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#266702 My Ls Brass Breech Version

Posted by Liam on 23 February 2010 - 11:21 PM in Modifications

Very, very, nice. I love the pen cap idea.

#262106 Cyber-grindcore

Posted by Liam on 17 January 2010 - 12:21 AM in Off Topic

Well, I doubt any of you have ever heard of the genre of music Cyber-GrindCore. Basically, it's just electronic instrumental arrangements (Guitar, drums, bass, and lots of synth), using computer programs such as FL8, and adding vocals that sound like dying animals. I got in to making it, and even though many people think it's just noise, it's actually very fun to make. I don't take making this music seriously, so don't tell me how much it sucks or whatever. What do you guys think of the genre itself?

Here is mine, called Mutated Abomination:


If I say so myself, it is a good representation of the genre. Tell me what you guys think.

#255895 Happy Birthday Forsaken_angel24!

Posted by Liam on 10 November 2009 - 04:48 PM in Off Topic

Happy late birthday.

#254486 Rearloading 2k Turrets

Posted by Liam on 24 October 2009 - 09:54 PM in Modifications

I, like a few others, are curious to how this will work installed in a 2k. However, awesome job, never even considered making 2k turrets rear loaded.

#252698 Great Mega Missile Mod

Posted by Liam on 05 October 2009 - 07:35 PM in Modifications

Awesome mod Aaron! So is the 1in PVC a really tight fit on the plunger and you needed to lube, or was it similar to the orginal plunger tube but slightly more airtight?

Again, great mod and the paint job is sick to.

Oh by the way, do you still have that stock Mega Missile that you said you'd sell me for 6 bucks? I'll bring 6 bucks to school tomorrow if you bring the gun. I'll just sneak it in my backpack before science class starts haha.

#251706 Mother Of All Modification Contests

Posted by Liam on 26 September 2009 - 11:49 AM in Modifications

Actually, if you wanna be technical, Liam won. Look really really closely at his final score. Im pretty sure 3300 would win anything.

Hey, Paul, AWESOME on winning this thing.

Haha, I missed that typo the first time I read this thread. Oh well.

#250648 Cpvc At3k

Posted by Liam on 16 September 2009 - 07:35 PM in Modifications

My At2k worked great with a cpvc'd turret until it sprung a leak (but that wasn't the barrels fault obviously), but my stefans and taggers are a great fit in it. So if you have tight cpvc I wouldn't recommend it.

#245963 Raider Cs-35: Overview / Overhaul

Posted by Liam on 07 August 2009 - 12:40 PM in Modifications

Where is the Target you bought this from? They aren't in mine yet...

#245808 Working Semi-automatic Homemade

Posted by Liam on 06 August 2009 - 03:15 PM in Homemades

Looks awesome, and seems to funtion, but it seems like your darts are crazy fishtailing and just spinning out of control.

#245807 Lanard Sawed Off Hand Cannon Modifitcation

Posted by Liam on 06 August 2009 - 03:09 PM in Modifications

Awesome looking gun, pretty clean and looks very functional.

#245597 At3k Question - Plugged Pump, Remove Goo Gauge?

Posted by Liam on 05 August 2009 - 12:21 PM in Modifications

An easy way to remove it without fiddling with the tubing is cutting the top portion off with a hacksaw and sealing the stub with hot glue and a dash of goop.

I ended up doing something along those lines. I unscrewed the two halves of the gauge, drained the liquid, filled the clear plastic cavity with hot glue, covered the hole connecting the tubing to the gauge with Amazing Goop and a SSPB trigger on top (to set the glue). Than I put the original rubber sealing disk on top of the sealed hole and screwed the upper half back on, making the goo gauge 100% cut off from the rest of the gun, deeming it virtually gone. I did this because I didn't have any vinyl tube connections on hand.

#245446 At3k Question - Plugged Pump, Remove Goo Gauge?

Posted by Liam on 04 August 2009 - 01:10 PM in Modifications

So you're asking whether you HAVE to remove the goo gauge? I know you do on a 2K, but on a 3k I'm clueless.

I'm asking if it is RECOMMENDED, as in, if I don't remove the goo gauge, will it break because of the pressure with a plugged pump?

#245443 At3k Question - Plugged Pump, Remove Goo Gauge?

Posted by Liam on 04 August 2009 - 12:43 PM in Modifications

Alright, I have searched through multiple At3k write-ups, questions, problems, etc. and can not find a clear answer to this question.

If the plug is pumped on my AT3k, is it recommended that I plug/remove the goo gauge as well? Now I know removing the gauge won't increase the guns power (this I did find out from searching), but I don't want the risk of the goo gauge rupturing under the pressure of a plugged pump.

Now, as previously stated I HAVE THOROUGHLY SEARCHED THESE FORUMS for the answer to my question, so don't be the dick who posts a reply to this such as:

"It's called the SEARCH function, see, that thing in the top right?"


"You could have just looked here ("here" being a link) instead of starting a thread"

If you know the answer to my question, please answer it. If you do not know the answer, than obviously don't answer it. The End.

Thank you.

#237799 A Breeched Bbbb

Posted by Liam on 21 June 2009 - 02:58 PM in Modifications

I wouldn't call this a write-up, but it is a cool mod. But uhhm, I posted a full write-up on a breeched BBBB a few weeks back here, and someone just recently posted a breeched BBBB that takes longshot magazines.

#235324 The Gemini

Posted by Liam on 09 June 2009 - 09:12 PM in Modifications

I love this, very nice. The fact that the firing sequence is that of a double shot is amazing.

#234847 Pas Ball Shooting Attachment Mod

Posted by Liam on 07 June 2009 - 06:32 PM in Modifications

Wow very nice, but in the video it still seems that your balls drop very rapidly, especially for the last two shots.

#234479 Wildfire

Posted by Liam on 05 June 2009 - 03:03 PM in Modifications

Very cool, never seen this gun before. I guess it's just an old version of the RF20? Again, very nice modification.

EDIT: Holy crap, when I looked at this a second time, the date on those pictures made me think I contributed to a necro haha.

#232152 Dremel Accident

Posted by Liam on 23 May 2009 - 11:27 PM in General Nerf

Also, I wouldn't suggest buying those shitty little cutoff wheels (the ones that are less than a milimeter thick) as they break too easily and quickly become an annoying safety hazard.

Well, the ones Im using are very thin, but they are the ones that came with the dremel. Should I buy thicker ones?

#232145 Dremel Accident

Posted by Liam on 23 May 2009 - 10:50 PM in General Nerf

For future times, I wouldn't use your dremel at the 30k setting. At that setting the thing scares me from how fast it's going.

I agree completely, I was just in a hurry, and when its at 30k, I feel like it's gonna jump up and kill me.

#232142 Dremel Accident

Posted by Liam on 23 May 2009 - 10:30 PM in General Nerf

Do dremels normally go spin that quickly? mine only goes to 10k RPMs and I can actually touch every bit while it is spinning at that speed and it doesn't hurt at all. But anyway, good message to give to people.

Yes they do go up to 30k RPM, and it is quite fast.


#232139 Dremel Accident

Posted by Liam on 23 May 2009 - 10:26 PM in General Nerf

I'm gonna go to both sides.

Hey! Idiot modders on the NIC, listen up! Don't fucking do stupid shit! Wear some fucking goggles when you use your dremel. Something is almost guaranteed to fly into your eye if you don't.

As for you, Liam, any pain you've been inflicted, as well as medical bills and loss of sight, is your own, damn fault. It says on the dremel to wear goggles. It says on the box. Further, everyone says, "Wear goggles when using tools." So thanks for being the example to set for everyone.

Do not act like an asshole. I assure you that I have had copiously larger amounts of modding experience than you have. I DO USUALLY WEAR eye protection, this was a simple act of forgetfulness, I am no where near an "idiot modder." Also, do not tell me that all of your mods have gone smoothly and you have simply never even slightly injured yourself. This thread is to make people further aware of accident probability, more than just the tiny little label on the tool.

#232119 Dremel Accident

Posted by Liam on 23 May 2009 - 09:24 PM in General Nerf

Bummer. Maybe next time read the instructions. You know where it says "WEAR EYE PROTECTION". Yeah. it actually means it.

Yes, that is what this thread is supposed to emphasize. I was being stupid, and did not pay attention.

#232085 Dremel Accident

Posted by Liam on 23 May 2009 - 07:37 PM in General Nerf

Listen everyone, I know there have been threads like this before, but I believe I MUST emphasize this. As you have probably seen, threads or topics regarding safety during nerf wars and modifications. I am just writing this topic to emphasize these safety rules.

I don't care if this isn't "contributing to the NIC" but I believe it must be said, and will give many people a heads up.

I just got back from the hospital because I had been using a dremel to cut something off of my longshot. being stupid I was not WEARING EYE PROTECTION. As I began to dremel off the top rail, a piece of sharp, hot, plastic, flung at me and hit me square in the eye, while the dremel was on it's 30k RPM setting. Luckily I am expected to be okay, but I can not see out of my left eye, and my vision is predicted to not come back for a few days.

Everybody, these accidents CAN HAPPEN TO YOU.

Use eye protection, and wear any other protective gear you can while modding.

This little hobby of ours can be dangerous, and I highly suggest that everybody take this post of mine into consideration.

Off topic: I just realized, it's my 2 year birthday here. What a great way to celebrate it...

#230251 Oh My God!

Posted by Liam on 14 May 2009 - 07:38 PM in Modifications

How come Nerf Wars are so inconveniently timed that people seem to miss them like; I am going to be moving to California, so I am going to miss DAFT. The really stupid thing is, is that we are going to Arkansas the Wisconsin and a bunch of other places so I am also going to miss Armageddon i mean its so totally OH MY GOD. I hate that i will have to wait till next year to do a Nerf War.

Uhmmm, this is pointless. It shouldn't be in the mods thread. This is just a stroke of bad luck, and probably doesn't apply to everyone else.

#230162 Lbb (lanard Blast Bazooka) Modification Write Up Video Added

Posted by Liam on 14 May 2009 - 03:02 PM in Modifications

Off topic my science teacher has an unmoded lbb in his class room.

On topic very nice and clean. I like it.

Steal it from him, and mod it. Thank you very much, I appreciate the comments.

By the way- I added a second video.

#230045 Recon Stock Spring Addition

Posted by Liam on 13 May 2009 - 05:22 PM in Modifications

Maybe he's right, and the spring is just too strong. It could be possible that the strength of the spring isn't allowing the gun to catch. You could either switch to a less powerful spring, or add a stronger spring to your catch.

#230040 Lbb (lanard Blast Bazooka) Modification Write Up Video Added

Posted by Liam on 13 May 2009 - 05:09 PM in Modifications

Im not sure what kind of lubricant I used, but it said RUBBER SAFE in bold on the front. Also, I did include the lube part in the write-up =]. Right before the finished breech picture I stated:

"Now put the two barrel pieces together. Lube the inside barrel as much as necessary to create ease of opening and closing"

#230037 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by Liam on 13 May 2009 - 05:04 PM in Modifications

Posted Image

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Heavily modded, breached LBB.



#230033 Lbb (lanard Blast Bazooka) Modification Write Up Video Added

Posted by Liam on 13 May 2009 - 04:52 PM in Modifications

This is a very easy to understand write up. And very good.
I like your simple breach idea. How airtight is it? And how hard is it to slide the 1/2in PVC cover?

Thank you very much. And the breech is very simple to slide. After I added a sufficient amount of tape to create a good seal, I used rubber safe lubricant on the internal barrel section, and it slides very easily without coming out of place (when the breech is closed) or losing its seal.

#230031 Mother Of All Mod Contests Submissions

Posted by Liam on 13 May 2009 - 04:43 PM in Modifications

My entry, I highly doubt it'll win anything. But I'll try.


#230029 Lbb (lanard Blast Bazooka) Modification Write Up Video Added

Posted by Liam on 13 May 2009 - 04:26 PM in Modifications

Now onto the breech-

First, take about 13in of 1/2in PVC and cut your breech slot about 3 inches from the back.

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Now take your 12in piece of brass or other preferred barrel material that can easily fit into 1/2 PVC. I used this mystery metal barrel that I broke off of a Williamsburg toy musket. It fits stock darts and my stefans perfectly. Anyways, take this 12in section of barrel, and glue a 1in section of 1/2in PVC on to one end.

Posted Image

Now take a 1/2in PVC coupler and put it onto the end of 1in PVC that you just glued onto your barrel.

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Now take your 13in section of PVC that you cut the breech slot into, and hammer a 1/2in section of 1/2in CPVC into the short end. This piece of CPVC stops the inside barrel from moving to far back, and prevents darts from falling out, or whatever the hell that can happen back there.

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Now take your inside barrel (the 12in of brass or whatever) and line it up with the outer PVC section. Tape two sections on your inside barrel as shown in the picture below. Use enough tape to create a good seal.

Posted Image

Now put the two barrel pieces together. Lube the inside barrel as much as necessary to create ease of opening and closing.

Heres the finished breech.

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Heres the breech open. To open, simply pull on the PVC coupler at the front.

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Heres the breech closed. To close, simply push on the PVC coupler until the taped internal barrel seals with the end of the 1/2in PVC external barrel.

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Heres the breech with a dart loaded.

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To attach the breech to the LBB, simply twist it into the guns coupler that you glued on earlier. Obviously, since the LBB has a coupler, it can also accept a wide variety of attachments.

Here is the final product.

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And that's it. I personally found this mod to be quite simple. And hell, if you mess it up, the guns only $10, no big deal. This is my FAVORITE primary, and it gets amazing ranges with amazing accuracy.

Range: Around 110'-130' flat
Perfect Accuracy Range: Accurate at about 100' to 120'


Video 1

Video 2


PS- Im praying this will be my first mod added to the mods directory =].

#230027 Lbb (lanard Blast Bazooka) Modification Write Up Video Added

Posted by Liam on 13 May 2009 - 04:24 PM in Modifications

Alright, I haven't posted anything useful in a long time, so I figured I'd post a write up.

This will be a full instructional guide on how to do the following mods to your LBB.

Materials needed:

-Aprox. 15in of 1/2in PVC
-(2) 1/2 in PVC coupler
-1/2in of 1/2in CPVC
-12 in of brass (or any barrel material that can easily fit inside of 1/2 PVC)
-Hot Glue
-Super Glue
-Any other preferred adhesives
-1/16in foam sheet
-Dremel: Sanding Bit
-Dremel: Cutting wheel bit
-Lanard Blast Bazooka
-Electrical Tape
-Rubber Safe (In this cape, e-tape safe) lubricant

That should be all...let's get started. First, buy a LBB. This is the best stock picture I can get you, since I took all of these pictures after modification.

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Now I do not have a picture for the next step, but the next step is to open up the gun, and cut off the stock orange barrel about 1/3in away from the lip of the air tank. Now, lets assume that you did this step, and then closed your gun back up.

Now, Cut where the line is shown. If you are looking at your gun from the inside, your cut should line up with the wall separating the front empty shell piece, from the section with the internals.

Posted Image

Now, your gun should look like this. (this picture was taken without the internals inside, so don't mind the absence of the pump and the trigger.)

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Open your gun back up (if not already opened) and pull out the air tank. It should come out as one piece with the pump and the trigger. Once you have your tank out of the shell, glue a 1/2in PVC coupler to the tank. Center it as best as you can, so that the stub from where you cut off the original barrel, is seen down the center of the coupler. Use hot glue and super glue or whatever the hell you want, until your satisfied that the coupler ain't coming off.

Posted Image

In order to get the internals to fit back into the gun, you have to sand out the center wall on the inside, that used to surround the stock barrel. Do this to both sides.

First half (Ignore the red foam for now)

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Second Half (Once again, ignore the red foam for now)

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Now, your internals should fit perfectly, and the coupler should sit nice and happy inside the are where you just sanded off the wall.

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Now, we move on to plugging the pump. To do this, you must carefully use your dremel to cut off the end of the gray piece that holds the pump in the plunger tube. When you make this cut, make sure that the plunger head is pushed all the way into the plunger tube so that you don't risk cutting into it. This picture should help.

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After you make that cut, you should be able to pull the pump all the way out, and get access to the over pressure release valve.

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Now, plug the OVP with hotglue. To do this, you must fill the CENTER hole on the plunger head (NOT THE TWO SIDE ONES), and the 4 holes on the side of the shaft.

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The last internal step, is to glue the trigger to the air tank pin. The lbb is known for its weak trigger, and glueing the trigger to the pin reduces stress on the part of the trigger that frequently breaks, and balances the stress on the entire trigger. MAKE SURE NOT TO GLUE THE PIN OR THE TRIGGER TO THE TANK

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Now your internals should fit nice and cleanly back into place. We are now done with internal mods.

Posted Image

After you close the gun up, their will be a rectangular hole left from where you sanded down the internal wall to fit the coupler in place. To cover up this hole. I cut a piece of 1/8in foam sheet to the shape of the front of the lbb, and simply glued it onto the outer ring of the shell. Then, I cut a slit down the center with an exacto knife so that the gun could be opened without tearing the foam. This picture should explain.

Posted Image


#225516 The Brass Snapper

Posted by Liam on 24 April 2009 - 05:14 PM in Modifications

That is absolutely awesome, I love the turtle.

#225115 The Cyclops

Posted by Liam on 22 April 2009 - 07:22 PM in Modifications

i might be able to do that considering i have a spare 2k and nf shell.

Really? Are your reading skills as bad as your typing?
He used 3k internals butthead, learn how to read.

On topic:
Very nice, I love the cleanness of this mod.
Good job.

Don't be a jerk. I'm sure 2k internals would work just fine...

#224387 Modded Disk Shot. With Pics

Posted by Liam on 19 April 2009 - 04:49 PM in Modifications

I've modded plenty of disk shots, it's my favorite nerf small arm, and trust me and the few other people that said this, you need to shorten your barrel.

#221320 The Monk

Posted by Liam on 02 April 2009 - 07:45 PM in Modifications

I don't understand how you get flat ranges with that 2k dude. It seems you'd be constantly pointing in a 30 degree angle.

#217330 Need A Price Quote On A Longshot

Posted by Liam on 10 March 2009 - 03:50 PM in Modifications

Well the longshot is what, $30? I'd personally sell it for about $31.

#216015 Where To Buy At2k's

Posted by Liam on 02 March 2009 - 08:34 PM in General Nerf

Just a general reply to the original topic question, even though it has been said. Kohls, Kohls, and sometimes you can find them at Kohls.

Retardation aside, I've seen At2k's at every Kohls that I've ever been to.

#215618 Big Blast Shotgun, Easy And Effective.

Posted by Liam on 28 February 2009 - 08:57 PM in Modifications

It's very messy, but I like it alot. Very functional I'm sure, and an indoor-war god. Nice mod again.

BTW: In your materials you wrote DUCK TAPE. Come on dude, DUCT TAPE.

#210523 Petg Mod For The Bbb?

Posted by Liam on 08 February 2009 - 04:34 PM in Modifications

Yes, just be careful with the hot glue, the heat can damage the PETG. And maybe you can add a breech.

Yeah, the hot glue, especially on a high heat setting, will probably warp the petg, but only at the bottom. Maybe you could just add a piece of 1/2in PVC around the bottom of the petg before you add hot glue.