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#230776 New Modification Help!

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 17 May 2009 - 12:50 PM in Modifications

Look in the modifications sub-forum. This area pertains to Nerf Wars only. Thus, I will be moving this topic to its related forum.

Per your question, there is literally a half a page of helpful links pertaining to modifications in that section of the forum. Please post in the right forum, use our search feature, and review the Code of Conduct. We have a steep learning curve here, so you will be expected to pick up our rules quickly and to abide by them.

#230535 Nj Apocalypse #8

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 16 May 2009 - 09:21 AM in Nerf Wars

So with 2.5 months to go, we currently have 30+ listed as "Definite" and 40+ more listed as "Possible". That is insane. Clearly this war has taken a life of its own, or we haven't been banning enough people. It's probably a mix between the two.

In any event, I know the numbers this far out aren't the most accurate in the world. To all the possible folk, we will ask you to give us a final yes or no in the closing weeks: this includes all of your guests. We will ask for this so we have some idea of how many to expect. This will be important for planning rounds and how we plan to split up teams throughout the day.

#229417 Nj Apocalypse #8

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 10 May 2009 - 04:58 PM in Nerf Wars

How far away is Six Flags Great Adventure from the warsite?

About a 45 minute drive.

#227500 Dcno Spring 2009

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 01 May 2009 - 04:54 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm a maybe for this one.

#224030 Nj Apocalypse #8

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 16 April 2009 - 07:29 PM in Nerf Wars

I was wondering if we were aloud to bring smoke grenades like for paintball or airsoft to APOC for cover while rushing.

The answer to this question is no. You should plan to use only nerf guns. Leave the boffers and the like at home.

For those who have not been before, the rounds are going to be fairly simple. 3:15 will dominate the day. It's probably a safe bet that there will be a Gunslinger Heaven (or two) as well. Apoc isn't really time to experiment too much (as the Civil War round made clear). The park has a mix between wooded areas and open fields, and we will alternate between them.

While I am on the topic of round styles and rules: I'd like to mention the clinic that we will be running. This is meant for players that are new to nerfing, haven't been to Apoc before, or are unfamiliar with the rules of Jersey wars. We'd like to spend a few minutes going over the basics with you to make the day easier for everyone. We've had 50 responses thus far, and we've 3.5 months to go. I won't speculate on our number of attendees, but keeping things moving with just that number will be hard. It would be exponentially harder with people being unfamiliar with our rules (spoken and unspoken).

Lastly, there will be pistol rounds. Leave the pistol splat at home. Gun rules will come out later. But for now, no pistol splats. Don't even ask.

#218816 Wash. Dc Tune-up Wars

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 19 March 2009 - 05:51 PM in Nerf Wars

You guys really are trying to cut down my excuses, aren't you?

Work and the rest of life permitting, I'd be interested.

#217870 When's The Last Time U Were Disappointed?

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 13 March 2009 - 05:29 PM in Off Topic

I know I am supposed to give reasons for closing a topic and suspending a member, but I think this one is obvious. I made your suspension for 60 days. This still lets you get info about summer wars.


Your member account at NerfHaven has been temporarily suspended.

Your account will not be functional until May 12, 2009 6:28 PM (depending on your timezone). This is an automated process and you do not need to do anything to expediate the unsuspension process.

Board Address: http://nerfhaven.com/forums/index.php

#215638 Bad News In Nerf-ville.

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 28 February 2009 - 10:10 PM in General Nerf

My problem with this topic is it encourages people to state their views on laws that are passed by politicians. While this may be the first case where I've seen a recent (let alone national) law passed that may actually effect the hobby, I am concerned about the direction it may take.

Calling someone 'a liberal douche' for instance is just asking for a response from the other side. This leads to more back and forth, and that's what we want to avoid. While I don't believe this was the original poster's intention, I do not want this thread to stray that way. Besides, this is an informational thread. How much info do you need after the first post? Unless you have contradicting info or a way to acquire nerf blasters outside of thrift stores, you really have no reason to post. Filler posts in threads like these is why no one pays attention to post counts. There are some of you who have 200-300 posts whom I've never heard of and I think this is an reminding me why.

Cut out the politics shit and only post if you have something to constructive to say.

#214427 March Meltdown

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 23 February 2009 - 12:58 PM in Nerf Wars

Do you at least have a cast upon which I may draw obscene cartoons?

No, but I have scars. The biggest one should be from the fucking drain they stuck through my abdomen to drain out the infectious fluids.

#214425 March Meltdown

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 23 February 2009 - 12:42 PM in Nerf Wars

I definitely think that list of LCM rules was me dictating them to Matt in my basement, while he translated them to something people could comprehend, or not.

Anyway, I had major surgery last week and can barely walk at the moment. I won't be clear to do any running for another month or so. If I am in NJ that weekend, I will stop by at some point.

#209992 Sof Section

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 06 February 2009 - 09:40 PM in Site Feedback

I made the trip map a sticky.

#209778 Math Puzzle

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 05 February 2009 - 08:10 PM in Off Topic

Note: I tried PMing this, but the inbox was full. How do I verify my answer?

#208268 Season Of Foam Trip Map

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 31 January 2009 - 02:51 PM in Nerf Wars

This is just a stupid check, and I post this here so someone can correct me if I am wrong, but after June 1 you need US Passports to cross the Canadian border. This is a change in the rules. If you were not aware of this and do not have a passport, I'd check with the State Department about now-ish.

#204059 2009 Nerf War Schedule

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 17 January 2009 - 07:04 AM in Nerf Wars

I believe the point of Falcon's post was to have everyone wrap their information using the "code" tags. This way it preserves the link. This can be done by posting the following:

Month of Event:
Date of Event [state initials] Name of Event

Just be sure to remove the quotations.

#195815 Flno's(florida Nerfer Organization) Annual War

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 13 December 2008 - 09:33 AM in Nerf Wars


1) When you don't read the subtitle, you open the door for someone to make fun of you.

2) Yes, part of it was that you didn't seem interested in attending.

Everyone Else,

Let this kid have his war thread back.

#195771 Flno's(florida Nerfer Organization) Annual War

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 13 December 2008 - 12:39 AM in Nerf Wars


Wow, I cannot wait for one of the admins to see your post.

...There are just so many things I could say right now. I think I'm going to lean toward the big items.

1) Stray dogs really showed us his level of intelligence on that one (see above quote). However, Blue did deserve that.

2) The more emoticons you use, the more I suspect that you are under 13.

3) You will have to excuse my ignorance to most things posted on this site, but NerfIsNarly do you seriously have your town and street listed? I don't think you need to be a brain surgeon to figure out why that isn't a good idea. Your town is more than specific. I'd really change that if I were you.

4) While I like how people are willing to help, it's got to be discouraging to have a lot of out of state-ers posting in a war thread that they have no intention of attending. So, if you guys are going to give pointers at least have the decency to keep it to one post of PM the guy. Nothing downplays a war more than a bunch of people nitpicking at it with no intention of going.

5) While lists are nice, they probably come off as confrontational.

6) I need to use more lists in the future.

#191490 Thanksgiving War At The Shore

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 23 November 2008 - 04:46 PM in Nerf Wars

So the game schedule for the VT vs. UVA game just came out and it is going to be played at noon. This will have a large impact on my attendance. More than likely I'll show up when Mantis does.

It sucks that Tyler can't make it due to homework. So this is an LGLF war now? I must say I object to the name. I looked at the site and saw the new LGLF membership, and you guys have had more incarnations than Fleetwood Mac (without the longevity). The more I think about it, the more I like that analogy. That makes Phil the rough equivalent of Mick Fleetwood. I won't compare someone Stevie Nicks, because that will most likely gain me another dart to the face via a brass 2k.

#186559 Thanksgiving War At The Shore

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 30 October 2008 - 08:33 PM in Nerf Wars

My Thanksgiving Day weekend plans have not yet been solidified. Put me down as probable.

#186557 Locked Topics

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 30 October 2008 - 08:32 PM in Site Feedback

I just made a similar post, but I miss the days when we told you guys to shut the hell up, you would (and quickly). Until all the back seat moderation came around, when we wanted a topic closed, we would just strongly hint at it. Violators got at least a 30 day suspension. I miss those days. I want them to come back.

So leave this, and other topics alone, and we may not need to close as many. It's a two way street people.

#186128 Cool Gun

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 28 October 2008 - 07:53 PM in Homemades


Please Read

#186127 My Homemade Semi Auto Nerf Gun (real Not A Concept)

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 28 October 2008 - 07:51 PM in Homemades

Ok, kids. The best thing to do is to send me a PM like rork did. No need to provoke the guy. Just PM all the admins and someone will take care of it pretty quickly.

Your member account at NerfHaven has been temporarily suspended.

Your account will not be functional until March 14, 2036 at 8:50 PM (depending on your timezone). This is an automated process and you do not need to do anything to expediate the unsuspension process.

Board Address: http://nerfhaven.com/forums/index.php

It's been a while. Feels nice to pull the trigger...Please Read

#182476 2009 Nerf War Schedule

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 08 October 2008 - 07:56 PM in Nerf Wars

In the interest of full disclosure and that it's the first event listed, I feel the need to post that there probably won't be a Reckoning in 2009. As far as I know, no one in the LCM (myself included) is interested in hosting it. We're looking to concentrate on Apoc. Plus, I don't want to risk having another Halo LAN party in my basement.

#180494 Biking To Wars

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 29 September 2008 - 06:07 PM in Off Topic

I've organized every Apoc from the beginning, and it's relatively safe to say I will be hosting next year's Apoc. That said, I cannot and will not condone any of the methods that you, Longshot Wielder, have mentioned in this topic.

1) Lack of parental permission is asking for this turning into a missing child case. If you don't have your parents' permission, forget it. Really, just stop right there.

2) Biking that distance on the roads of the North East corridor is not only arduous, it's unsafe. Have you every seriously seen how people drive around the greater New York area?!

3) See point 1.

4) Like Slug said, look for more traditional means and have your parents' permission. Teenagers (those less than 18) shouldn't be traveling by themselves regardless. You're much better off getting a parent to go with you.

5) See point 1.

6) Short of a parent coming with you, I am telling you not attend this war. Oh, and see point 1.

#179150 Help For People To Get To Wars.

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 23 September 2008 - 05:24 PM in Nerf Wars

I think the only thing worse than backseat moderating is when someone other than an admin mentions it, and thus brings backseat moderation to a higher level.

#178824 Nerfhq Is Down.. Again

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 22 September 2008 - 03:45 PM in Off Topic

NerfHaven has an unwritten policy about these threads: we don't allow 'NHQ is down threads.' Every website has its down times (even this one) and we don't need to create topics about it.


#175338 Dcno Carpool

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 06 September 2008 - 08:54 AM in Nerf Wars

I may be able to accommodate 2 people. My parents are also thinking about coming down that weekend, so I will let you know as more information is available.

#175101 Fall Dcno

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 05 September 2008 - 03:14 AM in Nerf Wars

I'll be there.

#174504 Fall Dcno

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 02 September 2008 - 03:30 PM in Nerf Wars

Well. My parents have decided I cant go out to this one. Considering it would be a 500 dollar trip for my family. I will try to get a war started in the North East area though. Awww darn.

Be on the lookout for Massachusetts wars. That's got to be much cheaper than DC.

#174081 Fall Dcno

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 01 September 2008 - 08:07 AM in Nerf Wars

I live in the area, so I should probably make some form of an appearance. I just need to confirm my schedule.

#173216 Imaseoulman For President

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 28 August 2008 - 04:22 PM in Off Topic

I'd like at this time to remind everyone that NerfHaven has a strict ban on discussion of political threads. It's not why we're here, and the problem is further compounded when some of the most ardent posters can't even vote in the election. I leave you with the best quote explaining our reasoning for this:

Grinch. You're a kid. Any opinion you may have about the Economic and/or Political state of our Nation is irrelevant*. This isn't the Dumbfuck Junior High Debate Team. You are not the Congressional Comittee acting on behalf of the NIC. If you want to have pretentious teenager political debates, find a forum that caters to pretentious teenagers, maybe comrad lobster can help you with that. We grownups have plastic toys to discuss.

#169581 Theory/idea Forum

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 15 August 2008 - 10:07 PM in Site Feedback

So let's recap:

1. You want us to completely loosen our policy banning idea only threads.
2. CS, who no one will question his level of expertise, reiterates the reasoning behind team NH's decision.
3. I decide to throw you a bone and open the possibility to a reasonable exception.
4. You keep fighting.

This site is run the way the founders want it to be run. It's really that simple. We don't overturn policy outright unless they tell us otherwise. If you want to solely kick ideas around, find someplace else to do it. If you have come up with something, or want to talk about the improvement of past creations that's fine. Bottom line is this: build something* before it gets posted here.

* NH does reserve the right to take action on your account if our team of experts thinks unsafe designs are being made. These designs could either result in damage to you, someone else, or major property damage.

#169564 Theory/idea Forum

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 15 August 2008 - 09:31 PM in Site Feedback

As someone with an engineering degree, I have a problem with theorists. I'm going to tell a little story that some people may be able to relate to.

So my group was tasked with designing a toy sized car for our freshman engineering project. We had to build it from scratch using materials in our Macgyver box. Think of it as a junk drawer emptied into a tackle box with a very small electric motor included. The objective was to build a toy sized car and to have it stop 10 feet from the start point. We had no breaking system. We didn't have to use the motor.

So each person in the group came up with designs and presented them. Four hours later group member named Jerkface is still arguing with us over the expected results of a test that would take five minutes. Four hours of speculation or a five minute test? It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out, unless that geniuses name is Jerkface.

Personally, I'd rather people show some failed designs that they tried to implement. If you actually put a good, solid effort into it, people may help you. If you're an idiot, the kids will make fun of you. Progress in science is measured by failures as much as successes. Edison had about 10,000 tries before he got that damn bulb to work. If your attempt is legit, post it up. If people make fun of you, ignore them, build something better, and then whoop their asses with it at the next war.

That's what I call productive. Sitting around and arguing over how you think the physics are going to work is not. I think monkeys flinging poo at each other may have produced as much as a bunch of theorists arguing over expected test results.

#166261 Pa War

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 03 August 2008 - 07:21 PM in Nerf Wars

My initial reaction was Tuesday?! as well. But, I will say props for the enthusiasm.

Apoc was a little different than most wars. In the case of Apoc, we let tradition set the date. Normally, a host polls for interest in a set of particular dates. For example:

"I'm looking to host a nerf war at [_________]. I'd like to have it [Some date about a month from now]. However, I am also available these dates [Weekend days a couple weeks before and after]. Let me know what you would be interested in and we'll go with the date that works for me and the majority of perspective attendees.

The terrain you can expect is: Option A) Here are some pictures of the terrain. or B) It is wooded/open/both. or C) Post both.

[Any special rules]"

You obviously did some of those things, but I thought I'd give you a more complete idea of what you should post.

It's also not a bad idea to look at the schedule and see when other Nerf wars in your region are. Since many people have to travel, bunching up dates doesn't always work. So, if you don't see anything going on in September, suggest a September war. Another issue to consider is any holiday that may be that weekend.

Lastly, I wouldn't normally list your address online. Find an address for the park or create a google maps page with the park pinned. People can then get directions to there. I'm editing out your address for your privacy.

#166181 Apoc #7 Reaction Thread

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 03 August 2008 - 02:17 PM in Nerf Wars

If anyone hasn't figured it out yet, we broke our attendance record yesterday. Getting 50+ people together on the same field is exceedingly rare these days, and I was really happy to see all the new and old faces out there. I hope to see everyone again next year. And when you come, bring a friend so we can break 100.


I was afraid to shoot the admins, cause I thought they would ban me (I wasn't thinking). But I got a couple good hits on OMC that I just couldn't miss the chance to get. All in all, it was my first war, and it was amazing.

The first thing I will say is that we joke around quite a bit about banning people. Secondly, by showing up to a war you just proved to us that you've nerfed at least once in your life. That does count for quite a bit in our books, since there are far too many people here that do nothing more than post and waste bandwidth.


I am somewhat disappointed at today's war. We spent more time figuring out teams or just BS'ing then we did actually nerfing.

Decidedly, we did spend a little too much time picking teams yesterday, upwards of 10 minutes at one point. Thats the only thing I can really critique on, other than Mother Nature's noncooperation (which, subsequently we had no control over). Perhaps next year we can streamline the picking system.

I totally agree. This was a topic that was addressed for quite a while at the post war gathering at the neighborhood CrApsuperiores. I expect to address this issue for next year's war and would like to improve in this area. Vacc and Famine seem to be interested in helping us streamline this area more effectively, and I'll look into that. People seem committed to making next year's Apoc bigger and better than ever, and I'm willing to put all of my energy into that.

I think we specifically want to focus on making the rounds more fluid and splitting the group up a little more during the option rounds.


As I said earlier, it was great to see all the new people out. I saw some very promising moves by several people out there yesterday. I'd like to see more of you hosting wars. They don't have to be large scale like Apoc, but I'd like to see some new blood entering the hosting arena. Post a topic and see if you can get interest for a war of 10-20 people. That's how we keep people active and make the bigger wars even better, since more people have experience on the field. I'd like to focus more on Apoc next year and less on the other wars I've traditionally hosted, so don't expect a lot out of me other than when it comes to Apoc.
  • Notables:
  • Rover (Florida) and the Canadians traveling those extreme distances to attend. You're ok in my book.
  • All the other people who traveled more than an hour to play with plastic guns. You guys were great and made me feel less insane.
  • Seeing those Doomsayers in action. Forsaken (foreskin) and Cardiac were certainly very effective with them.
  • Leading some decent rushes and making some decent shots throughout the day.
  • The small pistol round with only seven of us. Tank chased me and I had to run like hell. Good show.
  • The umbrella. We won't speak of this ever again.
  • Both primary rounds we had in the Forrest (2-team & multi-team).
  • Getting popped in the nose by a Doomsayer from 60' to knock me out of the final round.
  • The mini old-timer reunion. Leave it to you guys to come back right when I'm ready to ride off into the sunset, and convince me to stay. Bastards...I mean I love you guys.
  • CrApsuperiores after the war with some of the attendees.
Most impressive new face: Yazz (The guy with the manta ray.)
Commendable: The two dad's that joined us for a few rounds.
Nickname that I hope sticks: Chem Goggles

Thanks to everyone for coming out and I hope to see you around.

#166045 Apoc #7 Reaction Thread

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 02 August 2008 - 08:20 PM in Nerf Wars

Post up your thoughts. If there is something you want to see for next year mention it.

I'll post my thoughts later.

#165898 Nj Apocalypse #7

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 01 August 2008 - 05:23 PM in Nerf Wars

This is my last message before tomorrow's start.

Make sure you are there on time. Kuhlschrank or I will be making teams at 10 AM. If you miss the first round, so be it. Pack light. Bring water. Bring eye protection. Rest up. We've got an intense day tomorrow.

#165482 Nj Apocalypse #7

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 30 July 2008 - 05:21 PM in Nerf Wars

I've updated the first post with the most recent attendance list. It looks like we have 40 in the definite column and 17 in the maybe column. We should break last year's count, so long as not too many people flake out.

The forecast right now is for a high of 86. Make sure you bring a lot of water.

#165262 How To Handle Very Large Numbers Of People?

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 29 July 2008 - 08:43 PM in Nerf Wars

I know it is an outside war, but the setup for Apoc is about the best I've been able to come up with. Field supervisors help keep rounds and players in check. Breaking off into smaller rounds about half the time gives participants a smaller war feel without taking away from the fact that you have so many people. I do not know what your building situation is, but even having a small skirmish outside could help you out a lot.

Vary things up, and don't be afraid to throw someone out if they don't cooperate.

#165256 Nj Apocalypse #7

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 29 July 2008 - 08:17 PM in Nerf Wars

Round Schedule:

1. 30 vs 30 (The Grove)
2. Option
  • Primaries (The Grove)
  • Primaries (Resurrection Forrest)
  • Multi-Team Battle (Undiscovered Country)
3. Option
  • Gunslinger Heaven (The Grove)
  • Pistols (Undiscovered Country)
  • Primaries (The Last Frontier)
4. Option
  • Primaries (The Grove)
  • Multi-Team Battle (Resurrection Forrest)
  • Pistols (The Last Frontier)
5. Gunslinger Heaven (The Grove)
6. Lunch
7. Great American Gore Fest (The Grove)
8. Multi-Team Battle: Clans (The Grove)
9. Option
  • Primaries (Resurrection Forrest)
  • Primaries (The Grove)
  • Primaries (Undiscovered Country)
10. Option
  • Multi-Team (The Grove)
  • Gunslinger Heaven (Undiscovered Country)
  • Pistols (The Last Frontier)
11. 30 vs 30 (The Grove)

Great American Gore Fest: Spring Pistols, Every Man For Themself, Sudden Death

Gunslinger Heaven: Before this war each nerfer will choose a partner and we will most likely break into two even battles, each with 2 man teams. You may only use a single springer single-shot pistol in this war. Each player begins with 2 hit points. When a player is hit for the first time he will take a flag out of his pocket and wear it somewhere visible on his person. This nerfer is now in Purgatory, and another hit sends him to hell (ie game over). However, if a nerfer in purgatory succeeds in sending another player to hell that player may remove the flag from his person (leave purgatory) and regain one hitpoint. Game ends when one team is left.

Field Supervisors:
One Man Clan

#163607 Hq

Posted by The Infinite Shindig on 21 July 2008 - 07:51 PM in Off Topic

We here at the Haven have a policy about situations like this one. It goes as follows:

While we realize that NHQ being down may result in increased traffic here, it does not mean we have to tolerate topics like these. Seriously, if you need to hang out here because HQ is down, follow the rules and make yourself at home. The last thing we want is some topic that encourages stupid/redundant posts.

Back to my keg...