the Titan

#46334 Maverick Issues

Posted by Drano on 20 January 2005 - 04:39 PM in Modifications

The slide would probabbly just be scrapped. Just like the good old days of the Lock 'n Load

#46324 Maverick Issues

Posted by Drano on 20 January 2005 - 11:30 AM in Modifications

Thanks for the tip, I'll have to watch that rod.
But did you actually expect Nerf to come out with a flawless product? It should be expected. Their main business is to cut costs and make profits. not making perfect weapons to be used by teens and young adults who push the limits of the structural integrity of plastic (although we are greatfully thankful they do consider us a small portion of their demographic)

Sorry now back to the topic :
instead of using rod and epoxy, I wonder if there is a long, thin machine screw out there that could take the place of that. It would be cheaper and less hassle to install. That is unless you can find a place that will let you buy 2 inches of stainless steel rod

#45752 Maverick/desert Eagle

Posted by Drano on 09 January 2005 - 12:20 PM in Modifications

I just picked up a couple Mavericks at my local target (Lennox town center, Columbus OH)

Man this thing is pretty cool. I noticed that the chambers are exactly 4 inches long.. thats pretty convienent. the blaster is a little front heavy though so that means petg is guess.
funny thing is, after i took out the restrictors the gun will not fire. Looks as if the new barrels are goin to have to go waaaay down into the base of the chambers.

to my fustration, i diced to leave my dremel at home is sunny Cala-for-ni-A . stupid...

any hoo, this gun looks real cool and if you use your imagination and follow the gun's lines, this blaster if single barreled and with some case modification, could look like a Desert Eagle.
Now if have no idea if it would be worth it or not to single barrel this thing, but I'll open up the project to who ever wants to take it on, since I have no god damn tools.

#45571 Air Power

Posted by Drano on 06 January 2005 - 08:23 PM in General Nerf

CK, he wants to go back to Malayasia to serve on thier "swat". Cobbers is right the straw probabbly served as a barrel constriction.

Fuse, Israel does indeed have special weapons and tactics teams, they probabbly just dont call them "SWAT" I read something about a national SWAT competition held in Texas or Tennessee or something. Israel, Germany and some other countries were invited.

#44456 College!

Posted by Drano on 21 December 2004 - 03:31 AM in Off Topic

i think that this is gonna be off topic , but then , this is the off topic section, and this is about college, but still not about VT nor about majors.

Well any hoo,

Does anybody go to Ohio State? Or live in Columbus?

Just curious if there were any Buckeyes here.

O yea, Fuck Michigan.

i personally dont give a shit but im obligated to say stuff like that when i use the word Buckeye

#44221 Nirvana

Posted by Drano on 17 December 2004 - 07:21 PM in Off Topic


if it turns out that linkin park is short lived, so what ....

that really dosent matter. what matters is that linkin park got credit for blending generes. of course they didn't invent it, but they are the ones getting credit for it.
this kinda thing has happend before

you think 2 albums and shitty music makes a difference to whether you get your name in the books ?

how about a little band called Flock of Seagulls

or even worse, how about Devo

as for shredding,
take a look at what happend to it after nirvana. of course it diddnt die, but it sure isnt thriving.
my scope of music isnt limmited, but i am however limiting it to the relm of pop. since that really is the only thing that gets remembered about a time period. that and whats just under the surface.

the only shredding ive heard thats broken mainstream, is brownsound from sum41.

you could argue that kerry king and zack wylde are somewhat mainstream. in that case, i would agree. but they are still a ways from bieng household names.

dont think at all that i oppose shredding, but i just think its sad that some people spend half of thier life learning how, and now in the year 2004 the only people that
will listen is at the local guitar center.

(speaking of... where the fuck was i when gibson sued PRS ? why the hell am i learning about this just now???)

#44099 Nirvana

Posted by Drano on 15 December 2004 - 05:25 PM in Off Topic

you guys can claim what ever you want about bands talents, or lack of it. but you cannot deny that bands like nirvana and linkin park and what not have played the scene and did it well enough to leave a permanent mark.

i never was too intrested in nirvana and I have never been to a linkin park concert, but i think those bands did a hell of a job immortalizing themselves in thier respective periods. in general the greatness of a band also acounts for thier successfulness in the business, not just that they were good musicians.

on a side note, it is because of kurt that shredding died. so for those of you who miss those penis waving guitar solos, thank kurt

#44069 Need Recruits

Posted by Drano on 15 December 2004 - 01:03 AM in General Nerf

now mabey im being extremely closed minded. but how the hell can you not find a hand full of people willing to shoot at each other with toy guns? this is my general question that comes into my mind when ever i see a topic like this.

it is generally accepted that boys are sociallized to channel thier aggression though sports and violence. nowadays it is also somewhat acceptable for girls to do the same. it really shouldnt be that hard to get people to shoot each other

any hoo, back to being normal.

how is it that you cannot get your friends to nerf. in my opinion, they must not be very good friends to at least try it out.

sigh... i realize im being redundant as hell, but this topic baffles me

it baffles me straight down to the bone

#44067 Diffective Frist Shots

Posted by Drano on 15 December 2004 - 12:26 AM in General Nerf

its funny how "live fast, die young" works for nerf guns too

any hoo, arent first shots cheap ? i wouldnt give it a second thought even if it was defective.

i've never had a first shot, but if any of my NFs broke i really wouldn't loose any sleep over it.

well, thats my opinion, and not to imply that your sweatin all that much over it, i guess its always nice to get the imput from other members.

#44011 Foldable Sniper Stand Idea

Posted by Drano on 14 December 2004 - 02:14 PM in Modifications

i really dont know why u would need a bipod for a nerf gun they are not that hard to stabilize with your arms, hands, and what ever you do with your body to brace it.
nerf guns weigh like what? a pound? the range is what ? 200 ft ?
if you cant stabilize a shot like that, you need to work out more.

#42228 In Some Titan Trouble

Posted by Drano on 22 November 2004 - 06:18 PM in Modifications

im a little confused as to which rod you snaped.
was it the rod that opperates the breech/exit valve ?
or your "pendulum" rod ?

if its your pendulum rod just take some coat hanger segment, and get 2 pliers and shape the rod into the shape you need.

#41305 Any New Mods Showing Up On Site?

Posted by Drano on 10 November 2004 - 11:17 AM in General Nerf

o man that would be awesome if you could fab a xbow plunger, without hardcore machining, Cx

I, myself have an xbow with everyting except the plunger and shaft. I had plans to fab one out of aluminum bar stock and rods but i never got a chance to get the stock before i went off to school.

#41280 N-strike Maverick

Posted by Drano on 09 November 2004 - 10:42 PM in General Nerf

well, i am speechless and i have no questions nor anything to say. but however i felt compelled to say Thank You
thank you for taking time out of both your work and personal life to bring us the news.

one man clan is right in saying we'd be hard pressed in finding a hobby or sport in which its design team is as in touch with its users as the Nerf Team is.

#40903 Modifications For Some Nerf Guns

Posted by Drano on 05 November 2004 - 04:10 PM in Modifications

Maybe I took it the wrong way, but seems to me that Chessler is calling me stupid. There is nothing nice about calling somebody stupid, therefore I have every right to insult his ass. And I'm not stupid either. I was bumped up 2 grades, and I am waiting for the results of another test. Now call me stupid you little prick

now who the hell, points out what grade they're in to make a point, what grades were you bumped up from ? kindergarten and 1st ?

#40895 Omg This Is Strange!

Posted by Drano on 05 November 2004 - 03:34 PM in General Nerf

Now I am convinced and will remain so until I die.
as if being threatend by deletion wasn't compelling enough,
CxWq even has the power to potentially overcome the inevitable, perpetual, capitalistic nature of The United States of Ebay.

Cx, you have my standing ovation, should this auction go though at $102.50. you will be the most powerful man in the Nerf Community.
hell, im waitin for the day someone buys 4 nib xbows just to present it to you as a gift.

#39995 Ridiculous Question

Posted by Drano on 27 October 2004 - 12:55 PM in General Nerf

i have to ask, Is it really that hard to get other people around you to nerf?
If your friends wont nerf with you, than i would say that you're in trouble.

Try gettin 2 unmodded NFs and then commence firing on a friend. unless they are a complete wuss, they will want to grab one of them and return fire. after you make an afternoon of it. you can take it to the Next Level ! booyahkashaa!

#39584 Apples

Posted by Drano on 22 October 2004 - 11:51 PM in General Nerf

if you use potatoes, instead of getting sticky sugar in your barrels, you'll get a bunch of starch in them, thats also quite disgusting.
how ya like them apples

but really
could you call it nerf anymore if you shot stuff other then foam?

#38897 Paint Stripper

Posted by Drano on 13 October 2004 - 02:26 AM in Modifications

I dont remember exactly what, but there are some household things that can safely strip paint off plastic.
im not entirely certain, but oven cleaner mabey if i remember correctly? I dont remember, that might just be comming outta my ass.

I do remember however there is a plastic specific stripper, you can find it at those hobby stores that do the model trains.

ill post something more specific if i find out exactly what it is.

#37370 Ps2 Sound System

Posted by Drano on 17 September 2004 - 04:28 PM in Off Topic

hey, I was wondering if any body knows if you can hook up a "creative extigy" sound card to the PS2.

since i am in college, i am poor and dont wanna spend money on an amp and speakers or one of those nifty DVD players with the integrated systems.

we got a ps2 in the house and a creative extigy and an extra set of 5.1 speakers will be comming soon.

im a little on the pesimistic side a sound card is more complicated than an amp.

sooo.... i was just wondering if it can be done. long shot but i thought id ask. since they got all the physical connections there, (usb ports, optical out)

thanks for any info you guys can give.

#36655 Where Do You Prefer To Nerf?

Posted by Drano on 08 September 2004 - 02:06 PM in General Nerf

i like the idea of roof warfare too ! it makes it real intresting. making you look in all directions not just at eye level.

and more room to run around.

but ... outdoor cant compare to the intensity of indoor.

if anybody is embaresed that they nerf, do this: when a non-nerfer is lookin take a pot shot at close range at one of your fellow nerfers, preferably when they arent lookin. their rxn to the should be more than adequate to convince passers by that modded nerf is a different game then what they remember as a kid.

#36637 Nitefinder

Posted by Drano on 07 September 2004 - 11:25 PM in General Nerf

i want to say this is a meaningless post but... you should of posted Jiyrah's nf with ranges

why his ? the only thing done to his NF is that he painted it black

the only properly modded NFs in our clan are mine and psychoticlad's

everyone elses has only the restrictor taken out

the real reason why jiyrah's NF is so killer is cuz of jiyrah, a product of the singaporean millitary!

as Evil said: the player makes the player

#36592 Nitefinder

Posted by Drano on 07 September 2004 - 03:34 PM in General Nerf

thats a good one chessler, i think well change the name to that!
we were callin it "the mummy" but i think your name is more fitting

#36567 Scout Or Nf

Posted by Drano on 06 September 2004 - 09:42 PM in General Nerf

the NF is supremely better, the feel is also better for me. the grip ridges on the scout are too far apart in my hand's opinion. is this the same for anyone else? cuz i have pretty average sized adult hands.

also, the scout looks kinda stubby if i dont stare at it long enough. but it probabbly due the the fact that ive gotten used the the size of the NF... but i dont dispute the fact that the scout does look really cool

#36527 Maximizer Trouble

Posted by Drano on 06 September 2004 - 03:16 AM in Modifications

the cocking handle breaking is a new one for me, i have only heard of the gun cracking where the purple muzzle meets the black segment. mine completely broke off, but is still held together by the spring itself. this problem however is completely a design flaw rather then an effect of modding. the gun will eventually just shoot itself in half.

but damn!! that baby is a frickin good rifle. when i come back home for thanksgiving or christmas, reparing and adding a stock is goin to be my first priority.